On painting well, or Coloring607
The Twelfth Chapter
End of Painting well, or Coloring.
Drawing compared to the body, and painting to the spirit.
Drawing compared to the rough effigy made by Prometheus, painting to the Heavenly Flame.
Drawing [compared] to the sound of a musical instrument, and painting to song.
It is a Master’s practice presently, at first hand, to set [something] down on panel.
To improve by means of repeated underpainting in color.
To paint all at once, without drawing, will not befit everyone.616
To compose something with much care, and then draw it neatly is advantageous to a painting.620
From the first, lay each color in its place so that it does not decay.622
The Italians make cartoons on paper, large as the [final] work, drawn precisely, and then traced through.
Here Michelangelo is meant, who called painting in Oil Colors Women’s work, and Fresco Men’s work.
Fresco is impractical here, due to the dampness of the Land, and the intemperate weather.
Fresco must be on stone-based [i.e., lime] plaster.
The Cartoon is beneficial
Cartoons must have their highlights.
The moderns whitened their panels very thickly, and also used cartoons.
They drew their works on the white and primed over it in oil color.
They made their things mostly at one go.
Dürer’s work in Frankfurt as an example.
Bruegel, Lucas, and Joannes van Eyck as examples of [painting] cleanly at one go.
On the roughness of some at this time.
Precisely rendered works that remain spirited are praiseworthy, and hold close the spectator, keeping him long at his beholding.
Example: Titian, whose works looked good, seen first from close by, then from far off.
Titian altered his manner of handling, so that his works would fain be seen only from a distance.
Many have thought to follow Titian and have been confounded.
Titian’s works, laboriously made, appear as if done without effort.
It is advised to choose one of two [manners].
To start by familiarizing yourself with precise workmanship.
Take courage, and howsoever one paints, avoid sharp-edged highlights, for they will fail to project in the round.
Amongst the moderns, the older works look quite flat.
Manner of heightening and deepening. Example: A Column.
On the ground, or the mezza-tinta (middle-toned hue).
On the glow of the flesh tints.
In coloring flesh tints, pay attention to life.
Coloring relative to how much each person has been outdoors in the open air.
The common eye desires, too, to be contented.
Flesh-colored shading.
Avoid white highlights; would that Lead-White were as costly as precious gems or Ultramarine.
Netherlanders tend not to color well.
A Painter has need of as many colors in a face as in a landscape.
On sweet merger.
Not to remain bound to a bad manner.
Lamp-black causes [colors] to degrade. Example: the panel by Raphael in Rome, at San Pietro Montorio.
Fleshy coloring.
Massicot is to be avoided in flesh tints.
Minium, Spanish green, and Orpiment to be avoided.
Smalts need to be congealed, in order to discolor less.