Notes on Contributors
Giuseppe De Gregorio
is Professor for Greek Palaeography at the University of Bologna. His main fields of investigation are Greek manuscripts and documents, especially of the Palaeologan era as well as of the early modern period (in Western Europe and in the Ottoman East), history and reception of ancient Greek texts in Byzantium, Byzantine chanceries, and Byzantine epigrams.
Pantelis Golitsis
is a researcher at the Aristoteles-Archiv of the Freie Universität Berlin and an Assistant Professor at the Aristotle Unversity of Thessaloniki. He is the author of Les Commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean Philopon à la Physique d’Aristote. Tradition et innovation (Berlin & New York, 2008) and has published several articles on topics of Late antique and Byzantine philosophy.
Eleni Kaltsogianni
is Assistant Professor of Byzantine literature at the University of Ioannina. Her research interests focus on learned literature, especially rhetoric and hagiography, of the Middle and Late Byzantine period (from the 12th to the 15th centuries). In collaboration with Ioannis Polemis, she has published an edition of Theodore Metochites’ rhetorical works in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana.
Apostolos Karpozilos
is Professor emeritus of the University of Ioannina. He taught Medieval Greek Literature. He provided critical editions of The Letters of Ioannes Mauropous and of Theodore Hyrtakenos (with George Fatouros). He is the author of several works on Byzantine epistolography and historiography (Byzantine Historian and Chroniclers, 4 vols.), and has also written articles on the material culture of Byzantium.
Sofia Kotzabassi
is Professor of Byzantine Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interests include Byzantine rhetoric and epistolography, historiography and prosopography, and Greek paleography. Her recent publications include Das hagiographische Dossier der heiligen Theodosia von Konstantinopel (Berlin, 2009) and Greek Manuscripts at Princeton. A Descriptive Catalogue (with Nancy Ševčenko, Princeton, 2010).
Sophia Mergiali-Sahas
is Associate Professor of Byzantine History at the University of Athens. Her publications include, L’Enseignement et les Lettrés pendant l’Époque des Paléologues (Athens, 1996), Writing history with the saints: From the society of the saints to the society of the Palaeologan era (1261–1453) (in Greek; forthcoming), and some twenty articles on intellectual history, social issues, holy relics and political power, diplomacy, piracy, slave trade, and other aspects of Byzantine history.
Ioannis Polemis
is Professor of Byzantine Literature at the Athens University. He specializes in Late Byzantine literature, and has produced editions and translations of Ethikos and the orations of Theodore Metochites, the Funeral Orations of Michael Psellos. He is the author of a number of articles on the hesychastic quarrels of the 14th century, and has published various texts of the late 14th century referring to the Palamite controversy.
Alexander Riehle
is Assistant Professor of the Classics at Harvard University. He specializes in the rhetorical and epistolary literature of late Byzantium. He is the editor of A Companion to Byzantine Epistolography (Leiden, 2020) and is currently preparing an edition and translation of the letter-collections of Nikephoros Choumnos.
Demetra Samara
taught Byzantine Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research deals with the literature of the Palaeologan period. She is the author of Theodore Mouzalon. The Life and writings of a 13th Century Scholar (in Greek, 2018) and is preparing a critical edition and translation of Manuel Philes.
Ilias Taxidis
is Associate Professor of Byzantine Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His main interests are Byzantine epistolography, rhetoric and poetry. His most recent publications include Les epigrammes de Maxime Planude (Berlin 2017) and The Ekphraseis in the Byzantine Literature of the 12th century (Alessandria, 2021).
Ioannis Vassis
is Professor of Medieval Greek Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He specializes in Byzantine Poetry and his recent publications include Leon Magistros Choirosphaktes, Chiliostichos Theologia (Berlin, 2002), Initia Carminum Byzantinorum (Berlin, 2005), and, with Ioannis Polemis, A Greek Exile in 12th-century Malta. The Poem of the Ms. Matritensis BN 4577. A New Critical Edition with Translation and Notes (in Greek, Athens, 2016).