
ʿaql (intellect) 263, 265, 278
ʿilm (knowledge) 289
ʿilm al-fiṭrī (innate knowledge) 265
ʿilm al-ẓāhir (outward religious knowledge) 230, 236
ʿilm ḥāl (the knowledge of ecstatic states) 228
ʿilm qāl (the knowledge of words) 228, 230, 236
Abū Bishr Mattā 268
Abū Ḥayyān 269, 272
Abū Saīd Abū al-Khayr 168, 196, 199, 226–237, 285
Abu Saʿīd al-Sirāfī 268–273
Abwāb al-Hudā 169, 258–273
Acquiring knowledge 235, 263, 265–271
Adamson 271
Afghanistan 302–314
Ahl ar-Ra’y 207–208, 210
Ahl Sunnah wa l-jamāʿah 207
Ahmad-i Jām 303, 305
Akhbār Baghdād 194
Akhbārī 259
Tafkīkīs and 262
Akhbārī-Usūlīs division 262
Al-Abwāb al-Hudā (the Gates of Guidance) 169, 258–260
Al-Ghazālī 261, 271
Al-Imtāʿ wa al-Muʾānasa 269
Al-Maʾmūn 195, 200
Al-Maqdisī 203, 206–209, 211–212, 222
Al-Mawāhib al-sanīyya 268
Al-Mutawakkil 198
Al-Sīrāfī 268–273
Alī ibn Mūsā al-Ridā 195
Aql-i surkh 278
Argentina 21–34
Asceticism 203–205, 210, 213–218, 222, 266
Asrār ul-Tawḥīd 168, 181
Balanced affect 94–104
Decision Model of Religion 5, 9
Bactria 181–184
Badīhīyyāt (propositions) 264
Bakharz 193
Balkh 193, 195, 285–286
Rumi from 312
Baluchistan 193–194, 299, 301–302, 305, 308, 310–311
BMAC 172, 184
Decline 176, 182
Border regions 249–251
Humanists in 67–69, 89
Imperialism 247–248
Islam in 323
Methodist ministers in 106–129
Multi-ethnic neighborhood children in 391
Muslim-heritage children living in 320
Religion and Caste in 352
Religion statistics in 395
Būkhara 193–194, 199–200, 253–254
Burial Customs 168, 171–185
Burnout 95–97, 103–104
Cappadocia 196
Central Asia 165
Christian missionaries 199
Jewish trade networks 239–240, 247–249, 253–254
Sunnis 302, 304
Zoroastrian burial customs 172–185
Chach 171–172, 177–178, 183
Clergy 103–104
In multi-faith urban neighborhoods 383
Psychological type profiles 106–129
Colonialism 247–255
Computational modelling 3–17
Conversion 40, 63, 153–154, 169, 198, 241–242
Dakhma 171–185
Darkness 263
Deoband School 300, 303–311
Dhawq (taste) 271
Divine knowledge 258–263
Economy of Iran 255
Emotional exhaustion 94–104
Empirical theology 133, 141
Enlightening soul 264, 267, 269, 271
Fahm (understanding) 265
Family histories 169, 238–242
Fārābī 286–288
Farghana 171
Fiqh (Islamic law) 230–237
Francis Burnout Inventory 94–104
Francis Psychological Type Scales 107–114, 135–141
Fundamentalism 145–158
Gazna 193
Gharchistān 203, 210
Ghazna 200–205, 211–212, 217–218
Ghazzālī 286–287
Ghūr 196, 203, 210
Gleave 260–265
God images 133–142
Greater Khurāsān
Socio-cultural study of religion in 165–170
Zoroastrian burial customs in 171–185
Hadīth al-Thaqalayn 261
Hadīth literature (Islamic tradition) 273
Ḥakīmī, Muḥammad Riẓā 275, 289–296
Ḥalabi, Maḥmūd 208, 290
Ḥālāt wa Sukhanān 226–237
Ḥanafīs 207, 211, 217, 222
Haqīqa (the truth underneath religious laws) 231–233
Harūn al-Rashīd 195–196
Hāshim 290–292
Ḥayāt (life) 265
Herat 305–310
Dr. Shariati and 285–287
Karrāmīyya relations in 202–203, 210–211
Jewish and Christian diaspora in 193, 196, 199–200
Liminal spaces in 240–241, 248
Hishām Ibn ʿAbd al-Malik 197
History of Islamic thought 226
Human bones 171–183
Human knowledge 259–263
Humanism, psychological type 66–90
Ibn Karrām 204–223
Ibn Khurradādhbih 193
Identity 32, 41
And joining and leaving religious groups 60–64
Children’s ethno-religious 319–326, 346–365, 368–396
Iranian Sunis/Sufis in Khurāsān 169, 298–314
Jewish 239–244
Shariati 283
Ijtihad 259
Illuminationist epistemology 169, 258–273
Imāmiyya shīʿa 258
Index of Positive Images of God 133–142
Individual differences 106–107, 140
Dr. Shariati 275–296
Greater Khurāsān 165–170, 298–314
Jewish and Christian diaspora in 192–200
Jewish trade networks and 238–255
Karrāmīyya 202–223
Mīrzā Mahdī Iṣfahānī 258–273
Prehistoric burial customs in 173–185
Prosocial behavior 23
Sunnis in 298–314
Irreligious 66–90, 286
Iṣfahān 195
Iṣfahanī, Mīrzā Mahdī 169, 193–195, 258–273, 290–292
Islamic Epistemology 169, 258–273
Islamic Group 40
Islamic Kalām 208
Islamic Mysticism 205
Islamic period 173–200
Islamic philosophy 267, 271, 288
Islamic Revolution 308
Jacobites 197
Jadid al-Islam 241
Jamiʿa-yi Ahnaf 306, 309
Jeremiah 195
Jewish history 239–244
Jews from Afghanistan 247–253
Kalām 208
Karaite 195
Karakul 252
Karrāmites 168, 202–204, 209–218
Kavīr 293
Khānqāh 203, 217, 222
Khāqānī 287, 291
Khayyām 281–282, 285–286
Khurāsān 258–259
Jewish Trade Networks 238–255
Khwajagan 305–306
Khwarizm 179
Kitāb Shūyī (Book-Washing) 226
And ossuaries 178
In epistemology 258, 262–273
Of intellect . see enlightening intellect and shiny intellect
Of Islam 215
Lutf Allah Abū Rūḥ 232
Maʿrifat-i Falsafī 276, 283, 287–288, 292
Maʿrifat-i Qurāʾnī 275–276
Madhhab 206, 213
Madrasa 302–314
Maktab-i Maʿārif-i Ahl al-Bayt 258, 289
Maktab-i Tafkīk (School of Separation) 169, 258–260, 276, 289–296
Malakūtī (angelic) 272
Malāmatīyya 205, 215
Margiana 171–172, 177–179, 183
Margoliouth 268, 270
Mashhad 275–277, 283–284, 289–296
Mazinān 284, 292
And humanism 69
And joining radical religious groups 44–45, 56, 59
And religious fundamentalism 146–158
And research with children 337–338
And spirituality 24
Of philosophy in Islam 261, 277
Meaning/Purpose in/of Life 25, 278
Measures of 26–34, 96–104
Melkites 197
Mental health 109
And religious fundamentalism 145–158
Mesopotamia 195–197
Methodist 347
Burnout among ministers 94–104
Methodist psychological type 106–129
Migration and citizenship
And secularization 4
And the UK 395–396
Jewish 239–255
Separation School 291–292
And burnout 94–104
Psychological profiles . see Methodist psychological type
Mufīd 258, 261, 267
Muhammad Ibn Munawwar 196
Mujassimah 287
Mullā Ṣadrā 271–272, 282, 293
Murāqaba (watchfulness) 266
Murjiʿah 221
Mushabaha 206, 209
Muslim-Jewish relations 239
Mysticism 205, 227, 258, 260, 278, 284–296
Najafī Yazdī 260–261
Naqshbandiyya 306
Nāṣir Khusruw 286
Nathan ben Isaac ha-Kohen ha- Bavli 194
National Council of Schools (Shura-yi Kishvari) 313
Naus 171, 178–185
Neo-Platonist 267
Nestorians 197–200
Nīshābūr 203–223
Non-Muslim minorities 248
And children 319–326
In Argentina 25
Psychological type profile 66–90
Secularization 3–17
Nubakhtī 266
Nūr al-anwār (light of lights) 267
Pahlavi Reign 304
Pakistan 303–314
Persian Literature 226, 228
Persianate Jews 238–255
Persophonie 304, 310
Philosophers 258–273, 275–296
Prosocial behavior 21–34
Provincial Council of Schools (Shura-yi Ustani-yi Makatib) 313
Psychological type theory 70
Psychological types
Humanists 66–89
Methodist ministers 106–129
Psychology of religion 133–142
Purpose in life 21–34
And burnout 96–97
And radical religious groups 47
And religious fundamentalism 146–150
Qazvīnī, Shaykh Mujtabā 290–292
Qudra (power) 265
Qurʾān’s epistemology 289
Radical Religious Group 40–64
Radicalism 58
Radicalization 63
Rāsikhī Langrūdī 227–235
Religiosity 244–245, 280, 286, 320
And irrelgiosity 67, 69
And radical religious groups 63
And secularization 3–17
Sex/gender difference 86
Religious fundamentalism 145–158
Religious Group 59, 371, 386–394
Competition 15
Radical . see Radical Religious Group
Religious leaders 94–95
Religiousness 21–34, 42, 148–158
Riyaẓat (asceticism) 266
Satisfaction in ministry 94–104
Satisfaction in Ministry Scale 95–96, 99, 103
Sayyed Mohammad Bāqir 260
Scale of Emotional Exhaustion in Ministry 94–104
Schoeler 233–235
Secondary burials 174–176
And radical religious groups 62
And religiosity 3–17
Sharīʿa (the body of religious laws) 304
Shariati, Ali 275–296
Shariati, Muḥammad Taqī 292–293
Shiny intellect 263–264, 266, 269–273
Shiʿi Islam 298, 303
Shīʿites 207, 209, 211–212, 220–223
Shuʿūr (perception) 265
Silk road trade 247
And radical religious groups 50, 59
Sogdia 172, 175–185
Soviet-Afghan war 310
Spirituality 21–34, 59, 165, 325, 372, 377, 379, 382
Sufism 168, 202–223, 226–237, 303
Suhrawardī 267, 271
Sunnī 196, 202–223, 259, 285–289, 298–314
Surface graves 171, 175–176
Surūsh, ʿAbd al-karīm 276, 288
Taʿallum (educational learning) 266
Taʿaqqul (reasoning) 263
Tabarestan 193, 197
Tadhakkur (recollection) 263–267
Tafkīkīs 259, 262, 294–286
Tajarrud (out-of-body experience) 266
Tajsī 206, 208, 212, 221
Ţālibān 218–223
Taṣawwur (conceptualizing) 263
Tashbīh 208–209, 218, 222
Temperament theory, theology 110–111, 113, 129
Trade networks 169, 239–255
Traditionists 169, 284–285
Traīqah 167
Transportable ossuaries 171, 174, 178, 180, 182, 183, 185
Twelver 259
Ulama 299, 301, 304, 307–314
Ūmar ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAziz 194, 197
Uṣūl (Islamic legal theory) 208, 259, 289, 290
Wahab ibn Yaʿīsh 269
Well-being 22, 76, 145–158, 321, 323, 361
Wujūd (existence) 265
Xwaršēd Nigerišn 168, 171–187
Yaz Period 172, 175, 182–185
Zarābādī, Mūsā 290–291
Zoroastrians 181–185, 192, 195
Zuhd 214–217, 222
Zunnar 197
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