
3.1 Portrait of Henry Martyn by Thomas Hickey, Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, Cambridge 81

3.2 Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, Westminster College, Cambridge 100

4.1 Library from the tower of St. George’s Church, Church archive, Eisenach 111

4.2 Confiscation protocol for theological books from 1959, Landeskirchenarchiv, Eisenach 117

5.1 Staircase of the Sub-Library of Theology Würzburg 131

6.1 Remains of Reformed church library after World War II, Library and Archives of the Calvinist Church, Kecskemét 143

6.2 Reading hall of the Library of the Theological College of Esztergom 153

7.1 Stamp: Biblioteka Gr. kat. Bohoslov. Akademii u Lvovi, Lviv 162

7.2 Ex libris: Byblioteka Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptytskoho, Lviv 165

7.3 Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky relief and commemorative table, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Centre, Lviv 177

9.1 Capuchin fathers Theobaldus van Etten and Eduardus van Asten with their card catalogues 207

9.2 Library of the Redemptorist monastery at Wittem 216

10.1 Reading room periodicals and collections, Theology Library, UC Louvain 238

11.1 Reading rooms of the Maurits Sabbe Library, Leuven 250

11.2 Book Heritage Lab in the Maurits Sabbe Library, Leuven 259

12.1 Participants in the ‘first’ Roman Seminar, 27 February–2 March 1984 279

15.1 Calendar with spiritual messages in memory of Theresa of Lisieux, Ghent, Carmelite nuns, 1950 345

15.2 Le poète des moeurs, vol. II, Namur: J.F. Stapleaux, 1772 349 16.1 General process of creating a thematic collection 359

16.2 Catalogued jesuitica in the Maurits Sabbe Library 2004–2020 365

16.3 Digitised versions of “Cnobbaert, Jan. Typvs Mvndi in Quo Eius Calamitates Et Pericvla Nec Non Diuini, Humanique Amoris Antipathia Emblematice Proponuntur. Editio tertia ed., Apud Vidua Cnobbaert, 1652” 373

17.1 Newly published journals in theology and religious studies (processed in IxTheo) 385

17.2 Average time delay in bibliographies – Journals (1969) 392

18.1 Portrait of Dom Eligius Dekkers 431

18.2 “More than Books”: impression of the relation between print and online books 453

19.1 Logo IFLA SIG Relindial 462

19.2 Participants of the IFLA SIG Relindial satellite meeting, Paris, ICP, 26 August 2014 470


13.1 Losses in church libraries during World War II (Poland) 289

13.2 Size of the book collections of the libraries of major seminaries in 1975 (Poland) 292

13.3 Comparison of the collections of libraries forming the Central Catalogue in the years 2010 and 2021 (Poland) 308

13.4 Records retrieved and entered from/to NUKAT until 30.04.2021 (Poland) 312

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Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe

A Festschrift on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of BETH


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