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In: The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger
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Hermann J. Abs
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Kerstin Göbel
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1.1 The interrelationship of the types of citizenship. This figure illustrates how the typology of citizenship described in this article is a fluid and complex concept. The four categories of citizenship are interrelated rather than discrete and distinct. 21
5.1 The learning opportunities model combined with the model of political competence (based on concepts drawn from Helmke, 2010, and Detjen et al., 2012) 144
6.1 Likelihood of inclusion for all three protagonists in Study 1. 166
6.2 Likelihood of inclusion of Protagonist A versus Protagonist B in Study 2. 169
9.1 Educational intervention points. 232
9.2 Cultural intervention points. 235
10.1 Sample poster: positive and negative aspects of the home and host country. (Poster translated from German by the authors). 263
10.2 Sample poster: being a woman in the home country and in the host country. (Poster translated from German by the authors). 263
10.3 Drawings from two participants about women in their home country and in Austria. Left-hand picture = home country; teacher, housewife, having a party. Right-hand picture = Austria (from Patry et al., 2019, p. 199, reprinted with permission). 264
13.1 Development of prejudices in experimental conditions. T1 = before intervention; T2 = after intervention; T3 = 8-week follow-up. 324
13.2 Development of interpersonal tolerance in experimental conditions. T1 = before intervention; T2 = after intervention; T3 = 8-week follow-up. 325
1.1 Citizenship typology. 20
3.1 Items and aggreement rates for hegemony of religion. 93
3.2 Bivariate relationships between main study variables. 94
3.3 Regression models: standardized coefficients for hegemony of religion. 95
4.1 Scale characteristics. 117
4.2 Regression analysis (dependent variable: self-esteem, n = 346). 118
8.1 10 process steps in the DEMBRA for Schools programme. 210
8.2 Topics of the DEMBRA sessions for pre-service teachers at the UiA. 215
9.1 Risk factors and protective factors for violent extremism. 229
9.2 Selected educational programmes addressing similar PVE risk and protective factors. 232
9.3 Violent extremism risk factors and protective factors and the example educational programmes that address them. 234
9.4 List of overlapping risk factors and protective factors for violence in schools and for violent extremism. 237
10.1 Dimensions and components of cultural integration competence. 254
10.2 Key elements of VaKE-dis workshops in Study 2. 260
10.3 Answers provided by participants in Study 2 in response to the statement categories: ‘This is what I have learned’ and ‘This is what I want to implement’. 265
12.1 Case Study 1. 300
12.2 Case Study 2. 301
12.3 Case Study 3. 302
12.4 Case Study 4. 303
12.5 Case Study 5. 305
13.1 Overview of the intervention programme. 318
13.2 Overview of prejudices and tolerance over time. 322
13.3 Development of prejudices and tolerance in experimental conditions. 323
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The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism

Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration

Series:  Moral Development and Citizenship Education, Volume: 19


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