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aggregate effects of 133, 135, 137138, 142, 146, 148, 149n27, 152, 374
as a prototype of causality 384
as choice 136
causal explanation of 124
causality of 179
Boudon on 166
James on 293, 296, 300
in legal and economic context 135
Mead on 304, 306, 318
Merton on 160
in pragmatism 274
Schütz on 210211
Weber on 188189
Bourdieu on 344
out-of-frame 238
typifications of 217
Weber’s typology of 183
unintended consequences of 138139, 141143, 160, 162, 174, 221, 363, 365366, 385
vs. constraint, Giddens on 362
vs. faith 303
vs. practice 274
vs. present, Mead on 317
vs. thinking 272
vs. thought 272
action elements
Parsons on 92
action scheme
critique of 110
Parsons on 89, 9295, 97, 98n51, 101109
action theory
Parsons on 89
in rational choice theory 132, 142, 156
Adamson, Walter 370, 370n106, 407
adaptation 96, 117, 119, 134
Peirce on 287
agency 13, 18, 18n37, 21n45, 25, 28, 140, 158, 240, 252253, 262, 282, 320, 332, 361362, 364, 367, 376, 401n9
corporate 140
Giddens’ definition of 363
vs. structure 18, 21, 25
tacit 354
Ajdukiewicz, Kazimierz 29n2, 157, 407
Alexander, Jeffrey C. 84n32, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 247248, 248n112, 248n114, 407
alienation 26, 81, 83, 140, 226, 327330, 332333, 335336, 338, 340341, 343, 346, 354, 356n79, 360, 368, 385386, 388, 390, 395, 406
and emancipation dialectics 338
as self-alienation 332
Marx’s definition of 330
Gramsci on 370
of social sciences 346
Bourdieu on practices of 360
Allison, Henry 67, 67n97, 67n98, 407
alternation 285
Berger and Luckmann on 219
Althusser, Louis 351n63
reasoning by 7173, 201
analytical realism 9192, 97, 102, 110
Peirce’s sense 287
Anderson, Perry 371n108, 371n109, 371372, 407
animals 23, 34, 42, 230231, 304, 312, 316, 331. 385
anomie 7879, 83, 240, 400
of pure reason 60
of sociological reason 166
Kant on 84, 168
Apel, Karl-Otto 279n19
of the Other 202203
archaeology of knowledge
Foucault on 259, 262
Archer, Margaret 18n37, 21n45, 2122, 21n45, 21n45, 22n47, 361n89, 407
Arendt, Hannah 244n106, 365n101, 365n102, 407408
Aristotle 91, 296
Arnason, Johann P. 394n158
Arrow, Kenneth 147, 147n23, 148n24, 152n33, 152153, 153n34, 153n35, 153n36, 158n41, 408
art 27
atheism 326, 336, 338
atomism 95, 104
Aubert, Vilhelm 17n35, 408
authenticity 228, 241
Goffman on 230
Castoriadis on 381, 385390, 393394, 394n158, 396
Durkheim on 7879
vs. democracy 394
vs. heteronomy 84
Luhmann’s sense 113118, 122, 125126
axiological rationality 175
Ayer, Alfred Jules 34n14
Baldwin, James 306, 306n97, 408
Balibar, Etienne 351n63
Bargh, John 52n72
basic anxiety 212, 220, 257
Bateson, Gregory 231
Beck, Ulrich 58n82, 172n70, 398, 398n2, 408, 415
Becker, Gary 151
Beckermann, Ansgar 52n72
Beckert, Jens 163n50, 408
behaviorism 132, 306
Mead’s sense 306, 315
James on functions of 294
Bourdieu on 350
Boudon on 169
Bellah, Robert 324n2, 324n2, 324n2, 408
Berger, Peter L. 216, 239, 241242, 284285
Bergson, Henri 22, 22n48, 22n49, 22n50, 252n124, 318n127, 408
Bernstein, Richard 277, 277n7
Bieri, Peter 45, 45n47, 408
Bourdieu on illusion of 354
black box
Boudon’s sense 166167
Blumenberg, Hans 200n19, 408409
Blumer, Herbert 273
Boehm, Omri 60n85, 60n85, 60n85, 409
Boudon, Raymond 155, 159, 165n51, 165n52, 165n53, 165n54, 166n55, 166n56, 166n57, 167n58, 168n59, 168n60, 168n61, 168n62, 169n63, 169n64, 170n65, 170n66, 164171, 171n67, 171n68, 171n69, 174175, 177, 409
bounded rationality 152
Bourdieu, Pierre 28, 324, 343n45, 343n46, 343n47, 343n48, 344n49, 344n50, 345n51, 345n52, 345n53, 346n54, 346n55, 347n56, 347n57, 348n58, 349n59, 349n60, 350n62, 351n63, 351n63, 351n63, 351n64, 351n65, 352n66, 353n67, 354n68, 354n69, 354n72, 355n73, 355n74, 355n75, 355n76, 356n77, 356n78, 356n79, 356n79, 356n79, 357n79, 357n79, 357n79, 358n80, 358n81, 359n82, 359n83, 341364, 367f.7, 367369, 373374, 378, 386, 389, 409410
vs. Gramsci 373
vs. Marx 360
Bourgeois, Patrick L. 322n135
Bradley, Francis Herbert 301
brain 304
Brzozowski, Stanisław 339n37, 409
Buczyńska-Garewicz, Hanna 322n135
capital 340, 356357
cultural, Bourdieu’s sense 357
perspective of 332
reconversion of 357358
symbolic, Bourdieu’s sense 356357, 359
capitalism 99, 148, 168, 173174, 186, 333, 371, 382383, 385, 392
Carlyle, Thomas 296
Carnap, Rudolf 34n14
Castoriadis, Cornelius 26, 324, 369, 380n133, 381n134, 381n135, 381n135, 382n136, 382n137, 382n138, 382n139, 383n140, 383n141, 383n142, 384n143, 387n144, 387n145, 389n146, 391n147, 391n148, 391n149, 391n150, 391n151, 392n152, 393n153, 393n154, 393n155, 393n156, 394n157, 394n158, 394n158, 394n158, 395n159, 395n160, 395n161, 395n162, 380396, 402403, 408409
categorical imperative 69
causality 20n42, 3233, 35, 59, 135, 241, 261262, 383
“through freedom” 179
immanent 159
Castoriadis on 384
Luhmann on 123124
Peirce on 282
of subject 258, 275, 362
vs. value judgment 178
Husserl’s sense 196
chance 96, 117, 167, 228, 260, 274, 294, 303
absolute 282
accumulating effects of 282
applied to science 283
as a negative concept 282
as a principle 283
James on 290
Luhmann on 111n78
Mead on 317
Peirce on 277, 281283, 288n51, 286290, 312
vs. action 283
vs. creativity 288, 290
Goffman’s sense 226228, 238
Ricoeur’s sense 250
charisma 106
Chisholm, Roderick 66n96, 6667, 409
necessity of 190
Christianity 6, 269270, 291, 293, 293n62, 324, 373, 379
citizens 4, 137, 141, 395, 399
civil society 371372, 379
vs. state 379
Cladis, Mark S. 71n2
Coase, Ronald 144145, 145n18, 409
coercion 42, 61, 76, 79, 150n27, 344, 355, 365, 379
James on selectivity of 293
cognition path 184
cognitive networks 24
Cohen, Jere 98n51, 103n61
Coleman, James 130n2, 131n3, 131n4, 131n5, 132n6, 132n7, 130133, 135n8, 135n9, 135139, 141n14, 141n15, 142n16, 142n17, 142n17, 141143, 143n17, 144f.2, 146n20, 146n21, 146149, 149n26, 149n27, 151, 154156, 164, 166, 170171, 174, 177, 265, 410, 416, 423
collective action 130, 139, 142, 355, 383
collective behavior 133135, 137139, 141, 143, 145, 150n27, 152, 377, 379
collective choice syndrome 146
collective effervescence 99
collective imaginaries 390
collective representations 71, 74, 74n8, 7375, 7881, 83, 101102
collective thinking 284
Collingwood, Robin 244
Collins, Randall 142n17, 143n17, 224n63, 224n63, 224n63, 224n63, 318n126, 410
commodity fetishism
Marx on 333
common good 133134
common knowledge 153, 177, 208, 398
Schütz on 209
communication 316, 366
Luhmann on 112
disintegration of 194
epistemic, Peirce’s sense 279, 281, 284285, 287288, 294
community of monads 201
compatibilism 8, 10, 12, 19n40, 1920, 20n42, 25, 3132, 35, 39, 4143, 45, 47, 55, 62, 6465, 67n98, 139, 175, 317, 328, 349, 363364, 367
compulsion to choose 244
Comte, Auguste 86n34, 335
conceptual scheme
Parsons on 89
conditions of action
Parsons on 95
necessary vs. sufficient 177
vs. means 93
conflationism 361
conformism 162163
vs. deviation 122
Confucianism 324n2
Marx on courage of 336
Gramsci on social significance of 374
Schütz on tension of 211
consequence argument 39, 41, 43
conspiracy theory 236
vs. description 203
constructivism 74n8, 83, 112, 214
contextualism 171
Foucault on 257
Goffman on 227
Luhmann on 120121
Peirce on 277
Peirce on 277, 280281, 288n51, 311
in sociological theory 166
Goffman on 241
internal 21n45
Cook, Gary A. 304n89
Cooper, John M. 323n1
Cooper, John M. 323n1
corporeality 55, 66n96
counterculture 216
counter-reality 285
fear of 219
creativity 4, 18, 2627, 59, 102, 111, 177178, 198, 232, 267, 288, 288n51, 317318, 319n127, 319n128, 322, 360, 367, 384, 388, 390, 392
Peirce on 287
vs. determinism 320
Croce, Benedetto 378
culture 6, 14, 18n37, 23, 23n51, 98n51, 106, 107n72, 131, 179, 182, 184, 194, 204, 241, 273, 286, 331, 384, 394n158, 398
Cursius, Christian Augustus 67
Czyżewski, Marek 233n81
d’Holbach, Paul 12
Dahrendorf Ralf 140n13, 266, 410
Darwin, Charles 114n81, 274, 283, 286, 301, 305, 339
Davidson, Donald 13n26, 13n26, 37n29, 37n29, 124, 125n96, 364, 410
de La Mettrie, Julien Offray 12
de Tocqueville, Alexis 165, 395
perspective of 138, 155159, 178, 183
vs. expert 158159
decision-making 4, 8, 15, 43, 93, 122, 133134, 138, 142, 152, 156, 158, 161, 240, 284, 321, 388, 399
logic of 138, 169
deduction 4748, 60, 71, 76, 88, 178, 199, 311, 382
Peirce on 278, 280281
of values 178
democracy 321, 394395
and class consciousness 340
unpredictability of 395
workers’ 394
Dennett, Daniel 10n20, 10n21, 10n21, 10n22, 10n23, 1011, 410
Desan, Mathieu Hikaru 356n79
Descartes Rene 7, 7n14, 47, 51, 61n89, 68n102, 410, 416
vs. object 91
determinism 7n13, 78, 16n32, 1217, 22, 25, 29n2, 29n4, 2831, 3941, 45, 52n73, 55n78, 5556, 60n85, 62, 66n96, 6667, 67n99, 70, 72, 85, 85n33, 90n42, 93n45, 96, 98, 102, 105, 107n72, 107109, 122, 125, 127129, 135, 138, 164165, 167171, 174, 188, 191, 198, 213, 215, 217, 224n63, 224225, 228, 241, 258259, 262264, 271, 275276, 287289, 291293, 295297, 299301, 303, 305307, 312313, 318n126, 319n128, 317320, 324, 332, 339340, 346, 348349, 353, 357, 368, 378379, 382383, 392, 400, 405
biological vs. cultural 98n51
cultural 98
Bourdieu’s 344
social 12, 14
vs. indeterminism, James on 295
Dewey, John 274n2, 274n3, 275n4, 273276, 276n5, 304, 306, 312, 320, 410
dialogue 194, 247
in sociology 247
Luhmann on 127
dilemma of determinism
James on of 297
in history 384
discourse 248, 262
Foucault on autonomy of 263
Foucault on contingency of 262
Foucault on emergence of 256
Castoriadis on 388
Foucault on 255264, 266
Foucault on internal logic of 259
Foucault on internal organization of 257
of the future, Foucault on 267
Foucault on totalizing action of 257
vs. desire, Foucault on 256
vs. truth, Foucault on 256
Dobrosielski, Marian 280n20
Donald, Merlin 13n26, 23n51, 23n51, 37n29, 124, 364, 410411, 416
double-aspect theory 51
of body and soul 18, 23, 56
Duguit, Leon 136
Durkheim, Emile 13n27, 13n27, 1314, 14n27, 28, 71n1, 71n2, 72n3, 72n4, 74n5, 74n6, 74n7, 74n8, 74n8, 75n9, 76n11, 76n12, 77n13, 77n14, 78n15, 78n16, 79n17, 79n18, 79n19, 79n20, 80n21, 80n22, 80n23, 80n24, 80n25, 80n26, 81n27, 82n28, 82n29, 82n30, 84n31, 84n32, 84n32, 85n33, 85n33, 86n34, 7088, 98n51, 9899, 101102, 103n61, 105, 107n72, 107109, 125, 127129, 136, 155, 171, 176, 192, 225226, 300, 312, 324n2, 326, 359, 362, 400, 409, 411, 419, 421422
Kant on 6365, 6869, 77
dystopia 400
Ebbighausen, Rolf 371n107, 411
Marx on 326328, 333
normative aspect of 155
vs. cognitive psychology 151
vs. values 183
Edward, Jonathan 281n26
Eisenstadt, Shmuel 394n158
Elias, Norbert 358
Elster, Jon 149n27
Marx’s sense 335336
emergentism 70, 72, 105, 121, 125, 314, 332
emotions 22, 54, 80
empathy 299
American 291
Engel, Christoph 52n72
Engels, Friedrich 334n23, 339n35, 339n36, 339n37, 339n37, 339n37, 338340, 340n38, 340n39, 340n40, 340n41, 346, 411, 417
Enlightenment 78, 8n15, 12, 56, 82, 245, 247, 414
entropy 126
Epicurus 269
epiphenomenalism 73
in phenomenology 203, 208, 210212, 223, 230
Erikson, Emily 19n40
error 53, 57, 94, 9697, 162, 187, 237, 294, 309
Peirce on 277, 279280, 285
role of in science 294
ethical thinker
James on ideal of 298
James’ typology of 295, 299
ethics of conscience
Weber’s sense 187
Euripides 395
Foucault’s definition of 259, 261
event-making men
Hook on 320
everyday life
Goffman on 228229
Schütz on 210211, 213, 215
evil 40, 252253, 296, 298
in freedom 395
necessity of 296
evolution 23n51, 2324, 57, 73, 111n78, 114, 283, 286, 294, 304307, 310, 312313
human reactions to 294
existential security 294
existentialism 244
Husserl on 195198, 202
James on 291
Mead on 308, 313, 315
Schütz on 210
negative 233, 239
Goffman on organization of 224225, 240
vs. Self, Husserl on 197
experience of otherness
ethical significance of 298
fabrication 231232, 234237, 268
vs. theory 88
factual order
Parsons on 99
faith 26, 64, 66, 69, 184185, 188, 245, 253, 269270, 272n1, 272275, 280, 284285, 287288, 290, 291n58, 293n62, 293295, 299304, 310, 312, 318319, 322323, 325, 344, 350, 356, 376, 387, 400, 405
and social theory 272
as transgression 271
in reality 272
Ricoeur on 253
vs. knowledge 272
vs. morality 299
vs. science 294
false consciousness 330, 337, 341, 349350, 352, 355, 358359, 371
fatalism 45, 52, 5556, 69, 80, 82, 127, 172173, 358, 360, 379
Ferguson, Melissa J. 52n72
Feuerbach, Ludwig 4n6, 325326, 338n33, 343, 412, 417
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 9, 9n18, 10n18, 11n24, 1012, 200n17, 210, 304, 412
Bourdieu’s sense 350351, 353
vs. habitus 353354, 355, 358
vs. habitus, Bourdieu on 355, 358
vs. interest, Bourdieu on 353
Fischer, J. M. 38n30, 40n35
Forster, Edward Morgan 400
Foucault, Michel 192, 225, 243, 256n128, 256n129, 258n130, 258n131, 258n132, 258n133, 258n134, 259n135, 259n136, 259n137, 259n138, 259n139, 260n140, 260n141, 261n142, 262f.6, 263n144, 263n145, 265n146, 265n147, 265n148, 265n149, 266n150, 268n151, 268n152, 268n153, 268n154, 269n155, 270n156, 270n157, 254271, 412
breaking of 239
claims of 238
Goffman’s sense 229234, 236, 239
internal reality of 236, 238
reliability of 236
stepping out of 238
Goffman on transparency of 233
frame of reference 8996, 98, 98n51, 100, 103104, 106, 108, 110, 112114, 117, 125, 150151, 176, 186, 224, 255, 269, 310, 315316, 392
primary 230, 231232
vs. Self 235
Frankfurt School 381
Frankfurt, Harry 1n1, 8, 38n30, 42n40, 42n41, 43n42, 44n46, 4245, 69, 92n43, 208n34, 365n103, 399n3, 408409, 411412, 414416, 420423
free rider problem 133, 146
freedom 21n45
absolutization of 192
and social theater 242
aporia of 38, 42, 129, 192, 254
aporia of grounded in experience 253
as a feature of autopoiesis 122
as a residual category 20
as an illusion 38
as assumption 156
as awareness 43, 141
as belonging 5556
as causality 61
as chance 283
as choice 22n46
as creativity 27
as empirical phenomenon 168
as experience, Mead on 312
as facilitated by determinism 188
as feeling guilt 252
as functional equivalent of determinism 122
as illusion 241, 263
as independence from fatalism 317
as irrationality 177
as limitation of possibilities 115
as monitoring one’s action 24
as practice, Foucault on 268
as realization of values 179
as self-reference 325
as self-reproduction 119
as social belonging 81
as spontaneity 198
as system attribution, Luhmann on 120
as depth of calculation 23
attribution of 3
claim for 388
compatibilist vs. materialist interpretations of in Marxism 338
Marx on concept of 325
Marx on definition of 328
experience of 218, 322, 251
from knowledge 270
Bourdieu on 349, 352, 353
Gramsci on 373, 377378
Mead on 319
Peirce on 279
inalienability of 140, 244
individual vs. social 387
minimum of 401
of the Other 202
of the will 510, 13, 1516, 18, 23n51, 24n52, 2325, 2931, 35, 37, 38n30, 3839, 4142, 44, 47, 50n67, 52n72, 5253, 55n78, 5556, 67, 71, 75, 82, 95, 98n51, 9799, 101, 105, 107n72, 109110, 122, 129, 131132, 134, 136, 147, 151, 166, 168, 171172, 180181, 191192, 244, 272, 276, 279, 328, 332, 365, 379, 401
of the will as artificial problem 274275
ontological 45
phenomenological paradox of 198
political 45
political meaning of 380
role of in sociology 136
self-limitation of 147
struggle for 242
to choose a frame, Goffman on 230
transformation of into responsibility 211212
understanding of 3
vs. autonomy, Castoriadis on 385, 388
vs. compulsion 328
vs. determinism, Husserl on 198
vs. evil 252
vs. narratives 252
freedom from value judgments 185, 190
Freud, Sigmund 388, 392
Fröhlich, Bettina 324n1
Fuchs, Stephen 19n39, 412
Castoriadis on 389
Marx’ vision of 334
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 193n3, 207n33, 245n107, 245n108, 246n109, 247n110, 248n113, 244249, 412
Garfinkel, Harold 216
Foucault’s sense 258
Giddens, Anthony 18n37, 341, 360n84, 360n85, 360n86, 361n87, 361n88, 362n90, 362n91, 362n92, 362n93, 362n94, 363n95, 363n96, 363n97, 364n98, 364n99, 365n100, 365n103, 367f.7, 368n104, 360369, 369n105, 386, 402, 413
Glimcher, Paul W. 52n72
God 4n6, 6n11, 67, 11n25, 30n6, 40, 46, 50n67, 4951, 5354, 68, 8081, 83, 172174, 176, 188, 190, 290, 299, 303, 322323, 325, 330, 379, 390391, 396, 401, 403
Goffman, Erving 192, 213, 216, 223n62, 224n63, 224n63, 224n63, 224n63, 224n63, 226n64, 226n65, 226n66, 227n67, 227n68, 227n69, 228n70, 229n71, 229n72, 231n73, 231n74, 231n75, 231n76, 232n77, 232n78, 233n79, 233n80, 233n81, 233n81, 233n82, 233n83, 233n84, 234n85, 222235, 235n86, 235n87, 236n88, 236n89, 237n90, 237n91, 237n92, 237n93, 238n94, 238n95, 239n96, 239n97, 240n98, 240n99, 241n100, 241n102, 242n103, 236243, 249250, 260, 268, 410, 413414
Gorbachev, Mikhail 143n17
Gouldner, Alvin 188, 341, 341n43, 341n44, 413
Gramsci, Antonio 324, 370n106, 371n108, 371n109, 372n110, 373n111, 373n112, 373n113, 373n114, 374n115, 374n116, 374n117, 374n118, 375n119, 375n120, 375n121, 376n122, 376n122, 376n122, 376n122, 377n123, 377n124, 377n125, 377n126, 378n127, 378n128, 378n129, 379n130, 379n131, 379n132, 369382, 387, 391392, 394, 396, 407, 413
Husserl’s sense 196
guilt 65, 67, 135, 251252
vs. sin 252
habit 32, 34, 49n64, 57, 148, 217, 280, 283286, 290, 307308
Peirce on 283285
habitus 197198, 348351, 351n63, 353355, 357n79, 357358, 373374
Bourdieu’s sense 348350, 355, 359
Bourdieu on transformative functions of 349
vs. field 350
happiness 11n25, 15, 54, 56, 67, 151, 190, 192, 218, 329
hard incompatibilism 8, 27, 31, 4041, 43, 46, 51
Hazelrigg, Lawrence 103n61
Hechter, Michael 130, 130n1, 413
hedonism 67n98, 100
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 9n18, 101, 244n106, 274n2, 306, 325, 325n5, 325n6, 326n7, 326n8, 378, 417
Gramsci’s sense 371
Heidegger, Martin 202n24, 244, 244n106, 244n106, 272n1, 422423
Heisenberg, Werner 29n3, 29n3, 413
Helm, Bertrand 288n51
Hermann, Greta 29n3
hermeneutic circle 247
hermeneutics 244, 246, 250, 252253, 255, 257
hero 321
vs. copy in Luhmann 118
Castoriadis’ sense 385, 388, 390, 392, 394n158, 396
longing for 396
Luhmann on 113, 114, 115116, 126
historical perspective
Castoriadis on importance of 383
historical signification
Castoriadis on 385
return to 243
Hobbes, Thomas 8, 32, 95, 99
holism 142n17
homo oeconomicus 165
homo sociologicus 165
Hook, Sidney 320n130, 321n131, 321n132, 321n133, 321n134, 320322, 413
hope 253
Huebner, Daniel R. 306n96
Gramsci’s definition of 372373
human nature 7, 26, 3637, 70, 217, 267, 324, 326327, 369, 378, 400
humanity 3
Hume, David 8, 12, 29, 29n1, 32n7, 33n10, 33n11, 33n12, 33n8, 33n9, 34n14, 34n14, 34n14, 34n15, 34n16, 35n17, 35n18, 36n19, 36n20, 36n22, 36n23, 37n24, 37n25, 37n26, 37n27, 37n28, 38n30, 38n31, 38n32, 40n36, 40n37, 41n38, 41n39, 3142, 49n64, 4650, 5557, 6062, 124, 293, 328329, 413
Hunt, Lynn 404n12
Husserl, Edmund 193n1, 193n2, 194n4, 194n5, 194n6, 194n7, 195n10, 195n8, 195n9, 196n11, 196n12, 196n13, 197n14, 197n15, 197n16, 200n18, 200n20, 201n21, 201n22, 201n23, 202n24, 202n25, 203n26, 204n27, 205n28, 205n29, 206n30, 206n31, 207n32, 209n36, 192212, 214216, 222225, 229230, 240245, 248249, 253, 257, 265, 275276, 322n135, 322n135, 343, 414415, 420422
ideal type 102104, 106, 185187
idealism 337, 380
American 291
vs. materialism, Castoriadis on 380
vs. materialism, Marx on 337338
in science 134135, 138, 195
imaginary vs. ascribed 218
Goffman on 236
ignorance 17, 3637, 39, 41, 50, 54, 56, 58, 64, 79, 9697, 186187, 219, 280, 285, 324n1, 347349, 398, 403404
increase of 399
Bourdieu on protection of 348
original vs. derivative 390
imaginary meaning
Castoriadis on 390392
imagination 33, 35, 38, 45, 53, 55, 57, 64, 202, 213, 229, 232, 389390, 392, 400401, 403
radical, Castoriadis on 390
immateriality 75
incompatibility syndrome 146
indeterminism 8, 1314, 17n34, 26, 3031, 37, 70, 96, 121n89, 164, 167168, 175, 228, 259, 274, 288289, 295, 300, 384
vs. society, Gramsci on 374
individualism 2n4, 14, 19n40, 86, 86n34, 100, 107n72, 131, 274, 320
Gramsci’s critique of 372
individuality 250
Parsons on 105
Foucault on 265
induction 34n14, 3435
Peirce on 278, 280281
infinity 53
information asymmetry 137138, 141142, 153154, 265, 268
information rights 137
information technologies 23
innovation 288
Merton’s sense 162163
Castoriadis’ sense 385, 389390
Castoriadis’ sense 390
Castoriadis on role of 381
Gramsci on role of 375
Marxism on role of 340
in rational choice theory 132
interactionism 165, 224n63, 273
Bourdieu on 352353
internalization 106, 162, 217
and externalization 219
interpenetration 91n42, 119120, 158
intersubjectivity 171, 184, 195, 200201, 203, 210, 216, 223, 231, 240, 242, 265, 298, 316, 325
role of in reality confirmation 212
of the system, Luhmann on 114
introjection 58
introspection 249, 273, 276277, 317
invisible hand 153
of value choice, Weber on 181
Luhmann’s sense 111, 117, 121
Israel, Jonathan 8n15, 414
Jacobsen, M. H. 224n63
Jaeggi, Rahel 331n18, 414
James, William 26, 130, 224, 273, 284, 290n56, 290n57, 291n58, 291n58, 292n58, 292n59, 292n60, 292n61, 293n62, 293n62, 295n63, 295n64, 295n65, 295n66, 295n67, 296n68, 296n69, 296n70, 297n71, 297n72, 297n73, 297n74, 297n75, 298n76, 299n77, 301n79, 301n80, 301n82, 302n83, 302n84, 302n85, 302n86, 303n87, 303n88, 289307, 310312, 317319, 322n135, 322n135, 322n135, 322n135, 322323, 384, 408410, 414, 420, 422
Janet, Pierre 74
Jaspers, Karl 394n158
Jesus 80
Joas, Hans 272n1, 301, 301n81, 305n93, 319n128, 319n128, 319n128, 365n103, 394n158, 414415, 418
John Paul ii 324n3
Kaczmarczyk, Michał 102n59, 127n99, 176n79, 415, 417, 419
Kaesler, Dirk 172, 172n70, 174, 174n75, 415
Kanazawa, Satoshi 130, 130n1, 413
Kane, Robert 38n30, 415
Kant, Immanuel 4n7, 4n7, 10n18, 12, 13n26, 1314, 2526, 29n3, 31, 58n81, 58n82, 58n83, 59n84, 60n85, 60n85, 60n86, 60n87, 61n88, 61n89, 63n91, 64n92, 64n93, 65n94, 65n95, 66n96, 67n97, 67n98, 67n98, 67n98, 67n99, 68n100, 68n101, 5669, 69n103, 71, 74n8, 7477, 7980, 84n32, 8385, 87, 90, 90n42, 90n42, 90n42, 91n42, 91n42, 94, 98n51, 101102, 105, 107108, 116, 130, 166, 179, 198, 253, 276, 288, 305, 306n96, 319, 329, 407, 409, 415, 417, 423
Karpiński, Jakub 29n4
Goffman’s sense 231, 235236
Keynes, John Maynard 34n14
Kierkegaard, Søren 9, 10n19, 243, 243n104, 415
Knies, Karl 176n79, 176n80, 176177, 179n83, 179180, 180n84, 182
Knight, Frank 145, 145n19, 415
knowledge 15
absolutization of 260
and ignorance, Bourdieu on 348
as power, Foucault on 265, 267
in pragmatism 274
limitations of 403
of own ignorance 399
reliability of 191
self-referentiality of 260
status of in phenomenology 242
transgression beyond 271
transgression of 266
transmission of 218
vs. faith 253
vs. subject, Foucault on 258
Kołakowski, Leszek 194n7, 327n11, 376n122, 376n122, 415416
Korsch, Karl 335n26
Koszkało, Martyna 7n12
Kotarbiński, Tadeusz 156n38, 156n39, 156157, 416
Kristiansen, P. 224n63
Kumar, Krishan 400n8
Kuran, Timur 142n17
Lakatos, Imre 168
Ricoeur on role of 249
Laplace, Pierre Simon 8, 207
Laub Coser, Rose 19n40
laws of nature 89, 9n17, 1314, 30, 36, 3940, 43, 47, 61, 64, 132, 180, 199, 282, 283n37, 328, 335, 337, 339, 362, 388
Layder, Derek 401n9
Leibniz, Gottfried 30, 30n6, 44n45, 4445, 60n85, 416
Levine, Donald N. 28n55
Levi-Strauss, Claude 342
Lewis, David 7n13, 9n17, 153
libertarianism 8, 25, 31, 38n30, 66, 362
Libet 18, 18n36, 416
lifeworld 195, 204209, 211, 215216, 222, 231, 242243, 245
ambiguity of 207
Lindenberg, Siegwart 149n26, 149n27, 150n28, 149151, 151n29
Locke, John 38, 38n30, 38n30, 38n33, 4243, 43n43, 44n44, 99100, 131, 416
love 237, 268, 303
Löwith, Karl 61n89, 68, 68n102, 416
Lucas, Robert 152, 152n32, 416
Luckmann, Thomas 209n37, 209n38, 215n50, 216n52, 217n53, 218n54, 218n55, 219n56, 219n57, 219n58, 219n59, 220n60, 220n61, 221f.5, 215222, 224, 226228, 234, 239, 241242, 268, 285, 285n41, 408, 421
Luhmann 2n4, 15, 17, 17n33, 70, 93n45, 109n75, 110n76, 110n77, 111n78, 112n79, 114n80, 114n81, 114n82, 115n83, 116n84, 117n85, 118n86, 119n87, 109120, 120n88, 121n89, 121n90, 122n91, 123n92, 124n93, 124n94, 127n97, 127n98, 121129, 138, 192, 237, 241n101, 386, 398n1, 398399, 399n3, 399n4, 399n5, 416417, 423
Łukasiewicz, Jan 7n13, 7n13, 16n32, 413
Luther, Martin 4n6, 44, 80, 412
MacIver, Robert 20n42, 20n42, 20n44, 22n46, 417
Mackie, John Leslie 33, 34n13, 34n14, 34n14, 177, 177n81, 417
marginalization syndrome 146
Marinetti, Filippo 370
market 136137, 139, 142n17, 141148, 149n27, 151, 153155, 219, 285, 332, 357
Marrou, Henri i. 186n94
Marshall, Alfred 85, 86n34
Marx, Karl 165, 274n2, 325n4, 325n5, 325n6, 326n7, 326n8, 326n9, 327n10, 328n12, 330n14, 330n15, 331n16, 331n17, 331n19, 332n20, 333n21, 334n23, 334n24, 334n25, 335n26, 335n27, 336n28, 336n29, 336n30, 336n31, 337n32, 338n33, 338n34, 339n35, 339n37, 339n37, 340n38, 340n42, 324343, 345346, 352, 354, 356n79, 356n79, 356n79, 357n79, 359361, 371n107, 368372, 380, 382383, 386, 396, 401, 410411, 416417
Marxism 274n2, 324, 327n11, 338, 340341, 341n43, 343, 370372, 376n122, 380, 381n135, 383, 386, 406, 413, 416
as ideology 380381
Castoriadis’ criticism of 382
Mauss, Marcel 74n8
Mayo,Elton 393
Mazzini, Giuseppe 370
McCarty, Richard 67n99
McKay, David 121n89, 121n89, 121n89, 417
Mead, George Herbert 26, 226, 273, 304n89, 304n90, 305n91, 305n92, 305n93, 305n94, 306n95, 306n96, 306n97, 306n98, 307n100, 307n101, 307n99, 308n102, 308n103, 308n104, 309n106, 309n107, 309n108, 309n109, 310n110, 311n111, 311n112, 312n113, 313n114, 313n115, 314n116, 314n117, 314n118, 315n119, 316n120, 316n121, 317n122, 317n123, 317n124, 318n125, 318n126, 318n126, 318n126, 318n126, 318n127, 319n128, 319n128, 322n135, 304323, 374, 383, 408, 410, 413414, 417418, 420
Menger, Karl 153
Merton, Robert K. 19n40, 131, 159n44, 160n45, 160n46, 161n47, 162n48, 163n49, 159165, 175, 300n78, 359, 418, 422
Mead’s criticism of 318n126
Miceli, Thomas J. 136n10
micro-foundation 132, 143, 164
Mill, John Stuart 8, 131
Miller, David 318n126
Mead on 309, 316
Minkovski, Hermann 318n126
Mirandola, Pico della 6n11
of the working class 371
modernity 15, 188, 269, 369, 398
Moliere 130
monad 200201, 206207, 242, 388
monism 76, 82
Montesquieu 86n34
moral fact 74, 7677
moral intuition 298
moral sentiments 38, 41n39
moral superiority 184
moral thinker 298
morality 13, 15, 37, 41, 63, 65, 66n96, 6668, 71, 7680, 8283, 122, 128, 218, 298299, 355
morphogenesis 21n45
multiplicity of perspectives 203204
Münch, Richard 90n42, 90n42, 91n42, 91n42, 418
Mussolini, Benito 370
Ricoeur on 251
natural attitude 214215
naturalism 50, 69, 76, 8384, 96, 191, 252n124, 300, 335, 338
Marx on unity with 330, 335
necessity 57, 13n26, 24n52, 27, 32, 34n14, 3438, 4043, 4547, 4951, 5455, 60n85, 6263, 93n45, 98, 102103, 109, 111n78, 111112, 114, 119, 121122, 135, 160, 162, 164, 176, 253, 259, 280n20, 289, 292n58, 313, 325328, 330, 332, 335, 337, 339n37, 339340, 345, 355, 379, 385, 387
Nietzsche, Friedrich 14, 24n52, 61n89, 68n102, 187, 254, 270271, 272n1, 272n1, 416, 418, 422
Nijakowski, Lech 399n6
non-transparency 115
Coleman on genesis of 147
normative order 99
Parsons on 99
normative orientation 103
Parsons on 93, 93n45
vs. free will 108
Parsons on 106
North, Douglas C. 136n11, 418
novelty 111
Mead on genesis of 310311
Oberschall, Anthony 146n22, 418
Luhmann’s sense 113, 116, 118
second-order 399
occasionalism 35
Olson, Mancur 130, 154n37, 154155, 418
open situation 166167
optimism 16n32, 128, 237, 247248, 275, 339, 343, 346, 360, 368, 387
of Giddens 365
organicism 86, 191
Bourdieu on role of 350
growth of 145
Orwell, George 401
Ossowska, Maria 157
Ossowski, Stanisław 16n32
pairing (Paarung) 200201
Parens, Joshua 50n67, 55n78, 418
Pareto, Vilfredo 85, 86n34, 154
Parsons, Talcott 15, 70, 85n33, 85n33, 86n34, 86n34, 86n35, 86n36, 87n37, 87n38, 89n39, 89n40, 90n41, 90n42, 90n42, 90n42, 90n42, 90n42, 91n42, 91n42, 91n42, 91n43, 92n43, 92n44, 93n45, 93n45, 93n45, 93n45, 94n46, 95n47, 95n48, 97n49, 98n50, 98n51, 98n51, 98n51, 98n51, 98n51, 98n51, 98n51, 99n52, 100n53, 100n54, 101n55, 101n56, 102n57, 102n58, 103n60, 103n61, 103n61, 104n62, 104n63, 104n64, 105n65, 105n66, 105n67, 105n68, 106n69, 106n70, 106n71, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 107n72, 108n73, 109n74, 85110, 110n76, 110n77, 112, 114, 119, 125, 127132, 139, 155, 172n71, 176, 192, 398, 407, 416, 418419, 423
vs. whole 91
Pascal, Blaise 344
path of cognition 187
path of valuation 184
Pavlov, Ivan 306
Peirce, Charles Sanders 26, 36, 36n21, 273, 277n10, 277n6, 277n8, 277n9, 278n11, 278n12, 278n13, 278n14, 278n15, 278n16, 278n17, 279n18, 279n19, 280n20, 280n21, 280n22, 280n23, 281n24, 281n25, 281n26, 282n27, 282n28, 282n29, 282n30, 282n31, 282n32, 282n33, 282n34, 283n35, 283n36, 283n37, 276284, 284n38, 284n39, 285n42, 286n43, 286n44, 286n45, 286n46, 286n47, 287n48, 287n49, 287n50, 288n51, 289n52, 289n53, 289n54, 289n55, 285292, 294295, 297, 299, 302304, 306, 309, 309n105, 311312, 317319, 322323, 375376, 407, 410, 413, 419
Penrose, Roger 318n126
Pereboom, Derk 46n48, 52n73, 52n73
Goffman’s concept of 238
pessimism 303
Petrażycki, Leon 156
phenomenology 192, 195, 197200, 205, 207208, 214, 216, 220222, 224n63, 242, 244n106, 248, 251, 253, 257260, 262, 264, 270272, 272n1, 275, 279, 285, 293, 322, 322n135, 325, 400, 405
as a reaction to objectivism 199
descriptive vs. grounding 208
reconstruction of in pragmatism 275
Husserl on renewal of 193
vs. culture 194
philosophy of history
critique of 341
Marx on 383
Planck, Max 121n89, 121n89, 419
Plato 173, 247, 256, 382
Mead’s sense 304
James on 291
Podgórecki, Adam 157
Pogge, Thomas 59n84
Pope, Whitney 98n51, 103n61
Popper, Karl 30n5, 34n14
positivism 85, 85n33, 96, 100, 108, 186187, 284
power 265
Gioddens’ sense 365
Foucault’s sense 263267
experience of 355
practical orientation
consequences of 397
as source of freedom 270
as transgression 271
democratic 340
logic of in Bourdieu 355
of alienation 346
Bourdieu on primacy of 342, 345
Castoriadis on primacy of 382
Giddens on primacy of 360
Gramsci on primacy of in Gramsci 370
Marx on primacy of 337
Bourdieu on reproduction of 349
Giddens on reproduction of 363
theoretical 342
vs. theory, Bourdieu on 342343
vs. theory, Gramsci on 377
vs. theory, Marx on 336
pragmatism 14, 17, 26, 210, 272n1, 274n2, 272276, 279, 287, 289, 300, 303, 312, 318, 319n127, 319320, 322323, 325, 350, 405
predestination 172
predictability 32, 131, 140, 143n17, 156, 159, 162, 166167, 175, 177, 220221, 348, 374
vs. values 179
Mead’s sense 313, 315
probabilism 1314, 30, 30n5, 293
prognosis 24, 130, 142, 160165, 169, 400
equivalents of 164
Merton on 160
necessity of 169
science’s capacity for 143
progress 8, 1516, 60, 8283, 89, 171, 189, 192, 194, 260, 275, 310, 318319, 319n127, 322, 339, 370, 381, 396, 399, 406
Foucault on 256
vs. freedom, Marx on 333
property rights 170, 328, 333, 336
psychic system
Luhmann on 110, 113, 119121
Husserl’s criticism of 206
role of in rational choice theory 133
sociological 285
Puett, Michael 324n2
quantum mechanics 29
quantum physics 92
Rankin, Henry 303
rational choice theory 25, 108, 129130, 132134, 138139, 139f.1, 143, 148, 149n27, 151152, 155156, 159160, 162, 164, 169170, 175, 182, 221, 326, 344, 353, 378
critique of in Bourdieu 343, 353
instability of 149
rationalism 7
evolution of 174
modern retreat from 190
axiological 169
Bourdieu’ sense 343
irrational sources of 148
James’ sense 292
Read, Herbert 27n54
Peirce’s definition of 279
multitude of, Schütz on 210
vs. fiction 241
reality confirmation 212, 216, 218
Peirce on 278279, 287, 289
Merton’s sense 163
reciprocity 136, 144, 149n27, 200, 347, 359
reductionism 21, 24, 41, 71, 107108, 125, 132, 142, 174, 199, 361, 389
Mead’s criticism of 306
reference group 285
Giddens on 367
Schütz on 211
religion 24n52, 71, 82, 91, 119, 172, 190, 267, 292, 299, 302303, 307, 317318, 325326, 330, 336, 372, 385, 391, 394n158, 394395
as obstacle to freedom 318
Marx on 325
vs. existential problems, James on 299
Renan, Ernest 296
residual categories 88
resonance 329
responsibility 24, 6, 8, 10, 1617, 32, 3839, 40n35, 4041, 52, 52n73, 65, 66n96, 69, 118, 133, 136137, 140, 142, 145, 156158, 170, 173174, 181, 190, 211213, 215, 252, 364365, 367, 372373, 400, 402
as the reverse of freedom 211
revolution 9n18, 78, 146, 244n106, 307, 320, 334, 365, 371, 373, 386, 392, 406
Richardson, Robert 290, 290n56, 290n57, 301, 301n80, 301n82, 420
Ricoeur, Paul 192, 200, 201n21, 203n26, 203204, 205n28, 243, 248n115, 249n116, 249n117, 249n118, 250n120, 251n121, 251n122, 251n123, 251n124, 252n124, 253n125, 253n126, 253n127, 248254, 270271, 394n158, 402, 408, 420
Rilke, Rainer Maria 1n1, 2n2, 2n5, 13, 27, 27n53, 420
risk 141, 236, 280, 293, 398
in science 286
risk-taking 226
Merton’s sense 162163
Robinson, Richard 247n111
Roper, Trevor 168
Rorty, Richard 188, 320n129
Rosa, Hartmut 329, 329n13, 420
Roscher, Wilhelm 176n79, 176n80, 176177, 179n83, 180n84, 182
Rosenthal, Sandra B. 322n135
Rosnerowa, Hanna 7n13
Roszak, Theodore 216, 216n51
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 74, 86n34, 131, 165, 373
routine 217, 284
sacralization 82
sacrum 81
Santayana, George 291n58, 291n58, 292n58, 421
Sartre, Jean Paul 165, 202n24, 342343, 422
Scheler, Max 250, 250n119, 272n1, 421
Schelling, Friedrich 13n26, 421
Schlick, Moritz 47, 47n53, 421
Schluchter, Wolfgang 183, 183n91, 421
Schmaus, Warren 74n8, 74n8, 421
school situation
Bourdieu on 346
Schopenhauer, Arthur 1415, 24n52, 24n52, 24n52, 38, 39n34, 43, 421422
Schumpeter, Joseph 148, 148n25
Schütz, Alfred 192, 209n36, 209n37, 209n38, 210n40, 211n41, 211n42, 212n43, 212n44, 213n45, 213n46, 214n47, 215n48, 215n49, 215n50, 208216, 219220, 222224, 230231, 240242, 257, 421
and responsibility 190
as a system, Luhmann on 111
as function of society 307
assumptions of 190
Husserrl’s criticism of 193195, 199, 204
dehumanization of 194
non-alienated, Marx on 337
Giddens on role of 366
totalizing claims of 301
vocation to 189
vs. faith 301
vs. faith, James on 303
vs. progress 189
vs. social practice 108
science world
Schütz on 215
scientific cognition
Weber on stages of 184
Scotus 7
necessity of 103
genesis of in interaction 309
Schütz on 210
past vs. present, Schütz on 211
Schütz on synthesis of 212
self-degradation 333
self-determination 1
self-fulfilling prophecy 141
Bourdieu on the possibility of 358359
assymetry of 226
Goffman on 225226
self-reference 126
Luhmann on 111, 113, 115119
Seneca 269
sexual imaginaries 392
Shestov, Lev 270, 270n158, 421
Siemek, Marek 9n18, 9n18, 10n18, 412, 421
Peirce on 281
Simmel 24n52, 225, 422
Simon, Herbert 151n30, 151152
Singer, Wolf 52n72
Smith, Adam 153, 170
Smith, Brian K. 324n2
Smith, John E. 281n26
social change 91n42, 165168, 174, 187, 191, 255, 307, 333, 342, 364, 367368, 381, 387, 393, 405
social control 308, 312
social engineering 17, 17n34, 156, 158, 169, 386
social integration 154
economic vs. sociological ideal of 155
social movements 127, 146
social ontology
Giddens on status of 361
social planning 129
social policy 140141
social rationality 153
social sciences
explanatory vs. communicational function of 402
situation of 397
social system
Luhmann on 109, 112, 119
social systems theory
Luhmann on 109
social theories 12, 28
contradictory assumptions of 397
Castoriadis’ diagnosis of 383, 386
role of in Marxism 372
vs. sociological theory 12
Castoriadis on problems of 382
vs. capitalism, Castoriadis on 382
vs. fascism 370
Mead’s sense 315
socialization 217218, 285, 315, 336
and individual’s dialectic 216
as indeterministic 241
reorganization of 308
vs. individual action 162
sociological theory
roles of 129
vs. social theory 11
as an ideology of alienation 335
role of 137, 142
Bourdieu on role of 349
vs. phenomenology, Ricoeur on 249
Socrates 80, 269, 323n1, 410
Sombart, Werner 100, 100n53, 174, 419
Sorokin 17n34, 56n80, 422
Spencer, Herbert 86
Spinoza, Baruch 8, 10n21, 10n21, 27, 31, 46n49, 46n50, 46n51, 46n52, 47n54, 47n55, 47n56, 48n57, 48n58, 48n59, 48n60, 48n61, 48n62, 49n63, 49n64, 49n64, 49n65, 49n66, 50n67, 50n67, 50n68, 50n69, 51n70, 52n71, 52n72, 52n73, 53n74, 53n75, 54n76, 54n77, 55n78, 55n79, 4557, 60n85, 60n85, 60n85, 6062, 72, 7981, 83, 88, 109, 198, 330, 409, 418, 422
spontaneity 289, 293, 305
spontaneous cause 6162, 69, 80
statistics 13n27, 1314, 29, 282, 290291
Luhmann on 127
stimulus selection
Mead on 311
Stoic 47, 270
Strawson, Peter 8, 41, 41n39, 41n39, 422
Goffman’s sense 230, 232, 235
strong reasons 170, 175
structural coupling
Luhmann’s sense 116117, 123124
structuralism 260261, 342, 345, 351, 389
Castoriadis’ criticism of 389
Giddens’ sense 361, 364365
as an assumption 238239
Foucault on contingency of 267
disintegration of 220, 246
elimination of 97
identity of 251
Ricoeur on identity of 249
Schütz on identity of 211
Bourdieu on 346347
Foucault on 257258, 263264
Husserl on 196
James on 294
Mead on 307
individual vs. corporate 137, 140, 154
integrity of 192, 200
Foucault on origin of 265266
problem of its existence 199200, 202, 222, 242, 297, 300
synthesis of 241
Schütz on synthesis of 211
vs. history 245
vs. knowledge 270
vs. observer 106, 166
vs. organism 94
vs. the Other 250
subjective rights 143, 307
transfer of 139
James on 292
vs. objectivism, Bourdieu on 342, 346
vs. objectivism, Giddens on 361
vs. objectivism in pragmatism 295, 297
as object 191
emancipation of 216
internalization of 136, 143
vs. sociology’s applicability 143
Sułek, Antoni 137n12
Parsons on 101
synergy syndrome 146
attempts at in social theory 342
Luhmann on internal representation of 118
vs. environment, Luhmann on 110
Szaniawski, Klemens 157n40, 157158, 158n42, 159n43, 167, 422
Sztompka, Piotr 19n40, 422
Tarde, Gabriel 399n7
Tarski, Alfred 279n19
Taylorism 393
techniques of the self 269
of an object, Mead’s sense 314
the Other 2
as modification of the Self 202
constitution of 200201
in subject’s experience 202
theology 98n51
theoretical selection
Parsons on 88
theoretical systems
Parsons on 87
absolutization of 185
as substitute of practice 370
Parsons’ definition of 8687
theory of practice 324, 341, 343, 347, 360
Theunissen, Michael 201, 202n24, 422
thing-in-itself 58, 58n83, 59n84, 6263, 116, 271
Thomas Aquinas 6
Thomas, William I. 226
as function of action 272
Peirce on 277
Tipton, Steven M. 324n2
Touraine, Alain 403
transaction costs 136, 140, 145
transcendental Self 206, 214
Husserl on 197198, 200, 205207, 240, 245
transhumanism 6n11
depth of 236
Goffman’s sense 231232, 235
Treitschke, Heinrich von 188
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques 8
Peirce’s sense 286287
uncertainty 16, 29, 96, 120, 145, 155, 157, 163, 165, 187, 191, 218, 223, 229, 237, 239240, 242, 253, 271, 281, 290, 293, 300, 303, 355, 366, 368, 375, 398
Castoriadis on 384
hermeneutics on 247
Weber on 177, 187, 191
unpredictability 13n26, 18, 30, 85, 115, 120, 128, 139, 165168, 172, 175177, 179, 191, 221, 227, 293, 307, 311, 342, 384
unquestioned worlds
James vs. Mead on 310
utilitarianism 9596, 99101, 104, 107n72, 107108, 353
utility function 150, 152
utility maximization 134, 140
value criticism
Weber on 183
value judgments 108, 158159, 176177, 181182, 189, 193
value-reference (Wertbeziehung) 104, 178, 183184, 187
privatization of 188, 194
choice of 175, 188
Weber on conflicts of 184
consequences of 182
distance from 186
ignorance of 187
Berger and Luckmann on 218
Boudon on 170171
Parsons on 94, 100101, 106
in science 181, 185, 189
Weber on 173175, 178, 181, 183, 185, 188, 190
incommensurability of 171
redefinition of 188
universality vs. changeability of 183
vicious circle of 182
vs. norms 299
van Inwagen, Peter 8n16, 89, 9n17, 20, 39, 40n35
Vargas Llosa, Manuel 404n10, 404n11
Vargas, Manuel 38n30, 416
first-order 4244
second-order 4245, 69, 93
Voltaire 8
formal vs. substantive 107n72
von Druskowitz, Helene 66n96
von Dunin Borkowski, Stanislaus 50n67
Vygotsky 21n45, 21n45, 22n45, 422
Waldenfels, Bernhard 207, 208n34, 208n35, 210n39, 422
Watson, John B. 41n39, 66n96, 306, 409, 422
Watts Miller, William 71n2
Weber, Max 11n25, 25, 75, 85, 86n34, 88, 100, 100n53, 103n61, 102104, 108, 130, 148, 150, 163, 165, 168169, 172n70, 172n71, 172n72, 173n73, 173n74, 174n75, 174n76, 174n77, 175n78, 176n79, 176n79, 176n80, 178n82, 179n83, 180f.3, 180n84, 181n85, 181n86, 181n87, 181n88, 182n89, 182n90, 184n92, 186n93, 187n95, 187n96, 188n97, 188n99, 189f.4, 189n100, 190n101, 171194, 218, 225, 265266, 297, 311, 323, 373, 379, 384, 393, 404n13, 408, 415, 419, 423
Wenzel, Harald 91n43, 423
Whitehead, Alfred N. 91, 91n43, 318n126
Willaschek, Markus 62n90, 423
Willer, David 149n27, 149n27, 150n27
Williams, Bernard 56
Willke 111n78, 423
Winkelmann, Rainer 371n107, 411
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey 114n81, 423
Woleński, Jan 11n25, 423
Wood, Allen 67n98
vs. capitalist, Marx on 332
Gramsci’s sense 371, 374378, 387
multiplicity of 375
Wundt, Wilhelm 177179
Znaniecki, Florian 318n127, 319n127, 374, 383, 423
Zola, Émile 296
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