Hans A. Harmakaputra
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Index of Subjects

Aaron 100
Abd al-Wahhāb, Muhammad Ibn 174n8. Wahhabis
Abraham 43, 103, 184. awliyā’ Allāh (saints): Abraham-like (type of saints)
Abū Bakr 74n53
Abū Ya῾zā 107
Adam 52, 9497, 94n31, 10203, 106, 110, 114n122, 196n82
Adawiyya, Rābi῾a al- 149, 207, 221
afrād. see Ranks of awliyā’ Allāh: Solitaries (afrād) . malaāmiyya
ahādīth. see hadīth
Ahrār, ῾Ubaydallāh 109
Al-Ard Institute 208
῾Alawī, Shaykh Ahmad al- 109
All Saints’ Day 4750, 48n54, 49n60, 200
anamnesis 188, 201, 226
Andalusia 115, 156, 159
angels 17, 37, 40, 45, 50n60, 9496, 95n36, 195. Gabriel
Apostles’ Creed 36, 38
apostles (of Christ) 16, 18, 22, 47, 50n60
Asad, Talal 7273
ascetics 29n61, 175, 176n14
asceticism 28n53, 56, 5859, 58n110, 151
Ashʿarī, Abū al-Hasan al-. kalām
acquisition (doctrine) 91
Ash῾arite school 91, 142n103
atheists 30, 12729, 129n42, 138, 218
awliyā’ Allāh (saints). walāya: and saints
Abraham-like (type of saints) 110. Abraham
and awliyā’ haqq Allāh 8384
anthropological and sociological approaches to 6874
as the heirs of the prophets 10610
Christ-like (type of saints) 10710, 12930, 192. Christ, Jesus: in Islam
diwān al-awliyā’ 111
Hūd-like (type of saints) 109. Hūd (prophet)
Moses-like (type of saints) 107, 109, 129, 192. Moses
Muhammad-like (type of saints) 10810, 130, 192. Muhammad (prophet)
signs of 68, 7478, 10809, 12930, 148, 158, 166, 192. karāmāt
spiritual rank of 76, 78n75, 80, 85, 99, 11113, 15456, 166, 183, 19394
terminology of 6467, 7781
awliyā’ Allāh, ranks of
abdāl 78, 11112, 111n104, 149, 15455, 154n32, 179
chiefs (nuqaba’) 78n75
good (akhyār) 78n75
Pole (qutb) 78n75, 112
savior (ghawth) 78n75
Seal of the Saints. see khatm al-awliyā’
siddīq 78
Solitaries (afrād) 113, 113n114, 15859. malāmiyya
Supports (awtād) 78, 112, 156, 156n40
Babagario, Ms. 172, 193
Baghdādī, Shaykh Abū ‘l-Hasan al- 111, 114, 155n33
Baqlī, Rūzbehān 165
barakā 64, 77
Barth, Karl 206
Barthalmā, Zurayb ibn 107
beatification 17. canonization
beauty 28n53, 79, 93, 106, 109, 14041, 192
Bell, Alexander Graham 119, 144, 192
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 2, 6, 9, 36, 5157, 62, 15153, 20306, 221, 225
church 5152, 54
intercession (prayer) 53
memory of 51, 206, 221
sanctification 5456, 15153
sin 52
worldliness 15153, 57
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, works of:
Letters and Papers from Prison 5657, 15153
Life Together 5254
Sanctorum Communio 5152, 54
The Cost of Discipleship 5456
Buber, Martin 207
Buddhist 7172, 214
Bulbul, Nawar 210
Calendar of Holy Women 221
canonization 5, 7, 1617, 16n7, 2022, 24, 34, 14344, 146, 150, 153, 191, 198, 20003, 203n13, 206, 220. beatification
celibacy 176, 202
Christ, Jesus
and mysticism 13738. mysticism
and non-Christians 132
and saints 29, 49, 57, 176, 180, 188. saints: as many mediations to Christ
as Mediator 3, 23, 37, 37n3, 52, 120, 125, 134, 204
as the New Being 58. Tillich, Paul: the New Being
death of 133, 160
deep incarnation 140, 140n96
God’s self-communication in 12931, 133
hidden Christ 19496
in Islam 103, 10709, 108n91, 180n32, 192. awliyā’ Allāh (saints): Christ-like (type of saints)
miracles of 192
Anglican 10, 46n47, 144n108
as Body of Christ 42, 48, 54,
as mystical body 18
Catholic 57, 16, 20, 4546, 57, 136n70, 14344, 146, 150n10, 153, 191, 198, 2026, 215, 220
Confessing Church 151, 151n17
Episcopal 10, 46n47, 222
Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America (ELCA) 46, 144n108, 191
Lutheran 25n45, 35, 40, 46n46, 4951
Orthodox 10, 17, 191n73
Presbyterian Church in the USA 46
Protestant 30, 3537, 4546, 5051, 57, 58n110, 6162, 119
Reformed 49
Triumphant, Suffering, and Militant 17
visible and invisible 43
World Council of Churches 46n45
Clooney, Francis X. 78
cloud of witnesses 50, 173, 175, 18384, 187, 190, 197
comparative theology
confessional 2, 79, 224, 226, 228
meta-confessional 7
types of learning in 910, 22628
communion of saints
and non-Christians 2, 18586, 188, 191, 224, 22628
and the poor 31n71
as community of friends. see Johnson, Elizabeth: friends of God and prophets
as one community 46
as ongoing relationship 173, 197, 205
Catholic view of 1718, 24
church as 6, 28, 5254, 174
from a feminist perspective 2627, 30n65
in the early church 28n55
Protestant view of 20405
redefining 6, 173, 175, 196, 201
Conference of the Birds (῾Attār) 183
Cornille, Catherine 2, 710, 227
Council of the Saints. see awliyā’ Allāh (saints): diwān al-awliyā’
Cunningham, Lawrence 1, 47, 17, 21, 2023, 217
Day, Dorothy 14647, 150, 171, 200
Devi, Sri Sarada 221
dhikr 101, 166
Divine Names 9497, 1046, 121, 217. walāya: and Divine Names
Diwān (Hafiz) 183
domestication 8
ecclesiology 6, 30, 51, 228
Eckhart, Meister 202
Egan, Harvey D. 13637, 171, 203, 218
Emmaus 33, 161, 19495
Father Frans. see Lugt, Frans van der
Fox, George 206
Francis (Pope) 1, 25n45
Frank, Anne 1, 207
Fratelli Tutti 1
free will 52, 142n103, 158
freedom 59, 124, 142, 185n53, 206
Gabriel 80, 103n64. angels
Galilei, Galileo 202
Gandhi, Mohandas 1, 155n32, 198, 203, 2067, 223
Ganjuran (shrine) 15n3
Geertz, Clifford 6973
Ghazālī, Al- 88
Gilsenan, Michael 6869
God’s self-communication. saints: as manifestations and revealers of God’s self-communication
and human beings 121, 124, 138, 140, 150, 207
and saints 9, 128, 13940, 143, 145, 199, 21819, 224
grace as 11, 12225, 127, 131, 225, 186
manifestation of 135, 138139, 150, 199
particular 120, 12933
universal 23, 120, 124n21, 13034, 136, 186, 217
actual 122
cheap grace 54
created and uncreated 122
imputed 44, 59n113
supernatural 123, 12728, 13839
Gus Dur. see Wahid, Abdurrahman
hadīth 73, 7981, 9395, 93n25, 94n31, 97100, 100n54, 102, 166, 180n32, 217
about hiddenness of a saint 81, 14849, 15455, 159, 179
al-qudsī 79, 93, 98n47, 148, 153n27, 158, 196n82
of envy 80
of supererogatory prayers 8081
hagiography 26, 69, 74, 74n53, 141, 202
Hallāj, Husayn ibn Mansūr al- 108, 108n91, 109, 155n32, 207
Hamer, Fannie Lou 206
Hammarskjöld, Dag 45n44, 47
Haqīqa Muhammadiyya 110, 114, 114n122, 180n36. Muhammad (prophet)
Haqq, al- 9395, 97, 99, 108n91
Haul (celebration) 215
Heschel, Abraham (rabbi) 1, 207
Hindu 63, 7172, 221
Hinze, Christine Firer 6, 27n53, 30n65, 31n71
and banality 14753, 171, 200, 225
and idolatry. see Marion, Jean-Luc: idol
and invisibility 3233, 161, 16364, 169. saints: invisibility of
and saints 34, 65, 171
different modes of 24, 128, 197, 229
manifestation of 33, 17071, 173, 194
multiple paths of 150, 19193, 195, 201, 223, 226, 228
new modes of 24, 14344, 150, 191, 201, 218
of Christ 33, 161
of God 3334, 148, 151, 15961, 165, 167, 16971, 196, 20001, 22526. Marion, Jean-Luc: God’s holiness
paradox of 160
participation in 32, 60, 16365, 16869, 185,
perception of 165, 16768
web of 17071, 198, 20001, 223, 226
Holy Spirit 38, 43, 53, 56, 58, 53n75, 127, 132, 197
Hūd (prophet) 90n15, 98, 98n45, 99. awliyā’ Allāh (saints): Hūd-like (type of saints)
Hujwīrī, Al- 67n17, 67n19, 83. Kashf al-Mahjūb (Al-Hujwīrī)
Husayn Ibn ῾Alī 189n69
ibāda 84
Iblīs 95
Ibn ῾Arabī
barzakh 96, 96n39
Breath of the All-Merciful (Nafas al-Rahmān) 92
entity (‘ayn) 92
existent thing (mawjūd) 93
god created in beliefs 98102
He/not He (Hūwa/lā Hūwa) 91, 121
human being (insān) 9497, 94n32
Knowers (arīf) 98
locus of manifestation (mazhar) 9293
Necessary Being (Wajīb al-Wujūd) 90
oneness of being (wahdat al-wujūd) 8990, 89n10, 97, 99101, 106, 12021
Perfect Human (al-insān al-kāmil) 9497, 121
signs (ayāt) 94
spiritual energy (himma) 108
spiritual knowledge (ma῾rifa) 97
spiritual realities (rūhāniyyāt) 129, 155
spiritual states (ashāb al-ahwāl) and spiritual stations (ashāb al-maqāmāt) 113
station of proximity (maqām al-qurba) 15657
theophany (tajallī) 9294, 113, 121
Ibn ῾Arabī, works of:
Epistle of the Light (Risalāt al-Anwār) 90, 101, 155
The Bezels of Wisdom (Fusūs al-Hikam) 88n4, 90n15, 93n26, 9496, 98, 101, 102n64, 110, 115, 181
The Meccan Revelations (Al-Futūhāt al-Makkiyya) 88n4, 89n8, 9094, 93n25, 105, 156
The Niche of Lights (Mishkāt al-Anwār) 100n54, 148n5
Ibn Hūd 10910
Ibn Ja’dun, ‘Abdallah 112, 156, 166
Ibn Taymiyya 89n11, 174n8
Ibrahīm. see Abraham
idolatry 3, 35, 3738, 45, 55, 64, 160
ihsān 113, 141
ilhām 80
Indonesia 1, 34, 8, 15, 6970, 7576, 87, 110, 119, 153, 172, 174, 205, 21216, 220, 222
῾Īsā. see Christ, Jesus: in Islam
Islamic theology. see kalām
isrā and mi῾rāj 108, 155, 192
Ixcán, Saint James of the 18889
Java 3, 63, 67, 69, 68n27, 7175
Jibrīl. see Gabriel
jihād 7071
Jīlānī, ῾Abd al-Qādir al- 77, 77n66. Naqshbandiyya
Job 141
John the Baptist 119, 144
Johnson, Elizabeth
friends of God and prophets 2627, 31, 185, 187. prophets: and saints
memory of Jesus Christ 18788
memory of saints 30, 175, 189, 205, 222
narrative memory of solidarity 31, 173, 187, 191, 197
women’s practice of memory 6, 30n65, 184n52
Jonah 108n85
Joseph 141, 192
Judaism 108n85, 127
Jude, Saint (the apostle) 15
Julian of Norwich 202
Junayd, Al- 8283, 85, 179n30
Justification 5455, 127, 151
paradox of 5859
kalām 91n17, 91n18, 121, 121n1. Ashʿarī, Abū al-Hasan al- ; Mu’tazilites
karāmāt 7477, 113, 166. miracles: in Islam ; awliyā’ Allāh (saints): signs of
and mu’jiza 67, 67n19
kasb. see Ashʿarī, Abū al-Hasan al-: acquisition (doctrine)
kashf (doctrine) 93n25, 182
Kashf al-Mahjūb (Al-Hujwīrī) 67n17, 153. Hujwīrī, Al-
Khadir 108, 108n85, 14243
khalīfa 94
Khashoggi, Jamal 222
khatm al-awliyā’ 8485, 85n111, 88, 17980. awliyā’ Allāh (saints)
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 1, 45n44, 47, 198, 221
Kollwitz, Käthe 206
Laksana, Albertus Bagus 3, 67n18, 220
Lima (liturgy) 46, 46n45, 205
Lincoln, Abraham 119, 144
Lisieux, Saint Therese of 189, 198, 223
lordship. see rubūbiyya
Lugt, Frans van der 1, 4, 20711, 208n32, 21620, 22223, 228
Lumen Gentium 6, 16, 1920, 3031, 150
Luqmān (prophet) 102n64
Luther, Martin 25n45, 3741, 4344, 53, 150, 178n26, 204
malaāmiyya 11, 113n114, 147, 15459, 16667, 179, 200, 225. awliyā’ Allāh, ranks of: Solitaries (afrād) ; saints: hiddenness of
Mann, Horace 119, 144, 192
Mantiq al-Tayr (῾Attār). see Conference of the Birds (῾Attār)
Marion, Jean-Luc
bedazzlement 162
God’s holiness 3234, 147, 15961, 165, 16870. holiness: of God
icon 33n79, 16769
idol 3233, 33n79, 160, 16869.
intentionality 33, 33n79, 16061, 164, 168,
paradox of sanctity 147, 154, 160, 17071, 201, 226
perception of holiness 165, 167
phenomenon 33, 16165, 168, 17071
self-idolatry 32, 160, 168
martyrs 16, 18, 29, 29n61, 42, 47, 48n54, 50, 50n60, 80, 144, 17576, 183, 18788
age of 29, 29n59, 175, 176n18
proto- 22, 22n33
memory of 30n65, 176, 187, 18990
Mary (Mother of Jesus) 3, 1517, 22, 26, 29, 35, 39, 41, 47, 102n64, 177, 177n21, 204
Masnawī (Rumī) 183
Massignon, Louis 154n32
Maybudī, Rashīd al-Dīn 79
Mecca 65, 72
Medina 65, 72
Melanchthon, Philip 4042, 204
messengerhood. see risalā
Metz, Johann Baptist 187n59
miracles 2021, 57, 193.
of Jesus 108, 192
of saints 15, 17, 74n50, 146, 203
in Islam 67, 7477, 113, 157. karāmāt
Morocco 6970, 73n45
Morris, James W. 96n40, 113, 120, 14042, 192, 225, 227
Moses 18, 96n39, 103, 107, 107n80, 108n85, 109, 14243, 15556, 160, 163, 165, 192,195. awliyā’ Allāh (saints): Moses-like (type of saints)
Mother Mary. see Mary (Mother of Jesus)
Mother Teresa. see Teresa of Calcutta
Muhammad (prophet) 68, 72, 7980, 85, 104, 107, 109,114n122, 129, 141,14749, 154, 156, 166, 179, 180, 182, 213. awliyā’ Allāh (saints): Muhammad-like (type of saints) ; Haqīqa Muhammadiyya ; Seal of the Prophets (khatm al-nabiyyīn) ; Walāya: Muhammadan
Muhammadan reality. see Haqīqa Muhammadiyya
mu’jiza. see miracles: in Islam
mushrik 105
Mu’tazilites 91, 91n18, 142n103. kalām
mystery of destiny. see sirr al-qadr
mystical experience 61, 61n128, 137
mysticism 28n53, 7071, 120, 13638. Christ, Jesus: and mysticism
mystics 13640, 202, 207, 225
nafs (doctrine) 71, 84
Nahdlatul Ulama 75, 75n54, 75n55, 21213, 212n47. Wahid, Abdurrahman
Naqshbandiyya 109. Jīlānī, ῾Abd al-Qādir al-
nawafīl. see hadīth: of supererogatory prayers
Nine Saints of Java. see Wali Songo
Noah (Nūh) 103
nocturnal ascension. see isrā and mi῾rāj
Nostra Aetate 127n37
NU. see Nahdlatul Ulama
nubuwwa 10304. prophets ; risalā ; walāya: and prophethood and messengerhood
oneness of God. see tauhīd
Orsi, Robert 15
Pascal, Blaise 33, 161, 164, 170, 202
Paul (apostle) 18, 36, 119, 144, 169, 173, 173n5
Peter (apostle) 42, 45, 119, 144
pilgrimage 3, 18, 51, 64, 68, 75, 87, 177, 179, 206, 210, 21415, 22022. saints: tomb of ; saints: veneration of ; ziyāra
polytheist. see mushrik
priesthood of all believers 204
prophethood. see nubuwwa
prophets. nubuwwa
and martyrs 80
and messengers 102, 102n63, 103, 129, 180n32, 181, 192
and saints 50n60, 6768, 8285, 102, 10507, 10910, 12930, 181, 192. Johnson, Elizabeth: friends of God and Prophet
female 103n64
number of prophets 102, 102n64, 110, 129, 192
Seal of the Prophets (khatm al-nabiyyīn) 85, 103, 129, 180. Muhammad (prophet)
purgatory 1718
Qalandar 157n44. Sufi: antinomian
Rahner, Karl
anonymous Christians 26, 120, 12436, 227
God’s self-revelation 21. God’s self-communication
human’s memory of the absolute savior 13233
implicit faith 124, 130, 133, 136
inter-communicative existence 21, 23, 134
inter-communicative mediations 2123, 128, 13436, 141, 14445, 150, 165, 168, 171, 199200, 22526
love of neighbor 133, 13839, 138n86
new models of the Christian life 24
non-Christian religions 12528, 125n29, 130, 13233, 136
pre-apprehension (vorgriff) 123n15
supernatural existential 131
transcendence 60, 123, 123n15, 124, 13132, 140
transcendental Christology 131
Ramadhan 63, 216
risalā 102, 105, 181. nubuwwa ; walāya: and prophethood and messengerhood
Riyanto 172, 192, 200
Romero, Óscar 17, 144, 144n108, 191.
rubūbiyya 106, 159
an inclusive Christian theology of 11920, 14546, 197, 199201, 219, 22528
as companions 189, 196
as icons of God 147, 16771, 200, 217, 22526
as manifestations and revealers of God’s self-communication 9, 145, 199
as many mediations to Christ 22, 24, 120, 13435. Christ, Jesus: and saints
as mediators 27, 29, 41, 81, 165, 177
as moral exemplars 20, 20n23, 2425, 34
as sign-events 57, 21719, 222
calendar of 47, 50, 144n108, 150n10, 191, 202, 222
companionship paradigm of 11, 2632, 173, 17579, 18388, 201, 204, 22627
cross-veneration of 4, 22425, 229
definition of 7, 32, 57n101, 59n113, 13435, 167, 205, 21718, 223
hiddenness of 9, 76, 87, 11115, 120, 13436, 14546, 194, 199201, 224, 22627. malaāmiyya ; sanctification: and hiddenness ; walāya: and hiddenness
hierarchical relations among 31, 114, 17879, 227
imitation of 20, 189, 21920, 222, 228
in heaven 1619, 29, 31, 37, 3942, 44, 4950, 50n60, 177, 177n21, 20304
in Islam. see awliyā’ Allāh (saints)
intercession of 17, 4143, 53, 177
intercessory role of 1920, 22, 34, 77n66, 177
invisibility of 32, 3334, 113, 15961, 16364. holiness: and invisibility
invocation of 19, 30, 3637, 4042, 46, 20405
non-Christian 12, 6, 1011, 26, 120, 12729, 13436, 14546, 183, 18586, 188, 195, 197200, 20203, 206, 218, 22028
patron-client paradigm of 18, 2629, 27n51, 31, 17678, 176n16, 183, 184n52, 186, 20304, 229
recognizing 129, 135, 145, 149, 203, 207, 222, 219
relics of 18n18, 19, 38, 177
remembering 3031, 30n65, 43, 4750, 175, 177, 184, 18689, 193, 20102, 205, 212, 21516, 22023
role of 2, 16, 20, 82, 167, 173,174n7, 183, 186, 188, 218
thaumaturgic power of 21, 177, 203
tomb of 1, 4, 6364, 6869, 75, 87, 177, 179, 21416, 22021. ziyāra ; pilgrimage
unknown 49, 139, 200
veneration of 34, 5n10, 18, 20, 3031, 37, 45, 64, 67n18, 87, 135, 174n6, 174n8, 202. ziyāra ; pilgrimage
worldly 51, 57, 15053, 167
Salafis 3, 10, 64
according to Bonhoeffer 51, 5457, 15153, 205
according to Calvin 4244
according to Luther 38
according to Tillich 5861, 59n116, 205
and hiddenness 56, 16567, 16971. saints: hiddenness of ; walāya: and hiddenness
as a journey 147, 15053, 164, 167, 16971, 173, 196, 200, 22528
sanctity. see holiness
Satan. see Iblīs
seal of the saints. see khatm al-awliyā’
Second Vatican Council 2, 6, 9, 16, 16n7, 20, 25n45, 26, 30, 127,129n42, 146, 150, 2013, 218
Seth (Shīth) 102n64
Sharafī, Abū ῾Abdallāh al- 159, 159n52
Shi῾ism 10, 189n69
Shu῾ayb (prophet) 98, 98n45
Sidi Lyusi 6971
sirr al-qadr (doctrine) 140, 142
slave 111, 149, 15455, 179
slavery 142, 144, 192
suffering 20, 28n53, 30n65, 39, 56, 96n40, 141, 15152, 162, 174n5, 185, 185n53, 187, 191, 193, 209
and the jurists 155
antinomian 157, 157n44. Qalandar
ecstatic 165
masters 74n51, 78, 8283, 115n126, 166, 179n30, 182
order (tariqa) 109, 109n97
Sufism 3, 64, 72, 82n90, 83, 86, 8889, 179, 182, 224
criticism toward 89n11
in the West 109
Sunan Ampel 76, 76n61. Wali Songo
Sunan Kalidjaga 6971. Wali Songo
Sunan Kudus 63. Wali Songo
Sunni 3, 10, 64, 69, 75n55, 86, 89n11, 91n17, 91n18, 103n64, 121, 121n1, 142, 142n103, 180n32
superstition 20, 37, 4243, 64
Supriya 221
tariqa. see Sufi: oder
tasawwuf. see Sufism
tauhīd 103
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 202
Teresa of Calcutta 15, 15n2, 17, 198
The Real. see Haqq, al-
Tillich, Paul
and moral perfection 5758
and non-Christians 61, 61n128, 61n129, 61n132
existential anxiety 60
Ground of Being 7, 58n105, 6061, 167
medium for God’s revelation 57
the New Being 58, 58n105. Christ, Jesus: as the New Being
the Spiritual Presence 58n105, 59, 59n116, 61
ultimate concern 6061
Tirmidhī, Hakīm al- 8286, 88, 103, 180
Tov, Baal Shem 1, 207
Trent (council) 1920, 205
Turner, Petra Elaine 32, 34, 16265
Tustarī, Sahl al- 78, 80, 83, 166
῾ubūdiyya 84, 102, 113, 148, 15859
umma 103, 227
unveiling (doctrine). see kashf
van der Lugt, Frans. see Lugt, Frans van der
Vatican II. see Second Vatican Council
vicegerent. see khalīfa
virgin Mary. see Mary (Mother of Jesus)
vox populi 7, 11, 199, 20106, 21617, 22023
Wahhabis 3, 10, 64, 174n8. Abd al-Wahhāb, Muhammad Ibn
Wahid, Abdurrahman 1, 7477, 75n58, 110, 154, 21223, 228. Nahdlatul Ulama
῾āmma (general) and khāssa (limited) 106, 113
and Divine Names 96n40. Divine Names
and hiddenness 111, 114. saints: hiddenness of ; sanctification: and hiddenness
and prophethood and messengerhood 8283, 10205, 110, 114, 129, 157, 181. nubuwwa ; risalā
and saint 66, 8384, 112, 115, 119. awliyā’ Allāh (saints)
as friendship 201, 226
as inheritance of the prophets 10510, 130, 192
as universal divine self-disclosure 120, 12930, 199
degrees of 113, 15657
Muhammadan 109. Muhammad (prophet)
universal paths of 120, 14043, 192, 225
universality of 11, 10506, 11415, 183, 186, 217, 225
walī Allāh. see awliyā’ Allāh
Wali Songo 63, 69, 76, 76n61. Sunan Ampel ; Sunan Kalidjaga ; Sunan Kudus
Washington, Booker T. 119, 144, 192
Werbner, Pnina 7071
wilāya 6566
wirātha. see walāya: as inheritance of the prophets
Woodward, Mark R. 7172
Wyschogrod, Edith 21920
ziyāra 63n2, 64, 179, 220. pilgrimage ; saints: tomb of ; saints: veneration of
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