Leslie J. Francis, Andrew Village and John M. Haley
1 Interaction of SIM and SEEM on measures of burnout (based on models in table 4) 98
Ariane Sadjed
1 Ḥājī Benyamin Aminoff 235
2 Ḥājī Ibrāhīm Aminoff 235
3 Two Jewish men, Mashhad, 1910 238
4 Mashhadi merchants in Russia 1920 238
5 Meeting of Mashhadis of London and New York, 1930 245
Greg Smith
1 School 3 playground network 376
Daniel Travis, Hernán Furman and Hugo Simkin
1 Descriptive statistics and correlations for study variable 28
2 Goodness of fit for the regression models 29
3 Condition index – multicollinearity 30
4 Regression analysis for comforting and helping 30
İbrahim Yıldırım and Sevde Düzgüner
1 Psycho-socio-spiritual process of joining and leaving a radical religious groups 57
Gareth Longden and Mandy Robbins
1 Type distribution for male humanists compared with male population norms 77
2 Type distribution for female humanists compared with female population norms 79
3 Type distribution for male churchgoers compared with male humanists 81
4 Type distribution for female churchgoers compared with female humanists 82
Leslie J. Francis, Andrew Village and John M. Haley
1 Scale properties of the Francis Burnout Inventory 95
2 Two independent measures of burnout 95
3 Correlations 96
4 Multiple regression of two measures of burnout 97
Leslie J. Francis, John M. Haley and Ursula McKenna
1 Type distribution for male Methodist ministers in Britain 112
2 Type distribution for female Methodist ministers in Britain 113
3 Type distribution for male Methodist ministers (non superintendent) 114
4 Type distribution for male Methodist superintendents, compared with non-superintendent male ministers 115
5 Type distribution for female Methodist ministers (non superintendent) 116
6 Type distribution for female Methodist superintendents, compared with non-superintendent female ministers 117
Leslie J. Francis, Ursula McKenna, Gillian L. Hall and Douglas S. Hall
1 Type distribution for 602 participants completing the Index of Positive Images of God 132
2 Index of Positive Images of God: Scale properties 133
3 Index of Positive Images of God correlated with psychological type 133
Russell E. Phillips III and Michael B. Kitchens
1 Pearson bivariate correlations of RF and mental health variables in Studies 1 and 2 142
2 Pearson bivariate correlations of RF and mental health variables in Study 3 148