Alessio Rotundo
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Anthropology 76, 128n109, 139, 162, 170, 172, 184187, 212
anthropological difference 163n13
Apodicticity 4749, 5863, 78, 119, 123, 210211
apodictic evidence 43, 45, 55n50
Aquinas, Thomas 56, 164n19
Aristotle 1, 46, 88, 109n42, 220n88
Behavior see Structure of Behavior, The
Bergson, Henri 12, 23n24, 137, 202n19, 207n31, 222n93, 223n95+6
account of the understanding of speech 107
Biology 1011, 21, 33, 35, 38, 40, 116, 136, 151, 153, 161186, 192196, 201204, 208, 211, 215, 218n81
history of 161
and philosophical cognizing 161, 215
Cartesian “realism” 4750
Cassirer, Ernst 14n7, 134, 142, 143n41, 161162, 164n19, 169n43
existential value of 190
perception of 148, 154157
as physiochemistry 218n81
problem in biology 161162
Derrida, Jacques 101n16
Descartes 7879, 82, 97, 137, 154, 164165, 171n52, 182, 184n110, 198201, 206, 209210, 213n51
Husserl’s criticism of 54, 58, 62, 71 see Cartesian “realism”
Desire (libidinal, orexis) 41, 109, 188191, 199, 224
Earth 129132
Einströmen 120122
Formal and Transcendental Logic 3, 33n76, 36, 44, 4767, 7477, 9596, 104n20, 114120, 123n91, 124, 148n69, 206n29
Fink, Eugen 28, 43, 44n14, 49n28, 56n54, 57n59, 58n65, 5964, 6667, 70, 78, 92n182, 95, 102n16, 110n45, 111n46, 114n56, 118n72, 124n93, 126n102, 210n44, 213n51, 223224, 228
Flesh 3637, 193200, 203205, 211219
in the (leibhaft) 41n4
of the world 201n16, 220
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 17n13, 18, 105n23, 106n28, 113, 163n11
Genesis 38, 57, 198, 200, 219, 227
embryogenesis 175
morphogenesis 181
of ousia 77
ontogenesis 183, 188, 195, 218n81
intentional 159n2
sense- 11, 51, 130, 213
primordial 205
temporalizing 5253
transcendental 218219 see Nature as empirical and transcendental genesis
Gurwitsch, Aron 107108, 115n63, 116n64, 118n75
Hartmann, Nicolai 57
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1618, 25n39, 220n85
Heidegger, Martin 1n2, 10n25, 11n26, 23n24, 43, 69n97, 109n42, 110n45, 169n43, 186n113
Helmholtz, Hermann von 1216, 19
History 3, 79, 114, 120, 187, 197, 205, 216
in two registers 128129
logic of 204
natural 165
of philosophy 4, 48, 78
of Western ontology 136
philosophy of 103n18
sedimented 57, 98, 120, 196
theory of 128n108
Husserl, Edmund 911, 23n24, 3236, 4259, 6367, 7479, 9496
argument in Formal and Transcendental Logic (summary) 114117, 206n29
biology 160161
Crisis-text 70n102
critique of modern science 115117
critique of Subjektphilosophie 89, 96
critique of experience see Formal and Transcendental Logic
earth 130
Einströmen 120122
eidetic 42, 46, 123
epoché 117n69, 123n90, 165n21, 181, 192, 202, 210
God 165n23, 198
Heraclitus 4
horizon 55, 211212
in preliminary phenomenology 43, 4546
in genetic analysis see Formal and Transcendental Logic see Intentionality
intersubjectivity 103n18, 119n77, 223
in Merleau-Ponty’s Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language 112n52
in Merleau-Ponty’s Husserl aux limites de la phénoménologie 110n45
transcendental problematic of 56n54, 112n52, 119120
intuition 4345, 116n66, 210, 216
of essence 46, 123, 223
of the world 124125, 151
language 100n13, 101104
life-world 118120
modalization of experience 209211
modal ontology 122125
natural attitude 64
nunc stans 222n93
perception 41, 4345, 84
reduction 55n53, 118n72, 210n44
Romantic conception of nature 137
universal apriori correlate 30, 209n41
three conceptual motifs in 223224
typicality 212
Horizon 44n14, 53, 55n48, 5962, 125, 214
as primordial level 95
as sedimented 160n2
infinite Copernican 116
intentionality of 39, 43n11, 55, 58
of past and future (retentional and protentional) 69, 71
world- 123125, 129
Idea of being
in phenomenology 5962
Husserl marginal note on 62n75
Intentionality 23, 30, 39, 4243, 184, 187, 189, 190n130, 192, 214, 217
as temporalizing 6774
human 187, 193
in Husserl’s Formal and Transcendental Logic 5458
in Husserl’s genetic phenomenology 5154, 63
in Husserl’s preliminary phenomenology 4346, 5051
in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception 6776, 7980, 9495
in Merleau-Ponty’s The Visible and the Invisible 221
interanimal 185188, 192, 195
intercorporeal see interanimal
latent see operative
of animals 162
of display 190
operative 3, 3436, 46, 5474, 75, 8081, 9495, 100, 111, 118, 130, 131n121, 132, 142, 162, 196, 214, 217, 219, 221, 228
Interanimality 169, 192n138, 224
Institution 27, 128129, 131n121, 209n43
consciousness as an 178
of culture 204
primordial 5758, 115 see institution of nature
Kant, Immanuel 11n26, 14, 1718, 7475, 7879, 135n7
intuition as faculty of relations 90
in Merleau-Ponty’s critique of spatial intuition 9193
Ladyman, J. and Ross, D. 133146, 157
Language 3, 98114, 120121, 124, 127128, 132
pre-availability of 104107
identity of linguistic meaning 107110
Levinas, Emmanuel 77n119, 84
Lifeworld (Lebenswelt) 36, 66, 77, 93, 95, 115n63, 118120, 123, 126n102, 161
pure 115n62
Logical positivism 8, 99, 139, 141
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
body schema 36, 152
in La Nature 184n108, 188189
in Le monde sensible et le monde de l’expression 153
in Phenomenology of Perception 8088
in Phenomenology of Perception 67n92, 97
tacit 98
flesh, theory of (esthesiology) 193196
in La Nature 189, 190n132, 195n150, 225226
in Visible and the Invisible, The 220222, 225226
in L’institution La passivité 209n43
in Metaphysics in Man, The 132
in Phenomenology of Perception 10n25, 67n92
and Kant 11, 22, 30, 3940, 78n121, 7980, 9094, 96, 137, 147, 165n22, 184
in Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language 99n11, 107109
in Phenomenology of Perception 86, 98n9, 100n14, 102
in La Nature 171, 186, 187n120, 195n150, 196, 204
in Le problème de la parole 99n11, 103n18, 111
in Les sciences de l’homme et la phénoménologie 101n16
in Husserl aux limites de la phénoménologie 110n45
in Visible and the Invisible, The 98, 215n58, 216
nature see Nature
operative intentionality see Intentionality
phenomenology of nature 14, 1011, 3233, 36, 40, 125n102, 152, 220, 228
prejudice of the world 6467, 70
and Saussure 102n18
spatial level
in Phenomenology of Perception 76, 8690
and Uexküll’s theory of Umwelt 193
and Whitehead 149n72
anti- 99n11
history of 7
metaphysical scientism 137
of history 36, 131
of modality 140
of nature 31, 138
naturalistic 144
neo-scholastic 138139
oppositions of 206n30
questions of 227
renewal of 164n15
scientifically motivated 142143
of substance 77
Metaphysics in Man, The 102n18, 132
Michotte, Albert 148, 154157, 167168
perception of, in Le monde sensible et le monde de l’expression 153157
Natural attitude 28, 3334, 66, 148, 151
anything but naturalistic in Merleau-Ponty 65n83
general thesis of the 64
Nature 1ff., 67, 711, 114, 132, 204205, 216, 218
and consciousness 3840 see Structure of Behavior, The
aesthetic and technological approaches to 1219
animal 36, 153, 159, 162, 188
as aesthetic apriori 96
as flesh 218, 222, 226
as leaf 183, 195, 226227
as leaf of being 226227
as empirical and transcendental genesis 201206
causality of 1314, 16, 2425, 68, 85, 119, 135n7, 137, 139, 149n72, 152, 156n93, 161, 181182, 188, 218
concept of 1, 19, 36, 41, 137, 144, 150n72, 177, 186n116, 197
experience of 9, 68, 114, 134, 197, 201
first (primordial) 1, 3, 6, 9, 1011, 30, 85, 156, 160, 200, 219223, 225
human 203
institution of 198201, 225
lawfulness of 14, 170
living 23, 85, 149, 162, 170, 174, 177193, 200, 202, 207, 222n92
mastery of 1516, 18
mind-independent 134
objective 3940, 92, 116, 119, 135, 147, 171n51
ontology of 219
passage of 149, 150n72
phenomenal 3, 37
philosophy of see phenomenology of
physical 136138, 151, 207
praxis of 153, 156n93
productive 213, 225, 227
second 196
transcendental 3, 37
Ontic structural realism 137140, 143, 157
Ontology 6, 8586, 152, 157, 197198, 200, 212, 219
as apriori science 118n74
bivalent 180182, 205
and phenomenology in Merleau-Ponty 215
modal 122125
of the Umwelt 169177
of nature 219220
of wild being 218219
ontological anthropology 184185, 211212
ontological diplopia 41, 139
ontological experience 211, 215, 219
language as 104110
ontological outline in The Visible and the Invisible 200201, 206
lifeworld as ontological correlate 119
phenomenological 197, 200, 201205, 212219
relationship with transcendental 35, 118n72
structural (in physics) 143
(in biology) 178
Origin 57, 62, 7274, 82, 115, 121, 127, 200, 201204, 218, 222, 224, 227
absolute 218
both originating and originated 128
empirical 128
ens originarium 199200, 222
epistemico-critical vs psychological 35n83
in La Nature 219n84
investigation into, as provisional 56n54, 122, 219
of the concept 39, 41, 97
original experience of space 89, 92n180
original self-apperception 160
original situation of demonstration 116
original time-consciousness 159n2
transcendental see Genesis
Passive synthesis 69
analyses of 5254
Patočka, Ian 8n, 116n64
Péguy, Charles 130n121
perceptual consciousness 2831, 75, 80, 151
perceptual faith 56, 75n113, 205, 207209 Desire ; Flesh ; Lifeworld ; Movement ; Operative intentionality ; Passive synthesis ; Phenomenology of Perception ; Structure of Behavior, The
Phenomenology 3237, 96n2, 127, 228
gestaltic 33
double aspect 42
genetic turn in 5054
Husserl’s definition of 35n83
and metaphysics 132
modern theory of perception is a 155
new definition of apriori in 96
of intersubjectivity 119n77
of language 103n18, 111
of living nature 181, 187, 192, 194
of perception 160
of phenomenology 7374
of the historical event 128
and ontology 215, 221
post-Heideggerian 131n121
static and genetic 51n35, 69 Merleau-Ponty , phenomenology of nature ; Phenomenology of Perception ; Phenomenological ontology ; Transcendental phenomenology ; Transcendental philosophy
Phenomenology of Perception 10n5, 23n24, 36, 42, 4647, 49n31, 64n81, 67, 70, 72, 75, 76n117, 7980, 9398, 99n11, 102n18, 122, 126127, 151, 151n76, 164n17, 189n126, 194n144, 197n2, 202, 208n34, 208n38
Plato 1, 113, 220n88
Aristotle’s criticism of 5n11
Reduction, phenomenological
in Husserl 45, 49n27, 5556, 58, 60, 62, 121
in Merleau-Ponty 2829, 34, 35n81, 73, 112n52, 122, 127, 213
of the Idea of being 61
Relativity theory
history of 133, 142n39
Ricœur, Paul 129n112, 159n2, 164n16, 164165n
Scheler, Max 17n14, 163n13, 186n116
Schilder, Paul 8384
Speech see Language
Spirit 12, 67, 1618, 30, 3738, 40, 81, 8486, 95, 110, 127, 152, 157n95, 160, 163, 165, 179n82, 182186, 200, 203205, 208n34, 215, 220n88, 225227
body of the 191n136
history of the 159n2
of praxis 84
worldliness of 152, 222n94
Structure of Behavior, The 1932, 40, 66, 75, 102n18, 138, 149, 151, 178n77, 185n110, 187, 191n135
Temporality 18, 34n81, 50, 6774, 75n113, 86n152, 91, 93, 95, 96, 106, 122125, 130, 139, 149, 151152, 156157, 159n2, 168, 175n66, 180n89, 197, 204, 211, 220224
and Bernau-manuscripts 5154
and eternity 126, 130n121
and language 112
and ideality 114
and nature 220
and prejudice of objective being 202 see Intentionality as temporalizing
Transcendental 23, 11, 3334, 67, 72, 77, 205, 220, 224
aesthetics 92, 96
analytic 92
apperception 3940, 79, 91, 123
as flesh 200
attitude 2829, 66, 202203
concept of being 61
constitution 66, 121, 213
dialectic 93, 96
field 117n72, 121, 126n102, 127
idealism 9, 1718, 21, 28, 126n102, 133, 135, 138, 160, 201
intersubjectivity 120
Kantian transcendental project in Uexküll 172173
logic 10, 52, 59n67, 63, 74, 115n62
man 132, 204
mundane dichotomy, parallel 204, 213
and ontic 148
phenomenology 19, 37, 50, 60n71, 62, 110n45, 112n52, 118120, 123, 128
philosophy 3, 17, 22, 30, 4047, 50n33, 60n71, 64n80, 66, 7680, 94n188, 110n45, 126n102, 138, 165, 169, 184
pre-transcendental stage of phenomenology 51
problematic in The Structure of Behavior 2223, 3031, 3839
psychologism 148n69
reduction 121, 127
subjectivity 4, 14, 32, 39, 46, 4849, 61, 73, 112m52, 118n72, 119122, 222 Nature as empirical and transcendental genesis ; Origin ; Formal and Transcendental Logic
Uexküll, Jakob von 138n16, 161162, 168180, 184185, 224
refashioning of Kantian enterprise 172176, 179
antepredicative unity of the 75, 9495
apperception of the 116117
as sensible 194
constitution of the, in Ideen I 50n33
co-perception of the 192
event of the 130
flesh of the 201n16, 220
in Kant 9293, 97n5
modal ontology of the 122125
presupposition of the 3334, 217
relational structure of the (in physics) 143
(in biology) 178179
scientific image of the 134
totality of the 211212
transcendental sense of the, in Cartesian Meditations 119 see Merleau-Ponty , see prejudice of the
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