Notes on Contributors
Martin Brabec
is a political and social philosopher, a research fellow in the Centre of Global Studies at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, and lectures in political philosophy at the Technical University of Liberec. His research interests relate to the theories of social justice, unconditional basic income and the relationship between capitalism, democracy and liberalism. He published many research articles. Among his recent works, he co-authored the book Basic Income in the World: Arguments, Experiments, History (Epocha 2022), for example.
Dominika Dinušová
is a researcher in the Centre of Global Studies in the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, and an assistant professor at the Social Science Department of the Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava, Slovakia. Her research focuses on progressive social tendencies in the development of Latin American social and political philosophy. Among other publications in Slovak, she is the author of Za hlasom revolúcie (For the Voice of the Revolution; Veda 2018) and the editor of José Martí a súčasnosť (José Martí and the Present; Veda 2021).
Břetislav Horyna
is a professor of philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. His main interests are the history of German philosophy from the 18th to the 20th century, historical and contemporary social and political philosophy, theory of science, and translation. He focuses on a critical theory of contemporary global issues with a focus on the modernist rationality typology, and the dimensions of social, and cultural, and political themes in a context of environmentalism. He has published sixteen books, about 120 research articles, and translated more than twenty books into Czech.
Marek Hrubec
is a senior research fellow in the Centre of Global Studies at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria. His research focuses on social and political philosophy and theory, and global studies, mainly on social and political injustice and inequality, intercultural dialogue, and macro-regional and global conflicts and other interactions. He authored
Albert Kasanda
is senior researcher in the Centre of Global Studies in the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, the Czech Republic, and a member of a research project on African philosophy and genre at Bayreuth University, Germany. He deals with African social and political philosophy, intercultural and comparative philosophy, civil society, and genre. He authored of many research articles, and is an editor and of author of several books in English, French and Czech. His recent books are Contemporary African Social and Political Philosophy: Trends, Debates and Challenges (Routledge 2018), and with Marek Hrubec, eds., Africa in a Multilateral World: Afropolitan Dilemmas (Routledge 2021).
Martin Kopecký
is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management at Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic, and Deputy Director of the Department. He teaches courses in philosophy and sociology of (adult) learning and education, education policy of international organizations and citizenship education. In his research, he focuses on the topic of the relationships between social change and adult education. He is Member of European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (esrea) and its presidium (from 2020).
Jiří Loudín
is a researcher in the Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. His main research focus is sociology of science and technology and innovation studies. He authored many research articles, and is the editor of the book Social and Cultural Dimensions of Innovation in Knowledge Societies (Filosofia 2011), for example. He participated in several EU research projects, e.g. Nanopinion (2012–14), ResInfra@DR (2017–19). and has recently published studies on social
Martin Profant
is a research fellow in the Centre of Global Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, and teaches at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen. His research interests relate to the problematic of national and post-national situation, especially the transformation of education in the global situation. He wrote many articles, and authored several books in Czech: Úděl, úkol, národ (Destiny, Task, Nation; Epocha 2018), for example.
Kanchan Sarker
after many years at the University of British Columbia, he is a professor at Department of Sociology at Algoma University in Canada. Among his research interests are: social issues in India and the West, including social inequality, indigenous resistance, social and other movements, higher education system, cash transfer for the poor, participatory democracy, cooperatives, and various future social alternatives. He is an author of many research articles and other studies.
Gunnar Sivertsen
is research professor and special adviser at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (nifu) in Norway. He analyses scholarly publishing and the development and use of bibliometric indicators for statistics, evaluation, funding, and science policy. He published my research articles. Among his recent works, he co-authored: European Databases and Repositories for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Output. ecoom and enressh (2017), for example.
Stanislav Štech
is a professor in educational psychology at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. His research interests have developed from sociocultural theory to empirical research of school socialization, teaching-learning processes, parents–teachers perspectives and teaching profession. As vice-rector of Charles University (2003–2015), he was engaged in research of the institutional management of higher education. He was involved in educational policy at ministry of education and also worked in international bodies like oecd and unesco as representative of the Czech Republic. His research profile includes more than 100 articles, research papers, and books.
is a senior research fellow in the Centre of Global Studies in the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, and also teaches in the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. His research interests relate to the theory of contemporary social change, transformations and global risks, social and environmental. He wrote about 60 research articles in English and Czech. He is the author of the book Globalizace v sociálních souvislostech současnosti. Diagnózy a analýzy. (Globalisation in the recent social contexts. Diagnoses and analyses; Filosofia 2010), and the co-author of Environmentální devastace a sociální destrukce (Environmental Devastation and Social Destruction; Filosofia 2016), for example.
Veronika Sušová-Salminen
is a research fellow at the Centre of Global Studies in the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. Her main research areas are the interactions between economic system, politics and culture in the context of peripheral capitalism in contemporary Eurasia, and the history of global interactions. She is the author of two books about politics in contemporary Russia, dozens of research articles and policy papers published in English, Czech, Hungarian, Greek, and Romanian.
Jan Svoboda
is a senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. His main interests are philosophical and social scientific thoughts in the Czech lands, mainly in the period between 1800 and 1948, and social, cultural, and political issues in a global context. He has published numerous research articles, and is the co-editor of the books Interkulturní vojna a mír (Intercultural War and Peace; Filosofia 2012) and Česká otázka a dnešní doba (The Czech Question and the Contemporary Age; Filosofia 2017). He authored the book on Masarykův realismus a filosofie pozitivismu (Masaryk’s Realism and the Philosophy of Positivism; Filosofia 2017).
Emil Višňovský
is a professor of philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, and a senior research fellow at the Institute of Social Communication at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He focuses on systemic philosophy, history of modern philosophy, and philosophical pragmatism. He was a chairman of the Slovak Philosophical Association, a vice-chairman of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2015–2017), an editor-in-chief of the Human Affairs journal, a vice-dean of faculty, a head
Lin Zhang
is a professor at Department of Information Management at Wuhan University in China and a guest professor at the Center for R&D Monitoring (ecoom) at the Catholic University at Leuven in Belgium. In her research, she is focused on interdisciplinarity measurements, quantitative research evaluation, scientometrics, bibliometrics, gender differences in aims and impacts of research, multi-level global, regional and national analysis of reactions of scientific research to health emergencies, etc.