Chapter 7 The History of Development and the Challenges of the Present in the Theological Collection of the Ukrainian Catholic University Library

In: Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe
Ivanna Papa
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Oleksandra Hladysh
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The Library of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is only over a quarter of a century old. Its foundation and development are closely linked to the complex history of Ukraine, the University, and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Library inherited the academic traditions of the Greek Catholic Theological Academy, founded in Lviv in 1928–1929 by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. After bombing the Academy’s buildings in September 1939 and wartime, books were almost entirely scattered. The formation of a new Library theological collection closely connected with encouraging gifts of books from church organisations from abroad and sacrificial support of the Ukrainian diaspora. This collection presents the most excellent national and foreign languages literature on religious studies, liturgy, patristics, church history, canon law, the Holy Scriptures, and its translations.


La bibliothèque de l’Université catholique ukrainienne (UCU) n’a que plus d’un quart de siècle. Sa fondation et son développement sont étroitement liés à histoire complexe de l’Ukraine, de l’Université et de l’Église gréco-catholique ukrainienne. La bibliothèque a poursuivi les traditions académiques de l’Académie théologique gréco-catholique, fondée à Lviv en 1928–1929 par le métropolite Andrey Sheptytsky. Après le bombardement des bâtiments de l’Académie en septembre 1939 et la guerre, les livres ont été presque entièrement dispersés. La formation d’une nouvelle collection théologique était étroitement liée aux dons de livres d’organisations ecclésiastiques de l’étranger et au soutien de la diaspora ukrainienne. Cette collection présente la plus excellente littérature en langues nationales et étrangères sur les études de la religion, la liturgie, la patristique, l’histoire de l’Église, le droit canonique, les Saintes Écritures et ses traductions.


Die Bibliothek der Ukrainischen Katholischen Universität (UCU) ist erst gut ein Vierteljahrhundert alt. Ihre Gründung und Entwicklung sind eng mit der komplexen Geschichte der Ukraine, der Universität und der ukrainischen griechisch-katholischen Kirche verknüpft. Die Bibliothek steht in der wissenschaftlichen Tradition der Griechisch-katholischen Theologischen Akademie, die der Metropolit Andrej Sheptytsky zwischen 1928 und 1929 in Lwiw gründete. Während des zweiten Weltkriegs und besonders durch die Bombardierung der Akademiegebäude im September 1939 wurde der Bücherbestand fast vollständig zerstört. Der Aufbau einer neuen Bibliothek mit theologischem Bücherbestand wurde durch Buchspenden ausländischer kirchlicher Organisationen und der großzügigen Unterstützung der ukrainischen Diaspora ermöglicht. Die Bibliothek der UCU verfügt über eine hervorragende Auswahl erstklassiger nationaler und fremdsprachiger Literatur zu Religionswissenschaft, Liturgie, Patristik, Kirchengeschichte, Kirchenrecht, der Heiligen Schrift und ihren Übersetzungen.

The Library of the Ukrainian Catholic University (hereinafter UCU) provides educational and research processes for higher education, which has been developing dynamically following the requirements of the modern world. The Library of UCU is relatively ‘young’; it is little more than a quarter of a century of age. Its creation and the development of the collection are closely connected with the complex history of the university. However, the Library of UCU also continues and develops the pre-war library of the Theological Academy in Lviv.

After Ukraine’s independence in 1991, favourable conditions arose for the resumption of the activities of institutions and educational institutions previously liquidated by the Soviet authorities. In 1994, the activity of the Lviv Theological Academy was resumed (since 2002: UCU). It inherited and continued the academic traditions of the Greek Catholic Theological Academy, founded in Lviv in 1928–1929 by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. UCU became the first Catholic university in the post-Soviet area and the first university founded by the Eastern Catholic Church. In his inaugural address in 2002, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti tried to summarise the niche that UCU should occupy: “… the situation in Eastern Europe, it seems to me, requires that the university promote rapprochement with the West, seeking there healthy and advanced forces with which to build cities of communication and meeting.”1 The history of the formation and evolution of the Library of UCU clearly illustrates this thesis.

1 The Period 1928–1940

The Library of the Theological Academy began to be formed immediately after its foundation in 1928–1929. The Book Collection of the Library of the Theological Academy derived its tradition and was partially funded from the book collection of the Lviv Seminary, the Theological Scientific Society, and, in particular, a gift from Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky: 50 volumes of Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae.2

It is worth noting that the establishment of the Theological Academy in Lviv, in the then revived Polish state, crowned the long-term efforts of Ukrainians with respect to their university against the background of complex Ukrainian-Polish relations. The path of Ukrainians in Lviv to their university began in the middle of the 19th century in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and continued with varying success (the opening of Ukrainian departments at Lviv University, the prohibition on teaching in Ukrainian, the ‘secession’ of Ukrainian students in 1901–1902, and the Ukrainian Secret University in Lviv, 1921–1925).3 The support of Ukrainians in Galicia and the active civil position and participation of the UGCC, led by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, in the process of establishing their theological university, were successful only in 1928 in the form of the Greek Catholic Theological Academy (statute of 22.02.1928;4 creation certificate dated February 22, 1929; inauguration on October 6, 19295). Rev. Dr. Josyf Slipyj, who had not only a proper education but managerial experience, became the rector of the Academy.6 University education required the appropriate staff and training base, which determined the subject and nature of the literature of the Academy library.

It should be noted that the formation of the library of the Academy cannot be considered without its immediate predecessors, the Library of the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary and the Library of the Theological Scientific Society. All these libraries were located in the same building (the Academy rented the premises from the Seminary)7 and, we can assume, were closely connected not only by tradition but also organisationally. Unfortunately, after the double bombing, only a few copies from these libraries survived and are now scattered.

Since the establishment of the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary in Lviv, it took several decades before the library was founded (initially as a reading room). In 1779 it was a diocesan seminary, in 1784 on this basis, Emperor Joseph II founded an educational institution instead of a closed Barbareum. In 1785, the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary in Lviv acquired the status of a general seminary.8 Fr. Mykola Prystaj, who was its student and later the prefect, analysed the history of the Seminary in detail. In 1850, on the initiative of the seminarian Vasyl Kowalsky, a reading room was established at the Lviv Theological Seminary, which in the following decades had periods ups and downs.9 By 1884 the library of the Seminary had more than 1,300 books and, from the memories of contemporaries, was in disrepair.10 Since Josyf Slipyj was appointed as rector of the Seminary in 1925, the situation in the library has improved, the collection has been streamlined, and work has been regulated.11 As noted by Fr. M. Prystaj, the Library “occupied two rooms on the ground floor of the main building on the right side of the corridor leading to the church [St. Spirit] … Petro Pastukh worked in the library for a long time, for some time – Mykola Kohut, Roman Lytvyn, Omelyan Gadzevych, Maryan Vojnovsky and Fr. Josyf Trush.”12 In the spring of 1926, the ‘Reading room of Ukrainian students of theology named after Markiyan Shashkevych’ was founded in the Seminary. It conducted active educational and public work, and took care of the organisation and maintenance of the library and the filing of the library collection.13 Since the closure of the Seminary in 1945, the fate of the library collection that survived the war is unknown, except for a few surviving books.

The Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society was established in 1923 in Lviv and at the same time, the library of the Society was founded.14 The establishment of the Society resulted from the UGCC’s efforts to form an environment of young educated priests, influence public life, and take steps towards the establishment of the first Ukrainian higher education institution in Galicia, which was to be the Theological Academy. According to Fr. M. Prystaj, “Under the bell tower [next to the seminary church of the Holy Spirit] were located the archive and library of the Theological Scientific Society.”15 Later the society’s library did not have a separate room and was located in the “research workshop room of the Academy.”16 Fr. Josyf Slipyj enriched the library collection by searching the local churches and parish libraries for ancient books.17 According to O. Kolosovska, some of these old prints that were found have survived to this day and are stored in the V. Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library.18 The Theological Scientific Society was active in publishing: the quarterly Bohosloviya [Theology],19 the monthly Nyva, the book series Bohosloviya [Theology] (23 books as of the summer of 1939), and Pratsi Bohoslovskoho Naukovoho Tovarystva [Research Papers of the Theological Scientific Society] (11 volumes published as of the summer of 1939).20 Some of these publications are held in the department of special collections of the Library of UCU. Reports on the activities of the society and replenishment of the library collection, in particular, through gifts, were published on the pages of the magazine Bohosloviya. The Society’s library actively exchanged literature with other libraries, which is confirmed by the presence of the mentioned journal Bohosloviya in several foreign libraries.21 The library of the Theological Scientific Society in the summer of 1939 had more than 10,500 storage units: “… about 7,207 titles in 10,642 volumes (in 1924 it had only over 1,000 volumes), 121 manuscripts, 236 old prints and many scientific and professional journals in various languages (71 Ukrainian).”22

Acquisition of books for the Academy Library was also made through purchase, exchange and numerous donations, and a book exchange for the series Pratsi Hreko-katolytskoi Bohoslovskoi Akademii (Research Papers of the Greek Catholic Theological Academy) was established with Ukrainian and foreign publishers and institutions (45 Ukrainian and 53 foreign).23 Within Lviv, the library had established contacts with such large libraries as the NTSh (Shevchenko Scientific Society), the National Museum, the Studion, Narodny Dim (the People’s House), the Ossolineum (today Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv), the Jan Kazimierz University (today the Ivan Franko Lviv National University), the Baworowscy Library, and others.

Researcher N. Kunanets notes that the Library of the Academy was first organised and serviced by students and a part-time professional librarian, Ivan Krevetsky, and since 1932, a permanent full-time librarian, Master Yaroslav Chuma.24 He organised a ‘research workshop’, “the cataloguing of books by authors,” organised the collection and established cooperation. As P. Synytsia recalls, “The library’s books were placed in two large halls under the tower and divided into the following sections: asceticism, dogmatic, history, catechism, rites and singing, patrology, pedagogy, Scripture and exegesis, law, preaching, Ukrainian language, literature and Church Slavonic language, philosophy and other (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc.).”25 In 1936, he attended an international library conference in Warsaw (under the auspices of the International Federation of Library Associations). In 1932–1933 the Academy completed a two-story building to house classrooms and a library.26 Under the leadership of Y. Chuma, the library, on October 9, 1938, had about 6,000 books (5,939 volumes).27 It was a rich collection of the latest theological literature and periodicals in Slavic and European languages.

The beginning of the Second World War had devastating consequences for the Library of the Theological Academy. On Thursday, September 14, 1939, most of the Academy and Seminary premises and the church were destroyed by bombing.28 Only the bell tower survived.29 These premises housed the libraries and archives of the Academy, the Seminary and the Theological Scientific Society. Then, with the arrival of Soviet power in Lviv on September 22, 1939, repressions against the UGCC began, the institutions mentioned above ceased their activities. First, refugees were housed in partially surviving premises, that later were converted into a dormitory for students of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, a gym was set up in the chapel of the seminary.30 It is known that some of the books, manuscripts and institutional documentation that survived the bombing ended up in the Ossolineum, which is located next door.31 In particular, the Department of Manuscripts of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library stores 198 cases (books and archival materials) from the library of the Theological Academy.

Figure 7.1
Figure 7.1

Stamp: Biblioteka Gr. kat. Bohoslov. Akademii u Lvovi

Library Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv

Also, in the Department of Rare Books of the same library, 19 Cyrillic antiquities of the Theological Scientific Society have been found.32 Later, in the 1950s, part of the archival materials related to the Greek Catholic Seminary and Theological Academy were transferred to the Lviv Regional Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv.33

In 1939–1940, there were no studies at the Seminary and the Acad- emy. Metropolitan Josyf Slipyj, who lived in the Metropolitan Palace near St. George’s Cathedral, was looking for opportunities to obtain or purchase premises to resume the activities of these institutions.34

In 1941, the work of the Seminary, as well as, unofficially, the Academy was resumed.35 The training was to take place in the surviving premises of the Theological Seminary on the Copernicus Street.36 It should be noted that during the German occupation the Theological Academy did not officially function, “because the German administration did not tolerate higher education.”37 All affairs of the Theological Academy were conducted on behalf of the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary. Accordingly, attempts were made to restore the book collection. The well-known name of the librarian of the Academy at this time is Fr. Josyf Trush, who studied in graduate school.38 In the spring of 1944, due to the Soviet air raid on Lviv and the destruction of part of the building of the Theological Seminary, students and teachers moved to the Metropolitan Palace near St. George’s Cathedral.39 At the end of July 1944, Soviet troops reoccupied Lviv, but at first the administration did not restrict the Theological Seminary.40 However, in the fall of 1944, the premises of the Seminary on Copernicus Street were taken over for a military hospital (2–3rd floor), so students and the administration were forced to move to the premises of the Minor Seminary, from Sikstuts’ka Street (today Doroshenko Street, 41).41

Instead, in the spring of 1945, attitudes toward the UGCC deteriorated significantly. On April 11, 1945, Metropolitan Josyf Slipyj was arrested.42 Along with him, other bishops of the UGCC, Mykola Charnetsky and Mykyta Budka, were imprisoned. At the end of April of the same year, the Theological Seminary and the Academy were liquidated; the leadership was arrested; and students were recruited into the ranks of the Soviet army.43 As mentioned by Fr. Mykola Prystaj, searches were carried out on the premises of the Seminary at night by a group of military and civilians with a strange interest in the library: “We did an audit all night, looked for something, and were most interested in the library … No one slept that night, and no one walked the corridors. Nobody knew what the enkavedists (people working in NKVD) [Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh del; The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs] were looking for because only Fr. Rector was present at work, and Fr. Trush was in the library.”44 Colonel Alekseev announced the day after the searches that the Seminary and the Academy had ceased to exist, which turned out to be the final word. As mentioned by Fr. M. Pristai, “On the same day, Fr. Chornyak, Fr. Sampara and Fr. Trush were arrested. In a few days, the first two returned, but Fr. Trush remained in prison.”45 The premises were transferred to Lviv State University, to which they still belong today. Nothing is known about the fate of the library.

The current collection of the Library of UCU contains only a few copies from that time in particular, with the stamp of the library of the Greek Catholic Seminary. The special collections of the Library of UCU also contain books from well-known pre-war theological libraries, in particular the private library of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, Metropolitan Library, ‘Studion’, Libraries of the Basilian Fathers in Lviv and Krekhiv, Libraries of the Roman Catholic Seminary in Lviv.

Figure 7.2
Figure 7.2

Ex libris: Byblioteka Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho

Library of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky

2 In Exile: 1963–1994

The Rector of the Theological Academy, Josyf Slipyj, spent about 18 years (1945–1963) in prison in Soviet camps in Siberia and Mordovia.46 At the request of influential people, including Pope John XXIII, he was released in early 1963, after which time he arrived in Rome and had no right to return to Ukraine.47 Despite the difficult circumstances of life, the patriarch did not stop promoting the great idea, which was nurtured by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, that Ukrainians must have their own university in order to be a worthy people among others. That is why immediately after his release from exile, on December 8, 1963, in Rome Josyf Slipyj founded Pope St. Clement Ukrainian Catholic University.48 When UCU was built in 1966, an inscription was carved on its facade, which most accurately reflected the purpose of creating this scientific environment: “Veritas et amor scientiae unit dispersos” (“Truth and love for science gathers all who are scattered”). Patriarch Josyf Slipyj headed UCU as rector. Since the founding of UCU, dozens of professors from around the world have taught here. They came to Rome every year for the summer semester (16 summer academic courses were held until 1984). During that period about 200 scientific papers were published at UCU in Rome on history, philosophy, theology, art and linguistics.49 These works, most of which are presented in the contemporary collection of the Library of UCU, were part of the publishing series of individual faculties of the University (series: Publication of The St. Clement Pope Ukrainian Catholic University = Editiones Universitatis Catholicae Ucrainorum s. Clementis papae) or multivolume editions (Monumenta Ucrainae Historica, Opera omnia Josephi (Slipyj-Kobernyckyj-Dyčkovskyj), Patriarchae et Cardinalis). The University had five faculties (theology, philosophy and humanities; natural studies and mathematics; law and social sciences; medicine; and pharmaceutical sciences)50 and, of course, there was a library. The library was founded by a gift from Metropolitan Josyf Slipyj, generous gifts from publishers and individuals. In 1964 it had 4,000 items, and was headed by Olha Fedak.51 Active cooperation and exchange with other libraries at scientific institutions was also established.52 By 1973, the library already had 18,336 storage units.53 The above-mentioned publications, as well as books from the Library of UCU in Rome in the 1990s were donated to the restored library of the Lviv Theological Academy in Lviv. UCU branches have been opened in Argentina (Buenos Aires), Canada (Montreal), the United States (Washington, Chicago), and the United Kingdom (London).54

3 The Current Stage: 1994 Onwards

After coming out of the underground of the UGCC in Ukraine, UCU in Rome transferred its responsibilities to the LBA. Among the initiators and instigators of the restoration of Catholic theological education in Ukraine were: Fr. Ivan Datsko, Mykhailo Dymyd, Borys Gudziak, Fr. Hlib Lonchyna, Mykhailo Petrovych – all alumni of the UCU in Rome. The first rector of the LBA in Lviv, restored in 1994, was Fr. Mykhailo Dymyd.

Even before the official restoration of the LBA, in 1993 there were a number of commissions for the restoration of the Theological Academy, among them the library commission headed by Fr. Josyf Andriishyn.55 Some of the books from his private collection have also been added to the Library of UCU. In 1995, Fr. J. Andriishyn continued to work on the development of the library (it already had 4,000 books) together with graduate student Mykhailo Petrovych.56

The first director of the Library of the restored Theological Academy in Lviv was the theologian Mykhailo Petrovych (1998–2000). He came specifically to teach at the LBA. At the request of the rector, he joined the formation of the Library’s collections in 1994. As he recalls, he had to start by renovating the premises, designing furniture, finding donors and patrons, and finding staff to process book gifts.57 Foreign donors joined the restoration of the university and the library, in particular the Ukrainian diaspora; thus, for example, the family of Bishop Borys Gudziak donated books from their family library.

Since 1994, the Library of UCU has been receiving gifts of books from the collection of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Rome, named after St. Clement Pope, and the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome. In addition, through UCU in Rome, negotiations were held to transfer to the Library of UCU numerous gifts from representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora and clergy from abroad: Mykhailo Demkovych-Dobryansky (United Kingdom) Fr. Ivan Shevtsiv (Australia), and the private library of Bishop Ivan Prashko (Australia), the library of Prof. Oleksij Horbach (Germany), the libraries of Fr. Yurij Fedoriv (Canada), Fr. Ivan Kit (Belgium), and Fr. Ivan Muzychka (Italy). In a letter to Fr. Dr. Mykhailo Dymyd, Rector of the LBA, dated 19 October 1994, regarding the transfer of the five collections mentioned above, the rector of the UCU in Rome Fr. Ivan Khoma emphasised that “Lviv Theological Academy needs a library both for scientific work and for its scientific legal recognition … In the coming year LBA will be able to have about 25,000 volumes of a truly scientific library … We are already packing our publications and duplicates from UCU and will send them to Lviv at the earliest opportunity. Also keep in mind the Roman and American Jesuits, who are also happy to share their duplicates or their works …”58

In addition to the formation of the collection, one of the urgent problems for the library was the lack of premises and necessary equipment. This is mentioned in the letter from Fr. Mykhailo Dymyd, addressed to the representatives of the authorities of the city of Lviv, dated October 4, 1994.59 The same appeal states that at that time there were already about 3,000 books in the LBA. The library, in parallel with the educational institution, changed locations (the kindergarten building, the secondary school building60), and increased its area and number of collections.

In September 1995, the general collections of the library numbered about 20,000 books. There were more than 4,000 books in the public domain and the library was open not only to LBA students, but also to students from other higher education institutions.

During the visitation of the LBA in 1995, Fr. Dr. Robert Taft pointed out that the library faces complex logistical challenges, but the library collection is being rapidly replenished: “I have already donated half of my own LBA library, collected books from other donors from the United States and Europe, organised donations from Germany, and worked with a librarian from the Pontifical Oriental Institute to send all our duplicates to Ukraine. Thus, I have already been able to send thousands of books to the LBA, some of which are very valuable.”61

A significant contribution to the acquisition of collections (including financial support) was made by the charity organisation ‘Kirche in Not’ (Church in Need) from Germany (approx. 900 copies). It was a long-term project.

Gradually, Director Mykhailo Petrovych managed to establish cooperation with university and public libraries both in Ukraine and abroad. In particular, systematic cooperation was established with university libraries in France, Great Britain and Germany. A significant gift was made by the Library of Jesuit University Ignatianum in Kraków (Poland), handing over to the LBA Library a large collection of educational literature, mainly in Polish and English. The exchange of literature was established with Polish educational foundations, in particular, from Lublin (Foundation ‘Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej’).62 Cooperation with publishing houses and bookstores was also gradually established, but the main source of replenishment of the Library’s book collection consisted of gifts from the diaspora and collectors. Mykhailo Petrovych recalls that valuable liturgical books – old prints – got into the library from private owners, who kept them from destruction in Soviet times.63

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, who had the best information about the latest publications in their professional fields, actively joined the process of acquisition for the library. Such an active participation in the life of the library in the 1990s–2000s was mentioned by a long-time friend of the University, and the then vice-rector of the LBA, Professor Jeffrey Wills, who taught Latin poetics and stylistics.64

In 1998, the library was located in five halls of the new premises of the LBA and had about 30,000 general library collections. Computer technology was used to catalogue and search for books, which helped readers speed up the process of finding the literature.

As of 1999, the library collection numbered about 45,000 copies of books and 15,000 copies of periodicals.65 In early 2001, the director of the library noted that the Library of UCU in Lviv is one of the fastest growing (about 40,000 titles of books and about 200 titles of periodicals).66 In the beginning of 2021, the collection had more than 172.500 copies of books and about 20,000 copies of periodicals.

In the period 2000–2007, the directors of the Library of UCU were Ivan Herasym (2000–2003) and Yuriy Pidlisny (2003–2006).

Taras Tymo was the head of the Library of UCU for more than a decade (2006–2017). During this time, a number of organisational and qualitative changes were made: an online catalogue was established; the collection and the system of book donations have been put in order; the library included fundamental academic Western publications (at that time a rarity in Ukrainian libraries) in strict accordance with the curricula of the time (theology, Church history, history, classical Byzantine and medieval studies, social pedagogy, sacred art); and introduced specialised librarians, in accordance with the key areas listed above.67 In 2012, the Library of UCU became a member of BETH (Bibliothèques européennes de théologie; European Theological Libraries). The decision was agreed on during the visit of the UCU delegation to the Netherlands at the meeting of the then director of the Library of UCU Taras Tymo with the president of the BETH Association, Geert Harmanny.68

From 2017 until May 2021, the head of the Library of UCU was Oleh Yaskiv. In recent years, a number of major changes have taken place: the library has moved to a new building of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Centre; there was a change from ABIS to Koha; a number of new services for readers were introduced; the process of creating a national Association of Theological Libraries had begun. Since May 2021, Oksana Mykytyn has been the head of the Library of UCU.

The theological collection of the Library of UCU is an essential part of the book collection (approx. 30,000 items out of more than 193,000), which is closely related to the development of the university. In particular, until 2003, there was only one Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, so during this period, theological literature was specialised educational literature and a priority for the acquisition of the Library. The theological collection, which is included best in the library, primarily corresponds to the educational programmes that were actively developed at the Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU. It is includes the best domestic and foreign literature related to religious studies, liturgy, patristics, Biblical studies, Church history (in particular, the history of the Church in Ukraine), canon law, Scripture and its translations. An important place is occupied by literature that concerns not only the various Christian denominations (in the world and Ukraine in particular), but also Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and other religions. Ecumenical studies, which are actively developing, have also found a response in the library collections.

The formation of this collection is also closely connected with the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (hereinafter UGCC). The exit from the underground of the UGCC in 1989 caused a surge of educational initiatives in the church, and also led to the formation of the theological collection of the Library through the transfer of previously underground books, encouraging gifts of books from church organisations from abroad, and sacrificial support from the Ukrainian diaspora. The Library of UCU, in particular, has amassed one of the most complete book collections on the history of the UGCC (it is necessary to single out ca. 2000 from this selection), for example, the series Zapysky ChSVV (Analecta OSBM) published in Rome and the magazine Zapysky ChSVV (Notes of the rank of St. Basil the Great).69 The editions of the publishing house of the Basilian Fathers named Міsioner (Missionary), restored in 1994, are numerous as present in the Library. Noteworthy is the new published series Kyivan Christianity launched in 2013 as part of the UCU curriculum (22 volumes have been published so far).70 This series is designed to highlight, at the academic level, the idea of the Kyiv Church and the millennial connection between Ukrainian culture and Christianity.

Worth noting is the close cooperation of the Library with the publishing house Svichado (there are more than 1200 titles). This publishing house was founded in 1987 on the initiative of Ukrainian students of the Catholic University of Lublin; since 1992, it has been working in Lviv and publishes literature of both a theological and an academic nature, as well as popular religious topics.

The particularly valuable part of the Library is a number of series: Migne’s Patrologia Graeca and Patrologia Latina; Sources chrétiennes (currently 419 volumes are available in the Library of UCU); Orientalia Christiana Analecta. The Sources chrétiennes first entered the Library of UCU in the form of separate volumes of gifts, and with the assistance of Bishop Borys Gudziak and Fr. Ivan Datsko, cooperation was established with the French publishing house of this series (Éditions du Cerf) and received a significant discount on purchases. The final completion of this series was financially supported by the European Catholic Foundation Porticus.71

In addition to the books purchased by the Library, gifts play an important role in the formation of the theological collection. Among them are the following: literature on canon law by Joseph Prader (500 books), a gift from Msgr. Scarabelli (222 books), the collection of the researcher of the history of the UGCC Fr. Ivan Shevtsiv (1723 books), the collection of the professor of liturgy Fr. Robert Taft (over 300 books), the collection of old prints of Fr. Josyf Andriishyn and Mykhailo Petrovych, gifts of Jeffrey Wills, Fr. Ivan Muzychka, Fr.Dr. Ivan Hrynyokh, Bishop Sofron Mudryj, Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, gifts from Bishop Borys Gudziak, His Beatitude Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, a gift from the Theological Faculty of Tilburg University, a gift from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, a gift from the Catholic University of Leuven, a gift from the Theological Faculty of Opole University, a gift from the University of Notre Dame, a gift from the Oriental Institute in Rome, a gift from the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, gifts from the Sheptytsky Institute in Ottawa and ‘Kirche in Not’, a gift from the Chevetogne Abbey (Belgium). Also, the Library received a large donation from the URBE Libraries network in Rome (many journal runs, and doctoral dissertations on various religions and missiology from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Università Pontificia Salesiana and Pontificia Università Urbaniana). Special mention should be made of the close cooperation between the Library of UCU and the Ukrainian Catholic Educational Foundation in Chicago, in particular, regarding gifts from representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in America.72

A separate point is Byzantine literature (theological and historical), given the important role of the Byzantine tradition in the formation of the UGCC. Libraries of Byzantine scholars are valuable components of our collection: Hans-Georg Beck73 (more than 250 items) and Ihor Shevchenko (ca. 24,000 items).74

The gift of the Theological Faculty of Tilburg University (late 2013–early 2014) was one of the largest gifts of theological literature in the history of the Library of UCU (about 14,000 items). This gift was based on doublets of literature (profiles: Catholicism, Protestantism) from Tilburg University. After a visit to the University by the then director of the Library, Taras Tymo and the dean of the UCU Theological Faculty, Roman Zaviyskyj, literature was selected for the Library of UCU and transported to Ukraine.

Periodically, gifts of modern theological literature are received from representatives of the Church in Ukraine (gift of Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, 2020) and from abroad (e.g., the gift of Fr. Michael Perry, Our Lady of Refuge Church, New York, 2020).

This list could be endless. It is difficult to list all the numerous donors who have contributed to the enrichment and replenishment of the library collections.

A notable part of the theological collection are domestic and foreign theological periodicals (Logos, Bohosloviya, Missionar and others). An important component of the theological collection are periodicals of the 19th century, for example Schematisms of Lviv, Peremyshl, Sambir and Sanok, Lemkivshchyna, and Stanislaviv dioceses. This collection of Schematisms is one of the most complete in Ukrainian libraries and is an important source for studying the church structure in the area.

The most valuable component of the theological collection are liturgical books of the Eastern rite, the oldest of which date from the 18th century (stored in the department of special collections of the Library of UCU). Among them are “Chetyi Minei” (Menaion), “Psaltyri” (Books of Psalms), “Triodi” (Triodion), “Molytoslovy” (Prayer books), “Sluzhebnyky” (Leitourgikon). Especially valuable are the copies of books of the 17th century, published in the printing house of Mykhailo Slozka.75 The collection of old prints was formed in the 1990s under the leadership of directors Mykhailo Petrovych and Ivan Herasym. This was a period of acute financial crisis, so it often happened that these books were donated or sold to the library by owners of private libraries.

Another valuable part of the Library is the art collection (there are approx. 1,700 items). In particular, there is a selection of albums, catalogues, in Ukrainian and other languages of sacred art, architecture, sculpture, paintings (including paintings of icons), printing, arts and crafts. This collection is of great interest outside UCU, in particular among students and professors of Lviv National Academy of Arts.

Since the early 2000s, the Library of UCU has used the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) to organise its holdings.76 The choice of this system was due to the experience of the world’s best libraries in terms of free access of readers to literature, the detailed structuring of all disciplines, and the deep internal division of each. In particular, theological sections are covered in considerable detail in the LCC, in comparison with other known library classifications, and are periodically revised with the addition of new subdivisions.77

Аlmost from the beginning of the cataloguing of books and periodicals, an integrated library system was used, which was advanced among the university libraries of Lviv, as the director of the library Ivan Herasym emphasised in one of the working reports in 2001.78 According to Taras Tymo, one of the biggest challenges in 2006 was the organisational one, namely the reorganisation of the electronic catalogue: its content, proper technical support and accessibility for readers.79 In the period 2001–2017 the library used the automated library information system MARC-SQL.80 Since 2017 and until now, the Library of UCU has been using Koha. The use of it allows us to automate workflow and provide all the necessary information to readers through the electronic catalogue and its search tools.81

Since September 2017, the Library of UCU has been located in the new building of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Information and Resource Centre.82 It has a detailed website with information in Ukrainian and English.83 In such a symbolic way, the modern Library is connected with its founder.

An exhibition “Ecce Homo” dedicated to the figure of Metropolitan Andrey was prepared for the opening of the Sheptytsky Centre, which can now be viewed in a multimedia format.84 The new location takes into account all the latest requirements for book storage and comfortable workplaces for readers. In particular, a book security system has been introduced thanks to RFID-tags (Radio-frequency identification) and special gates at the entrance. These labels allow the library not only to control unauthorised removal of books from the premises, but also to conduct inventory processes of the collection. Plans for the future include the introduction of self-service stations, for which the presence of RFID-tags is also important.

Figure 7.3
Figure 7.3

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Relief and commemorative table

Ground Floor of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Centre

The Library of UCU follows the trends in the development of university libraries in the world and explores the possibilities of attracting ebooks and databases. Electronic databases, in particular theological ones, such as the ATLA Religion Database, are being actively tested. The quarantine associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for the Library of UCU, but has also led to positive library progress in establishing remote access to electronic resources via VPN.

The Library of UCU is continuing to develop the collection, while also taking into account the emergence of new faculties and curricula at the university. Despite the innovations, the Library of UCU duly appreciates and continues to develop its unique treasure, a theological collection of literature, carefully collected and organised. It is one of the most complete collections of theological literature in Ukraine in various different languages and continues to be a magnet not only for our students and teachers of the Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, but also for external readers.


Archival Resources

Archive of the Ukrainian Catholic University [May 25, 2021]

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  • Документ № 80/99. Звернення директора бібліотеки Михайла Петровича до видавництва “Жизнь с Богом” (Брюссель) від 29.12.1999 р. [Document no. 80/99. Address of the director of the library Mykhailo Petrovych to the publishing house ‘Life with God’ (Brussels) dated 29.12.1999].

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  • LTA Library Factoids, 15.11.2001.

  • Лист Івана Герасима до Богдана Кравченка від 29.01.2001 р. [Letter of Ivan Herasym to Bohdan Kravchenko dated January 29, 2001].

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  • Вироки, 1946–1959” [Trial verdicts, 1946–1959], in І пізнаєте правду …”, (Йо. 8, 32): ? 20-о. 8, 32): у 20-ті роковини з дня смерті ісповідника віри Патріарха Йосифа Сліпого: документи; матеріали; світлини [“And thou shalt know the truth …” (John 8:32): on the 20th anniversary of the death of the confessor of the faith, Patriarch Josyf Slipyi: documents; materials; photos], edited by Gerarda Krupa et al., 137–142. Lviv: Згромадження сестер Милосердя св. Вікентія, 2004.

  • Нарис історії Українського богословського наукового товариства: в 45-ліття заснування” [Essay on the history of the Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society: on the 45th anniversary of its founding]. In Студії та матеріали до новішої української історії [Studies and materials on contemporary Ukrainian history], 29. Munich, 1970.

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  • Yasinovskyj, A.Незабутній пам’яті визначного вченого” [Unforgettable memory of an outstanding scientist]. Свобода [Freedom] 12 March (2010): 24.

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  • Заснування Богословської Академії” [Establishment of the Theological Academy], “Статути Богословської Академії” [Statutes of the Theological Academy]. In Світильник істини [Lamp of Truth], pt. 1, 4180.

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Online Resources

  • Kharchuk, K. Вулиця Дорошенка 41 – Корпус Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, Проект “Інтерактивний Львів”, Центр міської історії [41 Doroshenko Street – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Building, Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History], Accessed April 19, 2021.

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  • Kharchuk, K.Вулиця І. Свєнціцького 17 – Український католицький університет,” Проект “Інтерактивний Львів”, Центр міської історії [17 I. Sventsitskoho Street – Ukrainian Catholic University, Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History]. Accessed April 20, 2021.

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  • Kharchuk, K. and I. Zhuk. Вулиця Коперника 40 – будинок Музею Русалки Дністрової (Дзвіниця колишньої Церкви Святого Духа), Проект “Інтерактивний Львів” [40 Kopernyka Street – the building of the Dniester Mermaid Museum (Bell Tower of the former Church of the Holy Spirit), Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History]. Accessed April 19, 2021.

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  • Library of Congress Classification Outline. Accessed April 26, 2021.

  • Noland, C.G.Classification Methods in Context at Theological Libraries: A Case Study.” School of Information Student Research Journal 7, no. 1 (2017). Accessed April 26, 2021.

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  • Organisation’s website “Porticus.” Accessed April 19, 2021.

  • Palij, O.Вчений, з ласки Божої: розмова з першим директором Бібліотеки Львівської богословської академії” [Scientist, by the Grace of God: A Conversation with the First Director of the Library of the Lviv Theological Academy]. Accessed May 3, 2021.

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  • Press office UCU. “Бібліотека УКУ стала членом Європейської асоціації католицьких бібліотек” [The Library of UCU became a member of the European Association of Catholic Libraries]. Accessed April 19, 2021.

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  • The Centre of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky website. Accessed April 26, 2021.

  • The Library of UCU electronic catalogue. Accessed April 26, 2021.

  • The Library of UCU website. Accessed April 26, 2021.

  • Virtual exhibitionEcce Homo.” Accessed April 26, 2021.

  • Website of the Kyiv Christianity Program. Accessed April 19, 2021.

  • Website The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation. Accessed April 19, 2021.


Note by the editors. The authors and the members of the editorial board developed a discussion on certain aspects of the complex history described in this essay. Due to restrictions related to the war in Ukraine, it was not possible to fully conclude the reviewing process. The editorial board, therefore, does not consider this survey as entirely reflecting its viewpoint, but it is confident that further research and discussion will result in a balanced account of the development of theological libraries in Ukraine.


Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Український Католицький Університет в контексті Східної Європи, доповідь на пленарній сесії з нагоди інавґурації Українського Католицького Університету, 28 червня 2002 р. Б. [Ukrainian Catholic University in the context of Eastern Europe, report at the plenary session on the occasion of the inauguration of the Ukrainian Catholic University], 4 (brochure), in Archive of the Ukrainian Catholic University (hereinafter: Archive of UCU; this archive is presently at the stage of streamlining) [accessed May 3, 2021]. Our translation. Henceforth, English quotes from Ukrainian sources are translations made by the authors.


Бібліотека Богословської Академії” [Library of the Theological Academy], in Світильник істини: Джерела до історії Української католицької богословської академії у Львові, 1928–1929–1944 [Lamp of Truth: Sources to the History of the Ukrainian Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv, 1928–1929–1944], ed. Pavlo Senytsya, pt. 1 (Toronto and Chicago: Nakladom Studentstva Bohoslovskoi Akademii, 1973), 400.


Volodymyr Kachmar, “Питання про створення Українського університету у Львові в Австрійському парламенті на початку ХХ ст.” [The question of the establishment of the Ukrainian University in Lviv in the Austrian Parliament in the early 20th century], in Львів: місто – суспільство – культура: Спеціальний випуск Вісника Львівського університету [Lviv: city – society – culture: Special issue of the Visnyk of the Lviv University], vol. 3 (Lviv, 1999), 421–430; Volodymyr Kachmar, “Суспільно-політичне відлуння сецесії українських студентів з Львівського університету в грудні 1901 року” [Socio-Political Echo of the Secession of Ukrainian Students from Lviv University in December 1901], in Вісник Львівського університету. Серія історична [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series History], vol. 34 (Lviv, 1999), 289–299.


Статут Греко-Католицької Богословської Академії у Львові” [Statute of the Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv], Архіепархіяльні Відомості [Archdiocesan Records] 2 (1.3.1928): 14–21.


Заснування Богословської Академії” [Establishment of the Theological Academy], “Статути Богословської Академії” [Statutes of the Theological Academy], in Світильник істини [Lamp of Truth], pt. 1, 41–80.


Yurij Hlynka, “Греко-католицька Богословська Академія у Львові, (1928–1944): дипломна робота [Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv (1928–1944): graduate work], (Lviv, 2003), sheets 15–18.


Mykola Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія, 1783–1945 [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary, 1783–1945] (Lviv and Rudno: Lvivska Duhovna Seminariya Svyatoho Duha, 2003), 347–348.


Serhii Plokhii, “Греко-католицька духовна семінарія у Львові” [Greek Catholic Theological Seminary in Lviv], in Енциклопедія історії України [Encyclopaedia of the History of Ukraine] (hereinafter Encyclopaedia), vol. 2, ed. V.A. Smolij (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2004), 191.


Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], 226–235.


Nazarij Loshtyn, “‘Правильник’ 1934 року бібліотеки Греко-католицької духовної семінарії у Львові (за документами ЦДІА України, м. Львів)” [‘Rules’ of 1934 of the Library of the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary in Lviv (according to the documents of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv)], Архіви України [Archives of Ukraine] 1 (2018): 227.


Loshtyn, “‘Правильник’” [‘Rules’], 229.


Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], 249.


Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], 319–322.


Nataliya Kunanets, Наукові бібліотеки Львова, (1784–1939): особливості становлення і розвитку, формування фондів та колекцій [Scientific Libraries of Lviv (1784–1939): features of formation and development, formation of funds and collections] (Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika,” 2010), 69–70; Nataliya Kunanets, “Бібліотека Богословського наукового товариства: сторінки історії” [Library of the Theological Scientific Society: pages of history], Бібліотекознавство. Документознавство. Інформологія [Library Science. Record Studies. Informology] 2 (2011): 31–35.


Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], 248.


Українське Богословське наукове товариство у Львові” [Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society in Lviv], Сьогочасне й минуле: Вісник українознавства [Present and past: Visnyk of Ukrainian Studies] 1 (1939): 123.


Josyf Slipyj, Богословське наукове товариство та його статути [Theological Scientific Society and its statutes] (Lviv, 1924), 9.


Olha Kolosovska, “Кириличні стародруки з бібліотеки Богословського наукового товариства у Львові (на матеріалах Львівської наукової бібліотеки ім. В. Стефаника АН України)” [Cyrillic old prints from the library of the Theological Scientific Society in Lviv (based on the materials of the Lviv Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)], in Історія релігій в Україні: тези повідомлень IV круглого столу (Львів, 9–10 травня 1994 р.) [History of religions in Ukraine: abstracts of the 4th round table (Lviv, May 9–10, 1994)] (Lviv and Kyiv, 1994), 97–98.


Volodymyr Holovko, “Богословія” [Theology], in Енциклопедія [Encyclopaedia], vol. 1, ed. V.M. Lytvyn (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2003), 317.


Українське Богословське наукове товариство у Львові” [Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society in Lviv], 123.


Volodymyr Yaniv, “Нарис історії Українського богословського наукового товариства: в 45-ліття заснування” [Essay on the history of the Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society: on the 45th anniversary of its founding], in Студії та матеріали до новішої української історії [Studies and materials on contemporary Ukrainian history] (Munich, 1970), 29; Mariya Strutynska, “Чужі й свої проБогословіюта її видання: з приводу десятиліття” [Strangers and their own about “Bohosloviyu” and its publications: on the occasion of the decade], Дзвони [The bells] 4 (1934): 179–185; 5 (1934): 248–250; 6–7 (1934): 333–336.


Українське Богословське наукове товариство у Львові” [Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society in Lviv], 123.


Бібліотека Богословської Академії” [Library of the Theological Academy] 401–404; Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], 410–412.


Kunanets, Наукові бібліотеки Львова, (1784–1939) [Scientific Libraries of Lviv, (1784–1939)], 81; “Бібліотека Богословської Академії” [Library of the Theological Academy], 400.


Бібліотека Богословської Академії” [Library of the Theological Academy], 405.


Новий академічний рік 1933/1934 на Богословській Академії у Львові” [New academic year 1933/1934 at the Theological Academy in Lviv], Нива [Nyva] 28, no. 9 (August 1933): 358.


Бібліотека Богословської Академії” [Library of the Theological Academy] 405.


Bogdan Kazymyra, “Богословська Академія під час і після Другої світової війни” [Theological Academy during and after World War II], in Світильник істини: Джерела до історії Української католицької богословської академії у Львові, 1928–1929–1944 [Lamp of Truth: Sources to the History of the Ukrainian Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv, 1928–1929–1944], ed. Pavlo Senytsya, pt. 2 (Toronto and Chicago: Nakladom Studentstva Bohoslovskoi Akademii, 1976), 77.


Khrystyna Kharchuk and Igor Zhuk, Вулиця Коперника 40 – будинок Музею Русалки Дністрової (Дзвіниця колишньої Церкви Святого Духа), ПроектІнтерактивний Львів” [40 Kopernyka Street – the building of the Dniester Mermaid Museum (Bell Tower of the former Church of the Holy Spirit), Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History], [accessed April 19, 2021].


Kazymyra, “Богословська Академія” [Theological Academy], 78, 80.


ЛННБУ ім. В.Стефаника, Відділ Рукописів, Фонд 6., Богословська академія у м. Львові (ХV ст. – 1941 р.) [The Lviv Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Manuscripts Department, Fond 6, Theological Academy in Lviv (XV century. – 1941)].


Kolosovska, “Кириличні стародруки” [Cyrillic old prints], 97–98.


Myroslava Dyadyuk, “Відділ рукописів” [Manuscripts Department], Записки Львівської національної наукової бібліотеки України імені В. Стефаника [Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv] 2 (2010): 436–437; “Фонд 451, Греко-католицька богословська академія, м.Львів” [Fond 451, Greek Catholic Theological Academy, Lviv], in Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Львів: путівник [Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv: guide], ed. O. Gnyevysheva et al. (Kyiv, 2001), 163–164.


Kazymyra, “Богословська Академія” [Theological Academy], 78.


Prystaj, Львівська Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія [Lviv Greek Catholic Theological Seminary],431.


Kazymyra, “Богословська Академія” [Theological Academy], 80.


Prystaj, “Греко-Католицька Духовна Семінарія та Греко-Католицька Богословська Академія у Львові в часі ІІ-ї Світової війни” [Greek Catholic Theological Seminary and Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv during World War II], in Альманах. Братство колишніх студентів Греко-Католицької Семінарії та Богословської Академії у Львові 1944–1945 рокиM [Almanac: Brotherhood of former students of the Greek Catholic Seminary and Theological Academy in Lviv 1944–1945] (Lviv, 1998), 17.


According to the interview of Mykhailo Shkribynets with Fr. Mitrat Mykola Prystaj, in Mykhailo Shkribynets, “Греко-католицька Духовна Семінарія та Греко-католицька Богословська Академія у Львові в період 1941–1945 рр.: дипломна робота” [Greek Catholic Theological Seminary and Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv in the period 1941–1945: graduate work] (Lviv, 2000), sheet 35.


Myroslav Marusyn, Митрополит Йосиф Сліпий: нарис життя, подвигів і страдань [Metropolitan Josyf Slipyi: an essay on life, exploits and suffering] (Brussels and Rome: s.n., 1972), 38.


According to the interview of Mykhailo Shkribynets with Fr. Mitrat Mykola Prystaj, in Shkribynets, “Греко-католицька Духовна Семінарія” [Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], sheet 46.


Khrystyna Kharchuk, Вулиця Дорошенка 41 – Корпус Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка, ПроектІнтерактивний Львів”, Центр міської історії [41 Doroshenko Street – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Building, Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History], [accessed April 19, 2021].


Постанова НКДБ УРСР про арешт Митрополита УГКЦ Йосифа Сліпого, 11.04.1945” [Resolution of the KGB [Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti] of the USSR [Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic] on the arrest of Metropolitan of the UGCC Josyf Slipyi, April 11, 1945], in Патріарх Йосиф Сліпий: у документах радянських органів державної безпеки, 1939–1987 [Patriarch Josyf Slipyi: in documents of the Soviet state security agencies, 1939–1987], vol. 1 (Kyiv: P.P. Serhiichuk M.I., 2012), 142–144.


Shkribynets, “Греко-католицька Духовна Семінарія” [Greek Catholic Theological Seminary], sheet 46.


Prystaj, “Ліквідація Львівської Духовної Семінарії в 1945 році” [Сlosing of the Lviv Theological Seminary in 1945], Надія Церкви [The Hope of the Church] 1 (1994): 3.


Prystaj, “Ліквідація Львівської Духовної Семінарії в 1945 році”, 3.


Вироки, 1946–1959” [Trial verdicts, 1946–1959], in І пізнаєте правду…”, (Йо. 8, 32): у 20-ті роковини з дня смерті ісповідника віри Патріарха Йосифа Сліпого: документи; матеріали; світлини [“And thou shalt know the truth …” (John 8:32): on the 20th anniversary of the death of the confessor of the faith, Patriarch Josyf Slipyi: documents; materials; photos], ed. Gerarda Krupa et al. (Lviv: Zhromadzhennia sester Myloserdia sv. Vikentiia, 2004), 137–142.


Halyna Herasymova, “Сліпий Йосиф (1892–1984)” [Slipyj Josyf], in Енциклопедія [Encyclopaedia], vol. 9, ed. V.A. Smolij (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2012), 627–628; “Постанова 2-го Управління КДБ УРСР про припинення оперативної справиРифина Митрополита Йосифа Сліпого та інших осіб, 03.05.1963” [Resolution of the 2nd Department of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR on the termination of the operational case “Reef” on Metropolitan Josyf Slipyj and others, 3.5.1963], in Патріарх Йосиф Сліпий: у документах радянських органів державної безпеки, 1939–1987, vol. 2, 407–410.


Maryna Chubata, “Український Католицький Університет св. Климента-папи (УКУ в Римі)” [Ukrainian Catholic University St. Clement the Pope (UCU in Rome)], in Енциклопедія [Encyclopaedia], vol. 2, ed. V.A. Smolij (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2004), 743–744.


Каталог видань Українського Католицького Університету ім. Св. Климента Папи [Catalogue of publications of the Ukrainian Catholic University named by St. Pope Clement I] (Rome: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet im. Sv. Klymenta Papy, 1974), 16f.; Каталог видань Українського Католицького Університету ім. Св. Климента Папи [Catalogue of publications of the Ukrainian Catholic University named by St. Pope Clement I] (Rome: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet im. Sv. Klymenta Papy, 1986), 16f.; Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в першому п’ятиліттю свого постання і діяльности, 1963–1968 [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the first five years of its uprising and activities, 1963–1968] (Rome: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet im. sv. Klymenta Papy, 1969), in Josyf Slipyj, Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в першому десятиліттю [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the first decade], ed. Ivan Khoma and Ivan Muzychka, vol. 7–8 (Rome: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet im. sv. Klymenta Papy, 1976), 232–233; Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в другому п’ятиліттю свого постання і діяльности, 1968–1973 [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the second five years of its uprising and activities, 1968–1973], in Josyf Slipyj, Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в першому десятиліттю [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the first decade], vol. 7–8 (Rome: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet im. sv. Klymenta Papy, 1976), 266–317.


Конституції Українського Католицького Університету ім. св. Климентія Папи” [Constitution of the Ukrainian Catholic University St. Clement Pope], in Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи і його правна основа [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope and its legal basis] (Rome, 1967), 9–10.


Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в першому п’ятиліттю свого постання і діяльности, 1963–1968 [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the first five years of its uprising and activities, 1963–1968], 213.


Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в першому п’ятиліттю свого постання і діяльности, 1963–1968 [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the first five years of its uprising and activities, 1963–1968], 214.


Український Католицький Університет ім. св. Климентія Папи в другому п’ятиліттю свого постання і діяльности, 1968–1973 [Ukrainian Catholic University named after St. Clement Pope in the second five years of its uprising and activities, 1968–1973], 203.


Ivan Khoma, Йосиф Сліпий: отець та ісповідник Української Мученицької Церкви [Josyf Slipyi: Father and confessor of the Ukrainian Martyr Church] (Rome: Vydavnytstvo OO. Saleziyan-Tovarystva Sv. Sofii, 1992), 152.


Звіт бібліотечної комісії. Протокол № 1 засідання Комісії з відновлення Богословської Академії, м.Львів від 04.10.1993 р. [Library commission report. Minutes of the 1st meeting of the Commission for the Restoration of the Theological Academy, Lviv, dated October 4, 1993], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Звернення о. д-ра Михайла Димида, ректора ЛБА, Львів, Різдво 1995 р. [Appeal by Fr. Dr. Mykhailo Dymyd, Rector of the LBA, Lviv, Christmas 1995], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Oksana Palij, “Вчений, з ласки Божої: розмова з першим директором Бібліотеки Львівської богословської академії” [Scientist, by the Grace of God: A Conversation with the First Director of the Library of the Lviv Theological Academy], [accessed May 3, 2021].


Лист о. І. Хоми до о. д-ра М. Димида від 19.10.1994 р. [Letter Fr. I. Khomy to Fr. Dr. M. Dymyd dated 19.10.1994], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Документ вихідний № 39/94. Звернення о. д-ра Михайла Димида до В.Іськіва, завідувача відділом культури виконавчого комітету Львівської міської Ради народних депутатів та до Б. Стельмаха, заступника голови виконавчого комітету Львівської міської Ради народних депутатів від 04.10.1994 р. [Source document no.39/94. Address by Fr. Dr. Mykhailo Dymyd to V. Iskiv, Head of the Culture Department of the Executive Committee of the Lviv City Council of People’s Deputies and to B. Stelmakh, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Lviv City Council of People’s Deputies dated 04.10.1994], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Khrystyna Kharchuk, “Вулиця І. Свєнціцького 17 – Український католицький університет”, ПроектІнтерактивний Львів”, Центр міської історії [17 I. Sventsitskoho Street – Ukrainian Catholic University, Interactive Lviv Project, Centre for Urban History], [accessed April 20, 2021].


Robert Taft, Доповідь про Львівську Богословську Академію [Report on the Lviv Theological Academy], 10 (brochure), in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Документи про передачу книг в ЛБА від президента фундації dr. hab. Piotra Jaroszyńskiego 25.06.1994 р., 19.10.1994 р. [Documents on the transfer of books to the LBA from the president of the foundation dr. hab. Piotra Jaroszyńskiego, June 25, 1994, October 19, 1994], in the Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Oksana Palij, “Вчений, з ласки Божої: розмова з першим директором Бібліотеки Львівської богословської академії” [Scientist, by the Grace of God: A Conversation with the First Director of the Library of the Lviv Theological Academy], [accessed May 3, 2021].


Iryna Martyn, “‘Я задоволений працею в Україні’, – зізнається проректор ЛБА професор Джефрі Вілз” [“I am satisfied with my work in Ukraine,” admits LBA Vice-Rector Professor Jeffrey Wills], Аудиторія [Audience] 39–40 (15–31 Dec. 2000): 13.


Документ № 80/99. Звернення директора бібліотеки Михайла Петровича до видавництваЖизнь с Богом” (Брюссель) від 29.12.1999 р. [Document no. 80/99. Address of the director of the library Mikhail Petrovych to the publishing house ‘Life with God’ (Brussels) dated 29.12.1999], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Лист Івана Герасима до Богдана Кравченка від 29.01.2001 р. [Letter of Ivan Herasym to Bohdan Kravchenko dated January 29, 2001], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Information about the period of T. Tymo as director was taken from an interview with him by the authors of this chapter dated December 29, 2020.


Press office UCU, “Бібліотека УКУ стала членом Європейської асоціації католицьких бібліотек” [The Library of UCU became a member of the European Association of Catholic Libraries], [accessed April 19, 2021].


Myron Kapral and Oleksij Yas, “Записки Чина св. Василія Великого” [Analecta Ordinis S. Basilii Magni], in Енциклопедія [Encyclopaedia], vol. 3, ed. V.A. Smolij (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2005), 253–254; Maryan Lozynskyj, “Наукове виданняЗаписки Чину святого Василія Великого” [Scientific publication – Analecta Ordinis S. Basilii Magni], Вісник Львівського університету. Серія журналістики [Visnyk of Lviv National University. Journalism series] 28 (2006): 204–206; Mykola Tymoshyk, “Видавництво отців Василіан у Римі: специфіка видань та особливості редакційно-видавничого процесу” [Basilian Fathers Publishing House in Rome: specifics of publications and features of the editorial and publishing process], Записки Львівської національної наукової бібліотеки України імені В. Стефаника [Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv] 6 (2014): 294–310.


Website of the “Kyiv Christianity” Program, [accessed April 19, 2021].


Organisation’s website “Porticus,” [accessed April 19, 2021].


Website “The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation,” [accessed April 19, 2021].


Peter Schreiner, Ганс-Ґеорґ Бек і візантійське богослов’я: (до сторіччя видатного вченого): перша меморіальна лекція на пошану Ігоря Шевченка, (Львів, 10 лютого 2011) [Hans-Georg Beck and Byzantine Theology: (to the centenary of the outstanding scientist): the first memorial lecture in honor of Ihor Shevchenko, (Lviv, February 10, 2011)] (Lviv: Ukrayinskyj Katolytskyj Universytet, 2012), 48f.


Andrij Yasinovskyj, “Незабутній памяті визначного вченого” [Unforgettable memory of an outstanding scientist], Свобода [Freedom] 12 March (2010): 24.


Yaroslav Isayevych, “Сльозка Михайло” [Mykhajlo Slozka], in Енциклопедія [Encyclopaedia], vol. 9, ed. V.A. Smolij (Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2012), 664–666; Tetyana Rosovetska, “Михайло Сльозкадрукар, письменник, бібліофіл та його бібліотека як джерело творчості” [Mykhajlo Slozka – printer, writer, bibliophile and his library as a source of creativity], in Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України [Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine], ed. L.A. Dubrovina (Kyiv: Natsionalna biblioteka Ukrainy im. V.I. Vernadskoho, 2004), 9, 60–70.


“Library of Congress Classification Outline,” [accessed April 26, 2021].


Ruth C. Eisenhardt, “The Classification of Theological Books,” Library Trends 9 (April 1960): 257–269; C.G. Noland, “Classification Methods in Context at Theological Libraries: A Case Study,” School of Information Student Research Journal 7, no. 1 (2017), [accessed April 26, 2021]; J. Goldberg, “Religious Law in a Secular Setting: New Classification Approaches for Jewish, Canon and Islamic Law,” International Journal of Legal Information 29, no. 2 (2001): 465–487.


LTA Library Factoids, 15.11.2001, in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


Information about the period of T. Tymo was director was taken from an interview with him by the authors of this chapter dated December 29, 2020.


Звіт про роботу Бібліотеки ЛБА, 2001–2002 навчальний рік [Report on the work of the LBA Library, 2001–2002 academic year], in Archive of UCU [accessed May 3, 2021].


The Library of UCU electronic catalogue, [accessed April 26, 2021].


The Centre of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky website, [accessed April 26, 2021].


The Library of UCU website, [accessed April 26, 2021].


Virtual exhibition “Ecce Homo,” [accessed April 26, 2021].

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