Figures | ||
1.1 | The interrelationship of the types of citizenship. This figure illustrates how the typology of citizenship described in this article is a fluid and complex concept. The four categories of citizenship are interrelated rather than discrete and distinct. | 21 |
5.1 | The learning opportunities model combined with the model of political competence (based on concepts drawn from Helmke, 2010, and Detjen et al., 2012) | 144 |
6.1 | Likelihood of inclusion for all three protagonists in Study 1. | 166 |
6.2 | Likelihood of inclusion of Protagonist A versus Protagonist B in Study 2. | 169 |
9.1 | Educational intervention points. | 232 |
9.2 | Cultural intervention points. | 235 |
10.1 | Sample poster: positive and negative aspects of the home and host country. (Poster translated from German by the authors). | 263 |
10.2 | Sample poster: being a woman in the home country and in the host country. (Poster translated from German by the authors). | 263 |
10.3 | Drawings from two participants about women in their home country and in Austria. Left-hand picture = home country; teacher, housewife, having a party. Right-hand picture = Austria (from Patry et al., 2019, p. 199, reprinted with permission). | 264 |
13.1 | Development of prejudices in experimental conditions. T1 = before intervention; T2 = after intervention; T3 = 8-week follow-up. | 324 |
13.2 | Development of interpersonal tolerance in experimental conditions. T1 = before intervention; T2 = after intervention; T3 = 8-week follow-up. | 325 |
Tables | ||
1.1 | Citizenship typology. | 20 |
3.1 | Items and aggreement rates for hegemony of religion. | 93 |
3.2 | Bivariate relationships between main study variables. | 94 |
3.3 | Regression models: standardized coefficients for hegemony of religion. | 95 |
4.1 | Scale characteristics. | 117 |
4.2 | Regression analysis (dependent variable: self-esteem, n = 346). | 118 |
8.1 | 10 process steps in the DEMBRA for Schools programme. | 210 |
8.2 | Topics of the DEMBRA sessions for pre-service teachers at the UiA. | 215 |
Risk factors and protective factors for violent extremism. | 229 | |
9.2 | Selected educational programmes addressing similar PVE risk and protective factors. | 232 |
9.3 | Violent extremism risk factors and protective factors and the example educational programmes that address them. | 234 |
9.4 | List of overlapping risk factors and protective factors for violence in schools and for violent extremism. | 237 |
10.1 | Dimensions and components of cultural integration competence. | 254 |
10.2 | Key elements of VaKE-dis workshops in Study 2. | 260 |
10.3 | Answers provided by participants in Study 2 in response to the statement categories: ‘This is what I have learned’ and ‘This is what I want to implement’. | 265 |
12.1 | Case Study 1. | 300 |
12.2 | Case Study 2. | 301 |
12.3 | Case Study 3. | 302 |
12.4 | Case Study 4. | 303 |
12.5 | Case Study 5. | 305 |
13.1 | Overview of the intervention programme. | 318 |
13.2 | Overview of prejudices and tolerance over time. | 322 |
13.3 | Development of prejudices and tolerance in experimental conditions. | 323 |