I owe a debt of thanks to Celeste Brusati, who found the time to discuss numerous points of translation with me at every stage of this project. On issues pertaining to Van Mander, she has been my interlocutor for well-nigh three decades. On specific terminology, I benefited greatly from conversations with Boudewijn Bakker and Reindert Falkenburg, and also from their publications, of course. I also profited from the astute comments of Marisa Bass. For research funding that allowed me to acquire necessary primary and secondary materials during the pandemic year, when many research libraries closed their doors, I am most grateful to Michael Elliott, Dean of Emory College. Margaret Ellingson, head of interlibrary loan services at Emory University’s Woodruff Library, and her brilliant staff helped procure scans of many books and articles that would otherwise have been impossible to access. To the staff of the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Keith Anthony, Colette Barlow, and Amy Erbil, who enabled me to find much-needed time to work on this book over the last year and a half, no amount of thanks would be sufficient. For his efforts to ensure that my translation was properly “Englished,” my sincerest thanks go to my husband, John M. Clum, Fellow of the College of American Theatre. In London, Frederick Oliphant and Pedro Percival Patterson offered unstinting moral support. I am grateful to Gail Feigenbaum and Michele Ciaccio of the Getty Research Institute, my genii coepti, who encouraged me to return to Van Mander thirty years after the publication of Shaping the Netherlandish Canon. For their close reading and insightful comments, I want to thank the four anonymous readers who gave so much time and energy to this project. No book would see the light of day without a first-rate copyeditor: mine was the redoubtable Daniel Simon. Ivo Romein, associate editor at Brill, helped me steer the book into production with his characteristic efficiency and good grace. Finally, I am deeply indebted to Arjan van Dijk, senior acquisitions editor at Brill, for his wise and friendly counsel offered, as ever, with consummate intelligence and discretion.