Moral education has a strong link with citizenship education and with multicultural education. All these concepts are about the good life and living together, and about stimulating human development and community-building. The three concepts have all their own founding theories, their research communities, and their communication platforms. It is important to have strong traditions but also dialogues and fusions between such different traditions.
Our book series Moral Development and Citizenship Education has since its start in 2008 supported the linking of, in particular, moral education and citizenship education. The 18 volumes in the series show a wide range of theoretical perspectives and research methods in connecting moral education and citizenship education.
Many of the books paid attention to multicultural aspects of education, but this book, The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism: Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration, is the first book in our series that put multicultural education as a central focus, in particular migration and integration. From this multicultural perspective the authors address moral and citizenship issues.
The book came out of the bi-annual conference of the SIG Moral and Democratic Education of the European Association of Learning and Instruction (EARLI) in 2018. Many international scholars contributed to this volume and present a wide range of ideas and methods.
This book first was guided by the founder of our book series, Fritz Oser. Fritz and I have been editing the book series together for 15 years. Many of the contributors to this book, in particular the editors Hermann J. Abs and Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, knew Fritz quite well and met him in several academic organizations like EARLI, AME, and AERA. Eveline even was the colleague who worked together with Fritz in his last few years at the University of Fribourg. With this book, we also honour Fritz for his contribution to the book series, research on moral education and citizenship education, and for his active dialogues in many academic meetings all over the world.
This volume, The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism: Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration, shows in its diversity, quality, and relevance that research and theory development of
Wiel Veugelers Series Editor