Index of Keywords and Notions

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Index of Keywords and Notions

ʿabbāsid, Abbasid, abbasside, Abbassides 5–8, 10–12, 15–17, 21, 23, 28–29, 36, 39, 43, 45, 49, 58, 61, 64–65, 70, 77, 79–80, 84–85, 93, 105, 124–126, 164, 169–176, 180, 186, 199, 207–208, 210, 216–218, 220n–221n, 222n, 225, 236, 240n, 253–254, 269, 291, 302, 321–322, 324, 326, 331–333, 338, 349, 371, 380, 390, 393, 400–404, 436, 441, 443, 573, 577–578, 588, 590–591, 594–595, 598–599n, 717, 758–760, 761n, 769, 772, 774–776, 790
Académie, Academy 9, 143n, 260, 295, 302, 709, 715, 786
acculturer, acculturation 48, 50, 118, 544, 546, 573
adab pl. ādāb ( andarz, belles-lettres, bienséance, bonne éducation, bonnes manières, civilité, civilising process, code, conduct, culture, étiquette, good manners, farhang, littérature, norm, paideia, politeness, processus de civilisation, savoir parler, savoir-vivre )
adab acquis (kasbī) 656, 765
adab al-akl or ādāb al-akl 80
adab al-ḥaqīqa 625
adab al-kātib 23, 80
adab al-khidma 625, 628
ādāb al-lugha 769, 785
adab al-muftī 23–24
adab al-nafs ( morale de l’âme ) 621–622
adab al-nisāʾ 23
adab al-qāḍī 23, 62, 79
al-adab al-shaʿbī 31
adab al-sharīʿa 625–626
adab al-ṭarīq 625
adab spirituel (nafsī) 146
al-ādāb al-ṣūfiyya 65, 67, 85
al-ʿulūm al-adabiyya ( linguistic, literary, science ) 219M
adabiyyāt ( littérature, adab ) 756
adabsız, adabsïz ( barbarie, bi-adab, qalīl al-adab ) 33, 627
ʿadl, ʿadālat ( justice ) 299, 623, 643
adaptation, adapté, adapter, adapted ( iqtibās ) 8, 11, 24, 31, 50, 83, 85, 127, 150, 291–292, 309, 361–362, 404, 438, 533, 555, 573, 617, 653, 722, 755, 767
adīb pl. udabāʾ ( lettré, literate, homme des lettres ) 5, 24, 31
administration, administratif, administrer ( state, État ) 23, 29, 81, 98–99, 110–111n, 115, 217, 219, 221n, 222–223, 227, 291, 334, 369n, 380, 389–390, 442, 491, 503, 520, 545
administrator ( kārdār ) 329, 380, 403, 408, 488, 492
adultère, adultery 184, 197, 320, 327, 456, 482, 601
advice(s) ( conseil ) 5, 32, 72, 100n, 165, 295, 299, 313, 319, 320n, 322, 331, 332, 377, 380, 381n, 391, 443–445, 496, 530, 533n, 783, 785, 621, 623n, 641, 645, 766
aesthetic, aesthetics ( esthétique ) 17, 450n, 452, 490, 506, 511, 575, 616, 624, 646
ahl, ahaliyya ( société )
ahl al-adab 81, 295
Ahl al-bayt ( Gens de la Maison du Prophète )
ahl al-ḥadīth 274
ahl al-ʿilm 204, 237, 263
ahl-i ʿishq 636
ahl al-naẓar 171, 193–194
ahl al-rayʾ 194–195n
ahl al-sunna 170
ahl al-ṭibb 478
ʿajam, pl. aʿājim ( non-Arabs ) 325, 327, 328, 404, 440, 443, 666, 774, 782
akhlāq ( bons caractères, caractère, mœurs, ethics, éthique, morals, mores ) 15, 23, 31, 33, 48, 61, 65, 238–240, 261, 270, 273, 636
al-akhlāq al-ḥasana ( bonnes mœurs ) 765
makārim al-akhlāq 15, 270, 271, 273
akl ( eating, table manners ) 80, 620–621
alchimie, alchemy 15, 101, 121n, 444, 577, 580–581, 589–590, 593, 602, 604
alcohol ( wine ) 176, 181, 187, 195
ʿālim pl. ʿulamāʾ ( ouléma, savant, scholar ) 23, 219, 276, 278, 300, 520
alphabet, alphabétique, alphabetical, alphabetically 225, 582, 599–600, 775, 786
ʿamal, ʿamaliyya ( deed ) 190, 196–198, 209
amālī 164, 266–267, 269n, 275–282
ambassade, ambassadeur, ambassador 125, 128, 295, 413n–414n, 590, 711, 719, 721
ambiguïté, ambiguity, ambiguities 15, 22, 27, 30, 264, 378, 404, 496, 654, 787
âme ( body, corps, nafs, soul ) 138, 141–142, 146–147, 149, 152, 154, 223, 270, 280, 343, 345–346, 590n, 654–665n, 675, 686, 698
ami, amitié ( friend, friendship ) 149, 261, 344, 669, 686
amīr, pl. umarāʾ 312, 321, 329, 441, 591
ʿāmma 18, 24, 203, 234, 585, 786
al-ʿāmmiyya ( dialect ) 774, 782
amour, amoureux, aimer ( ʿishq, love, passion ) 140, 144, 261, 267, 272–273, 278, 338–347, 353–354, 543, 546, 586n, 592, 601, 635, 663–664, 671, 675–680, 688–691n, 698
amour de Dieu 679–680, 698
al-amthāl 242, 247, 526, 766
amulet, amulette 473–474, 479–480, 601
analogy ( qiyās ) 46–47, 49, 71, 190, 193, 195–197, 208, 238, 321, 323n–324n, 351, 369n, 529, 660, 675, 698
ancestor, ancestry, ancêtre(s) ( forefathers, al-mutaqaddim ) 20, 38, 41, 97n, 307, 321, 328, 348, 380, 495, 742–743
andarz ( adab, farhang ) 5, 20, 66, 72, 76, 83, 377, 623–624
anecdote, anecdotal ( ḥikāya, khabar, narrative, récit ) 29, 176, 187–188n, 195, 199–209, 219, 236, 239n, 243, 247, 264, 268, 272–274, 297, 302, 319–335, 344, 348–349, 355, 530, 533, 536, 550n, 590, 592–596, 601n, 607, 633, 636–637, 642, 723–724, 731, 762, 782
ange, angel 184, 556–557, 585, 601
anger ( colère, ghaḍab ) 30, 47, 165, 250, 323, 348, 468, 498, 532
Anglais, anglais ( English ) 153–154, 260, 266, 553, 686
anglophone 368, 405
animal, animaux ( wuḥūsh ) 6, 12, 39, 48, 66, 150–154, 164, 184, 195, 197, 217, 224–225, 228–229–254, 352, 354–355, 369, 374, 383, 399n, 412, 453–454, 532, 535, 554, 556, 577, 659, 688, 734
anthological, anthologie, anthologique, anthologiste, anthology pl. anthologies 6, 16–17, 27, 29, 137, 152, 164, 198, 219, 231, 237–238, 240, 253, 263, 340, 361, 363, 438, 469, 517, 524, 563, 722, 754–765, 771, 775–782, 786–791
anthropological, anthropologie, anthropologique, anthropology 25–27n, 31, 38, 44–46, 579n–580n
antīka 18, 574, 743–744, 749
Antiquité, Antiquity 6–7, 13, 18, 20, 35, 93–95, 107, 125, 142, 150n, 310, 347, 377, 394, 403, 412, 573–574, 582, 586, 588, 595–599, 602n–606, 740–742, 748
antiquities 416, 733–734, 743–744, 748–750
apocryphe 6, 83, 164, 173, 291, 555n–556, 559, 582–583, 587, 594–599, 605, 692n
apologetic, apologétique, apologie 2, 14, 17, 174–175, 260, 269, 783, 791
apologue (ḥikāya) 623–624, 629, 634–644
ʿaql, ʿaqliyya 147, 191, 196, 243, 246, 299, 304, 353, 439, 577, 621–622, 765
Arab, Arabs, arabe, Arabic
al-ʿArab 225n, 233, 242, 767
Arab country 774, 779
Arab culture, Arabic culture 19, 40, 64, 295, 397, 402
Arabic literature 3, 8–14, 17–21, 27, 30, 48, 58, 62–63, 68, 74–82, 216, 254, 301, 305, 362–363, 370n–374, 412, 505, 510, 512, 519–520, 525, 533–536, 732, 746, 755–760, 767, 771–773, 776–777, 787–788
Arabic language 2–3, 5, 9, 16, 28, 41, 59, 65, 79–80, 216, 221, 223, 225, 228, 237, 249, 289, 363, 397, 402, 404, 496, 537, 758–759, 763, 767, 770, 774, 776, 778, 780–782, 787, 790
classical Arabic 17, 41, 58, 62, 65, 74, 78, 80, 84, 370–371, 410, 479, 745–746, 750, 774–775
al-ʿArab al-ʿāriba 767
al-ʿArab al-bāʾida 767
al-ʿArab al-mustaʿraba 767
non-Arab, non-Arabes (ʿajam) 9–10, 17, 76, 85, 98, 325, 330, 379, 404, 519, 774, 776–777, 785
ʿarab, ʿarabī, ʿarabiyya 3, 233, 244, 763, 767–769
Arabisation 7, 50, 109, 290–291, 763
arabophone 114, 137, 325
arabisant, Arabist 19, 31, 96, 109, 574, 735, 761, 789
archaeology 36, 574, 733–734, 741, 748–749
architecture 6, 82, 128, 227, 394, 732, 734
archives 121n, 536, 748
argument, argumentation 22, 66, 68, 113, 170, 173–174, 178–180, 182–185, 190–192, 195–202, 205–210, 237–238, 319n–320n, 328, 351, 353, 370n–371, 376n377, 389, 396, 447, 497, 506, 527, 530, 627, 643, 652n, 662, 717, 721, 724, 744n, 778
argent ( money ) 590
aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocrate, aristocratique 81, 94, 123–125, 128, 390, 545n, 718–719, 782
arithmétique 108–109, 124
arme, armée, army ( militaire, military, war ) 81, 102, 108, 273–274, 324, 326, 328–330, 333–334, 346, 475, 531, 556, 621, 669, 713
arrogance 240, 625, 630–632n, 637, 745
art, artistique, artist, artistic ( fann ) 5–6, 13, 15, 28–29, 35, 66, 125, 128, 149, 151–152, 336, 349, 379, 385, 394, 398, 399–400, 408, 412, 436, 441, 499, 505, 536, 543, 545, 598, 710, 713–714, 734, 738–739, 743, 774–775, 782, 785
art d’écrire, art of writing ( poāʾ ) 28, 385, 754, 758, 764–766, 791
art de disparaître (ʿilm al-khafāʾ) 586
art de fabriquer un ṭilasm 598
art de l’astrologie 582
art de la récitation du Coran 109
art de l’invocation (duʿāʾ) 587
art épistolaire, art of correspondence, epistolary art, art of epistolary prose 29, 716, 757, 766, 782–783, 790
art occulte 602
art poétique 151n
art of bureaucracy 221
art of disputing 164
art of (good) government 319, 333–334
art of literary excellence 237
art of mounting 28
art of story-telling 766
art oratoire, oratory art 104, 761, 775
art vétérinaire 577
art talismanique 584, 604
prose d’art 346, 545, 549
artisan, artisanat 30, 108, 226, 520
ʿarūḍ ( prosodie ) 725
ʿaṣabiyya, pl. ʿaṣabiyyāt ( tribe ) 769
ascète, ascetic, ascétique, ascétisme 30, 41, 202, 239, 392, 395–396, 450, 504, 507, 525, 527, 530, 533, 653, 655, 669, 787
Ashʿarī, ashʿarite, ashʿarisme 330, 656, 682–684
aṣl pl. uṣūl ( root, origins ) 226, 231, 278, 446, 458, 629, 631
aspiration (himma) 17, 75, 326, 496n, 508–510, 622–623, 631, 667, 765
assimilation 5, 37, 121, 251n, 398, 404, 407, 409, 605
associationnisme ( shirk ) 585–586, 688, 692
astres 577, 581, 586
astrologie, astrologue, astrology 3, 315, 322, 324n, 454, 577, 580–582, 589–591, 605
astronomie, astronomy 7, 107–109, 115, 127, 521, 580, 591, 601
atheism, athéisme, atheist 327, 689
au-delà ( hereafter ) 664, 675, 679
authenticité, authenticity, authentic, authentique 3, 6, 28–29, 36, 80, 113, 319n, 411, 437–438n, 440–441, 446–447, 519, 573, 579, 583, 589, 595, 602, 671, 676, 690, 692, 768, 770, 776–777
autobiographie, autobiographique, autobiographical 29, 147, 389, 407, 445, 488–494, 502–503, 508, 511, 654
autoriser, autorisation ( ijāza pl. ijāzāt ) 657, 663n
autorité, autoritaire, authority pl. authorities, authoritative ( imam ) 44, 47, 152, 187, 192, 199, 201, 208, 242, 244, 251, 263n, 268, 281–282, 301, 306, 319, 322, 326, 332, 349, 371, 381–382, 407, 478, 531, 555, 584, 587–588, 598, 602–606, 652n, 715, 755, 762
al-awṣāf ( description ) 766
al-Azhar, Azharī, Azharian, Azharien 15, 30, 756–758, 761–764n, 775n, 779–781, 791
shaykh al-Azhar 15, 741, 761–762
badī ʿ/badīʿiyyāt 15, 645, 783–784
balāgha ( éloquence ) 122, 776
banquet ( maʿduba, meal, repas ) 22, 59–64, 70–84, 125, 628, 634
barbare, barbarian, barbarie, barbarism ( adabsız, bi-adab, qalīl al-adab ) 28, 33–36, 50, 94, 105, 111, 404, 603, 768–769, 782
bath, public baths 7, 622n, 637
bayān 239, 458, 674
bayt 602, 620, 625
bayt al-ḥikma 7, 83, 302, 591, 602
beauté, beauty 8, 149, 271, 326, 348, 394n, 398, 489–490, 495–499, 502, 506, 511, 522, 619, 623, 633, 635, 682–683, 718, 734, 737, 739, 762
bédouin, Bédouin 3–4, 6, 28–29, 34, 36, 41, 45, 64, 68–69, 222, 232–235, 242, 246, 325, 327, 397, 478, 768, 771, 787
behaviour ( comportement ) 15, 62, 65–66, 74, 79, 82–83, 199, 219–220, 229, 238–240, 246–294, 315, 445, 616, 618, 623n, 625, 627, 634, 636, 639, 642–645
belief, believer ( creed, croyance, foi, iʿtiqād ) 189, 196, 200, 326–327, 393, 396, 400n, 440, 476, 481, 496, 498, 709, 714, 726, 788
belles-lettres ( adab, littérature, literature ) 1–2, 22, 25, 68, 74, 103, 108, 117–118n, 126, 293, 303, 306, 436, 441, 449–450, 545, 578, 714, 725–726, 757, 772
bénédiction ( baraka ) 140, 642
berbère, Berber 44, 776
bi-adab ( adabsız, barbare, qalīl al-adab ) 33
Bible, Biblical, biblique 4, 6, 11, 49, 100, 120, 137–147, 150- 153, 245–246, 253, 392, 482, 527, 529–530n, 535, 544–545, 547–548, 552, 559, 601–602, 659, 665, 694n
bibliography, bibliographer ( bio-bibliography ) 109n, 122n, 138n, 147n, 153, 198, 220n, 416, 435n, 526n, 557n, 583n, 593, 607, 714, 716
bibliothèque ( library ) 119, 121n, 147, 549, 557, 560–563, 583–584, 592, 711, 714
bidʿa, pl. bidaʿ ( innovation ) 179n
le bien ( acceptable, commandement du bien, maʿrūf ) 148, 151, 354, 682–684
bienséance ( adab, bonne éducation, civilité, étiquette, politeness, savoir-vivre ) 349
biographie, biographe, biographique, biography (-ies), biographical ( tadhkira ) 3–4, 30, 101, 275–276, 280, 292, 305–313, 334, 408n, 437, 479, 288n, 489, 502, 504, 520, 584, 618–619, 623, 651–652, 716, 718, 760n, 781, 785–787, 789
blasphème, blasphemy, blasphémer, blasphémateur, blasphématoire 327, 437, 651, 659–664, 667, 670, 688, 690
blood ( sang ) 181, 185, 245, 322, 501, 531, 734, 768
body, bodily ( corps ) 11, 187–188, 222, 224, 234–235, 241, 244–248, 321, 395, 399, 453, 473–482, 640
body of knowledge, of literature 7, 28, 42, 219, 323, 641, 712, 782
bonne éducation ( adab, bienséance, civilité, étiquette, politeness, savoir parler, savoir-vivre ) 1, 97
bonnes manières 142
bonnes mœurs ( al-akhlāq al-ḥasana ) 269
bonnes qualités 149
bonheur ( happiness ) 149, 350, 352
book, bookish, bookseller ( livre ) 5, 14–17, 22, 25, 29–31, 35, 48, 59, 64, 80, 170–172, 186–188, 191, 199–200, 203–210, 217, 219, 221, 224–226, 231, 237–244, 247–248, 266, 291, 302, 304, 306 308, 319, 321, 361, 367–370, 374–375, 382–388, 392, 403, 407, 409–411, 437–440, 443–447, 488, 493–494, 512, 521, 523–537, 622, 630–631, 717, 721, 725–726, 734–736, 740, 744–745, 748, 750, 754–756, 759, 761–770, 773, 777–778, 780–783, 787–791
book market 711
botanical, botanique, botany 395n
bouddhisme, Buddhism 42, 573, 653n, 656, 695, 698
bourgeois, bourgeoisie ( upper middle class ) 75, 524, 534n, 563
boy 29–30, 326, 388, 496–506
brahman, brahmanisme 440, 450–451, 653n, 662
branche, branch pl. branches ( farʿ, furūʿ ) 3, 5, 151n, 201, 219–220, 309, 452, 553, 634, 641, 715n
British 24, 26, 31, 43, 412, 445n, 490, 732, 746, 759, 763, 773, 775n, 785
brother ( frère ) 59, 70, 200–201, 292, 397, 406, 492, 501, 717, 764, 779–780
brotherhood ( confrérie, ṭarīqa ) 23
bureaucracy, bureaucratie, bureaucratique 5, 219–223n, 253, 324, 330–331, 390, 545, 754, 791
Buyids 10, 326, 328n, 397, 408n, 776
byzantin, Byzantine 3–5, 10, 20, 39, 41, 43, 79, 93, 103, 105, 107–108, 111–114, 118, 128, 289–290, 310, 325, 416, 552, 590, 596n, 749, 768
cadi, qāḍī 175, 217, 268, 407, 520
café ( coffee ) 30, 32
califat, calife, caliph, caliphate ( khalīfa ) 3, 5, 7, 14, 43, 79–80, 84, 98, 113, 123–124, 175, 192, 199, 201, 203–206, 209, 218, 260, 267, 289–292, 301–302, 320–322, 326, 332–334, 348–351, 355, 380, 389–390, 400, 402, 404, 413, 417, 443–444, 573, 580, 588–595, 598, 742, 772, 774, 776, 778, 786
abolition du califat 786
calligraphe, calligraphie, calligraphy 10, 28–30, 108–109, 123, 493, 545, 775
canon, canonique, canonical 11, 15, 18, 20–21, 23, 71, 163–164, 223, 244, 259–260, 262, 264, 270, 361, 442, 450, 469, 482, 490, 503, 511, 543, 562–564, 623n, 709, 727
caractère, character ( akhlāq ) 141–142, 151, 153, 262n
carré magique 582n, 595, 604–605
catalogue, catalog, cataloging 398, 532, 658
catégorie, category pl. categories, categorisation 17–18, 23–24, 32, 36, 40, 49, 65–66, 81–83, 105, 108, 122–123, 174, 183, 189–191, 193, 217, 227, 229–231, 237, 247–251, 268, 289, 294, 305–306, 315, 322–324, 327, 384, 404, 454, 532–534, 579, 592, 625, 671, 714, 717, 765, 772
catholic, Catholics, catholicisme, catholique ( chrétien, Christian ) 363, 525–526, 528, 535, 542, 544–548n, 553n, 559, 711, 772
cemetery 501, 734, 745
censorship, censure, censuré, censurer 16, 176, 221, 197n, 372, 374, 407, 532
cérémonial, cérémonie, cérémonieux, ceremony pl. ceremonies 81, 726, 765
certificate, certificate 19, 278, 281, 325, 595
Chagatai 41, 46, 593, 617, 622n–646
chancellerie, chancery ( diwān ) 5, 29, 80, 228n, 289, 292, 441–442, 590, 593–594n, 601, 764
character ( personnalité ) 15, 61, 69, 174, 239–241, 247–249, 295, 300, 527, 632n, 641, 782
chaîne 552, 602, 724
chaîne de garants 263, 272
chaîne de transmission ( isnād, pl. asānīd ) 119, 259, 262n, 271, 275, 282, 583, 605
Chaldean, chaldéen 17, 363, 542, 548n, 551, 553, 557n, 559–563, 771
chanson, chant(s), chanteurs, chanteuses ( singer, song ) 60, 123, 342, 350, 543, 546, 718–719
charitable, charité, charity, caritative 468, 475, 781
chasteté 343–345, 354
châtiment 100n, 140, 245, 684
child, children ( enfant ) 24, 38, 305, 328, 395n, 409n, 415, 491–492, 503, 522, 527, 626, 629n–630, 720, 785
childbirth 246
chrétien(s) ( Christian, christianism ) 100–101, 107–111, 117–120, 126–127, 347, 542–549, 552, 554–564, 590, 598n, 660n–663, 699, 724
Christian(s) ( catholic, chrétien, christianism, non-Muslims ) 3–24, 31–32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 46–49, 60, 62, 67, 79, 95, 112, 119, 188, 293, 311, 321–323, 363, 369, 394, 402, 482, 493n, 525–526, 530–533n, 536, 574, 635–636, 709, 711, 713, 724–725, 742, 755, 770–773, 779, 788–791
christianism, christianisme, Christianity, christianisation 111–113, 115, 120, 290, 526n, 542n, 661, 698–699, 769
chronologie, chronology 2–3, 13, 20, 26, 49–51, 58, 63, 68, 75, 93, 110n, 219, 260–261, 342, 524, 603n–604, 641n, 651, 744–745n, 756–757, 763n, 771, 779
Church, churches 4, 394n, 526n–527
citation ( quote ) 24, 59, 99, 116n, 118, 151, 228–229, 260–261, 265, 269, 273, 280, 302n, 31n, 657–658, 680–681, 689, 694n, 699n, 710
cité, city ( town, ville ) 85, 217, 295, 303, 314, 328, 401, 404, 473, 510, 578, 595–596, 600, 731–732, 737, 768–769
citizen, citizenship, citoyen, citoyenneté 94, 710, 713
civil servants 754, 782
civility, civilité ( adab, bonne éducation, bienséance, étiquette, politesse, savoir-vivre ) 64, 74, 617
civilisation, civilisationnel, civiliser, civilisé, civilising ( ḥadāra, tamaddun, madaniyya, mutamaddin ) 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 17, 18, 20, 23n, 24, 25, 33–50, 85, 94, 105, 111n, 126, 294, 325, 340, 371, 374, 377, 405, 435–436n, 534n, 573–574, 602n, 607, 645, 652, 713–714, 735–736, 738, 740–741, 743, 747, 768–769, 771, 773, 775–776
civilisation arabe, Arab civilisation 1, 10, 36, 37, 43
civilisation islamique, Islamic civilisation 10, 14, 36, 41–45, 58, 73, 78, 371, 374, 377, 445, 602n, 773n
civilised man 295n, 300n
civilising process ( adab, processus de civilisation ) 2, 31, 33–34, 769
class, classe, pl. classes ( ṭabaqa ) 8, 29–31, 63, 66, 235, 237, 253, 261, 271, 305–306, 324–325, 340, 389–390, 533
middle class ( al-ṭabaqa al-wusṭā ) 29–31, 766
classe supérieure, upper class 95, 340
classification, classifying 2–3, 8–9, 18, 24, 29, 42–43, 104n, 107, 169, 174n, 183, 191, 217, 225, 229, 247, 250–252, 305, 332, 334, 524, 625, 760, 763, 765, 767, 769
classic, classical, classique 28, 41, 45, 60, 65, 67, 70, 73, 76, 77, 79–80, 84–85, 93–94, 102–104, 114–115, 118–120, 126, 155, 186, 226, 260, 405, 441, 519, 542–548, 553–555n, 558, 563, 616, 617–618, 623, 642, 744–745, 750, 756, 764, 768, 774–775, 786, 791
adab classique, classical adab 28, 67, 78–79, 84, 108, 782
classical Arabic literature 17, 58, 62, 74, 78, 370–371, 410, 549, 731n, 746
classical poetry 70, 623, 745
classics 24, 27, 42, 96, 115, 144, 146, 153, 266, 531, 533, 616, 617, 619n
clerk, clerc ( kātib, secrétaire ) 217, 220
cloths, clothing 68, 224, 227, 401, 413–416, 477, 529, 746
code, codification, codifier, codify 95, 164, 266–271, 339–342, 349, 351, 355, 368, 374, 379, 391–396, 401–408, 511, 577, 628
cœur ( qalb ) 143–149, 272–273, 274, 343, 346–348, 353, 603, 673, 676–677, 679n, 687–688, 692, 696–698
colère ( anger ) 280, 338–354
colonisation, colonization, colonial, colonisateur, colonisé, colonie, colonialism, colonies 19, 24, 31, 31, 35, 37, 42–43, 580n, 709–710, 736, 741, 750, 755, 789, 791
commentaire, commentary pl. commentaries ( gloss ) 1, 24, 50, 139, 143, 145–154n, 176, 207n, 218, 227n, 279, 292, 362, 270n, 362, 370n, 441, 467–468, 475, 499, 521, 529, 582, 601, 604, 656n–657, 669n, 671n, 678, 691, 717, 774, 777
commentator 50, 141, 438n, 488, 673, 694, 699, 762
commerçant, commerce, commercial ( merchant, trade ) 128, 327, 652, 717, 724, 744
communauté, communautaire, community ( umma ) 98, 109, 111, 118n–119, 139, 339, 342n, 347, 354, 543, 562, 595, 655, 661, 692, 734n
compagnie, compagnon, compagnonnage, companions, companionship ( ṣuḥba, saḥāba ) 83, 183, 187, 191, 194, 198n, 199, 202–203, 251, 264, 271, 326, 351, 393n, 468, 476, 489, 494–495, 497, 499, 501, 507, 528, 530, 533n, 774
compilation, compilateur 150, 291–292, 298, 302, 306, 309, 311–315, 363, 396, 521, 524, 527, 581, 583, 594, 602–603, 628n, 765, 767
comportement ( behaviour ) 21–22, 97–101, 125, 128, 137, 139, 142, 270, 339–341n, 348–349, 351, 354
composer, composition ( inshāʾ ) 14, 21, 23n, 35, 123, 143, 152–153, 164, 172, 185, 198, 203, 206, 210, 219–221n, 228, 236, 244, 266, 280, 292, 295, 302, 348, 369, 379, 391–392n, 395, 405n, 409, 436, 438, 439, 443, 446–448, 452, 480, 526–527, 535, 543, 546, 550, 579–584, 589, 603–605, 617–619, 622n, 614, 627n, 635, 642, 657, 720, 756, 759–761, 764, 766, 772, 783, 787
condamnable, condamnation, condamné 264, 265, 550, 553, 578, 580, 585, 652, 664n, 673n, 695
conduct ( adab, conduite ) 5, 72, 82, 238, 293–295, 297–298, 301, 315, 328, 331, 363, 373, 525, 620, 626, 628, 629, 636, 737
good conduct ( muruwwa ) 304–305, 307, 631
moral conduct/immoral conduct 6, 181, 295
proper conduct 238, 626, 628, 629
royal conduct 315
rules of conduct 63, 73, 363, 53
conduite(s) ( conduct ) 140, 148, 151, 262, 269, 273, 342, 654, 670, 693–694
confrérie, confrérique ( brotherhood, ṭarīqa ) 587, 588, 604
connaissance(s) ( savoir, ʿilm ) 95, 97, 100, 115, 117, 118, 123, 126, 137, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 269, 270, 273, 544n, 547, 563, 579, 580, 589, 601, 606, 607, 652, 654, 667, 668, 670, 674, 675, 716, 722, 725
conscience, conscient 351, 355, 653, 663, 664, 667, 668, 671, 675, 679, 688, 690, 692, 697, 700, 733n
conseil, conseiller ( advice ) 108, 260, 271, 552, 579, 584, 592, 594, 596, 597, 598, 606
consumption, consommation 122, 174, 177, 180, 186, 188, 189, 196, 252, 395, 442, 501
conte, contes ( tale, tales ) 543, 546, 549, 550n, 552, 554n, 556, 557, 559, 561, 709
continuité(s), continuity, continuities 49, 78, 94, 110, 138, 217, 602n, 605, 644n, 656, 719, 736, 744, 749, 786
contrainte, constraint 33, 42, 44, 350, 367, 378, 663, 684, 724
control, contrôle, contrôler 329, 621, 631, 634, 636
self-control 223, 238, 634, 636, 639, 645
controverse, controversé, controversial, controversy, controversies 62, 188, 259, 379, 395, 506, 507, 511, 526, 580, 766, 770, 773n, 775
conversation 498, 500, 505, 640, 717, 733, 744
conversion, convert, converti, converting, convertir 11, 112, 124, 149, 324, 379, 380, 530n, 556, 590n, 700, 726n
copie, copiste, copying 30, 121n, 292, 296, 309, 313, 400, 443, 489, 492, 545, 549, 551, 557–558
Copt, copte, coptic 10, 119–121, 521, 599n, 775n, 785
Coran, coranique ( Quran ) 97, 108, 109, 113, 151, 260, 261, 264, 274, 351, 547, 554n, 556, 577, 580, 582, 585, 586, 601, 602, 606, 657, 664, 673, 676, 677, 681, 684, 686, 694, 695, 723, 734
corps ( âme, body ) 141–144, 147, 149, 270, 272, 274, 338, 345, 346, 554, 582, 592, 659, 673, 675, 686, 693
correctness, correct, correction ( taʾdīb ) 13, 62, 71, 79, 81, 84, 109, 113, 184, 190, 219, 224, 235, 236, 237, 266, 293, 295, 333, 376, 408, 529, 710
corriger, corrector 69, 140, 144, 299, 323
correspondance, correspondence 6, 99, 145, 151, 164, 291, 292, 302, 408, 712, 782, 783, 717, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 727, 755, 760, 764, 765, 766, 791
corrupt, corrupted, corruption ( fasād ) 29, 221n, 293, 326, 527, 629, 774, 776, 782, 787, 790
cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitisme 39, 333, 402, 506
cour, court 98, 125, 145, 153, 154, 173, 187, 199, 201, 202, 289, 291, 294, 322, 324, 328, 332, 372, 381, 398, 399, 438, 439, 447, 448, 556, 559, 573, 579, 580, 580n, 581, 582, 583, 588, 591, 593, 607, 616, 617, 618, 628, 640, 641, 645, 646, 711, 712, 714, 715, 718, 719, 721, 727, 778, 782
culture de cour 128, 577, 511, 585
courteous 65, 633, 710
court secretary, secrétaire de cour 164, 291, 292, 301, 340n
courtesy, courtoisie 2, 18, 61, 64, 68, 142, 574
courtier, courtisan 322, 381, 382, 578, 712, 719
coutume(s), customs ( habitus, usage ) 64, 66, 70, 76, 96, 97, 104, 293, 325, 436, 626, 660, 697n, 716, 734, 746, 774
craftsman, craftsmen 226, 227, 417, 520, 521, 525, 532
creation 22, 38, 95, 95, 142, 178, 289, 338, 367, 408, 646, 715, 717
de la paideia 110
of adab 6, 82
of canons 20, 21, 244
of the world/God’s creation 3, 4, 22, 239, 240, 244, 245, 247, 529, 597, 662, 677, 680–681, 691n, 746
re-creation 12, 30, 200
creed ( belief, croyance, iʿtiqād ) 290, 326, 488
crise, crisis 24, 35, 325, 504, 508, 511
croix 552, 661, 670, 698, 699n
croyance, croyant ( belief, believer, creed, iʿtiqād ) 602, 663, 670, 675, 682, 683, 684, 692, 693, 697, 698, 699n
Crusaders 776, 777
culture, culturel ( court culture ) 35, 39, 46, 47, 58
Arab culture, Arabic culture, culture arabe 1, 19, 20, 40, 58, 64, 98, 295, 397, 402
cultural transfer 47
culture européenne, European culture 31, 48, 50, 537, 755
culture grecque, Greek culture 5, 20, 79, 95, 111, 115, 119, 121, 123
European culture 31, 48
general culture 7, 29
Islamic culture, culture islamique 1, 9, 14, 20, 21, 40, 43, 46, 58, 85, 102, 155, 217, 547, 548, 555, 563
Jewish culture 5, 11
literary culture 11
national cultures 27
oral culture 28
Persian culture, culture persane 64, 124, 617
Poetic culture 13
popular culture 15, 19, 31
pre-Islamic culture 9, 20
Sasanid culture 5, 63
Syriac culture 20
textual culture 42, 43
Turkish culture 38
urban culture 5, 23, 28, 29
curriculum pl. curricula 21, 29, 82, 106–109, 112, 114–115, 118, 122–123, 126–127, 149, 722, 726
dāʾirat al-maʿārif ( encyclopédie, encyclopaedia ) 72, 266, 521, 762
dawla ( dynasty, state ) 324, 329, 331, 496
Daylamites 397, 775
dead 300, 301, 467, 468, 473–482, 497, 498, 528
death(s) ( mort ) 39, 175, 187, 311, 313, 322, 330, 332, 378, 393n, 400, 441, 479, 482, 488–490, 492, 501–502, 505, 507, 509, 522, 527, 534, 758, 763, 781, 785, 786
débat, debate(s) 9, 12, 17, 22, 23, 26, 40, 41, 77, 111, 171, 176–177, 180, 185, 188, 190, 193, 196, 199–201, 203, 205, 206–210, 237, 259, 265, 267, 302, 335, 437–439, 477, 491, 535, 709, 712–714, 716, 719, 721, 754, 774–775, 787
débauche, debauchery, debauched (al-khilāʿa) 321, 497, 586, 775
décadence ( déclin, inḥiṭāṭ ) 11, 37, 42, 735–736, 772, 777
decency 65, 329, 500
déclin, decline ( décadence, inḥiṭāṭ ) 8, 9, 11, 45, 75, 118, 120, 389, 519, 731, 733, 735–738, 740, 742, 744, 746, 748–749, 775, 776, 778
deeds ( acte, ʿamal )
of the Prophet 16, 246, 763
good 626
immoral 294
virtuous 334
democracy, democratic, démocratie ( shūrā ) 94, 368, 405, 409, 787
désir, desire(s) 30, 148, 205, 295, 343, 347, 387, 474, 625, 654, 676, 677, 679, 745
despote, despotism ( tyran ) 338, 738, 788
destiny 7, 11, 43, 527, 734, 737, 770
device(s) 172, 188, 198n, 203, 207, 210, 372, 409, 437, 476, 622, 637
devoir(s) ( duty ) 683, 684, 716
dévotion, devotion, devotional, devout 19, 112, 239, 522, 665, 632, 686, 785
dhikr 501, 692, 693
dialect, dialectal, dialecte ( al- ʿāmmiyya, laḥn ) 28, 31, 542–549, 551, 563, 774–776, 778, 782
dialectological 363, 563
dialectic 62, 173, 205–210, 406, 544–563, 669–672, 696, 699
dialogic, dialogue 22, 169, 173, 177–180, 185, 200, 208, 296, 383, 406, 499, 504, 574, 716, 736
dictionnaire, dictionary pl. dictionaries 59–63, 71, 84, 143, 292, 306, 398, 534, 616
biographical dictionary 292, 305, 520, 718
didactic, didactique, didactisme 25, 151, 221, 227, 361, 436, 529, 617, 619–620, 623–625, 630, 636, 641, 646, 653–654
Dieu ( God ) 113, 137–146, 261–280, 342, 346–352, 556, 580, 592, 590, 600–606, 651–699, 724
dīn ( religion ) 58, 171, 621, 634, 642, 685, 769
diplomate, diplomat, diplomatie, diplomatique ( ambassadeur, ambassador ) 19, 125–126, 490, 510, 574, 712, 722, 782
disciple ( mutaʿallim ) 49, 65, 80, 82, 83, 142, 145, 218, 269, 273, 274, 275, 489, 597, 652, 691n, 756n, 758
discipline (s) ( riyāḍa ) 7, 11, 12, 46, 62, 65, 137, 141–145, 147, 149, 151, 155, 281, 294, 306, 368, 580, 584–588, 622, 632, 644, 710
discours, discourse ( speech ) 1, 3, 6, 15, 16, 29, 40, 42, 124, 150–152, 180, 185, 219, 236, 261, 294, 330, 335, 351, 373, 385, 435–437, 439–440, 445–446, 510, 532, 573, 617
distinction (sociale) 17, 29, 31, 69, 94, 95, 125, 126, 149, 435, 544, 712
divertissement 97, 127, 128, 549, 559
divination 580n, 586n, 594, 599
divorce ( répudiation ) 165, 320, 340, 787
djihad, jihād 679, 697, 787
doctrine 77, 171, 174, 325, 327, 343, 396, 501, 502, 507, 594, 605, 652, 656, 657, 661, 685, 687, 695, 711
domination, dominant 40, 43, 334, 396, 409, 757, 787, 790
dreams 498, 522, 536, 737, 745
drinking ( boisson ) 180, 183, 193–195, 202, 500
wine-drinking 169, 187, 198, 209, 295, 499, 641
droit ( fiqh, loi ) 108, 264, 342, 351, 653
duʿāʾ 60, 62, 587
duty pl. duties ( devoir ) 223, 295, 321, 332, 389, 475, 502, 521, 626, 781
dynastie, dynasty pl. dynasties 3, 4, 5, 12, 29, 65, 69, 70, 79, 80, 322, 334, 377, 380, 390, 401, 404, 521, 573, 584, 588, 589, 590, 595, 600, 618, 640n, 743n, 744, 776, 769, 771
Early Modern ( période moderne, frühe Neuzeit ) 24, 491, 509, 574, 617, 636, 709, 727
eating ( akl ) 68, 74, 392n–395, 451, 616
eau ( water ) 123, 555, 681
école, écolier ( madrasa, school ) 94, 106–127, 542, 544n, 548n, 700, 720
économie, economy, economic, économique 26–27n, 35, 43, 490, 534n, 778
écrire, écrit, écriture ( kitāba, writing ) 104–128, 143–144, 147, 154–155, 259–260, 266–274, 278, 543, 545n–562, 578–606n, 651, 653, 655, 663, 700, 716
écrivain ( writer ) 98, 108, 110, 118, 124, 149
éditeur, editor 226, 253, 391n, 396, 446, 448, 451n, 455n–456n, 551, 655, 717, 764, 779
édition, édité, edited, éditorial 9, 32, 45, 148n, 153, 176n, 204, 207, 260, 267, 275, 281–282, 292, 446, 446, 448, 549–564, 589, 590, 606n, 669, 685, 694, 698n, 734n, 736, 754, 762, 790
education, éducation, éducatif, educational, educationist ( taʾdīb ) 1, 4, 11, 18, 21–33, 58–85, 94–127, 137–150, 201, 207, 223, 237–238, 252n, 270, 293–295, 339, 377, 380–382, 390, 398, 403, 411, 439, 446n, 454, 491, 495, 503, 512, 520, 532–533, 536, 542, 544n, 552, 574, 619–621, 632, 646, 710, 720, 724–726, 748, 757–758, 763–766, 768, 781–789
éduqué, éduquer 93, 103, 105, 122–123, 149, 270, 340
ego, égoïsme, égoïste ( self ) 30, 279, 489–490, 506, 508, 620–622, 631–639, 665, 668, 688
Égypte, Egypt, Egyptian, Égyptien 7–10, 16, 18–39, 101, 104n, 111n, 118–121, 140, 147, 149, 218n, 343n, 349, 478, 510, 520–523n, 535–536, 550, 553, 555, 573–574, 584, 598–605, 710, 714, 731–750, 754–791
elite(s), élite, élites 23, 27–31, 95, 107, 115, 118–128, 169, 203, 204, 237, 324–325, 331, 340, 342, 349, 355, 371, 377, 379, 384, 389–390, 398, 403–404, 408, 439, 511, 535, 577, 579, 584–588, 606–607, 617, 624n, 645–646, 686, 689, 709–720, 726–727
éloge, élogieux, élogieuse ( eulogy, taqrīẓ ) 261, 279–280, 679
eloquence, éloquence ( balāgha ) 16, 70, 202n, 237, 239, 270, 380, 403, 521, 773–774, 784
émir, émirat 320, 348–349, 520, 522, 580, 583, 587, 591, 618, 768, 776
emotion, émotion ( feeling, sentiment ) 30, 164–165, 174, 199, 207, 246, 338–355, 363, 452, 489, 505, 507, 509, 511, 519, 718, 773n
empereur, emperor 6, 84, 289–290, 416n, 442, 445, 448, 573, 590, 629
Empire, Empire 5, 9–10, 18, 30, 37, 43–44, 77, 79, 83, 93–94, 99, 103, 107, 118, 125–126n, 319, 325, 330, 332, 371, 377, 379, 382, 396–408, 442, 502–504, 511, 550n, 574, 589, 594, 596, 617, 638, 714
Empire ottoman, Ottoman Empire 24n, 27, 34, 550, 617, 711, 713, 740n, 749, 754–755, 764, 781–782
emprunts 128, 654, 656, 685, 694
encounters ( meeting ) 46, 205, 362, 436, 511, 710
encyclopaedia, encyclopaedism, encyclopaedist, encyclopaedic, encyclopaedical, encyclopédie, encyclopédisme ( dāʾirat al-maʿārif ) 6, 13, 21, 29, 58, 63, 71n, 97, 98, 151n–155, 164, 216, 225, 236–237, 244, 253–254, 266, 303, 309, 438, 442, 446, 521, 524, 578, 583–584, 607, 762–763, 777
enfant ( child ) 95, 140, 144–145, 153, 351
enfer ( Hell ) 679, 682–687, 699
English 31, 32n57, 34, 42–43, 72, 74, 225n38, 232n60, 236n78, 304n57, 310, 395n113, 404n149, 479, 512, 524n22, 533, 535
Enlightenment 33–34, 713, 723, 727n, 740, 742
enseignant, enseigné ( maître, master, professeur, muʿallim, muʾaddib ) 108, 548n
enseignement, enseigner ( teacher, teaching ) 50, 97–98, 101, 105–110, 116, 119, 127, 140, 143–144, 265n–275, 282, 585, 596, 601, 605, 725
entertainment 76, 646, 757
envy ( ḥasad ) 198–199, 240, 522
epic, epics, épique, épopée 260, 310n, 313, 315, 438, 450, 543, 546, 554, 585, 618
épistémologie, épistémologique, epistemology, epistemological 25, 107, 171, 191, 203, 210, 259, 440–441, 577–578, 587n
épistolaire, epistolary ( correspondance, courrier ) 29, 150n, 293n, 547, 716, 757, 782–783, 790
épistolographie 106, 127, 137
épître, epistle ( risāla ) 106, 108, 127, 148–150, 154, 261, 347, 589, 597
épouse, épouser, époux ( husband, mariage, marriage ) 353, 551, 585, 592
erotic, eroticism 14–15, 30, 449, 490, 493, 507, 509–510, 543, 658, 775, 787
érudition 42, 74, 306, 454, 714, 717, 724, 734
eschatologie, eschatologique, eschatology 22, 262, 554n, 560, 699n
esclave ( slave ) 340–342n, 350, 592–593
ésotérique, ésotérisme 573, 578, 582
esprit ( spiritualité ) 265, 272, 346, 582n, 679n, 693, 700, 714, 725
essai, essay (maqāla) 164, 338, 342n, 362–363, 725, 748
esthétique ( aesthetics ) 112, 139, 150–151, 338
État ( State ) 95, 221n, 545, 737
éternité 662, 674–675, 681, 699n
éthique, ethics, ethical ( morale, ʿilm, akhlāq ) 2, 4, 11, 20, 22–25, 29, 64–67, 70, 7374, 81, 137–156, 164, 182, 223, 238–239, 250, 253, 260–262, 268–274, 293, 301–302, 306, 315, 333, 335, 377–378, 491, 527, 578, 585, 595–597, 616–646, 583, 710, 716, 744
ethnie, ethnique, ethnic, ethnicity 10, 27, 35–37, 40–41, 46, 94, 110–111, 324–335, 398, 616, 713, 718–719, 770, 774, 776, 790
ethnic identity 41, 325, 328, 713
etiquette, étiquette ( adab, bonne éducation, bienséance, civilité, politesse, refinement, savoir-vivre ) 1, 2, 5, 20, 23, 24, 25, 58, 61, 68, 72, 74, 77, 81, 83, 84, 144n, 171, 201, 237, 628
étranger, foreign, foreigner 36, 48, 68, 101, 111, 331, 436, 437, 454, 523, 542, 544, 546, 600, 665, 669n, 709, 743, 746, 750, 773, 791
être humain ( human being ) 339, 667, 685, 689, 690
étude, étudié, étudier, étudiant ( student ) 106, 112–116, 119, 122, 127–128, 142–155, 264, 267, 269, 579, 583, 590, 714
eulogie, eulogy ( éloge, taqrīẓ ) 623, 719, 784
européen, European 8, 17–19, 31–40, 48–50, 146, 153, 381n, 442, 490, 491, 506–512, 525, 535–538, 543, 546–549, 562, 563, 574, 659, 710–714, 726–727, 733–744, 749–750, 755, 759–760, 767, 770–771, 777, 781, 783, 785–789
evil 75, 221, 238, 329, 333, 396, 401, 527, 531, 638
examen, examiner, examination 98, 229, 295, 307–308, 406n, 534, 737, 757, 791
exegesis 266, 496
exemple, exemplaire, exemplary, example 17, 44, 68, 109, 114–115, 117n, 127, 269, 295, 315, 326, 389, 398, 502, 530, 604, 636, 639, 644–645, 694, 696, 723, 773, 780–782
exhortation 100, 151, 223, 269, 272, 278, 521, 533, 543, 586, 620, 626, 645
eye ( œil, yeux ) 181, 186, 188, 249, 322, 329, 473–474, 500, 528–529, 625, 633–634, 643, 720, 737
faḍīla, pl. faḍāʾil ( vertu, virtue ) 744, 767
fahm ( compréhension ) 205, 457, 635
faith, faithful ( foi, īmān ) 325, 393, 439, 523, 535, 574, 629, 634–635, 643, 722
falsafa ( kalām, philosophie, philosophy ) 155, 223n, 775n
famille, family 29, 45, 82, 106, 194, 201, 229, 232, 276, 278, 282, 380, 393, 450, 476, 478, 495, 522, 545, 626, 665, 669, 780, 785, 787
fann pl. funūn ( art, science, ʿilm ) 760, 766, 774
faqīr 279, 297–298, 632n, 667, 760n
farḍ ( obligation ) 626
farhang ( adab, andarz, akhlāq ) 3, 5, 16, 20, 49, 71n, 81, 83, 123
fasād 782, 787
faṣl pl. fuṣūl 176–184, 192, 264, 499
fasting ( jeûne ) 327
father ( père ) 242–244, 292n, 295, 307–308, 313, 379–380, 438, 492, 498, 505, 619–620, 645, 745, 781
Fatimides 591, 598
faults, faute 178, 180, 193, 492, 527, 690, 715
feast 73, 629n, 775
feeling ( émotion, sentiment ) 40, 396, 408, 478, 534, 642, 718, 740, 749–750, 765–766, 783, 787
female 230, 234, 476, 496, 500
femme, féminin ( woman, women ) 104, 232, 458n, 341–343, 350–354, 551, 592, 679, 787
fête 153, 598
festivity pl. festivities 77, 499–500
fictif, fictive, fictitious 173, 198, 343, 381, 505, 545n
fiction, fictionnel, fictionality 22, 42, 150n, 153, 178, 207, 306, 333, 383n–384, 436, 489–490, 492, 502–511, 533, 549, 732, 739
fidèle, fidélité 28, 41, 140, 559, 692, 696
fille ( girl ) 348, 551, 641
fils 141, 144, 260, 269n, 271, 275–280, 344, 350, 352, 550–552, 580–581, 587–588, 595, 603, 661
fiqh, faqīh ( jurisprudence, droit ) 23, 44, 108, 188, 264, 351, 496
First World War 9, 42, 764, 785–786
foi ( belief, faith, īmān ) 111, 599, 602, 670, 672, 693–694, 698
folie, fou 145, 342, 346, 352–354, 675
folklore, folktales 27–28, 32, 49–50, 373, 397, 546
fonctionnaire(s), functionaries ( civil servant ) 77, 99, 106, 220n, 237, 545, 553
food ( eating ) 59, 64, 74, 185, 224, 238, 239, 252, 305, 468, 478, 523, 616
forefathers ( ancestor ) 184, 294
foreign ( étranger ) 48, 68, 332, 436–437, 454, 523, 709, 743–750, 773, 791
formation, former 67, 82, 93–96, 101–102, 105, 114, 118, 124–128, 137, 142, 145–142, 147, 155, 164, 167, 260, 313, 371, 544n–545, 563, 593, 714, 727
formation du caractère 142
formule, formula 6, 59, 61, 79–82, 98, 222, 244, 558, 578, 662, 674, 687n
fortune 334, 665, 669, 785
fate 152, 322, 323, 329, 447, 638, 639, 665
misfortune 331, 476, 497, 501, 523, 527, 531, 639
Français, français ( French ) 48, 543–544, 550, 712
frankness ( ṣidq ) 784, 785
Frank, Frankish ( European, French, ifranj ) 37, 535, 742, 743
freedom ( liberté ) 48, 367, 368, 405, 437, 785
French, Frenchmen ( Français, Frank, ifranj ) 8, 18, 19, 34, 37, 38, 41, 304n, 384, 490, 493n, 494, 530n, 535, 536, 574, 709–712, 714, 717–723, 726, 733–736, 738, 741–742, 746, 748, 749, 752n, 758, 765n, 768, 772, 779–781, 789
French literature 508, 727
French-Ottoman encounters 710
French Republic of Letters 712, 716
French Revolution 34
frère ( brother ) 149, 270, 348, 350n, 352, 555, 595, 696
friend, friendship ( ami, amitié, love ) 19, 30, 35, 95, 195, 239, 249, 294, 393, 451–453, 490, 494, 496, 498n, 500–503, 506, 511, 522, 526n, 530–532, 622, 627, 629, 631, 719, 747–748, 757, 758, 760, 763–764, 780, 782, 785–786
frontiers, frontière(s) 34, 542, 549, 686–687
Frühe Neuzeit ( Early Modern, période moderne )
funerals, funeral ceremonies 408, 467, 477, 781
futuwwa ( javanmardi, muruwwa ) 28, 633, 635
game(s) 15, 783
gender, genre 480, 763
genre littéraire, literary genre 2, 5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, 24, 29, 31, 41, 48, 49, 77, 80, 85, 97, 104, 120, 137, 138, 142, 143, 149, 150, 155, 164, 188, 216, 219, 236, 253, 266, 268, 273, 289, 291, 297, 301, 304, 306, 309, 310, 313–315, 335, 339–340, 361–363, 377, 383, 467, 489, 490, 494, 505, 507–510, 512, 520, 523–525, 535, 542, 543, 548, 561–563, 589, 617n, 618, 756, 775, 782, 786, 787
généalogie, généalogique, genealogy pl. genealogies 6, 26, 47, 49, 82, 308
science de la généalogie/des généalogies 769
textual genealogy 435, 443, 444, 446
tribal genealogy 768
génération 6, 35, 70, 107, 112, 218n, 222, 244, 263, 268n, 303, 305, 506, 534, 538n, 591, 713, 746, 748, 757, 759, 763, 780, 784
générosité, generosity ( muruwwa ) 5, 41, 59, 299, 380, 392, 630, 769
gentilhomme, gentleman ( adīb, udabāʾ ) 578, 712
géographie, geography, geographical, geographer 163, 363, 401, 542, 548, 553–554, 558, 563, 596, 687, 731, 767
géométrie, geometry 82, 108, 124, 223n
German 13, 16n, 19, 34, 47, 62, 74, 363, 493, 512, 531n, 574, 733, 759–760, 784
geste, gesture 18, 100, 124, 338, 373, 392, 452, 633, 715
ghaḍab ( anger, colère ) 246, 250, 347
ghazal 521, 787
ghost 736–739, 745–746n
girl, girls ( fille ) 184, 190, 197, 450, 468, 474–475, 497, 500, 502, 522, 633, 635–636, 644, 781, 789
glose, gloss, glosses ( commentaire ) 182n, 218n, 442, 449–451n, 455n–458n, 691
God ( Dieu ) 22–25, 59–61, 70, 170, 179–183, 189, 191, 223–245, 251, 290, 293, 322n, 327, 329, 348, 386–387, 392, 448, 453, 473–477, 480–481, 489, 496, 498, 502, 508, 521–523, 526, 528, 532, 573, 625, 628, 631–636, 639n–640n, 742, 746–749, 767, 774, 782, 787
goût 120, 128, 549, 563, 695
gouvernement, gouvernemental, gouverner, government ( ḥukūma ) 7, 24, 81, 95, 238, 261, 315, 319, 326, 330–335, 342, 381, 435, 482, 536, 578, 588, 591–597, 627, 710, 737, 762, 769, 777, 783, 788
gouverneur, governor ( nawwāb ) 124, 200, 329, 348–349, 379–380, 390, 393–394, 488, 491–494, 500n–501, 504, 598n
grammaire, grammar, grammatical 3, 23, 65, 106–115, 127, 139, 145, 216–226, 253, 264, 266, 274, 319, 328, 330, 399n, 521, 535, 542, 546, 667, 762, 780
grammarian, grammairien 61, 101, 109, 116, 141, 229, 267, 344, 345n, 438, 535, 746, 777
grec, grecque, Greek 2–12, 20–21, 36, 40–41, 46, 64–68, 71n, 73–74, 77, 79–82, 94–128, 137–140, 147–156, 164, 186, 241–242, 246, 253–254, 289, 291–294, 298–300, 307, 310, 339, 341, 377, 400, 436, 440, 500, 526–527, 555, 573, 584, 589, 595–597, 604–606, 698, 713, 734–745, 768–769, 773
Greek-orthodox 526
guerre ( armée, army, militaire, military, djihad, war ) 50, 104, 543, 595, 597
guest ( host, hospitalité ) 59–60, 74, 237, 362, 371–409, 499–500
guide, guider, guidance, guideline ( murshid ) 5, 17, 95, 138, 172, 179, 205, 209, 238, 250, 273, 294, 306, 369n, 377, 381, 451, 478, 521, 618, 622, 628, 635, 682, 742, 780, 782
habitant, habitat, habitation, inhabitant 46, 105, 108, 119, 229–230, 234, 248, 327, 402, 468, 481, 521, 537, 600, 675, 696, 737, 739, 746–750, 767, 769
habitude, habit 76, 78, 105, 119, 146, 195, 222, 234, 241, 272, 324, 328, 527, 548, 559, 632
habitus 44, 139–142, 155, 238
ḥaḍāra ( civilisation, madaniyya, order, tamaddun ) 34, 775
ḥadīth, hadith pl. aḥādīth ( muḥaddith, tradition ) 13, 16, 22–23, 44, 49, 59, 61, 65, 70, 79, 112, 164, 178n, 181–184, 189–197, 208–209, 219–220n, 228n, 236–243, 246, 251–254, 259–281, 344, 392–393, 442, 477–479, 497, 521, 606, 626–627n, 631–635, 644, 654, 657–659n, 665–669, 672–676, 680–681, 689n–691, 696–697, 755, 762n, 767–774, 778, 782, 787
hagiographic, hagiographie, hagiographique, hagiography 31, 107, 115, 120, 543, 548, 551, 554n, 559–560, 604
haine 144–145, 259, 262, 665
ḥakīm ( sage ) 586
ḥalāl ( licite ) 179, 184, 190, 196, 586
ḥammām ( bain public ) 500
Hanafi, hanafism, hanafisme, hanafite ( madhhab ) 24, 188, 191–192n, 196–198n, 319, 325–327, 334, 488, 497n, 506
Ḥanbalī, hanbalite 180, 340, 351
handbook ( manuel, textbook ) 48, 306, 630, 726
happiness ( bonheur ) 498, 501, 523, 627
ḥaqīqa ( truth, vérité ) 497, 625, 655, 675
ḥarām 179, 184, 190–191n, 196, 626
ḥarf pl. ḥurūf ( abjad, alphabet ) 456–459, 582
harmonie, harmonieuse, harmonisation, harmoniser, harmony 33, 250, 264, 294, 631, 734
ḥasad ( envy ) 240
ḥayāʾ ( modesty, pudeur ) 626, 630, 632–645
al-hazl ( al-jidd ) 164, 173–174, 180, 198, 200, 206, 209, 243, 347, 534, 578
heart ( cœur, qalb ) 101, 181, 185, 245, 295, 383, 449–453, 473, 476, 497–498, 523, 529–530, 633, 639n–641, 737
hébreu, Hébreux, Hebrew 7, 9, 11, 20, 32, 36, 39, 67, 139, 145–147, 150n, 152–154, 302n, 371n, 386, 395–398, 402–403, 768
hégire ( hijra ) 98, 111
hell ( enfer ) 622n, 631
hellène, hellénique, Hellenistic 5, 14n, 65, 95, 101, 110–111, 119, 121–122, 148, 223, 293, 300–301, 310, 315, 734, 749
hellénisant, hellénisation, helléniser, hellenophone, Hellenised 10, 21, 36, 109–119
hereafter ( au-delà ) 237, 631
hérétique, heretic 325, 332, 439, 526, 675
héritage, héritier, hérité ( legacy, patrimoine, turāth ) 4–5, 9, 11, 28, 32, 67, 74, 82, 84, 109, 121–122, 126, 244, 272, 315, 363, 380, 396, 399, 404, 408, 520, 536–537, 585–588, 606, 658n, 726, 733, 743, 749, 754, 774, 791
hero, heroes, héros, héroïne 108, 123, 293, 315, 322, 326, 468, 501, 504–505, 508, 510, 529, 557, 618, 642, 739, 745, 757, 777–781, 784–785, 790
hiérarchie, hiérarchique, hierarchy, - ies, hierarchical 5, 23, 47–49, 81–82, 95, 99, 221n, 225, 339, 371–372, 390–391, 409, 445, 593, 683, 761
hijra ( hégire ) 4, 23n, 770–771, 787
ḥikāya, pl. ḥikāyāt ( anecdote ) 272–275, 441n, 455, 561n, 623–624, 633, 636–637, 640, 642, 645, 678
ḥikma ( ḥakīm, sage, sagesse, wisdom ) 7, 15, 83, 226, 264, 294, 299, 302, 308, 435, 573, 586, 596, 602, 605–606, 623, 773n
ḥilm ( longanimité ) 28, 47, 250, 350–351, 353
himma ( aspiration ) 622–623n
hindou, hindouisme, hindu, Hindus, Hinduism 23, 29, 36, 42–43, 46, 573, 656, 662, 673, 695
ḥirz ( talisman ) 592, 601
histoire, historique, history ( taʾrīkh ) 2–49, 59, 63–78, 82, 85, 93, 97, 108–113, 117, 123–124, 127–128, 138, 155, 163, 169, 196, 198, 216–219, 228n, 254, 262n–263, 266, 268, 271, 282, 289, 292–293n, 307, 310, 314, 320n, 332, 334, 338–339, 361–369n, 380, 404–408, 412n, 436, 438, 481, 520–524, 533, 546n–548, 563, 572–574, 578, 588–592, 595–607, 619, 637, 656, 687, 698–690, 713, 716–717, 731–750, 754, 765–776, 789
histoire, histoires 151, 153, 543–552, 556–559, 580–582n, 678
history of adab 2–4, 9, 43, 85, 97, 163, 291, 757–758, 767, 777
history of (Arabic) literature 3, 58, 75, 216, 254, 753–779, 788–790
histoire des sciences, history of sciences 119n, 724
literary history, histoire littéraire ( adab, taʾrīkh ) 48–49, 225, 717, 727, 760, 790n
historicism 375, 756
historian, historien 21, 25, 30, 32–33, 35, 42–46, 77, 95, 97, 102, 259, 655, 306, 310, 442, 482, 714, 719, 731, 735, 745–746
historiographe, historiographie, historiography, historiographique 3, 6, 9, 40, 46, 48, 50, 82, 98, 124, 327–328, 578–579, 588–591, 595, 598–599, 601, 604, 718, 744–745n, 757n, 790
homme 94, 97, 102–112, 126, 140–153, 269–279, 339–354, 551–556, 578, 585, 657–699, 720–725
homme de lettres 153, 720, 722
homme civilisé, homme policé, honnête homme ( adīb ) 339–340, 342, 345
homoerotic, homoerotism, homoérotisme 30, 489, 506–511, 787
honneur, honour 45, 179, 242, 272, 321, 323, 348, 367, 499, 532, 626, 632, 670, 777
horse 224–225, 229, 453, 478, 531
horsemanship 6, 82
hospitalité, hospitality (mīhmānlïq) 5, 70, 623n, 737
host ( guest ) 59–60, 70, 401, 495
house ( maison ) 175, 231, 302, 320–321, 412, 473, 477, 525, 531, 625, 642, 737
household 521–522, 781
ḥukm pl. aḥkām ( précepte, law ) 165, 194, 340, 343, 770
ḥukūma ( gouvernement, government ) 769
ḥulūl 662, 675
humain, human(s) 23, 232, 239, 247, 250, 252, 369, 405, 479, 481, 721, 775n
human being ( être humain ) 26, 33, 225, 239–240, 343, 508
human body 224, 241, 244, 245, 246, 248, 395n
human emotions, passions 109, 507
human history 736
human nature 199
human responsibility 23
human sciences 25
humanism, humanisme, humaniste, humanist, humanistic 19, 65, 75, 216n, 436, 574, 710, 719, 788
humanité, humanity, humankind ( insāniyya, philanthropie ) 26, 39, 637, 662, 685, 742
humanités, humanities 25, 32, 45, 46, 49, 715
humble ( humilité, humility ) 269, 320, 332, 349, 455n, 495n, 522, 631, 632n, 637, 638
humilité, humility 30, 630–632, 638
husband, husbandry 39, 225, 320, 321, 384n, 781
ʿibāra ( expression ) 444n, 448
idéal (idéaux), ideal (s) 3, 7, 26, 28, 29, 34, 44, 66, 102, 112, 113, 115, 123, 220, 238, 261, 262, 268–271, 273, 282, 315, 333n, 352, 371, 372, 510, 544n, 618, 623n, 644, 647
identité, identity, identitaire 14, 17, 26, 27, 37, 38, 48, 173, 198, 201, 207, 228, 327, 404, 405, 438, 507, 508, 749, 755
ethnic identity 41, 325, 328, 713
identité arabe, Arab identity, Arabic identity 25, 38, 325, 754, 755, 773, 777, 789, 790
identité culturelle 112
identité égyptienne, Egyptian identity 755
identité islamique, Islamic identity, muslim identity 723, 755, 789
identité nationale, national identity 19, 35, 38, 754, 777, 790
Turkophone identity 617
idéologie, idéologique, ideology, ideological 12, 95, 111, 216n, 326, 332–333, 339, 341, 368, 371n, 738n, 741, 756, 786
ifranj ( Frank, French ) 788
ignorance ( jahl ) 208–209, 305, 401, 496, 638, 714, 747, 758, 765
ijtihād 766
ikhtilāṭ ( mixité ) 185
ikhwān 239, 297
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā 153–154, 586
illiterate ( literacy, literate ) 27, 41, 777–778
ʿilm pl. ʿulūm, ʿilmiyya ( connaissance, fann, knowledge, maʿrifa, savoir, science ) 13, 15, 58, 65, 71, 80, 204, 225, 239, 263, 300, 328, 435, 496, 577–578, 606, 719, 722–723, 755, 777
ahl al-ʿilm ( knowledge: people of knowledge ) 204, 237, 263
al-ʿulūm al-adabiyya ( linguistic, literary, science ) 219
al-ʿulūm al-khafiyya 578
ʿilm al-adab 496, 715
ʿilm al-ʿazāʾim 586
ʿilm al-bāṭin 602
ʿilm daʿwat al-kawākib 586n
ʿilm al-filaqṭirāt 586
ʿilm al-firāsa 225
ʿilm al-ḥiyal al-sāsāniyya 586
ʿilm al-ḥurūf wa-l-awfāq 582
ʿilm al-istiʿāna bi-khawāṣṣ al-adwiya 586
ʿilm al-istiḥḍār 586
ʿilm kashf al-dakk 586
ʿilm al-khafāʾ 586
ʿilm al-khaṭṭ 225
ʿilm al-khawāṣṣ 582, 586
ʿilm al-khayl 225
ʿilm al-kihāna 225, 586
ʿilm al-lītirātūr 772
ʿilm al-muqārana bayna al-lughāt 768
ʿilm-i mūsīqī 450
ʿilm al-nīranjiyyāt 586
ʿilm al-nujūm 225
ʿilm al-ruqā 586
ʿilm al-qiyāfa 225
ʿilm al-shaʿbadha 586
ʿilm taʿalluq al-qalb 586
ʿilm al-ṭilasmāt ( talisman ) 581n, 586, 587n
ism al-ʿilm 300
ʿulūm al-ghayb 578
imam, imām, imāma ( autorité, guide de la communauté ) 745
īmān ( faith, foi ) 634, 710
imitation, imitateur, imiter ( taqlīd ) 12, 34, 41, 115, 128, 150, 398, 401, 403, 442n, 451n, 573, 616–624, 644, 646, 693, 746, 748
immoral ( moralité ) 181, 195, 324, 326
impiété, impiety ( piété ) 320, 327, 690
imprimé, imprimerie ( printing ) 152, 153, 155, 544n
incantation 179, 198, 210, 479, 586n
independant, independence, indépendance 16, 27, 349n, 402, 437, 511, 657, 672, 756, 763, 773, 778, 791
individu, individual, individualité 15n, 26, 28, 31, 81, 93, 96, 99, 104, 105, 123, 142, 149, 173, 217, 239, 251, 280, 328, 341, 347, 349, 352, 354, 355, 363, 406, 437, 440, 479, 498, 505, 521, 537, 581, 644, 653–656, 662, 664, 667, 671, 674, 686, 688, 692, 697, 698, 781
infidèle ( schismatique ) 661, 684, 686, 692, 724
inḥiṭāt ( déclin, décadence ) 519, 520, 772, 776
initiation, initiatique 504n, 577, 678
injuste, injustice 333n, 501, 523
innovation, innovative ( bidʿa ) 179, 188, 363, 409n, 505, 519
insān ( humain, human ) 224, 240, 241, 244, 304, 674, 694
inshāʾ ( composition, writing ) 29, 754, 756, 757, 760, 764, 765, 766, 772, 775, 782, 783, 789, 790
institution(s) 71n, 84, 106, 107, 204, 376, 511, 544n, 563, 711, 714, 715, 727, 764
instruction(s) 113, 141, 172, 180, 198, 493, 620, 743, 756, 781
insulte, insulté, insulter 33, 201, 323, 522
intellect 152, 155, 205, 509, 620–622
intellectuals, intellectuels 13, 24, 27, 37, 73, 119, 126, 138, 139, 223, 342, 407, 439, 735, 740–742, 749, 754, 757
intelligence, intelligent 61, 245, 246, 272, 306, 375, 406, 522, 529, 585, 743, 765, 766
intelligentsia 38, 764, 788
intercession 201, 522, 783
interdiction, interdire, interdit 154, 179, 274, 279, 342, 344
intimacy, intimate, intime, intimité ( privacy ) 150, 203, 273, 345, 673, 675
introspection 666, 672–678
invention ( innovation ) 27, 119, 582, 601
invitation, invité, inviter 59–62, 70–78, 84, 96, 262, 409, 496–500, 556, 628
iqtibās ( adaptation ) 13, 14, 535, 766
irāda 635, 684
ʿishq ( amour, love, passion ) 47, 165, 213, 340–346, 354, 494, 496, 625, 636
iṣlāḥ pl. iṣlāḥāt ( reform, réforme, tanzimat ) 146, 526, 778
isnād, pl. asānīd ( chaînes de transmetteurs d’un texte ) 218, 228, 242, 259, 260, 271, 272, 277, 494, 495, 505, 555
isolement ( infirād ) 653, 655, 669
al-istibdād ( tyrannie ) 787
istiḥsān ( judicial ) 197
Italian (s), Italiens 8, 20, 35, 36, 63, 399, 531, 732–740, 749, 756, 757, 773
iʿtiqād ( belief, creed, croyance ) 147, 675, 788
Jāhiliyya 3, 13, 15n, 28, 36, 38, 41, 104, 768–774, 790
jahl 300, 305, 638
jalousie 338–339, 350, 592
jawānmard, javanmardi ( futuwwa, muruwwa ) 639
jésuite, Jésuites, Jesuits 17, 410, 526, 771–772, 788
jeu, jeux 108, 123–125, 657n, 682
jeûne ( fasting ) 300, 602
jeune, jeunesse ( young, youth ) 109, 123, 152, 268, 344, 551–552
Jews ( judaism, juif ) 3, 5, 7, 10–11, 14, 19, 42–43, 46, 79, 348, 395–396, 402, 714, 755
al-jidd ( al-hazl ) 173, 534, 578
joie, joy 149, 181–182, 185, 187, 245–246, 338, 496–497, 500, 502, 531
journal, journaliste, journalist ( newspapers ) 27, 38, 42, 372n, 543, 717, 734, 735, 745, 750, 762, 772, 779–780
journey 435, 441, 446, 475–476, 488, 493–494, 502, 536, 619, 623n, 638–639, 721
judaism, judaïsme ( Jew, juif ) 7, 32, 49, 137, 142, 144n, 148n, 153, 155, 396, 769
juif, Juifs ( hébreu, Jews ) 107, 138–148, 155, 542, 549, 589, 663
Judgement Day, Jugement dernier 580, 676, 682, 684n, 724
juge, jugé, jugement, judgement, judge 105, 142, 145, 264, 272, 346, 352–354, 551, 684n
jurisprudence, juriste, jurist, juristic, juridical ( fiqh ) 71, 108, 188, 193, 264, 273, 330, 340, 343, 482, 506, 523, 578, 592, 652, 724–725, 780
juridiction, juridique, juridical 43, 145, 265, 339–340, 348, 354, 488, 683
justice ( ʿadl, ʿadālat ) 59, 320–334, 349–350, 622–623n, 640–643, 742, 780
kalām 22, 150, 190, 194, 223n, 225n, 405n, 681, 682, 775n
khamriyyāt 169, 787
khāṣṣa ( élites ) 5, 23, 203, 341, 349, 577, 578, 585, 607
khayr ( good ) 194, 312, 638, 639
khedive, khédive 741, 747, 778
khirad ( wisdom ) 15, 435, 626
al-khiṭāba ( art oratoire, oratory ) 775, 784
king, kingship ( malik ) 3–6, 24, 31, 48, 81, 165, 204, 217, 237, 294–295, 299, 302–303, 307, 308, 313, 315, 319, 322–323, 326–335, 372, 383–384, 386, 389, 411, 443–445, 449, 528, 618, 620, 627–629, 633–634, 637, 639–645, 711, 747, 749, 776
kitāba 762, 772
knowledge ( connaissance, ʿilm, maʿrifa, savoir, science ) 1, 3, 4, 6, 15, 28, 42, 44, 58, 62, 64–70, 80, 82, 177, 216–253, 295, 330, 363, 380, 392, 401, 407, 435–440, 446, 448, 454, 498, 508, 519, 523, 526–528, 534, 626, 632, 638–641, 710–712, 715, 718, 723, 725, 726, 741, 744, 746, 747, 765, 783
knowledge system 454
transmitted knowledge ( riwāya ) 446
Kurd, kurde, kurdish 10, 27, 34, 39, 40, 45, 327, 542–547, 776
kuttāb ( école, school ) 70, 72, 74, 79–84, 112, 123, 223, 226
laḥn ( dialecte ) 774
laïc, laïcité, laïque ( sécularisation ) 117, 120, 121, 563
langue, langage, language 2, 5, 9–116, 25–28, 31–34, 38–49, 51, 58, 71, 76, 80, 101, 112–115, 119–122, 127, 128, 141, 150–154, 163, 203, 222–228, 260–263, 289, 291, 303, 310, 328, 333, 334, 344, 362, 367–388, 395, 398, 401–405, 436, 438, 440–443, 447, 450, 482, 490, 528, 534, 544–554, 573, 603, 307, 616–618, 623, 646, 651–654, 674, 700, 715–718, 724, 732, 734, 739, 741, 746, 767–790
Arabic language, langue arabe 3, 5, 9, 16, 29, 41, 59, 65, 79, 80, 104, 108, 110, 124, 139, 145, 147, 154–155, 216, 221, 223, 225, 228, 237, 249, 264, 289, 363, 397, 402, 404, 496, 537, 545, 549, 584, 588, 591, 722, 758, 759, 760, 763, 764, 767, 770, 774, 776, 778, 780, 781–782, 787, 790
European languages, langues européennes 36, 442, 512, 733, 735, 740, 741, 781
French language, langue française 33, 660
Oriental languages 759
Persian language 9, 29, 66, 72, 81, 399, 616
Semitic language 75, 77, 396
Turkish language 9
latin, latinised 65, 385, 526, 531, 580, 736
latin alphabet 775, 786
latin script 290, 291
laugh, laughing ( rire ) 245, 246, 632
law ( legal, legalistic, loi, sharīʿa ) 23, 164, 169–215, 220, 223, 295, 328, 573, 626, 642, 785, 788
common law 71
divine law 625
Islamic law 44, 226, 626
positive law ( ḥukm; aḥkām ) 43
religious law 769, 787
secular law 786
lawful, lawfulness, unlawfulness ( licite ) 175, 177, 179, 181–185, 188, 190, 192–199, 206
learning 66, 164, 225, 237, 295, 315, 382, 403, 490, 494, 496, 508, 511, 712, 722, 723, 726, 729, 744, 756, 758, 764–766
leçon, lesson(s) ( course, lectures ) 5, 22, 31, 32, 94, 275, 295, 372, 409, 499, 500, 527, 605, 699, 738, 744, 746, 748, 759
lecteur ( lecture, lire, reader ) 51, 112, 114, 149, 552, 563, 607, 691
lecture ( reading ) 98, 106, 116, 126, 127, 149, 269, 275, 450, 499, 544, 545n, 559, 563, 577, 600, 605, 660, 666, 672, 685–686
legacy ( héritage, patrimoine, turāth ) 83, 218, 236, 275, 315, 319, 334, 726, 735, 791
legal, légal 22, 43, 71–72, 169, 173–180, 184, 189–197, 208, 209, 222, 324, 325, 342, 344, 351–355, 506, 684, 690, 693, 697, 714, 746, 785
légitimité, legitimacy 595, 598, 779
lettre(s), letter ( maktūbāt ) 1–3, 22, 25, 69, 97–99, 103–108, 112, 117–118, 126, 138, 220, 293, 303, 306, 338, 436, 441, 449, 450, 545–546, 577–578, 582–589, 598, 602–605, 710, 714–720, 725–726, 757, 772
lettrés, hommes de lettres ( adīb, literate ) 98, 108, 115, 123, 266, 532, 574, 620, 622, 636, 637, 720, 722, 732, 738
lexicographer, lexicographical, lexicography 6, 15, 58, 62, 72, 75–78, 84, 96, 100, 177, 216, 221–224, 226–235, 241–244, 251, 253, 776
libéral, libéralisme 299, 368
library, libraries) ( bibliothèque ) 5, 17, 302, 313, 362, 384, 523, 620
libre ( liberté, freedom ) 653, 669, 684
licéité, licite ( ḥalāl, ḥarām ) 344, 586
lineage 29, 330, 333, 391, 632, 756, 761, 769
linguistic, linguistique 13, 15, 19–22, 27, 28, 32–33, 39, 49, 58, 63, 72–75, 78, 95, 108, 121, 139, 156, 191, 208, 219–221, 224, 226, 248, 263, 266, 270, 275, 324, 327, 361, 363, 374, 442, 445, 534, 549, 563, 577, 754, 774
lire ( lecture ) 102, 548, 606
literacy ( illiterate ) 27, 710
literate pl. literati ( adīb, lettré ) 23, 25, 48, 446, 450, 454, 616, 623, 624, 636, 738, 740
lithograph, lithographer 493, 505, 775
littérature, literature ( adab, belles-lettres, sahīta ) 1, 32, 94, 97, 98, 103–104, 111, 124, 128, 137, 142–143, 146, 546, 548, 555, 578, 582, 588, 592, 604, 652, 709–727
Arab literature, littérature arabe 21, 97, 110, 338, 342, 549, 605–607, 760, 772
European literature, littérature européenne 17, 491, 506, 512
French literature, littérature française 48, 508
littérature d’adab 97, 137, 155, 216, 260, 578–579, 584, 591, 595, 605, 606
littérature chrétienne 117, 147, 151, 555–556, 563, 772
littérature classique 116
littérature de divertissement 127
littérature éthique 137–138, 151, 595
littérature grecque 114, 117, 120, 126
littérature du musar 137- 139, 150, 155
littérature nationale, national literature 27, 712, 754, 789
littérature nationale égyptienne 791
littérature philosophique 137–138, 146, 148, 155
littérature religieuse, religious literature 79, 85
littérature soufie, Sufi literature 273, 275, 476
littérature turque (ādāb al-lugha al-turkiyya) 11–12, 18–19, 573–574, 709, 711–722, 727, 785
popular literature 31–32
livre(s) 108, 114–120, 140, 151, 260, 269, 273, 342, 581, 590, 592, 596, 597, 601, 604, 606, 607, 716, 720
livres d’adab 549
livres religieux 274, 275, 582
logic, logique 76, 107, 110, 127, 128, 151, 190, 194, 209, 242, 398, 478, 661, 662, 683, 691, 696, 699, 779
loi ( law, sharīʿa ) 140, 142, 278, 345, 351, 353, 578, 606, 657, 661, 663, 688, 692–694
loi divine 347
loi islamique 112
loi occulte 577, 585
loi religieuse 684
love ( amour, ʿishq, passion ) 14, 30, 179, 187, 195, 205, 449, 489, 490, 494, 774, 785–788
lover 451, 458, 494, 497, 499, 502, 508, 509
loyauté, loyalty pl. loyalties 758, 786
lugha, lughawiyya ( langue, language )
ādāb al-lugha 759, 760, 764, 769, 773, 779, 785
luxe, luxury 125, 128, 520
madaniyya ( civilisation, ḥaḍāra, tamaddun ) 34, 37
madhhab ( école, rite, hanbalite, shafïte, malékite, hanafisme, school ) 197, 325, 497
madrasa ( école, school ) 23, 363, 489, 492, 494, 495, 498, 508, 511, 726, 760
Ottoman madrasa 722, 726
madrasat al-alsun 741
madrasa Saniyya 781
maʾduba ( banquet ) 59
magic, magie 6, 7, 15, 322, 479, 480, 573, 605, 611, 613, 614, 615
magician, magicien 7, 584, 586, 590, 591, 592, 593, 598, 599, 600, 601, 603, 604, 606
maḥabba ( amour, love ) 629, 631
Mahometan 19, 717, 722, 723, 728
māʾida pl. mawāʾid ( banquet, table ) 64, 238
maison ( house ) 602, 669
maître ( master ) 94, 105, 106–108, 116, 145, 267, 268n, 269–280, 342, 350, 580, 587, 597, 600, 602–604, 689, 691, 695
maîtrise ( control, discipline, enseignement ) 113, 124, 270, 338, 341, 342, 344, 347, 350, 353, 355, 652, 664
majlis pl. majālis ( meeting, rencontre ) 311, 316, 342, 344, 765
malade, maladie 109, 264, 342, 343, 344, 346, 353, 354, 587, 597, 601, 689
malais, malay 651–659, 662, 665, 670, 678, 680, 686, 692, 695, 702
male, mâle ( masculinity, viril ) 230, 234, 235, 248, 506, 789
malheur, malheureux 350–352, 582
malik pl. mulūk ( king, roi ) 597
Mamluk 8, 10, 15, 30, 32, 45, 164, 225, 236, 363, 500, 504, 507, 511, 519, 520, 521, 524, 525, 533, 536, 641, 776, 777, 786, 787, 790
manières 155, 339, 340, 734
bonnes manières ( manners ) 142, 155, 793
manners, good manners ( manières ) 5, 9, 18, 23, 25, 61, 66, 71, 74, 78, 84, 174, 237, 294, 380, 398, 401, 574, 616, 710, 737
manual, manuel ( handbook, textbook ) 23, 24, 164, 218, 219, 221, 223, 231, 253, 320, 762, 764, 780, 782, 790
manuals of/on adab manuels d’adab 217
manuels d’inshāʾ ( composition ) 206, 764, 789
manuels de savoir-vivre 142
manuscrit, manuscript 10, 25, 28, 32, 47, 62, 111, 114, 117, 118, 120, 153, 155, 176, 177, 187, 220, 236, 276, 279, 280, 281, 543, 544, 545–565, 581, 583, 584, 588–590, 595, 599, 603–606, 619, 620, 623, 646, 656, 671, 672, 688, 710, 711, 714, 715, 717, 720, 722–725, 735
maqāma, maqāmāt ( séances ) 15, 18, 28, 30, 31, 361–363, 465, 467–469, 475, 476, 478–480, 482–484, 488–494, 499, 502–516, 533, 535, 582, 745, 746, 766, 767
market ( bazar ) 204, 415, 535, 711
maʿrifa pl. maʿārif ( connaissance, knowledge ) 151, 224, 225, 229, 231, 232, 765
mari ( husband, mariage ) 341
mariage, marriage 45, 73, 105, 348, 354
martyr, martyre 17, 120, 314, 344, 345, 354, 497, 551, 680
masculin, masculine, masculinity ( male, viril ) 232, 338, 457, 787
master ( maître, professeur, shaykh, teacher ) 8, 22, 29, 49, 83, 169, 220, 242, 441, 498, 502, 785
mawlā, mawālī 80, 324, 325, 379, 774
meal ( akl, banquet, repas ) 59, 74, 331, 500
médecin, médecine, medicine ( physician ) 96, 107–109, 120, 124, 127, 147, 149, 577, 582
medical 147, 185–188, 198, 209, 252, 395, 474, 478, 479, 521, 778
meeting ( encounters, majlis, rencontre ) 7, 501, 505, 633, 738
mémoire, memory 228, 511, 719, 737, 749, 765, 782
memoirs, Mémoires 558, 609, 786, 789, 790
merchant ( marchand, trade ) 30, 449, 532, 711
mère ( mother ) 602, 603
metaphor, métaphore 59, 353, 445, 467, 468, 525, 625, 630, 632, 657, 658, 674, 681, 700, 712, 715, 721, 736, 765
metaphysics, metaphysical, métaphysique 509, 687, 692
méthode, methodology 259, 262, 267, 275, 276, 281, 282, 348, 546
métier ( profession ) 97
metric, metrics 328
militaire, military 15, 41, 94, 225, 239, 291, 315, 324, 330, 379, 404, 493, 494, 714
ministre, minister 593, 620, 669, 715, 745, 763
miracle 138, 140, 375, 468, 480, 723, 747
miroir, mirror 271, 582, 600, 655, 656, 675, 696
Miroirs des Princes, Mirrors for Princes, Mirrors of Princes ( adab, conduct, king, malik ) 4, 6, 7, 14, 24, 77, 121, 123, 150, 150n, 165, 301, 315, 319, 320n, 332, 368, 369n, 381, 381n, 435, 443, 618, 628, 645
mission, missionaries, missionnaires 510, 526, 534, 536, 544, 567
missions catholiques 772, 778
missions protestantes 545, 548
mode 28, 100, 273, 315, 445, 480, 688
mode de vie 97, 111, 125
modèle, model 5–7, 12–17, 20–29, 34, 35, 36, 41, 50, 67, 71, 73, 93, 94, 98, 101, 107, 109–118, 122–128, 142, 673, 693, 709, 714, 715, 734, 735, 770–776, 783, 785
European model, modèle européen 9, 770
French model 714, 715
Prophetic model 644, 645
modern, moderne 304, 306, 361, 363, 371, 372, 375, 376, 401, 407, 409, 411, 412, 426, 436, 456, 491, 509, 512, 528, 533, 542–657, 574, 607, 637, 709–712, 727, 731, 738, 740
modern civilisation, civilisation moderne 738
modern literature, littérature moderne 140, 758
modern science 778
modern state 34, 754
modernisation 491, 741
modernité, modernity 2, 8, 25, 27, 34, 35, 46, 363, 533, 534, 537, 542, 543, 564, 710, 727, 738, 740, 746, 783, 786, 789–791
modesty ( pudeur, ḥayāʾ, tawāḍuʿ ) 30, 34, 626, 630, 632–636, 781
mœurs ( akhlāq, mores ) 269, 273, 340, 343, 716
monarch, monarque, monarchie, monarchy 573, 618, 634, 638, 640, 642–644, 711, 713, 722, 754, 788, 791
monastery, – ies ( convent ) 107, 114, 116, 120, 132, 135, 314, 411, 542, 545, 558, 560, 563
mondain, mundane 75, 100, 138, 629, 631, 665, 666, 688, 710
money ( argent ) 304, 380
monisme 656, 674, 680, 692, 695, 698, 699
monothéisme, monotheist 7, 111, 396, 403, 431, 604, 606, 658, 676, 685, 687
monuments 21, 47, 583, 597, 615, 739, 742–745, 753, 759
moon 451, 501, 745, 783
moral, morale, ( akhlāq, éthique ) 97, 140, 148, 153, 263, 269, 342, 543, 683, 684, 716
moral code 15, 511
moral law 97, 339
moral sentences ( fāʿida ) 97
morale religieuse 340, 346, 354, 578
moralité, morality ( immoral ) 14, 16, 25, 31, 66, 96, 142, 250, 269, 790
mores ( akhlāq, mœurs ) 294, 296, 304, 328, 769
mort ( death ) 271, 343, 350, 550, 551, 589, 592, 606, 680, 695, 697, 699
mosquée, mosque 106, 107, 320, 321, 394, 395, 422, 475, 492, 495, 511, 598, 652, 775
mother ( mère ) 27, 297, 311, 327, 386, 498, 499, 526, 768, 775, 776, 786
muʾaddib ( muʿallim, enseignant ) 107
muʿallim ( enseignant, muʾaddib ) 108, 110, 130, 302, 626, 756, 760
muʿāmalāt 625, 626
mufti 23, 42, 488, 492, 497, 504, 506, 756, 762
mughal 24, 29, 30, 39, 43, 439, 442, 443, 445, 448–450, 453, 454, 462, 463, 648
muḥāḍarāt 89, 236, 795
mujtamaʿ ( société ) 190, 192
munāẓara, pl. munāẓarāt ( controverse, débat ) 10, 535, 580, 766
muqaddima 11, 220, 221, 632, 735, 736, 765, 766
murshid 635
muruwwa, mürüvvet, murūʿa ( conduct, futuwwa, javanmardi, virility ) 28, 29, 41, 55, 96, 97, 248, 250
museum 363, 412, 446, 732, 744, 747–750, 783
music, musician, musique 7, 14, 15, 82, 94, 108, 123, 152, 184, 190, 197, 339, 450, 451, 452–454, 490, 543, 680
Muslim, musulman 3–5, 7–11, 13–16, 18, 19, 21, 23–25, 27–29, 31, 35–37, 41–46, 53, 67, 68, 76, 112, 170, 181, 186, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 246, 320, 321, 327, 332, 396, 404, 437, 626, 632, 635, 641, 643, 644, 713, 718, 723, 724, 725, 754, 755, 758, 764, 772–775, 777, 779, 782, 785, 787–789, 791
Muslim reformism, reformists 37, 38, 42, 764, 772, 774, 775, 777, 779, 791
non-Muslims, non-musulman 5, 10, 18, 42, 774
Muslim woman/women 782
mutaʿallim 756
mutafarnij 38
mutaqaddim, al-mutaqaddimūn ( ancestor, jurisprudence ) 742
muʿtazilisme, muʿtazilite 41, 169, 171, 174, 175, 182, 192, 193–195, 198, 199, 200, 203
muthaqqaf ( intellectuel ) 25
mystical 489, 490, 498, 502, 506, 509, 511, 573, 625, 628, 630, 632, 639, 645, 787
mysticism ( soufisme, taṣawwuf ) 8, 64, 506, 507, 509, 510, 575
mystique 51, 137, 138, 146, 155, 273, 275, 282, 577, 578, 581, 601, 602, 605, 651, 654, 655, 658, 660, 664, 668–670, 672, 673, 678, 679, 687, 688, 690, 692, 693, 695, 696, 697, 698
myth, mythe, mythology, mythological 46, 323, 326, 331, 394, 556, 595, 601
nafs ( âme, self ) 620, 621, 622, 625, 626, 631, 636, 639, 645, 654, 663, 674
Nahḍa ( renaissance, revival ) 8, 9, 18, 30, 35, 48, 67, 512, 519, 534, 574, 740–741, 749, 754, 757, 761, 766, 769–773, 777–782, 784, 786, 787–789
Naqshbandī, Naqshbandiyya ( confrérie, ṭarīqa ) 503, 504, 622, 624, 642, 644, 645, 649, 761
narration 263, 444, 495, 512, 716, 718
narrative 4, 17, 22, 26, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 50, 64, 169, 170, 172, 174, 198, 238, 331, 334, 344, 362, 435, 449, 456, 469, 484, 489, 490, 491, 494, 503–508, 510, 512, 530, 545, 549, 552, 558, 559, 618, 619, 622, 637, 724, 726, 732, 754, 755, 757, 765, 766, 770, 771, 783, 785, 787, 789, 790, 793
nasab ( généalogie ) 4, 391, 432, 632
naṣīḥa pl. naṣāʾiḥ ( advice, conseil ) 319–321, 618
nation(s) ( umma, waṭan ) 26, 27, 34–36, 40, 574, 709, 713, 717, 718, 720, 723, 732, 739, 743, 744, 754, 763, 766–769, 771, 774, 777, 786
nation arabe (Umma ʿarabiyya) 757, 771, 778
national, caractère national, nation’s character 9, 17, 26, 27, 306, 330, 365, 718, 733, 744, 749, 771, 779, 780, 787
construction nationale, national construction 18, 301, 430, 789
identité nationale 19, 27, 28, 754, 777, 790
indépendance nationale 16, 437, 763, 773, 778, 785
national literature, littérature nationale 9, 16, 27, 712, 754, 755, 789, 790, 791
Parti national 763, 764, 784, 785, 788
nationalism, nationalisme, nationalist, nationaliste 2, 14, 17, 24, 26, 29, 31, 36, 38, 42, 43, 543, 735, 750, 754–758, 761, 764, 776, 780, 782, 784, 785, 787–789, 791
Egyptian nationalism, nationalist 29, 754, 755, 764, 773, 774, 780, 784, 785, 790
nationality 773, 774
natural ( ṭabīʿa ) 33, 163, 217, 224–226, 231, 239, 240, 244, 246, 247, 315, 375, 412, 436, 453
natural laws 156
natural sciences ( ʿilm, ṭabīʿa ) 788
nature, naturel ( ṭabīʿa ) 6, 224, 225, 239, 240–242, 247, 250, 253, 451, 509, 529, 577, 585, 586, 687, 734
nature humaine, human nature 144, 199
network(s) 47, 49, 163, 334, 362, 710–712, 717
newspaper (s) ( journal ) 18, 764, 779, 780, 785, 788
niẓām 6, 24, 41, 165, 319–334, 399–401, 419, 441, 573, 617–619, 622, 624, 638–640, 642
noble, nobleman, noblesse ( sharīf ) 81, 82, 96, 123, 237, 239, 264, 270, 307, 329, 389, 391, 398, 404, 449, 450, 451, 457n, 552, 627; 629, 633, 635, 685
norm, norms, norme ( adab, règles ) 18, 22, 28, 30, 31, 79, 85, 111, 112, 159, 271, 294, 335, 341, 348
normatif, normative 43, 268, 282, 330, 338, 340
nostalgie ( shawq ) 24, 393, 494, 495, 507, 508, 511, 783
notable, notables 173, 196, 197, 330, 583, 584
nouveauté ( innovation, novelty ) 143, 151
nouvelle ( short story ) 543, 550
novel ( riwāya, roman ) 489, 504, 509, 513, 750, 766, 782
short story 391
novelty ( innovation, nouveauté ) 231, 244, 385, 402
obedience, obéissance 100, 113, 481, 684
obligation 95, 272, 344, 684, 690, 693, 697
obscene, obscenity 15, 338, 534
Occidental 153, 338, 545, 552, 562, 761
œil, yeux 152, 261, 343, 345, 607, 671, 720
office(s) 77, 95, 330, 390, 488, 492, 493
official 5, 220, 222, 223, 715, 771, 776
government officials, State officials 83, 333, 334, 380, 384, 401, 537, 766
omeyyade, Omeyyades 100, 101, 108, 123, 125, 260, 577, 588, 589
opinion commune, opinion publique, public opinion 355, 670, 712, 785
oppression 326, 332, 747
oratory ( al-khiṭāba ) 104, 225n, 761, 775, 782, 785
order ( ordre ) 41, 50, 58, 220, 225, 226, 253, 312, 322, 329, 443, 444, 447, 476, 493, 499, 508, 521, 622, 717, 725, 743, 744, 779
Sufi orders 2, 240, 632, 644
ordre ( order ) 51, 115, 117, 274, 279, 352, 696, 697
oriental 273, 338, 546, 548, 552, 554, 555, 562, 563
Orientalism, orientalisme 19, 24, 27, 42, 45, 709, 735, 770, 790
orientalist, orientaliste 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 31, 36, 38, 62, 63, 76, 363, 536, 537, 542, 546, 547, 562, 563, 572, 573, 712, 714, 717, 718, 726, 733–735, 741, 748, 758–760, 762, 770, 771, 777
original texts, original works, œuvres originales, textes originaux 83, 153, 292, 439, 446, 448, 450, 490, 492, 520, 525, 724
origines, origins 2–9, 16, 17, 20, 27, 36–39, 47–50, 62, 73, 163, 164, 175, 179, 183, 226, 231, 240, 254, 302, 327, 361, 408, 491, 509, 10, 519, 571, 573, 578, 595, 604, 606, 707, 709, 718, 726, 746, 754–758, 761, 764, 767–777, 790, 791
orthodox, orthodoxe, orthodoxie, orthodoxy 139, 198, 392, 526, 546, 692
Ottoman ( Empire, Turks ) 8–11, 19, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 43, 363, 442, 488, 491, 493, 503–506, 510, 511, 519, 533, 536, 537, 549, 554, 555, 559, 562, 563, 574, 583, 584, 617–623, 645, 646, 710, 711–717, 720–726, 736, 746, 749, 754, 755, 764, 769, 773, 777, 780–782, 785, 787–790
Ottoman author, auteur ottoman 723
Ottoman court 618, 714, 721
Ottoman dynasty 618
Ottoman elites 709, 720
Ottoman reforms 34
Ottoman scholars 18, 511, 574
ouléma ( ʿālim, savant, scholar ) 18, 34, 41, 573, 776
paganism, paganisme 769
paideia 20–21, 67, 93–128, 294, 377
painting 326, 374, 413, 414, 417
paix ( peace ) 272, 350, 563, 602
palace, palais 101, 374, 399, 400, 449, 499, 501, 555–557, 601, 737, 742, 747
panegyric, panégyriste 348, 537, 768
paradis, paradise 392, 479, 679, 682
pardon, pardonner 271, 272
parent, parenté, parents 109, 278, 367, 551, 626, 787
parfum, parfumer 271, 344
passion ( amour, ʿishq, love ) 30, 165, 206–208, 245–246, 306, 338–354, 494, 502, 507, 523, 654, 663, 675–676
path ( tarīqa ) 23, 62, 221, 294, 436, 474, 489, 497, 531, 625–627, 630, 639, 727, 749, 766, 771
patrimoine ( héritage, legacy, turāth ) 104, 267
patriotism, patriotisme ( nationalism ) 755, 764, 785
patron, patronage, patronised 5, 28, 173–176, 197–198, 207, 324, 374, 379, 403, 443–444, 591, 714, 719
pauvre, pauvreté ( poor ) 153, 280, 281, 543, 551, 665–670, 678–679, 689
paysan, peasant, peasantry ( fallāḥ ) 29, 327, 329, 545, 737, 786
peace ( paix ) 232, 242, 251, 327, 453, 627
péché, pécheur 113, 130, 347, 644, 686, 689, 690, 697, 698
pédagogie, pédagogique, paedagogical, paedagogy 25, 142, 144, 151, 152, 155, 156, 258, 549, 693, 700, 758, 759, 761, 791
pèlerin, pèlerinage ( pilgrim, pilgrimage ) 673, 678, 725
people 22, 27, 34, 36, 43, 44, 63–66, 81, 174, 183, 193, 194, 203–205, 208, 226, 231, 234–237, 240, 294, 295, 299, 301, 305, 314, 319, 323, 325, 326, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 355, 381–384, 388, 389, 400, 405, 407, 444, 468, 473, 475, 480, 481, 497, 499–502, 509, 521, 527–531, 535, 620, 626, 627, 631, 637, 639, 713, 742, 743, 768, 771, 772
common people 234, 235, 237, 383, 384, 534
ordinary people 237
père ( father ) 101, 141, 144, 262, 271, 275, 278, 279, 344, 348, 544, 550, 551, 599
perfection, perfectionnement ( tahdhīb ) 137, 138, 141, 149, 155, 270, 273, 670, 686
périodisation 8, 18, 19, 39, 574, 760, 770
persan, Persian (civilisation, language, langue, literature) 1–12, 15–19, 23, 27, 29–30, 33–34, 38–41, 46, 49–50, 62–73, 76–84, 248, 253, 324–325, 328, 330, 369, 379–380, 388, 390, 395–404, 409–410, 436–450, 454, 573, 616–618, 623–624, 629, 635–644, 711, 714–715, 759, 767, 769, 774, 776, 787, 790
personality, personnalité, ( character ) 7, 26–27, 38, 379, 408, 507
personnage ( character ) 113, 118, 152–153, 263, 566, 559, 591–592, 595–596, 603–606
personne ( individu ) 93, 97, 99, 105, 119, 122, 123, 271, 339, 340, 342, 344, 345, 350, 353, 651, 653, 654, 655, 659, 663, 664, 686, 698, 700, 723
peuple 140, 264, 352, 543, 604, 606
Pharaohs, pharaonic 6, 733, 743, 749
philological, philologique 21, 25, 26, 33, 46, 70, 231, 446, 448, 453, 488
philologie, philology 14, 25, 47, 218, 228, 266, 306, 363, 547, 563, 716, 754
philologue, philologist 32, 77, 78, 217, 222, 226, 228, 229, 241, 253
philosophe, philosopher ( sage ) 6, 33, 94, 96, 110, 120, 122, 147, 148, 153, 155, 164, 293–295, 297, 301, 302, 305, 306, 309, 310, 312, 313, 346, 347, 376, 377, 383, 384, 389, 390, 403, 406, 522, 527, 574, 584, 596, 600, 606, 655, 681, 717, 718, 735, 779
philosophic, philosophical, philosophique 107, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 127, 137, 165, 739, 142, 143, 148–156, 297, 440, 526, 602, 733, 738, 739, 742
philosophie, philosophy, ( falsafa, ḥikma, kalam, wisdom ) 7, 12, 21, 22, 100, 108, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 123, 127, 138, 146, 150, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 154, 299, 315, 374, 376, 377, 440, 496, 497, 510, 544, 577, 641, 656, 695, 700, 775, 788
physician ( médecine ) 129, 186, 187, 188, 242, 301, 305, 306, 437, 440, 445, 448, 478
physiologie, physiology 143
physiognomonie, physiognomony 580, 597
physical, physique 15, 108, 147, 229, 230, 234, 239, 248, 262, 271, 322, 325, 341, 480, 509, 534
pierre ( stone ) 141, 240, 241, 479, 577, 597, 633, 637, 675, 789, 732, 734, 747
piété, piety, impiety ( pious ) 14, 88, 239, 257, 274, 285, 320, 327, 498, 532, 689, 781, 782, 787
pietism, piétisme, pietist, pietistic 149, 159
pilgrim, pilgrimage ( ḥajj, pèlerinage ) 10, 29, 30, 43, 138, 238, 321, 323, 327, 336, 475, 476, 488, 496, 502, 632, 642, 670, 688, 725, 766, 781, 782, 787
pious, impious ( piety ) 29, 30, 43, 238, 321, 332, 475, 502, 632, 766n, 781, 782, 787
plaisir 97, 152, 342–344, 350, 351, 682
poem, poème 71, 106, 108, 127, 150–154, 193, 196, 241, 243, 266, 275, 338, 348, 393–394, 397, 438, 449, 475–476, 489, 500, 503, 505, 521, 532, 535, 537, 545–546, 548, 619, 635, 653–658, 664–666, 669, 673, 731, 745, 748, 754, 760, 770, 780–784, 787
poésie ( poetry, shiʿr ) 104, 108, 115, 116, 123, 124, 139, 145–147, 150, 151, 260, 263–268, 272, 273, 275, 280, 543–546, 548, 569, 584, 633, 648, 658, 702, 725, 790, 793
poet, poète 27, 60, 69, 175, 193, 226, 444, 503, 616–629, 628, 630–634, 636, 637, 639–644, 740, 780, 784, 785, 788
poetry ( poésie, shiʿr ) 3, 5–7, 13–16, 24, 28–31, 47, 49, 62, 65, 28–70, 78, 79, 82, 169, 219, 226, 228–232, 236, 239–243, 295, 315, 262, 393, 394, 398, 400, 403, 438, 441, 506, 519, 521, 527, 530–537, 619, 623, 641, 725, 731, 739, 745, 757–758, 764–780, 782–788, 791
polémique, polémiste 113, 127, 154, 661
police 321, 710
politeness ( adab, bienséance, bonne éducation, civilité, étiquette, savoir-vivre ) 25, 33, 237, 294, 315, 711, 716, 717, 718, 724
polysémie, polysemy 1, 2, 17, 25, 96, 652
poor ( pauvre ) 297, 298, 387, 737, 746, 747, 781
populaire, popular ( peuple ) 15, 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 46, 100, 117, 120, 122, 123, 127, 252, 305, 310n, 313, 374, 406, 411, 520, 524, 532, 543, 546, 547, 549, 554, 556, 563, 579, 594, 709, 712, 745
positivism, positivist 25, 320, 770
prayer ( prière, ṣalāt ) 185, 189, 299, 320, 321, 327, 468, 482, 500, 501
précepte(s), precept ( ḥukm ) 72, 107, 140, 294, 315, 342, 351, 645
preacher, preaching, prédication 627n, 641, 644, 687, 775
preceptor, précepteur 71n, 574, 719, 720, 721, 724, 780
prédestination 346, 578, 682, 684, 685, 687
presse, press ( journal ) 542, 545, 766, 781, 786
prêtre, priest 73, 314n, 545n, 548n, 555, 599, 600
pride 205, 233, 403, 495n, 531, 631, 637, 747
prière ( prayer ) 351, 582, 587, 602, 677n, 688, 689, 690, 692, 697
prince, princier ( émir, ḥākim ) 5, 6, 81, 101, 102, 123, 389, 400, 550–552, 578, 588, 589, 596, 597, 618–620, 633, 642, 645, 653, 750, 784
princess, princesse 449, 551–552
print, printing ( imprimerie ) 17, 18, 24, 27, 31, 32, 43, 488, 787, 791
process, processus
civilising process, processus de civilisation 2, 33, 34, 50
process of adabisation 520
processus d’arabisation 109
process of crosspollination 253
process of education 21, 104
processus de l’hellénisation 115
process of imitation 617, 645
process of islamisation 8, 573
shaping process of the notion of adab 72, 82, 163
process of transmission 12, 20, 267, 293, 361
profane ( sacré, sacred ) 12, 17, 68, 100n, 108, 116, 237, 543, 547, 548, 697, 757, 766
professeur, professor ( enseignement, maître, master, teacher ) 19, 267, 544n, 547, 756, 759–761, 778, 780
profession, professional, professionnel 15, 29, 62, 65, 82, 95, 97, 105, 217, 219, 222, 223, 227, 229, 268, 306, 377–378, 476, 497, 545n
progress 26, 36, 37, 723, 737–738, 741, 742, 746, 749, 764, 766, 775n, 786
prophet(s), prophète(s) ( prophetic ) 3, 4, 6, 10, 15–17, 29, 38, 53, 59, 61, 66, 70, 83, 97n, 107n, 113, 140, 142, 151, 179, 183, 246, 262, 262n, 246, 251, 264, 265, 270, 271, 272, 279, 294, 326, 327, 343n, 351, 393, 395, 467, 468, 495, 502n, 521, 522, 526n, 552, 556, 589, 598, 601, 605, 606, 632n, 634, 635, 642, 644, 663, 667, 671, 693, 694, 758, 762, 771, 773–774, 777, 778, 781, 787
prophetic, prophétique 44, 49, 140, 151, 251, 267, 270–272, 603, 640, 644, 744, 774
prophetic tradition (s) ( hadith ) 191, 218, 260, 267, 273, 344, 346, 476, 496, 499
prose 5, 12, 13, 16n, 22, 29, 43, 83, 127, 153, 169, 170, 172, 174, 186, 200, 202, 206, 208–210, 216, 225n, 227, 228, 244, 260, 267, 289, 294, 303, 314, 315, 340, 342n, 361, 362, 368, 377, 403, 436–439, 441–442, 445, 449, 467, 512, 521, 526n, 527, 528–530, 532, 535, 544n, 545, 548, 549, 555, 558, 559, 564, 577, 584, 624, 629, 754, 760, 764, 765, 766n, 767, 769, 774, 776, 783
prosodie, prosody ( ʿarūḍ, vers, verse ) 108, 725
protestant(s) 534, 535, 545, 547n, 548
proverbs, proverbes ( al-amthāl, dicton, saying ) 31, 32, 106, 109, 127, 139–141, 143, 145, 148, 226, 229, 241, 242, 243, 247, 331, 388, 442, 521, 526, 527, 543, 546, 547, 549, 552–553, 664, 755, 758, 766, 782, 786
prudence 81, 250, 562, 675
public 520, 525, 532, 534, 660, 711, 712
en public, in public 511, 644, 712, 765
public debate 199, 206–208, 210
public interest 744, 748
publisher ( éditeur ) 512, 764, 779, 780
pudeur ( ḥayāʾ, modesty ) 345
punished, punishment 69, 80, 82, 194, 197, 201, 295, 375, 480, 638
pur, pure, pureté, purity 3, 41, 46, 47, 48, 104, 325, 327, 450, 451, 589, 636, 643, 644, 651, 658, 661, 662, 676, 679, 774, 776, 781
Pyramids, Pyramides (d’Égypte) 599, 732n, 734, 742, 746, 747, 749, 784
qāḍī 175, 217, 407, 520
adab al-qāḍī 23, 62, 79
qalīl al-adab ( adabsız, barbarie, bi-adab ) 33
qaṣīda 193, 260, 348, 532, 762
qiṣṣa, qiṣaṣ 238, 310, 311, 446, 504, 559
qualité, quality 33, 47, 204, 313, 497, 634, 636, 637, 721
qualities 23, 24, 68, 75, 185, 187, 223, 239, 240, 294, 295, 306, 315, 391n, 530, 535, 635, 640, 716, 765n, 766
Quran ( Coran ) 5, 12–17, 22, 28, 38, 41, 43, 44, 49, 59–60, 70, 78–79, 184, 189–190, 192, 208, 228–229, 238, 242n, 294, 310, 442, 477, 481–482, 488, 521, 522, 525, 528, 535, 631, 634, 744, 744n, 763, 764, 766–768, 770, 773, 774, 776, 785–786
Quranic 3, 12, 14, 189–191, 193, 194, 197, 218, 311, 348, 468, 469, 479, 481, 724, 772, 774
race ( see ethnic, ethnicity ) 36–38, 328, 330
raffiné, raffinement ( urbanitas, refinement, tahdhīb, ẓarf ) 139, 147, 345, 346, 347, 352
raison ( ʿaql, reason ) 141, 152, 341, 344, 355, 577, 678, 698, 723
raisonnement 264, 351, 354
rational, rationnel 184, 190, 192, 193, 387, 440, 529, 699
rational sciences (al-ʿulūm al-ʿaqliyya) 788
rationalism, rationalist 193, 758, 770
reader(s) ( lecture, lire, readership, récitation ) 22, 78, 170–173, 177, 180, 188, 198, 200, 202–210, 228, 251n, 293, 311, 319, 326, 330, 331, 371–375, 379, 381, 382, 385, 391–392, 395, 398, 401, 405, 407, 409, 436, 440–441, 444, 446, 454, 451, 467, 469, 521, 522, 529, 532–534, 537, 617, 619, 620, 622–623, 630, 632, 637, 639, 642, 646, 725, 735, 745, 767
readership 31, 208, 441, 444, 525, 532, 534n, 717
reading(s) ( lecture ) 8, 16n, 24, 30, 32, 36, 47, 49, 50, 169, 198, 200, 204, 205, 206, 208–210, 216n, 218n, 237, 320n, 324, 372, 375, 376, 405, 409, 445, 448, 455n, 468, 469, 482, 495, 496, 520, 521, 533, 712, 719, 735, 736, 741, 776, 788
reason ( ʿaql, raison ) 171, 181, 191, 201, 205, 299, 304, 439, 642
recette, recipe 49, 573, 592, 594, 595, 601, 603, 606
récit(s) ( anecdote, ḥikāya, narrative, riwāya ) 101, 102, 107, 121, 124n, 138, 146, 152, 154n, 259, 264, 268, 272, 273, 275, 281, 343, 349, 350, 547, 549, 550, 551, 552, 555, 557–563, 578, 579, 584, 592, 595–598, 604, 606, 678
récit biblique 151
récit coranique 151, 556
récits épiques 554
récit philosophique 150, 151
récit poétique 151
recitation, recitation ( dhikr ) 6, 83, 109, 274, 348, 505, 545, 602
to recite, réciter 204, 350, 475, 500, 501, 522, 535, 690, 691, 782
rectitude 16n, 328, 331, 623n
biographique 276
de contes, de nouvelles 546, 550, 550n, 562
gnomologique 101, 114
de hadiths 263, 264, 270
de poésies 658
soufis 270, 273
de textes 594, 565, 603, 606
le Réel (al-ḥaqq) 655, 661, 663, 666
refined 28, 33, 41, 64, 65, 68, 82, 83, 173, 380, 620, 646, 741, 763, 766, 768, 771, 774, 780
refinement ( raffinement ) 5, 15, 26, 33, 61, 74, 617, 621, 710
reform, réforme ( iṣlāḥ, Nahḍa, Renaissance ) 42, 504, 754, 757, 757n, 761, 762n, 775, 775n, 778, 781, 786, 791
Reformation, Counter-Reformation 526, 711
réformes, reforms 34, 43, 220n, 291, 511, 741, 775n, 778
reformism, réformisme, reformist, réformiste, réformer ( iṣlāḥ, tanzimat ) 24, 25, 34, 35, 37, 42, 504, 662n, 750, 764, 771–772, 774–775, 777, 779, 786, 788–789, 791
réfutation ( radd ) 183–184, 191, 192, 195, 196, 205n, 320n, 507
règle, règles ( normes, rules ) 1, 97, 99, 124, 267–269, 271, 273, 281, 338–341, 343–344, 346–351, 354–355, 725
religieux (savant, savoir, texte) ( religious ) 111, 123, 155, 268, 292, 546, 559, 562, 577n, 578, 670, 691, 692, 698
religion(s) 19, 30, 32, 37, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 58, 73, 82, 98, 108, 111–113, 123, 152, 171, 197n, 225, 248n, 164, 272, 325, 326, 328, 330, 331, 333, 339, 378, 380, 392, 396, 398, 403, 407–408, 440, 477, 490, 509, 522, 573, 621, 623n, 641–642, 653n, 656, 661, 663, 685, 687, 688, 692, 693, 698n, 723, 726n, 769, 787, 788
religious ( religieux ) 3, 4, 5, 12n, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21–23, 36, 37, 42, 43, 58, 59, 65, 67, 79, 82, 83, 85, 169, 171–172, 177, 178, 201, 202, 208, 238–242, 244, 253, 253, 266, 301, 305, 306, 330, 332, 361, 374, 396, 402, 406, 407, 437, 439–440, 446, 450, 490, 520, 521, 525n, 526n, 626, 627n, 639n, 712–714, 721, 726, 738, 754, 758n, 761–762, 769, 771, 774, 783, 784, 788
renaissance ( Enlightenment, Nahḍa ) 8, 45, 65, 526n, 731, 735, 736, 738, 754, 778
rencontre, rencontrer ( encounter, meeting ) 101, 102, 118, 139, 275, 276, 342, 546, 556, 578n, 592, 596, 673, 678, 695, 697
renewal ( iṣlāḥ, mujaddid, réforme ) 19, 27, 291, 519, 737, 742
renoncement 664, 665, 667n, 669, 679, 686
repas, repast ( meal ) 75, 96, 125, 127, 128, 294
repentance ( tawba ) 500–502, 787
représentation(s) 76, 112, 315, 339, 394n, 398, 412–414, 416, 418, 436, 602, 687, 716, 732, 735
répudiation ( divorce ) 340, 341, 351, 354
respect 37, 38, 62, 70, 82, 201, 239, 270, 271, 273, 279, 293, 355, 381n, 391, 403, 623, 627, 693, 697
responsabilité 346, 669, 682
résurrection 244, 326, 699n, 737, 777, 782
retraite, retreat ( solitude ) 205, 270, 602, 676
revelation, révélation 3, 7, 183, 191, 259n, 604–606, 723, 744, 770, 772
revival ( renaissance, renewal ) 409, 474, 509, 512, 733, 775, 783
revolution, révolution 19, 34, 38, 50, 324, 371, 380, 401, 405n, 733, 736, 737, 755, 759, 778
rewriting(s) ( see writing ) 32, 33, 39, 438, 441–445, 448n, 460, 616, 618, 622, 635, 638, 640, 642, 645, 735, 755, 756, 760, 762
rhetoric, rhetorical, rhétorique 5, 22, 65, 67, 108, 115–117, 122, 126, 127, 145, 172, 175, 188, 203, 207, 208, 300, 327, 330, 377, 391, 444, 446, 499, 521, 535, 545, 658, 700, 747, 780, 784
riḥla ( travel, travelogue, voyage ) 436, 741
rime(s) ( verse, vers ) 153, 543, 653, 666n, 716
rire ( laugh ) 344, 718
rite ( madhhab, school ) 326–327
ritual(s), rituels, rites 469, 477, 482, 504, 579, 595, 596n, 601, 692, 697, 725, 726
riwāya pl. riwāyāt ( novel, récit, roman ) 504, 766
riyāḍa ( discipline, sport ) 61, 625
roi ( king, souverain ) 123, 140, 141, 352, 354, 542, 550–553, 556, 557, 585, 599, 600, 601, 603–604, 606, 609, 669, 676
roman ( novel, riwāya ) 32, 292n, 508, 543, 554
romantic, romanticism 362, 488, 489, 491, 496, 497, 498, 502, 506–512, 519, 740
root(s) ( aṣl, origins ) 36, 46, 59, 62, 64, 70, 73, 77, 79, 163, 252, 455n, 475, 479, 506, 512, 534, 621, 711, 754, 785, 786
rooted 31, 34, 289, 377, 389, 396, 400, 403, 537, 710, 741, 761, 769
rude, rudeness 33, 500
ruins 18, 574, 731–741, 744–746, 748–750
ruler(s) ( king, malik, roi, souverain, sultan ) 6, 82, 237, 290, 299, 313, 319, 322, 326, 368n, 372, 374, 381, 384, 389–390, 393, 400, 402, 403, 409, 445, 450, 506n, 521, 617, 618, 646, 742, 743, 778
rules ( norms ) 1, 2, 8, 25, 62, 63, 66, 73, 78–80, 82–84, 95, 164, 190, 207, 210n, 222, 267, 293, 294, 304–306, 322, 363, 376n, 526n, 537, 644, 765, 769
ṣabr 491, 624n
sacré, sacred, sacredness 16, 17, 232, 237, 251, 392, 548, 617, 697, 770
texte sacré, écrit sacré 111, 543, 657, 667
sage(s) ( philosophe ) 101, 114, 145, 148, 152, 302, 522, 529, 549, 550, 556, 579, 580, 582, 586, 599, 599n, 600, 605, 618, 619, 641, 684
sagesse ( ḥikma, khirad, wisdom ) 101, 103, 123, 140, 141, 143, 144, 149, 152, 155, 264, 272, 586, 591, 602, 605, 606, 652, 654, 665, 694, 696, 700
saint(s), sainteté ( holy man ) 24, 138, 261, 274, 528, 551, 559, 562, 596, 602, 617n, 657, 670, 684, 686, 697, 728
salaf, salafī, salafism, salafiyya 37, 43, 488, 496, 507n
salut, salvation 264, 280, 509, 522, 523, 631, 679, 684
Samanids 326, 328, 329, 438
santé ( health ) 147, 149, 678
Sassanides, Sasanid 5, 6, 16, 20, 63, 72, 82n, 84, 123, 124, 125, 326, 331, 369, 370n, 379, 382, 387, 389, 398–401, 402, 404, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417, 436, 437, 573, 586n, 589, 596, 598, 633, 634, 638, 640, 641
satire, satirical, satirique (al-sukhriyya) 150, 153, 154, 196, 372, 775
sauvages (bêtes) 597, 600
savant(s) ( ʿālim, ouléma, scholar ) 97, 114, 118, 122, 126, 127, 268, 269, 273, 276, 277, 340, 343, 349, 351, 544n9, 546, 548, 555, 563, 578, 580, 582, 586, 587, 590, 591, 594, 599, 604, 605
savoir(s) ( ʿilm, knowledge, maʿrifa, science ) 97, 104, 114, 118, 141, 145, 149n, 151n, 152, 155, 223, 268, 270, 281, 282, 578, 578n, 580, 583, 587, 588, 602–605, 607, 668, 728
savoir-vivre ( adab, bienséance, bonne éducation, civilité, étiquette, politeness ) 1, 23, 142
saying, sayings ( dicton, proverbe ) 32, 59–61, 70, 82, 84, 219, 225n, 242, 246, 251, 294, 297, 298, 300, 302–304, 305n, 308, 309, 313, 314n, 320, 379, 386, 442, 521, 527–530, 634, 635, 641, 659
shaṭḥ, pl. shaṭaḥāt 573, 658, 659, 670, 697, 699
scholar(s) ( ʿālim, ouléma, savant ) 2, 8, 10, 12–14, 18, 30, 35, 38, 58, 62, 64, 70, 72, 74, 76–80, 84, 169, 171, 173, 177, 196, 199, 204, 208, 218n, 219n, 221n, 266, 304, 312, 377, 435, 440, 448, 468, 491, 496, 501–502, 506, 511, 524, 712, 715, 725, 727, 738, 754, 762, 772
Abbasid 186
Arab 77
Cairene 766
Christian 7, 8
devout 632
Egyptian 784
French 709, 712, 717
Ḥanafī 24, 188, 191, 196, 319, 325, 326, 327, 334, 488, 496n, 506
Jewish 7
legal 714, 343, 506
Meccan 184
Medinese 184, 192
Muslim 170, 189, 191, 246, 446
Muʿtazilite 195
Ottoman 18, 574
Persian 72, 77
pious 29
reformist 42
religious 406, 520, 627n
Sufi 488, 627, 632, 634
Sunnī 198, 209
Syrian 776, 784
Turk, Turkish 41, 329
Zaydī 201
scholarship 40, 326, 324n, 334, 368, 369, 468, 709
Arabic 11
Greek 11
literary 98
modern 23n, 407
Western 375
scholastic, scholasticism 48, 632n
school ( école, education, kuttāb, madhhab, madrasa ) 7, 16, 27, 489, 491, 722, 734, 756, 757, 774, 778, 782
boys’ school
English schools 783
girls’ school 781, 789
high school 789
Khedival school 785
language school 229, 741
Law School, legal school 196, 208, 325, 506, 780, 785
primary school 758
private school 789
public school 756, 758, 761, 763n
rhetorical school 300
school inspector 780–781
school of translation 778
science(s) ( fann, funūn, al-ʿilm )
Islamic Sciences, sciences islamiques 10, 106, 259
linguistic sciences ( adab, ʿilm ) 774
natural sciences, sciences de la nature ( ṭabīʿa, al-ʿulūm al-ṭabīʿiyya ) 577, 788
sciences occultes, occult sciences 315, 577–579, 582–585, 587n, 588–592, 594–598, 601–602, 604, 606–607
religious sciences, sciences religieuses 5, 13, 244, 266, 330, 761, 762
science of adab (ʿilm al-adab) 496, 715, 765, 775
scientific, scientifique
books 778
debates, subjects 22, 306
heritage 84, 726
knowledge 221, 225, 783
littérature 13, 104n, 126, 783
matières scientifiques 122
mécénat scientifique 582
production 48, 726
progress 723
repertoires 726n
terminology 778
texts, works 7, 42, 117, 153, 174
traité, treatise 577, 724, 725
scribe(s) ( clerk, kātib, munshi, secrétaire ) 29, 77, 217, 296, 380, 408, 455n, 548, 553
( imlāʾ ) de dictée 268, 279, 275–277, 278n, 280
( maqāma, maqāmāt ) 581n
secretaire(s), secretary, secretaries ( clerk, kātib, scribe ) 77, 80, 82, 83, 97, 98, 105, 108, 111, 112, 113, 123, 124, 164, 173, 175, 200, 201, 220, 222, 260, 261, 291–292, 301, 380, 390, 404, 408, 437, 442, 444–445, 711, 719, 737, 590, 593, 593n, 601
secular, séculier, secularisation, secularised 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 108, 306, 310, 322, 333, 437, 562, 726n, 758, 758n, 761, 771, 786
self ( ego ) 17, 489, 502, 510, 511, 573, 636, 654, 655, 671n, 674, 675, 691n
self-awareness 404
self-canonisation 503, 511
self-construction 8
self-control 223, 238, 634
self-discovery 508
self-expression 522
self-image 495, 503
self-irony 403, 510
self-knowledge 9
self-orientalisation 748, 782
self-sacrifice 530
Sémites, semitic, sémitique ( langues sémitiques ) 73, 75, 363, 396, 547, 563, 767, 768
sensibilité, sensibility 141, 171, 339, 525, 551, 739, 741, 744, 755
sentences ( ḥikam, proverbes ) 64, 100, 303, 312, 383n
sentiment(s) ( emotions, feeling ) 341, 345, 505, 739, 744, 769
sermon(s) 313, 526, 530, 598, 755, 774
servant, serviteur 113, 196, 274, 352, 444, 447, 478, 603, 659, 688, 689, 691, 695, 696, 698n, 699n
civil servant 754, 782
sex, sexe, sexual, sexuel, sexualité, sexuality 14, 184, 197, 345, 522, 534, 535, 593
Shafiʿi, shafiite ( madhhab ) 24, 189, 319, 325, 326, 329, 334, 496n
sharʿ 71n, 626
sharīʿa ( loi, law ) 23, 44, 274, 329, 353, 625, 626, 771, 785
Sharif, sharifian 397, 495n, 503, 784
shīʿa, Shiite 14, 17, 43, 83, 172, 201–202, 205, 326, 506
shiʿr ( poésie, poetry ) 225n, 263, 264, 653n, 765n, 770
shirk ( associationnisme ) 498, 585, 586, 687
shūrā ( democracy ) 787
signature 492, 653
siḥr ( magic, magie ) 578, 585–586, 593, 594
silence 62, 500, 523, 697, 757, 775, 786
sīmiyāʾ 586–588, 602
singer, singing, singing-girl ( chant, chanteurs, chanteuses, music, song ) 14, 173, 184, 190, 197, 197, 202, 451–453, 455, 500
slave, slavery, enslaved ( esclavage, esclave ) 10, 184, 222, 328–330, 334, 372, 474, 497, 522, 530n, 531, 630, 642, 747
sociabilité, sociability 74, 169, 617, 717, 719, 339
société, society 10, 23, 25, 26, 32, 35, 82, 893, 95, 102, 105, 107, 111, 112, 114–115, 121–123, 126, 128, 153, 165, 174, 199, 222n, 223, 234, 238, 239, 250, 268, 281–282, 319, 339–342, 344–347, 349, 353–355, 377, 378, 389, 404, 405, 445, 502, 504, 507, 520, 532, 543, 645, 710, 715, 719, 723, 748, 768
sociologie, sociology, sociologists (ʿulamāʾ al-ijtimāʿ) 34, 35, 46, 545, 768, 770, 771, 790
soldat, soldier ( asker ) 222, 274, 327, 329, 334, 400, 786
solitude ( retraite ) 205, 645
song ( chant, singer ) 14, 373, 451, 453, 719
soufi(s) ( Sufi ) 5, 112, 270, 273, 275, 278, 279, 582, 587, 588, 604, 654, 656–659, 662, 663, 665, 669, 671, 672n, 673, 678, 680, 687n, 691, 693, 694, 696
soufisme ( mysticism, sufism, taṣawwuf ) 146, 149, 268, 270n, 273, 274, 587, 602, 604, 607, 699
soul ( âme, nafs ) 11, 31, 61, 223, 238, 244, 245, 294, 298, 315, 363, 450, 451, 481, 502, 522, 525, 528n, 629, 621, 625, 626, 631, 739, 744, 763
souverain, sovereign ( king, ruler, sultan ) 83, 124, 261, 333, 348–350, 353, 355, 578–579, 581–585, 587–588, 594–598, 600, 606, 640, 645
speech, speeches ( discours ) 5, 42, 73, 181, 185, 188, 222, 237, 309, 312, 372, 405, 444, 448, 479, 620, 641, 760, 766–767, 771, 780, 784–786, 791
spiritual 11, 19, 24, 306, 396, 401, 407, 496, 526n, 574, 619, 631, 634, 710, 765, 774, 784
spirituel, spirituelle 140, 146, 147, 155, 274, 275, 281, 282, 600, 654, 667, 670, 688, 692
spiritualité, spirituality ( esprit ) 148, 153, 526, 530n, 533n, 634, 644, 662, 673n
sport ( riyāḍa ) 15, 94, 108, 115, 123, 125
state ( dawla ) 9, 16, 17, 24, 27, 34, 38, 40, 79, 82, 217, 222, 319, 332, 334, 520, 754, 755, 757–759, 773, 777–778, 780–781, 790
modern state(s) 34, 754
nation-state 777, 408
statesman, statesmen 29, 293, 622, 763, 764, 784
stone 224, 240, 241, 479, 637, 732, 734, 745, 747
student(s) ( étudiant, mutaʿallim ) 4, 19, 48, 50, 59, 80, 95, 195, 222n, 267, 293, 307, 392n, 373, 374, 411, 495, 498–501, 506, 510, 519, 536, 574, 619, 735, 741, 755–760, 762, 772, 778, 780, 782
sufi, Sufi(s) ( soufi ) 2, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 30, 83, 274, 279, 330, 476, 488–490, 495–496, 497n, 502–507, 509, 511, 573, 617n, 621, 622, 625–626, 627n, 629, 630, 632, 634, 635–637, 639, 644, 646, 761, 787
sufism ( mysticism, soufisme ) 507, 631, 632, 645
ṣuḥba ( compagnie ) 149
sultan, sulṭān 24, 32, 313, 319, 321, 325, 326, 329, 332–334, 443, 524n, 537, 580, 581n, 583, 583n, 587, 603n, 617, 640, 645, 652
sultanat, sultanate 332, 448n, 454, 786
Sunna, sunna ( tradition, traditions ) 62–68, 72, 97, 104, 170, 179, 184, 190, 191, 195, 238, 262, 271, 275, 294, 295, 345, 351, 353, 499, 626, 631, 634, 644, 644, 770, 774, 776, 786
sunnisme, sunnite, sunnī 14, 17, 43, 198, 209, 218n, 262n, 326, 330, 542, 573, 640n, 693, 694
syair 653, 700
symbol, symbole 26, 351, 399, 404, 494, 599, 740
Syrian(s) 17, 30, 116n, 374, 393, 521, 526, 534, 535, 755, 770, 772, 773, 776, 779, 784, 788, 789
système, system 7, 14, 26, 33, 43, 93, 94, 107, 108, 110–111, 115, 126, 128, 250, 274, 340, 342, 392, 404, 440, 555, 632, 663, 692, 757
système administratif 110
système d’éducation, education system 105, 726n
système d’éthique 260
système de pensée, thought system 217n, 660
système graphique 545
système narratif 550n
système philosophique 122
systèmes de valeurs 339
adab system 6, 217
education system 726n
knowledge system, system of knowledge 216, 236, 239–240, 243, 253, 454
literary system 11, 342
social system 390
school system, système scolaire 106, 542, 756, 761
ṭabaqa pl. ṭabaqāt ( class ) 305
al-ṭabaqa al-wusṭā ( middle class ) 766
ṭabīʿa ( nature ) 577
table ( akl, banquet, māʾida ) 60, 64, 105, 238, 416, 502, 616
tadhkira ( biographical dictionary ) 524, 525
taʾdīb 21, 33, 62, 79, 84, 99, 102n, 194, 293, 294, 621n
tafrīd 653, 655, 669, 678
tafsīr ( commentaire coranique ) 145, 774
tahdhīb 33
taḥlīl 177, 180, 182, 192
taḥrīm 177, 180, 183, 190–192, 196
tajallī 670n, 675, 688, 699
tajrīd 652, 655, 669, 678
takhalluq 270
takhallus 653, 653n, 666, 668n, 673
tales ( conte ) 362, 369, 373, 374, 385, 435, 482, 711, 745
folktales 49, 373
talisman, talismanique ( magic, magie ) 6, 556, 577–579, 581n, 582, 584, 586–587, 592–594, 596–602, 604, 724
tamaddun ( civilisation, madaniyya ) 34, 741
tanzimat ( iṣlāḥ, réforme ) 15, 511
taqlīd, taqālīd ( tradition, imitation ) 182, 192, 210
taqrīẓ pl. taqārīẓ ( éloge, eulogy ) 493n, 755n, 762, 763
taʾrīkh ( histoire ) 760, 763, 772
ṭarīqa ( manière, path, confrérie ) 23, 455, 496, 504, 603n
tawāḍuʿ ( modesty ) 624n, 630, 631–639
tawakkul 624n, 635, 684
tawba ( repentance ) 500, 624n
teacher(s) ( maître, professeur ) 50, 71n, 72, 108, 195, 217n, 222, 241, 248, 267, 489, 491, 493–503, 510, 626, 742, 757–759, 761–763, 782, 789–791
teaching(s) ( enseignement ) 61, 66, 70, 164, 295, 382, 382, 444, 497, 499, 503, 619, 620, 625, 721, 754, 758, 761, 762, 763, 765, 773, 779, 781, 782, 789, 790
terminologie, terminology 3, 64, 74, 77, 99, 148, 185, 189, 192, 222, 230, 232, 234, 235, 296, 299, 335, 450, 452, 453, 625, 630, 656, 778
testament, testamentary ( waṣiya ) 295, 309, 312, 491, 783
Old Testament 73, 100, 228, 244, 527, 528, 530, 770
New Testament 115, 228, 527, 698
textbook ( handbook, manuel ) 31, 38, 45, 48, 80, 726, 754, 762–765, 789
theatre, théâtre 153, 652, 657n, 682, 774, 775, 775n
théologie, theology 306, 330, 682, 684, 685, 695, 698
théologien, theologian 13, 172, 193, 199, 217, 319, 329, 330, 544n, 578, 680, 592, 605, 640, 657, 660, 670, 681, 714
theological, théologique 22, 23, 41, 58, 71, 156, 169, 172, 174, 176n, 488, 496, 526, 544n, 552, 559, 624, 657, 661, 690, 771
théophanie 675, 677
théosophie, theosophy 509, 652, 671n
thinker(s) ( penseur ) 367, 641, 642
freethinker 408, 779
Nahḍa thinkers 741
political thinker 380
reformist thinker 750
Sufi thinkers 636, 642
Timurid 6, 28, 39, 441, 442, 573, 617, 618, 622–630, 632, 636, 640, 643–646
tomb, tombe, tombeau 120, 499, 501, 528, 641, 651n, 684, 731, 732, 739, 745, 747
town ( urban, village ) 401, 402, 468, 473, 474, 482, 637, 638
trade, traders ( commerce, merchants ) 30, 190, 197, 320, 520, 521, 525
tradition (notamment tradition textuelle, tradition arabo-islamique) 104, 113, 127, 138, 151, 154, 155, 156, 172, 177, 188, 189, 228, 231, 243, 246, 260, 261, 264, 268, 282, 310, 311, 314, 343, 388, 394, 477, 505, 507, 509, 528, 536, 537, 544, 552, 553, 556, 563, 598, 602, 605, 618, 712, 731, 733, 770 ( hadith, sunna, taqlīd, turāth )
adab tradition 731, 782, 784
Alexander tradition 304, 305, 310, 311
Biblical tradition 253
Greek tradition 241–242, 253
Hellenistic tradition 301
Islamic tradition 744, 749
Persian literary tradition 636, 644
philosophical tradition 742
prophetic tradition(s), traditions prophétiques 190, 191, 218, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 270, 273, 275, 277, 343n, 496, 499, 631
Sufi tradition, tradition soufie 621, 662, 673, 677n, 691, 694
Turkish tradition 712, 716, 719
visual tradition 399–400
tradition andalouse 150
tradition arabo-musulmane 139, 151
tradition byzantine 310
tradition chrétienne 347
tradition hébraïque 139
tradition hindoue 662, 695
tradition javanaise 662, 697
tradition juive 155
tradition magique 580, 582, 604
tradition midrashique 143
tradition néoplatonicienne 147
tradition orale 653
tradition philosophique 150, 155
tradition rabbinique 142, 143
tradition religieuse 657
tradition syriaque 117n, 120n, 542, 544, 545n, 559
tradition kabbalistique 138
tradition zoroastrienne 399
traditions 104, 122, 123, 144, 184, 189, 190, 192, 216, 221n, 228, 241–244, 246, 248, 253, 263, 264, 311, 324, 361, 403, 454, 509, 535, 543, 545, 547, 563, 577, 606
traduction ( translation ) 100, 101, 103, 110n, 116, 116n, 117, 120, 121, 121n, 122, 126, 127, 139n, 145, 145n, 146–150, 152, 153, 153n, 154, 266, 339n, 544–545, 548, 549, 551, 552, 555, 557, 557n, 558, 580n, 588, 597, 597n, 653, 654, 655, 659, 659n, 660, 660n, 661, 662, 666n, 671n, 695
traducteur ( translator ) 100, 101, 113, 117, 122, 141, 147, 153, 154, 155, 547, 562, 652, 655, 661n, 687n
traduire ( translation ) 116, 139, 146, 147, 561, 577, 606, 654, 656, 666, 691, 695, 699n
translation(s) ( tarjama, traduction, traduire, translator ) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 32, 34, 41, 50, 66, 68, 77, 80, 83, 84, 186, 244, 291, 293, 297, 300, 302, 310, 362, 369, 370, 378, 384, 388, 395, 399, 400, 402–405, 410–412, 418, 438–443, 446–451, 454, 456n, 512, 526, 533, 573, 574, 616, 711, 712, 714, 715, 722–724, 726, 727, 733, 736, 740–741, 744, 749, 755, 774, 778, 780, 781, 791
translating 7, 24, 505n, 448, 617, 716, 723, 734, 735
translator 19, 301, 381, 396, 446–450, 454, 456, 722, 724, 741, 749, 779
transmission 11, 12, 13, 20, 21n, 24, 27, 28, 32, 94, 97, 107, 117n, 118, 119n, 120, 121, 122, 128, 140, 141, 144, 145, 149, 150, 152, 153n, 163, 164, 204, 218n, 220n, 228, 241, 259, 260, 262n, 265–269, 271–278, 281, 282, 293, 300, 301n, 315, 361, 362, 405, 436, 437, 443, 445, 447, 491, 543, 545, 546, 558n, 564, 583, 601, 605, 623, 724, 770, 791
chain of transmission, chaîne de transmission, chaîne de garants 3, 119n, 228, 243, 263, 272, 275, 370
travel, traveling ( riḥla, voyage, voyageur ) 19, 48, 323, 324n, 436, 437, 439, 443, 468, 473, 531, 536, 574, 623n, 639, 725, 727, 750, 759, 765, 781
traveler, traveller 27, 475, 476, 493, 510, 525n, 630, 637–639, 709, 722, 727, 732
travelogue ( riḥla, voyage ) 488, 492n, 493, 503, 741, 742, 759n
tribe(s) 4, 40, 229, 232, 324, 325, 327, 478, 506, 767, 768, 769, 771, 786
truth ( ḥaqīqa, ṣidq, vérité ) 171, 179, 372, 373, 375, 409, 473, 496, 519, 528, 573, 632
turāth ( héritage, legacy, patrimoine, tradition ) 9, 28, 791
Turc(s), Turk(s) 10, 18, 19, 27, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 320, 321, 324, 327, 328–330, 332, 574, 616, 710, 713, 714, 717, 718, 720, 721, 723, 755, 773n, 785
turc, Turkish, Turkic 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 24, 27, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 49, 319, 321, 323, 324, 327, 442, 495, 498, 573, 574, 616, 617–619, 623–624, 636, 640, 644–646, 709, 711, 712, 713, 714, 716–720, 722, 725–727, 746, 757, 769, 775, 776, 783, 785, 786, 787, 790, 791
turc ottoman, Ottoman Turkish 18, 34, 41, 573, 776
tyran, tyrannie, tyrant, tyranny ( despote, istibdād ) 113, 327, 642, 682, 737, 747, 749, 787
udabāʾ ( gentilshommes, adīb ) 217, 236, 243, 247, 253, 305, 306, 578, 645
umma pl. umam ( communauté, community, nation ) 521, 763, 767, 768, 771, 775n
unité, unity 14, 146, 328, 657, 662, 686, 687n, 689, 692n, 694, 769, 771
universalisme, universaliste, universalism, universalité 19, 105, 156, 445, 574, 685, 692, 692n, 709
universal, universel 4, 7, 24, 34, 95, 107, 148, 154, 155, 335, 409, 534, 586, 604, 605, 606, 607, 677n, 713, 718, 721, 733, 737, 738, 744
urban 5, 23, 28, 29, 31, 64, 68, 235, 520, 525
urbanitas, urbanity ( raffinement, refinement, ẓarf ) 34, 64
ʿurf ( customs ) 65
valeur(s), value(s) 19, 26, 28, 80, 81, 94, 104, 111, 112, 114, 123, 124–126, 152, 154, 184, 190, 192, 196, 198, 203, 229, 272, 277, 294, 329, 339, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354, 392, 408, 444, 490, 508, 511, 574, 588, 617–619, 622, 623, 630, 660, 683, 693, 697, 711, 713, 738, 744, 748, 781
veil ( ḥijāb, sufūr ) 320, 644, 782
vérité ( ṣidq, truth ) 148, 263, 659, 661–662, 664, 669, 671, 677n, 688, 690, 693, 694, 698, 700
vernacularisation 39, 617
vers, verses ( poésie, poetry ) 68, 69, 118, 175, 193, 228, 231, 240, 243, 263, 265, 272, 280, 348, 349, 441, 442, 449, 481, 496, 498, 499, 500, 501, 510, 526, 527, 530, 616, 619, 621, 624, 625, 628, 629, 633, 634, 637, 639, 725, 755, 786–788
verset (biblique, coranique), verses (coranic) 140, 143, 144, 151, 184, 189–191, 197, 226, 264, 352, 481, 577, 582, 590, 657, 663, 664n, 669, 674n, 677, 677n, 682, 685, 686, 697, 697n
versification 70, 535, 543, 546, 716
version 12, 28, 37, 117n, 120, 123, 151, 152, 153, 153n, 154, 188, 200, 207, 220n, 241, 260, 270, 290, 308, 310, 311, 321, 323, 361, 369, 370, 374, 378, 382, 383n, 384–386, 388, 389n et 85, 391, 395n, 401, 402, 410, 435, 437, 438, 438n, 439, 441, 442, 445–449, 455n, 457n, 482, 492, 493, 494, 528n, 533, 549–555, 558, 559n, 563, 597n, 619, 680, 686, 699n, 725, 731, 754, 760, 765n, 790
vertu, vertueux ( faḍīla, virtue, virtue ) 101, 194, 112, 113, 141, 151, 152, 270, 273, 343, 345, 350, 679, 684, 724, 728
vice 151, 223, 240
village, villager(s) 468, 474, 476, 481, 542, 543
ville ( town ) 105, 118–119, 121, 278, 542, 551, 552, 589, 596, 597, 600, 601
violence, violent 140, 144, 329, 340, 347, 349, 552
viril, virile, virilisme, virilité ( muruwwa ) 28, 41, 769
virtue, virtues ( faḍīla, vertu ) 3, 13, 41, 61, 69, 76, 176, 178, 180, 238, 248, 250n, 324, 334, 338, 363, 407, 414, 525, 528, 623, 624, 629–632, 634, 636, 637, 642, 744, 767, 769
visage 344, 353, 596
visit, visite, visiteur, visitor 386, 489, 494–496, 499–500, 503, 522, 658, 734, 737, 742, 781, 783
vizier, vizir 24, 82, 83, 175, 21, 219, 220, 319, 321–323, 325–326, 328–329, 331–334, 350, 397, 408n, 498n, 549, 550, 558–559, 592, 598, 640, 642
voyage, voyageur ( riḥla, travel ) 105, 268, 502, 546, 557, 563, 564, 654, 677
waḥdat al-wujūd 656, 657, 687, 692, 695, 699
waqf, awqāf 276, 277, 313, 492, 511
war ( armée, army, guerre, jihad, militaire, military ) 9, 34, 42, 238, 330, 377, 717, 745, 764n, 785–786
waṣiya, pl. waṣāyā ( testament ) 72, 83, 295, 296n, 309, 312, 313
waṭan, waṭanī, waṭaniyya ( nation, umma ) 476, 623n, 740, 764, 769, 784
water ( eau ) 61, 182, 194, 195, 233n, 244, 245, 393, 473, 477, 481, 500, 621n
wife, wives ( épouse, femme ) 327, 329, 522, 528, 534, 536, 536, 626, 642, 789
wine ( alcool ) 14, 30, 82, 164, 169, 174–178, 180–198, 202, 208–209, 295, 320, 499–501, 505, 510, 640–641, 769
wisdom ( ḥikma, khirad, sagesse ) 4, 7, 11, 15, 71n, 81–82, 84, 164, 225n, 229, 231, 289, 291, 294, 297–303, 308, 309, 312, 313, 315, 377, 383, 409, 435, 444–445, 495
woman, women ( femme ) 4, 29, 34, 239, 246, 320, 321, 323, 326, 328, 330, 387, 395n, 450, 452, 457n, 473–474, 477, 480, 482, 498, 522, 527, 528, 529, 532, 534–535, 537, 644, 778, 780–781, 783, 786, 789
writer(s) ( écrit, écrivain ) 7, 13, 26, 31, 43, 48, 77, 180n, 206, 241, 266, 306, 374–375, 377, 392, 403, 409, 512, 525–526, 528, 534n, 536, 537n, 629, 709, 714, 717–718, 761, 765–766, 774, 780, 784–785, 788
writing ( rewritings ) 14, 18, 23n, 28, 29, 48, 77, 79, 164, 192, 216, 219, 222, 223n, 224–226, 228, 237, 244, 253, 306, 315, 322, 362, 368, 374–375, 377–378, 384–385, 436, 495, 505, 510–511, 520, 537, 573, 617, 710, 715, 732, 754, 758, 764–766, 768, 772, 776, 782–783, 791
writings 2, 8, 18, 23, 31–31, 35, 38–39, 177, 208, 289, 310, 334, 377, 378, 389, 391, 488n, 495n, 502, 503, 509, 525, 573, 617, 624, 718, 719, 731, 736, 741, 750, 763
wuḥūsh ( animaux ) 224, 229–230, 241
yoga 440, 656
ẓarf ( raffinement, refinement, urbanitas ) 61, 69, 100, 100n, 339
zāwiya 23, 30, 492
zuhd 239, 530, 624n
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