On the Interpretation of Colors, and what they can signify720
The Fourteenth Chapter
End of the Foundation of the Art of Painting.
On Gold.
On the splendid light of the Sun.
On the likeness of the Sun to Gold.
Gold classified under yellow.
Through Gold, or because of it, much occurs that is evil.
The cause is intemperate desire.
Salauces,728 and Ebusopes.
Wherefrom the Fable of the golden Fleece came about.
Orpheus, Valerius Flaccus, and Apollonius have written on the golden Fleece.731
From whence Gold has its name.
Gold is useful, though misused through unbridled human desire.
Why Gold is greatly esteemed.
Whereto gold is used.
Gold was first used for weaving at the behest of Attalus.
Embroidering with gold was first discovered in Babylon.
Joshua 7.740
3 Kings 6:22 and 6:30.741
Wondrous beauty of Solomon’s Temple.
Apocalypse 3:18.
Maro’s golden bough will signify wisdom.
In coats of arms of the Nobility, Gold denotes wisdom, and magnanimity.
Gold beside blue signifies predilection for the joys of the world.
Beside gray, scrupulousness.
Beside violet, consolation in love.
Beside black, constancy and patience in love.
Beside flesh-tints, circumspect wealth.
In a heraldic crest, gold on its own signifies a constant, good, wise, and pious Man.
Yellow is the most eminent color.
Some writers impugn ornaments painted in gold, even though what looks good, is indeed good; ‘tis an art to ornament circumspectly and well, and no less an art, by whatever means, to arrive at a good result.
I transcribe this from other [authors], but yet leave it to everyone to do as they will.760
Objects highlighted in Gold on a flat daylit surface produce a dark effect.765
The exterior of an artful Painting cannot be adorned too lavishly.
On Silver, which is construed to be white, and what it thereby signifies.
Exodus 36.
Exodus 38.
Canticle 5.*
Mark 9.
Acts 1.
Significance of the seven Colors in heraldry.
A certain order in the heraldry of Crests and Coats of Arms of the Nobility.
The seven colors likened to the seven Planets, which are each to be clad in its respective color.
[The seven colors] also likened to the days of the week.
The seven Cardinal virtues likened to the [seven] colors.
The seven Ages of Human life compared with [the seven] colors.
Four colors compared with the four Human types, and the four chief elements.
Four colors compared with the Seasons.
That is, the Books of Pieter van Aelst, on Geometry, perspective, and architecture, of Hans Bloem,788 and of others.789