4.1 One-three differentiation (
4.2 One-two differentiation 101
10.1 The historical development of Korean sociology 222
15.1 Global average of evaluation of COVID-19 performance by each city’s citizens (June 2020) 317
15.2 The United States’ image as assessed by the global average of each city’s citizens (June 2020) 317
15.3 The United States’ image as assessed by the global average of each city’s citizens (September 2020) 317
15.4 The United States’ image as assessed by the global average of each city’s citizens (September 2021) 318
15.5 The state image of the United States and China by global citizens (June 2020) 319
15.6 The state image of the United States and China by global citizens (September 2020) 319
15.7 The state image of the United States and China by global citizens (September 2021) 319
15.8 Index of the civilizational axis moving to East Asia (September 2021) 323
18.1 Four components of publicness and pursuing values 380
18.2 Typology of a social system 390
18.3 Types of publicness and risk governance 393
19.1 The process of glocal culture development 400
24.1 Rapid growth of family housing wealth in urban China (1988–2019). Data source: The Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) and Chinese Social Survey (CSS) 488
24.2 Trends of income and housing wealth Gini coefficient in China (1981–2017). Source: The data of Income Gini coefficients are from the National Bureau of Statistics of China. The data of housing wealth Gini coefficients are from the Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) and Chinese Social Survey (CSS) 489
24.3 Source of housing property in different years (%). Data source: The Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) and Chinese Social Survey (CSS) 491
24.4 A new social stratification created by wealthization 492
25.1 Population shares in poverty (lightest grey, incomes below 50% of the median), in affluence (darkest fray, incomes above 150% of the median), and in the middle class (medium grey, neither in poverty nor affluence) based on equivalized disposable income circa 1985 and 2020 497
25.2 The “Bourdieusian diamond” in twenty-first century Western societies 498
26.1 Distribution of earnings and housing ownership, 2017 519
26.2 Joint distribution of income and wealth in 2017 519
26.3 Debt by income decile 524
27.1 Temporal change in income inequality by county 531
27.2 Relationship between global forces, local institutions, and social stratification and mobility 532
27.3 Temporal change in non-regular employment rate by gender 534
27.4 Temporal change in non-regular employment rate by firm size 537
28.1 Gross enrollment rate and enrollment size of higher education in China, 1990–2019 546
28.2 Enrollment size of higher education in different types of degree in China, 1990–2019 547
28.3 Gender disparities in educational attainment in China by cohort 548
28.4 Urban–rural divide in educational attainment in China by cohort 550
28.5 Disparities in educational attainment in China by parents’ education and occupation 550
28.6 Predicted effects of fathers’ ISEI and parents’ education on children’s probabilities of entering college in 1996, 2006, and 2015 551
28.7 Proportions of “never married” among Chinese youth (aged 18–35) for years between 2003 and 2015, by gender 554
28.8 Average age of first marriage for Chinese youth (aged 18–35) for years between 2003 and 2015, by gender 555
28.9 Rates of labor force participation for Chinese youth (aged 18–35) for years between 2003 and 2015, by gender 556
37.1 Foreign population in Japan (thousands) 667
37.2 Foreign schoolchildren needing Japanese instruction 668
37.3 Foreign workers by residential status 670
45.1 Degree of individualization by city 766
45.2 Degree of community orientation (total, male, female), 2021 769
45.3 Comparison of individualization index and community orientation, 2021 770
45.4 Ideal and expected number of children and the difference by city 772
50.1 The figure of the relationship among three emotional regimes 832
54.1 Urban population at mid-year, 1950–2050, by world region and Asian subregion (thousands) 886
58.1 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s poster calling for prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus infection (April 2020) 933
58.2 The main gate of Zojoji Temple in Minato Ward, Tokyo 934
58.3 Gosyuin at Kokuryo Shrine in Chofu City, Tokyo 934
59.1 Gender-starred age pyramid, sub-Saharan Africa, 2019 938
59.2 Mortality, fatality, PCR test: Guinea, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone (December to July 2020) 943
59.3 Incidence, number of reported deaths: Guinea, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso (December to July 2020) 943
4.1 Differentiation of the Oneness and Constitution of the Oneness Logic 100
4.2 Ontological Level 106
4.3 Hybridization 108
4.4 Solipsist and spiritual individualism: One Mind 110
4.5 The middle way for love: a normative theory of action 113
15.1 The following statements describe how COVID-19 is changing the world. How strongly do you agree or disagree with each statement? 321
15.2 The following survey items are concerned with a comparative assessment of the United States and China with regard to COVID-19 health governance. On a scale from 1 to 10, please identify the point you feel most closely matches your opinion 321
15.3 Aspects of global change from the COVID-19 pandemic (September 2020) 322
18.1 Comparison of K type and W type 387
19.1 The number of YouTube views of the top K-Pop groups from October 2020 to October 2021 402
19.2 Idol groups outside of Korea inspired by K-Pop 402
26.1 Measurement of income inequality and wealth inequality, 2017 517
26.2 Descriptive summary of major variables (N = 18,497) 520
26.3 Household income inequality decomposed through multivariate variables (%) 523
26.4 Wealth inequality decomposed through multivariate variables (%) 525
29.1 Main features of people-changing and people-processing organizations according to Hasenfeld (1972) 560
29.2 Distinctive features of contest and sponsorship according to Turner (1960) 561
37.1 Foreign population in Japan by countries of origin (thousands) 667
37.2 Types of diversity and beyond 673
39.1 Contents of the Japanese environmental textbook 693
39.2 Contents of the US environmental textbook 693
41.1 The use of “mass incident” in 1994 722
45.1 Degree of individualization by three questions on marriage, children, and divorce: based on answers to the question “How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” 2021 764
45.2 Individualization score in terms of marriage, children, and divorce in Seoul, 2012 765
45.3 The following questions are related to the value of family, children, and work. To what extent do you agree or disagree about the following statements? (mean score by city) 2021 767
45.4 Mean score of community orientation, 2021 769
45.5 Comparison of individualization index and the degree of community orientation of some East Asian and Southeast Asian cities, 2021 770
45.6 Expected and ideal number of children of women by marital status 771
48.1 Greenhouse gas emissions and economic indicators in East Asia (2018) 802
48.2 Total energy supply in West and East countries 804