I am grateful to the editors of the journals and volumes in which these essays first appeared, and to anonymous reviewers who read them. They are as follows:
‘Camp Messianism, Or The Hopes of Poetry in Late-Late Capitalism’: American Literature (2004) 76 (3): 579–602
‘The Poetic Case’: Critical Inquiry (2007) 33 (4): 865–86
‘Reading on The Left’: Representations (2009) 108 (1): 22–50
‘Affect, Performativity, and Actually Existing Poetry’: Textual Practice (2011) 25 (2): 265–83
‘Infinity for Marxists’: Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group (online, 2015): 47–64
‘The Prynne Reflex’: The Claudius App (online, 2013).
‘The Price of Value’: in Rónán McDonald ed., The Values of Literary Studies: Critical Institutions, Scholarly Agendas (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015): 91–104
‘The Antihumanist Tone’: in Alex Houen ed., Affect and Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2020): 267–83.
‘Modernism, Critical Theory, Rhetoric’: in Stefanos Geroulanos, Peter Struck, and Sophia Rosenfeld, eds. A Cultural History of Ideas (Bloomsbury, 2021)
‘Literary and Economic Value’: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature (online, 2017)
‘Abstraction, Intuition, Poetry’: ELH 88.2 (Summer 2021): 387–420.
I have benefitted over the years from the generosity of more interlocutors than I can recall, but I would especially like to thank my students and colleagues, present and former, at UC Berkeley and Johns Hopkins. Thanks to Sebastian Budgen, Steve Edwards, and Danny Hayward at Brill and the Historical Materialism Book Series, for enabling me to pull these essays together in a single volume, and to Alex Lewis for his expert copyediting of the final manuscript. Thanks, finally, to the many authors of HM volumes whose work has changed how I think and write about capitalism. I am honoured to be in your company.