1.1 Ward and McCotter rubric 12
1.2 Gore and Zeichner’s varieties of teacher reflective practice 23
1.3 Jay and Johnson’s typology of reflection: dimensions and guiding questions 26
1.4 Two dimensions of reflection 27
2.1 A conceptual framework for CLIL 53
3.1 General teaching experience and teaching experience in CLIL of the interviewed pilot study participants 74
3.2 Data obtained from the pilot study questionnaire on character strengths and virtues 76
3.3 Positive and negative emotions experienced by the CLIL teachers 93
3.4 Perceptions of success and failure in CLIL 98
4.1 Description of the research stages and procedures 101
4.2 Gender of the participants 105
4.3 General teaching experience 106
4.4 Teaching experience in CLIL 107
4.5 Type of school 107
4.6 Content subjects taught in english 108
4.7 Gender of the participants 109
4.8 General teaching experience 109
4.9 Teaching experience in CLIL 110
4.10 Type of school 110
4.11 Content subjects taught in english 111
4.12 Excerpt of data transcription 115
4.13 Attitude to the CLIL approach 140
4.14 Methods, techniques and activities used in CLIL 145
4.15 Teaching materials used in CLIL 151
4.16 Forms of assessment in CLIL 157
4.17 Forms of cooperation with other teachers 162
4.18 Forms of professional development 166
4.19 CLIL teachers’ expectations concerning the past, the present and the future 170
1.1 Pollard’s et al.’s Framework of Reflective Practice 14
1.2 Kolb’s Four-stage Cycle of Experiential Learning 16
1.3 Korthagen’s ALACT Model of Reflection 17
1.4 The Onion Model of Reflection 18
1.5 Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle 20
1.6 Schön’s Levels of Reflection 21
2.1 4Cs Model 50
3.1 General teaching experience 71
3.2 Teaching experience in CLIL 72
3.3 Type of school 72
3.4 Content subjects taught in English 73
4.1 Correlation between whole-heartedness and teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 117
4.2 Correlation between directness and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 119
4.3 Correlation between open-mindedness and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 121
4.4 Correlation between responsibility and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 122
4.5 Correlation between curiosity and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 124
4.6 Correlation between desire for growth and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 125
4.7 Correlation between realness and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 127
4.8 Correlation between humility/modesty and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 128
4.9 Correlation between lovingness and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 130
4.10 Correlation between courage and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 132
4.11 Correlation between tolerance and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 133
4.12 Correlation between decisiveness and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 135
4.13 Correlation between perseverance and general teaching experience, teaching experience in CLIL and type of school 136