Notes on Contributors

In: Doctoral Education as If People Matter
Marie-Louise Österlind
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Pam Denicolo
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Britt-Marie Apelgren
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Notes on Contributors

Britt-Marie Apelgren

(PhD) is Professor of Language Education at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. She has extensive experience in doctoral education. Her main research fields concern teacher cognition, language teaching and learning, language policy, doctoral studies, and leadership in higher education.

Diogo Casanova

(PhD) is the Vice-Rector for Quality and Innovation at the Universidade Aberta. He has experience in leading institutional and international projects related to online learning, teaching and postgraduate education.

Pam Denicolo

(PhD) is Professor Emerita, Reading University, and a chartered psychologist, Academy of Social Sciences Fellow, and honorary pharmacist. She is also an advisor/consultant to universities worldwide on doctoral education. She provides workshops for supervisors and researchers on supervision, examining, research methods, publishing, gaining funding, etc.

Shane Dowle

(PhD) is Senior Continuous Improvement Manager in the Change and Improvement division at University College London. He was previously Head/Deputy Director of the Doctoral College at the University of Surrey and holds a PhD on the topic of doctoral completions.

Dawn Duke

(PhD) is Head of Researcher Development for the Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) and leads professional development programmes for early career researchers and academics across Africa, following years of experience running and contributing to doctoral researcher and supervisor development programmes.

Fabiane Garcia

(PhD) is Professor in Education at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). She coordinates the postgraduate programme in Education and has experience in supervising doctoral students to completion.

Martin Gough

(PhD) is variously a doctoral supervisor, researcher and academic developer (including leading on supervisor development), based at the University of Liverpool Centre for Higher Education Studies. He is Co-Convenor of the Society for Research into Higher Education Postgraduate Issues.

Erika Hansson

(PhD) is currently working as a lecturer at Kristianstad University, Sweden. She completed her degree in psychology in 2017, and her areas of interest comprise of disordered eating among boys, bullying among youth, as well as the well-being of doctoral students.

Gillian Houston

(PhD) completed a PhD on the doctoral examination in 2018 and now works as an independent researcher and author. She has supported the UK Council for Graduate Education for many years, as a speaker, board member, chair and vice-chair, now as an Honorary Life Member.

Isabel Huet

(PhD) is Assistant Professor in Education at the Universidade Aberta, an Invited Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire, and an Honorary doctoral supervisor at the University of Liverpool. She has experience in designing CPD programmes for doctoral supervisors.

Sverker Lindblad

(PhD) is Professor Emeritus in Education at the University of Gothenburg, researching Education Policy, an area in which he has published extensively. A recent publication is on typecasting in the recruitment of full professor. He is an experienced doctoral supervisor.

Bing Lu

(PhD) is a doctoral researcher in Department Education Studies at University of Warwick She founded the ‘Superb-vision network’ (SVN) sponsored by Warwick Doctoral College. Her doctoral research investigates how returned doctorate holders conduct doctoral supervision in their home countries.

Alistair McCulloch

(PhD) is Head of Research Education at the University of South Australia. Chair of the QPR conference, in 2017 he was awarded a national ‘Australian Award for University Teaching’ for his work in the field of doctoral supervisor development.

Marie-Louise Österlind

(PhD) is Vice Dean and Senior lecturer in Work Psychology at Kristianstad University, Sweden. Her research concerns working conditions and leadership in public sector organisations. She has been a regular board member of The Swedish Association for University Teachers.

Julie Reeves

(PhD) is a Researcher Developer. She contributed to the Vitae ‘Researcher Development Framework’, was the Capacity Development Co-Investigator for BRECcIA-GCRF, established ReMNet for international research management networking, and is a co-convener of the SRHE Postgraduate Issues Network.

Manuela Schmidt

(PhD) gained her PhD in medical science in 2020 and works currently as a senior lecturer at Linnaeus University and as a postdoc at Jönköping Academy. Her research focuses among others on mental health of university students and various professions.

Matthew Sillence

(PhD) is a researcher developer and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Since 2012, he has provided training for postgraduate researchers and professional development courses for supervisors at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.

Gun-Britt Wärvik

(PhD) is Professor in Education at the Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg. Her research interests concern educational governing, including studies of doctoral education. She is a member of the research group Politics in Education.

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