
In: Storied Island
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abangan (nominal Muslims) 18, 23
conceptualization of 28
difference with putihan 29
abangan identity 23, 29
abangan-santri tensions 19
ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq of Dihli 143n21
Abdulwahid ibni Makiyah (ʿAbd al-Wāḥid b. Makkiyya) 132, 134
Aceh Darussalam kingdom 142
adĕgan lĕlampahan (wandering episode) 35
adĕgan pitĕpangan (the first encounter episode) 35, 53
adĕgan rĕrasan ngelmi (discussion of esoteric knowledge episode) 35, 53
adĕgan tĕtamuwan (pay-a-visit episode) 35, 53
adĕgan tilamwangi (bedroom episode) 35, 53, 57, 59
Adipati of Pasuruan 41
Adipati of Wirasaba 48
Cĕbolang’s encounter with 53
characterization of 57n36
story about 54
Admonitions of Seh Bari, The (1969) 128, 143, 145
affect-in-action paradigm 96, 100, 115, 122
in the Java Sea world 110–116
Agĕng, Ratu 5, 58n37, 228
Agung, Sultan 5–6, 10, 19, 21, 25
acquisition of power and wisdom 207, 211
battle with Jan Pieterszoon Coen 205
bond with Ratu Kidul 219–220
burial place at Imagiri 206
encounter with a man in disguise 223–225
Friday visits to the Prophet’s mosque 161
inner thoughts and wishes 217
Islamic faith 203
meeting with Queen of the Southern Ocean 206
mythical support for 220
as national hero of Indonesia 205
Nitik tales on the adventures of 206, 216
physical and inner qualities 203
position as Bathara Guru and as Kalipatollah 211
in reconciling Javanese and Islamic traditions 22
reign of 22
righteousness of 202
rule over the Javanese kingdom of Mataram 202
sense of justice 202
stories about 203
teachings from Pandhawas 222
words of power and wisdom 210–212
ahl al-qibla 182
Akbar the Great (1542–1605) 143
aksara Jawa (India-derived Javanese script) 2
Alexander the Great 24
Iskandar (Alexander), narrative of 114
affect-in-action paradigm 114
al-Ghazālī 131–132
al-Ḥallāj 172
aliran (channel, stream) politics, in Indonesia 29
al-Khaṭīb, Muḥibb al-Dīn 193
al-Manār (magazine) 193
al-Ranirī, Nūr al-Dīn 142
al-Salih, Malik 179
al-ʿArabī, Ibn 132, 190, 191
ontology of wahdat al-wujud 138
perfect man, theory of 138
Sufi doctrine of 142
compatibility with orthodox Islam 143
Universe and 137–140
Ambiya 4–5, 152, 168–170, 172
Cerito Ambiya 158–159
Islamic 171
Javanese Ambiya texts 151
Javanese Ambiya tradition 211
Layang Ambiya ( see Layang Ambiya )
life of 149
and the pĕsantren 152–155, 167
Sĕrat Ambiya ( see Sĕrat Ambiya )
wali-Ambiya interface 10, 149, 156, 161, 164, 171
Amongraga, Sheikh (Seh) 58n37, 72–73, 86, 91–92
Ampel, Sunan 127
Anbiya (“Book of the Prophets”) 101, 150. Ambiya
ancien régime 54
Anderson, Benedict 3, 48, 53, 275
Anggungrimang, Ki 74, 86–87
Antakusuma 163
anti-wujūdiyya movement 142–143
Anyakrawati, King 212–215, 219
Arab astronomers 192
Arabic praise songs (slawatan) 75–76
Ardi Pala (Mount Merit) 75
Arjuna 246
Astabrata 214
Eight Rules of Life 214
Austen, Jane 39
Babad Bĕdhah ing Ngayogyakarta 245
Babad Demak (1914) 162, 163, 166
Babad Jaka Tingkir 161n32, 166
Babad Kĕdhiri 30
Babad Mangkunĕgara 266n13
Babad Nitik Sultan Agung 203
Babad Pajajaran 162
babads (chronicles) 24
Babad Tanah Djawi/Jawi (1939–1941) 127–128, 216, 219, 227, 245
Bahasa Indonesia 3
Bakhtik, Chancellor 111
Bakhtin, M.M. 61n42
Balai/Bale Pustaka 116
travelogues 264–265
Bataniyah (Ar. Bāṭiniyya) 132
Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. see Batavian Society of the Arts and Sciences
Batavian Society of the Arts and Sciences 246
Bathara Guru 211
bědhaya dance 206
Bědhaya Lambangsari 206n15
Behrend, Tim 34, 35, 62, 216
bĕkti (loyal devotion) 121
belles-lettres 24
Benang, Sunan. see Bonang, Sunan
Benda, Harry 19
Berdzikir Bersama Inul (2003) 68
Bĕsari, Kyai Kasan 70n11
Besar windu year 240
Bĕstak, Chancellor 116, 118
Bima, story of 184–185
biography 278
of Ahmad Dahlan 5
autobiography 4, 11, 255, 260
of Muhammad 150
of Raden Sasrakusuma 263, 275
of Sultan Agung 4, 278
of Sunan Kalijaga 170
Bisri, Mustofa (Gus Mus) 66–67, 71
Berdzikir Bersama Inul (Performing Zikir with Inul) 67–68
painting of the controversial dangdut dancer Inul 9
Blambangan 20, 40n14, 42n16
Bonang, Sunan 126, 128–130, 144, 163, 185
order to Sunan Kalijaga to go to Mecca 188
Book of Strange Stories (Layang Carita Aneh) 263
Brambang, island of 222
Bratayuda 245
Bratayudha war 211n29
British Library 3
Brotodiningrat Affair (prakara Bratadiningratan) 271n28, 272
Buda, pre-Islamic belief of 215
bujangga (poets) 36
bupati 57n36
bupati dhongkol 57n36
cahya kajaten (light of divine manifestation) 81n40
cahya nurbuwat (light of divine prophecy) 215
Cairene Reformism 193
Cambodia 179, 193
Carey, Peter 57n36, 241
Carita Lĕlampahane Nabi Yusup (The Life-story of the Prophet Joseph) 262, 275
Carita Sultan Iskandar 24–25
Cariyosipun Seh Mlaya 59n39, 185
categorization 4, 11, 255, 259, 276, 278
Catholic Church 18
Cĕbolang, Mas 42–43, 48–49, 74
singing, seductiveness of 51
Cĕnthini 4, 6–8, 10, 35, 39
Cĕnthini Jalalen 39
Major Cĕnthini ( see Major Cĕnthini )
Nyai Cĕnthini 43n18
recension 39
Sĕrat Cĕnthini Kadipaten ( see Sĕrat Cĕnthini Kadipaten )
character-system, definition of 48n24, 62
characterization 7, 8, 33, 37, 38, 51, 61, 62, 245, 263
Chinese rebels 24
ciblon 6, 52
“civilizing mission” of the indigenous population, colonial ideas on 265
coexistential conflict 181, 183
Communism, destruction of 24
constancy, ideal of 109
contestation of desire 51n30
Crawfurd, John 246
Scottish Presbyterian ideas 27
culture of compromise 194
Dahlan, Ahmad 5, 176–178, 192, 195
campaign in Yogyakarta 193
correction of the qibla 192
straightening of the qibla 194
use of globe and compass 194
Damar Wulan puppet play 40n14
dangdut artist 66–67
darma (obligations and duty) 213
Darutista, Inul 66–67
Berdzikir Bersama Inul (2003) 67, 68
fatwa banning dance of 67
Dasarata (king of Ayodya) 236
Day of Judgement 213
de Balzac, Honoré 39
de Graaf, H.J. 22, 278
Geschiedenis van Indonesia (1949) 22
de Groot, Cornets 27
Deliberation of Saints 127
Demak 22, 126
Babad Demak (1914) 162–163, 166
Islamic polity 177
king of 127, 145
mosque of 5, 10, 149, 161, 161n32, 188, 188n26, 190–191, 194
devaraja, Hindu-Buddhist concept of 211
Dewa Ruci (The Subtle God) 184–185, 187
Dewi Sri 220
dhalang kĕntrung 78
dhandhanggula 42n15, 56, 159, 270
dhatuʿllah (Essence of God) 135
Dhirilaksita (Narrative of the Self) 277
dhulang (large circular wooden serving tray) 83
dhulĕng 78n29, 83
Dhū’l Qarnayn 24
Dickens, Charles 39
Diderot’s Encyclopédie 53
digitization projects 3
Dipanagara (Yogyanese prince) 241, 241n3
discourse 30, 35, 51, 53–55, 54, 69, 73, 121
intervention 115, 161
signs of 161–164
tests, themes of 164
divine being-human beings relationship 131
Djambek, Djamil 193
reforms in the Islamic education system 193
Dongeng Kuna (“Old Fairy Tale,” 1917) 261–262
down-to-earth realism 41
dramatis personae 97, 101, 113, 118
Drewes, G.W.J. 4, 9, 19–21, 128–130, 134n12, 136, 140, 142n20, 144, 179n7
drilling dance 66
Durga, goddess 220
Dutch colonialism 29, 246
Dutch East India Company (VOC) 205–206, 247
kafirs of 26
Dutch East-Indies 242
Dutch Javanology 255, 256
Early Javanese Code of Muslim Ethics, An (1978) 144n22
Een Javaanse Primbon uit de Zestiende Eeuw (1954) 144
Eliade, Mircea 181
emprak 85
Endangered Archives Programme 3, 152
epic storytelling 96
erotic dance movements 67
Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation (1994) 207
eternal prayer (salat daʾim) 82
European missionaries 262
European technologies and commodities 193
extraneous incidents 37
faith, confession of 133
Islamic Confession 67n5
Muslim Confession 79n33, 86, 90
profession of faith 168
shahāda 168
syahadat 67n5
Fansuri, Hamzah 142–143
fatwas 193
Ferrara kropak 127
feudal overlords, of Old Java 53
foreign Muslims, Javanization of 143
gambang gongsa 89n58
gambir 46n22
gambyong dancer 83–84
gamelan/gamělan 43n18, 52, 60n41, 61, 120, 165, 168
Gamělan Sěkaten 217, 221
music 6, 167
orchestra 118
garis pangiwa 210n27
Geertz, Clifford 3, 17–18
Religion of Java, The (1960) 17–18
gĕndhing 6, 52
genres 2, 4, 6–8, 36–37, 62, 69–70, 80, 96, 97, 113, 149, 170, 172, 275–279
of (auto)biography 260, 276
Hamza epic 122
Islamic Ambiya 171
of Javanese biography 277
Javanese-language 115
Javano-Islamic 173
of life histories 260
Panji tales 235
performing art 217
of puppetry in Central Java 117
Western-derived 278
Ghazali, Imam 130, 132
Giri, Sunan 172
gita. see Kidung Candhini
globe and compass, use of 194
attributes (sifat) of 132
existence of the world before the appearance of 138
love and forgiveness 114
reality of Allah as 133
relationship with man 138
self 82
transcendence 132–136, 144–145
witnessing of Himself 90
Word (sabda) 92
good and evil, battle between 239
Gordon, Ari 182
Grand Mosque of Surabaya 68
Great Mosque of Kauman 192
Great Mosque of Yogyakarta 177, 191, 192
Greek Homeric epics 38
Green, Nile 183–184
Guillot, Claude 142n20
gundhul (Javanese in unvocalized Arabic script) 2
guru lagu 70n9
guru wilangan 70n9
gusti 59, 60, 269. kawula-gusti
Hadith 194
ḥadīth Isrāʾīliyyāt 150n1
hajj 28, 30, 68, 177, 179, 192, 194
Halevi, Leor 182
Hamĕngku Buwana VI, Sultan 228
Hamĕngku Buwana VII, Sultan 5, 228
Hamza Affect 9, 96
manager of 104–105
narration of 101–104
in the narrative 100
puppetry performances
Rod puppetry (1985) 117–119
Rod puppetry (2019) 119–120
shadowplay performance by Ki Suluh Juniarsah (2020) 120–121
as source of story 105–107
Hamza, Amir (Amzyah) 6, 96–97, 101, 112, 172, 181. Stories of Amir
conquest and conversion of Kashmir by 106
departure for Kaus 108
devastation over his wife’s death 111
going to Abyssinia 100
Islamic epic of 9
other Hamza texts in Javanese 116–117
puppetry performances 9
rescue of his father-in-law 97–100
rescue of Nusyirwan (Samad Ahmad) 111
Umarmaya’s plea to Amzyah not to go to Abyssinia 104
Hamza epic
telling of 100, 110
Yasadipuran version of 116
Hamzah, Menak Amir 172
haram 165
Haroun, Mat Sales 193
Hazeu, Godard Arend Johannes 277
Hegirae, Anno 274
heresy, meaning of 144–146
Het boek van Bonang (The Book of Bonang)
contents of 131–132
manuscript of 129–131
use of negation in 132–136
Hikayat Amir Hamzah 101, 111
ability to inspire bravery in battle 112
affect-in-action paradigm 111
storytelling in Aceh 112
understatedness of affect in 112
Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai, The 179
Hindu-Buddhist religiosity 112
Hinduism 238
Hindu-Javanese gods 19
Holy War 25
Huizinga, Johan 22
Hyang Asmara (love god) 211
Hyang Widhi (“Divine Universal Order”, “All Ruling”) 113, 164
Ibrahim, Nabi 160–161
Ibrahim, Raden Makdum 168n45
Ibrahim, Shaykh 115
Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn 131
Indian epics, Javanese retellings of 2
Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) 23, 30
Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars 66, 67
Indonesian Democracy Party (PDI) 23
Indonesian Islamic Scholars’ Council (MUI) 24
Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI) 23
Indonesian Revolution 29
insignia (upacara) of royal rank 47n22
Inulmania 67
conversion of European prisoners of war to 22
egalitarianism of 189
five pillars of 26, 28, 30
global and timeless truths of 184
impact on Javanese culture 16
Javanese Islam 72
Java’s transition to 2
principal epic of 96
process of accommodating 168
prophets of 10, 149
reformism in 193
role in Javanese history 24, 26
social practices 16
teachings of 180
Islamic asceticism 115
Islamic boarding schools. see pĕsantren (Islamic boarding schools)
Islamic Confession (syahadat) 67n5. faith, confession of
Islamic convictions 21
Islamic culture and society 16
Islamic “fanaticism” 29
Islamic identity 28
Islamic literature, in Southeast Asia 128
Islamic monotheism and jurisprudence 126
Islamic mystical practices 60
Islamic mysticism 24, 25
Islamic Proselytism Higher Education (PTDI) 23
Islamic reform movements 27, 28
Islamic science 183
Islamic states, in Java 22
Islamic sufism. see Sufism
Islamic umma 194
Islamisation and its Opponents in Java 29
Islamization, of the Indonesian archipelago 2, 15, 27
kraton-led 19
transitional society 20
Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) 3
Istanbul (Stambul) 205
Jabar, Shahid 165–168
criticism of gamelan music 167
execution of 166
Jaemanis 46n21, 57
Jahān, Shāh (Mughal emperor) 143
Jalaluddin, Tahir 193
Jamali, Ki 55
Jamal, Nyai 57
jarwa 241
Jataryana, Sindhu (Dhalang Sindu) 117
Jatiswara 37–38
Java 167
Ambiya tradition 211
British occupation of 33
Dutch conquest of 27, 235
evolution of Islam in 216
Islamisation of 126, 143, 146
night of Sufi devotions in seventeenth-century 74–78
“Java in Jerusalem” group 3
javanaiserie 100
Javanese aesthetics 81
Javanese Ambiya 151
Javanese arip 81n41
Javanese biographies 277
Javanese calendrical system 265
Javanese Christian community 29
Javanese culture
advance of Islam over 21
authentic 21
impact of Islam on 16, 26, 31
legacy of 16–23
mystic synthesis 26
resistance to Islamization 28
role of Islam within 23
traditional 21
Javanese identity 23
Javanese Islam 72, 152, 216
Javanese kingship 25, 204–205
Javanese language 1, 22, 52, 112, 115, 143, 241, 261
Javanese life stories 260
Javanese literature 1–2, 43
history of 259
Western-influenced 255
Javanese poetry 40, 44n19, 249, 263
Javanese primbon 20
Javanese religious life 17
Javanese sĕmbah, use of 20
Javanese society 24, 130, 249, 261
daily commodities used in 143
Islamization of 31
mode of Islamic religiosity among 27
philosophy of 19
polarization of 29
role of Islam in 26
social class in 29
violence during the Indonesian Revolution 29
Javanese Sufi poetry 58
singing of 75
Javanese Sufis 9
Javano-Islamic literary and cultural tradition 5
Java Sea 96, 97, 100–101, 111
Java Sea, battle of (1942) 17
Jayengraga 83, 86
Jayengrana Poisoned (Jayengrana Racun) 119–120, 121
Jayĕngsari, Raden 154
Jedamski, Doris 265
Jenar, Siti 145
Jĕnggala, kingdom of 237
jinabat 268n20
Jobin Defects (Jobin Mbalik) 117–119, 121
Jones, Russell 179
Joseph, Prophet (Nabi Yusup) 24–25, 211, 278
Juniarsah, Ki Suluh 120–121
Juynboll, Theodoor Willem 81n39
kabupaten (regency) 29, 57
kacu mas (golden handkerchief) 55
Kadipaten 36–38
kafirs of the VOC 26
kagawokan 102, 113
kalĕngĕngan 113
Kalijaga, Sunan 5, 59n39, 127, 161, 162, 163, 177–178, 184–185, 191, 212, 215–217, 225
biography of 170
concern with the welfare of Mataram 217
execution of Siti Jĕnar 166
journey through Java 186
obeying of Sunan Benang’s command 186
repenting his criminal ways 185
role in erection of Java’s first mosque in Demak 149
Sufi metaphysics 194
Kalipatollah 211
Kalus, Ludvik 142n20
kang gadhah griya 248
kang gadhah nagari 248
kapir 20, 145, 167
Karamiyah (Ar. Karrāmiyya) 132
kasěkten (supernatural power) 210
kawi (Old Javanese) books 25
kawicaksanan 205, 213
kawula-gusti (servant-lord) metaphor 58
Kaʿba 104, 151, 176–181, 186–188, 190–191, 194, 196
Kediri, kingdom of 237
Keen, Palmer 80
Kĕkesahan dhatĕng Riyo (“Journey to Riau”) 264
kĕntrung 71
kěthoprak (popular Javanese drama) 204
Khadir, Nabi 156, 184–185, 187, 218
kiblat (orientation towards Mecca for prayer) 163
of Javanese Muslims 5
Kidul, Nyai Lara (Queen of the Southern Ocean). see Kidul, Ratu
Kidul, Ratu 6, 211–212, 217, 218–221
coronation ceremony as the Queen of Mataram 220
destructive powers of 221
as goddess Durga and as Dewi Sri 220
as goddess of fertility 221
in oral literature and folk tales 220
as personal adviser of the Sultan 221
Sultan Agung’s bond with 219–220
Kidung Candhini 36, 38
Kilir, nabi (Ar. al-Khiḍr). see Khadir, Nabi
killings of 1965–6 23
kitab kuning (yellow books) 153
Kitab Pangeran Bonang 130
Kitab Usulbiyah 25
Ko Ho Sing 278
Kraemer, Hendrik 256, 267
krama 275
kraton 16, 24–25, 204
kris/keris 137, 143, 216
Kumar, Ann 265
Kunthi, Dewi 211
Kurawa 211n29
Kusuma, Radèn Sasra 260
Kyai Gondhil 163
Law 44 on Pornography 67
Layang Ambiya 154, 156. Sĕrat Ambiya (tales of the early Muslim prophets)
Layang Raga Pasaja (Book of My Unadorned Self) 255, 257, 259, 263
Leiden scholarship 260–261
Leiden University Library (LUL) 3, 259, 260–261, 264
life-story, concept of 275
Literature of Java 128
macapat poetry 33, 70, 92, 97, 156, 159, 208. tĕmbang macapat
Madayin (Ctesiphon) 97
madĕg 248
Mahabharata 2, 211
Majapahit, kingdom of 21
Hindu-Majapahit royal court 126
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). see Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars
Major Cĕnthini 33, 35, 39, 48, 53–54, 62. Sĕrat Cĕnthini
characters performing a dual function 62
discursive boundaries of 54
musical performances and their social effects 60n41
poets of 59
political and cultural context of 57n36
sources of interest and agency 62
Makassar, king of 237, 242, 246
conflict with Javanese 247–248
Makkiyya, ʿAbd al-Wahid ibn 134
makripat (true knowledge) 91
Malay Annals (Sejarah Melayu) 112
Malay Peninsula 144
mancanagara 57n36
Mandurarĕja, Pangeran Jungut 70n11
Mangkunagaran Palace 79n33, 84
Mangunarsa 73, 75
mantri guru 274
Map is Not Territory (J.Z. Smith) 181
Masjid al-Harām (Mecca) 160
maskawin 81–82
Mataram dynasty 216
Babad Tanah Jawi 127–128
Central Javanese kingdom 72
founding of 214
opponents of 26
position in an international trade network 208
“matter of love-making” (prakara karĕsmen) 267
maulid devotional texts 172
Maʿrifa 141n18. makripat (true knowledge)
Mecca 176
direction of prayer 181
and Islam in Southeast Asia 179–183
and modern science 191–196
realigning the periphery and the center 183–191
Meccan Openings (Ibn al-ʿArabī) 191
Menak Kartasura 116
mĕngku 248
Middle East 193
Middle Eastern reform movements 28
Mintaraga 246
Modjokuto 17
Moertono 204
mosque-building 24
Mosque of Demak. see Demak Mosque (Java)
Muda, Iskandar (Sultan of Aceh) 142
Mughal Empire 143
Muhammadiyah 5, 10, 23, 192, 194
Muhammad, Prophet 72, 86, 90, 96, 136, 149–150, 152, 179–180, 191, 273
as Apostle of God 213
ascension to heaven 25
biography of 150
celebration of his birth (maulid) 172
direction of prayer 181
Thawr cave 165
mukmin 91, 110, 131
Munchausen, Baron 263
Munfaridah, Imroatul 194
Munigarin 97–100, 103–105, 109
Muntanengiyah (Ar. Muṭāʿiyya) 132
murshid (Sufi master), of the Shaṭṭārīyah Sufi order 58n37
Musa (Moses), Prophet (Nabi Mūsā) 25, 154, 170, 172, 184
Muslim abangan. see abangan
Muslim Confession (syahadat) 16, 90. faith, confession of
Muslim garis paněngěn 210
Muslim umma 161
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) 23, 67, 156
Napoleonic wars, in Europe 242
Naqshbandiyya Sufi order 143, 143n21
narrative 48, 50–57, 71, 74, 100–105, 111–119, 187, 227, 237, 239
Bodleian manuscript 103
Bugis 180n8
Cĕnthini’s 72–74
Enlightenment-encyclopedic 60
Hamza 97
historical 2
Javanese 6, 61, 176, 229, 249
literary 42, 62, 122
Muhammadiyah 194
narrative poem 8, 34, 41, 62, 249, 261, 262, 278
Nitik 203, 211
santri lĕlana 35, 36, 38
Seh Malaya 196
in Stories of Amir 110
traditional 183–191
translingual and transcultural 101n2
“New Directions in the Study of Javanese Literature” project 3
New Order regime 23, 30, 61
Ngali, Ahmad 156
ngelmu 59, 205
ngempraki 85
ngoko 260
nine saints 177, 184. See also wali sanga stories, tellings of
Nitik, Sĕrat Babad 10–11
Nobleman’s Pining, The (Menak Gandrung) 116
Nursiwan (Persian emperor) 97, 99, 118
ojrat 77
Old Javanese 1, 5, 20, 25, 40n13, 104, 113, 116, 128, 135, 143, 236, 241
Ottoman Empire 205
padhepokan 154
Pakubuwana II, reign of 25–26
Pakubuwana IV, King 240
Pakubuwana V 70
Pandawa (brothers from the Mahābhārata) 184, 211–212, 222–223
Pandhan Arang, Prince (Sunan Bayat the First) 224
Pandhu, King 211
Panggung, Sunan 145
Panji Paniba (1817)
abduction scene 238–239
author of 240–241
chronological setting of 250
directives in 238–239
drinks mentioned in 247
identity and values in
appearance 242–244
attitude 246–247
intention 244–245
values 247–249
imitation of the scene of the deer 236–238
interpretation of 251
Javano-Makassarese war in 250
similarity with Ramayana 235–238
sources of 239–242
victory of the Javanese over the Makassarese 250
written in poetry 239
Panji tales 170
Panurta, Ki Bayi 73
paring sabda 212
Pasisir (north coast) literature 128, 146
Patah, Raden 127
Patimah Sami 151
pegon (Javanese in vocalized Arabic script) 2
pĕngulu (Muslim religious official) 87
perfect man, theory of 138
Persian kāwīn (dower) 81n39
Pĕsantren/pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) 7, 10, 17, 28, 68, 71–72, 74–75, 77–78, 151, 167, 169–170, 173
Ambiya and 152–155, 171
development of 153
Indonesian pondok pesantren 159
nineteenth-century 153
Pigeaud, Theodoor G.Th. 4, 22, 77, 128, 256
piwulang (didactic moralistic instructions) 208
Poensen, Carel 28
Poerbatjaraka 4, 97, 116
Poerwadarminta 277
Polarising Javanese Society: Islamic and Other Visions 27
pornoaksi 67
pornography law
Law 44 on 67
ratification of 67
Prabu Murti (Krěsna) 222
pre-Islamic Java, society of 23
pre-Islamic religious life 20
priyayi 16, 18
prophets of Islam 149. Ambiya
tales of 149–152
in Indonesian archipelago 150
qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ 150
Punika sĕrat sĕjarah Rasulullah Muhammat 155n23
qadīm 135
qibla 177. kiblat
Dahlan’s correction of 192
direction of 195
mathematical methods to determine 183
of older mosques 192
reorientation of 193
understanding of 190
qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ 25, 150
Queen of the Southern Ocean 206, 210–211, 219. Kidul, Nyai Lara; Kidul, Ratu
Qurʾan 24–25, 92, 165, 194
Qurʾanic Sura of the Cave 184
raden 6, 127, 154, 168n45, 255, 275
Radya Pustaka 82n46
Raffles, Thomas Stamford 246
Ragasmara 77, 88
Ramayana 170
imitation of the scene of the deer 236–238
Indian epic of 2, 11
Javanese Sĕrat Rama 236
kawi Rāmāyaṇa 25
story of
golden deer 236
Rama and Sinta 236, 239, 241
war between Rama and Rawana 236
rasa 76–77, 88, 92, 120–121
rasaning kanugrahan (rasa of grace) 81
Ratu Pakubuwana, Sufi 25–26. Pakubuwana II, reign of
rĕbutan 51n30, 52–53, 55
Religion and Politics in Rural Central Java 18
religious identity 29, 182
rice barn (lumbung) 217
Riḍā, Muḥammad Rashīd 193
ritual prayers (salat limang waktu) 141
rod puppetry. see wayang (shadow puppet theatre)
Ronggasutrasna, Ki Ng. 70
ronggeng (professional female dancer) 44, 83
Roorda, Taco 129
royal burial mound, at Imogiri 161
royal heirlooms (pusaka kraton) 221
rural and urban dwellers 29
rural society 29
sacred court dances 221
sadya 132, 135
sahabat 156
Saint of Giri. see Giri, Sunan
Salafiyya Review 193
ṣalāt 20
salawat dulang 83
Sam Pik Ing Tae 262
Samudera-Pasai (first Islamic city-state) 179
chronicling the early twentieth century 271–275
Islamization of 180
Muslims of 180
ruler of 180
santri (devout Muslims) 6, 18, 66, 70
santri-abangan dichotomy 24, 31
santri dul 74n22
santri lĕlana (wandering student of Islam) story 35
sarengat 154, 215
Sasradiningrat IV, Raden Adipati 277
Sasrakusuma, Raden 6, 255, 260
autograph of 256
Carita Lĕlampahane Nabi Yusup (“The Life-story of the Prophet Joseph”) 262
dealing with the past 268–271
Dongeng Kuna (“Old Fairy Tale,” 1917) 261–262
exposure to foreign (Calvinist and colonial) worldviews 268
genre, question of 275–279
great sin of cursing God 267
lalakone Raden Sasrakusuma 275
Layang Raga Pasaja (Book of My Unadorned Self) 256
notes on sin and sexuality 266–268
oeuvre of 261–264
Old Fairy Tale 275
story of Joseph 275
tradition of classical literature 262
Sastradipura, R.Ng. (Kyai Haji Muhammad Ilhar) 70
Sastramiruda 83–84, 84n49
sayĕmbara 244, 247
Schrieke, B.J.O. 20, 128
“scolding God” (God uitschelden) 267
Seal of the Prophets 149–150, 172
Sea of Dissolution 99, 103
Seen and Unseen Worlds in Java, The (1998) 24
Seh Bari 155
tale of 131–133, 136–140
Seh Malaya/Mlaya (story of Sunan Kalijaga) 164, 184–185
Sejarah Melayu 218
sĕkar gadhung 79n31
Sĕkartaji 236–237
Senapati, Paněmbahan 213–214, 219
Sĕrat Ambiya (tales of the early Muslim prophets) 2, 149, 154
Sĕrat Babad Nitik 5, 10, 212, 216, 221, 225–227, 228
Sĕrat Cĕnthini 26, 34, 38, 50, 154
Sĕrat Cĕnthini Kadipaten 33, 36, 38, 40, 42, 60n40, 70
“character-system” of 62
literary characteristics of 35
literary composition in 62
performance of Sufi poetry (suluk) in 66
poets of 60
sexual relationships between fictional kawula and gusti in 60n40
Sĕrat Damar Wulan 40
Sĕrat Dĕrmagandhul 30
Sĕrat Jatiswara 38
Sĕrat Nitik Sultan Agung 201
corpus 205–210
narratives of 201
storytelling repertoire 208
Sĕrat Pananggalan (Javaansche Almanak) 262
Sĕrat Rama 236, 241
Sĕrat Samud 151
Sĕrat Sastramiruda 83
Sĕrat Siti Jĕnar 166
Sĕrat Wali Sana 162, 166
Sĕrat Yusuf/Yusup 24, 25, 151
Shāfiʿī law school 268n21
sharīʿa (Prophet’s law) 59–60, 74
Silau, Merah 180
silsilah (Sufi lineage) 58n37
Sindu, Dhalang 119
Siti Jĕnar
story of 127, 168
trial and execution of 166–167, 172
Smith, Jonathan Z. 10, 176, 178, 196
social rebellion 58n37
Soeharto’s New Order regime 23
Song of Sunda (Kidung Sunda) 113
Islamic contribution to 115
Song of Surajaya (Kidung Surajaya) 112
South Asia, Islamization of 183–184
space 6, 39, 44, 89, 122, 183, 184
creation of 182
cultural 229
Islamic 191
Javanese 191
for modern science 191–196
of power 205, 229
religious meaning of 181
senses of 10, 182
sonic 52
for storytelling 153
srimpi 84
State Institutes for Islamic Studies (IAIN) system 23–24
Stories of Amir 97, 100, 121
affect-in-action paradigms in the Java Sea 110–116
affective dimension of 111
affective stance and God 108–110
on appearance of Umarmaya 104
feeling and plot in 100–101
normal narrative pattern in 108
Old Javanese poetical tradition and 113
plot-driving power in 101
quickenings and changes of course 107–108
rebooting the epic plot 107
son of Sadad storyette 108
storylines and major episodes in 106
verse forms of 101
Story of Seh Mlaya Beginning at the Time when He was Not Yet a Wali, The 185
Stuart, Cohen 262
Sufi brotherhood 67n5
Sufi Islam 60
Sufi mysticism, foreign polemics of 143
Sufi poetry (suluk)
brai performance in Cirebon 74
and the Cĕnthini 69–71
Cĕnthini crowd scenes 86
Cĕnthini’s narrative frames 72–74
Ni Pĕlangi’s performance 78–85
noblemen performance of 86–91
noblemen performance of Slawatan in Arabic 86
performance of 66
slawatan performances 77
Sufi devotions, in seventeenth-century Java 74–78
Suluk Koja-kasiyan (Song of the Pitiful Foreign Merchant) 87
Suluk Purbajati (Song of the Origin, or Author, of Truth) 88
Sufi silsilah 58n37
Sufism 9, 229
doctrine of Ibn al-ʿArabī 142
ethical 140–142, 144
spread of 126
theoretical controversies in Aceh 142–144
Sufi teachings 87n53
Sufi warrior 25
Sufi zikir performances 69
suksma 20, 132
sultans of Aceh 142
suluk (“mood songs”) 118. Sufi poetry (suluk)
Suluk Adat (Song of Custom) 85. Sufi poetry (suluk)
Suluk Bathik 87n53
Suluk Garwa Kancana 25
Suluk Gatholoco 30
Suluk Jatipralena (Song of the True Death) 89
Suluk Koja-kasiyan (Song of the Pitiful Foreign Merchant) 87
Suluk Malangsumirang (The Song of Malangsumirang) 88, 145
Suluk Purbajati (Song of the Origin, or Author, of Truth) 88
Suluk Purwaduksina (The Song of Purwaduksina) 81
Sumatra 144
sunna 72
Surakarta 22, 33, 36–37, 39, 40n13, 41, 50, 60, 229
Syattariyah Sufi “order,” in West Sumatra 83
taalambtenaar (government linguist) 256
Tabriz, Sheikh Samsu 41
taledhek 83
tales of the Prophets 149–152. Ambiya, Layang Ambiya, Sĕrat Ambiya
in Indonesian archipelago 150
qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ 150
Tambangraras 73, 77
Tamhīd 131, 140n17
Tantrism, in Javanese religious belief 60n40
tapa ngidang 185
tauhid (the Unity of God) 70, 90
tayuban dance 84
tĕmbang macapat 71, 97, 151, 201
tĕrbang (frame-drum) 49, 52, 60, 61n41, 71, 75, 78, 83–86
Thalut (the biblical Saul) 162, 164, 167, 170
Thawr cave 165
tiyang sabrang 210
tombs of the wali 184
tumĕnggung 250
ulama (Muslim scholars) 62n43, 68
Umarmaya 98, 100
plea to Amzyah not to go to Abyssinia 104
ʿUmdat al-ansāb (“Pillar of the Genealogies”) 150
umma 161, 194
Unity of Being 166. wahdat al-wujud (waḥdat al-wujūd)
Usulbiyah 25
Uyon-Uyon Hadiluhung performance 206n15
van Bruinessen, Martin 153–154, 155n21, 277
van der Chijs, Jacobus Anne 270n27
Van Dorp & Co. 262
van Iperen, Josua 246
van Leur, J.C. 16–17
van Ronkel, Philippus Samuel 9, 97
Vlekke, B.H.M. 21
Volkslectuur (Popular Literature) 261
Vulcanius, Bonaventura 129
waḥdat al-shuhūd, theory of 143n21
wahdat al-wujud (waḥdat al-wujūd). Unity of Being
controversies concerning 143
doctrine of 142, 144
His “pure being” (wujūd), in bodily/material forms 58
ontology of 138
seventeenth-century religious debate on 143
Wahhabi Islam, of Saudi Arabia 16, 60
Wahid, Abdurrahman (Gus Dur) 67, 156
wali-ambiya interface 10, 149, 155–159
signs of the divine 161–164
tale of two mosques 159–161
wali-nabi interface 156
walis (Sufi saints) 127, 130, 180
sayings and deeds of 128
tombs of 184
wali sanga stories, tellings of 171n49. nine saints
walking corpse (bathang lumampah) 140
wasila (spiritual mediation) 154
wayang (shadow puppet theatre) 27, 37, 43, 88
gĕdhog play 240–241
kulit (shadow puppet shows) 204, 214
Menak 181
wĕtonan cycle 265
Winter, Carel Frederik 263
Winusonan 243
Wisnu, god 211, 219, 239
Woloch, Alex 33, 37–38, 48n24, 61
wong cilik (commoner) 18
wong lĕwih (excellent man) 138
World War II 20–22
Wujūdiyya 143
wuku 190n28, 264–265
wulu 41
xenophobia 245
Yasadipura (court poet of Surakarta) 241, 241n4
Yasadipura II, R.Ng. (R.T. Sastranagara) 70
yoga, practice of 112
Yogyakarta, city of 30, 67, 119, 156, 176–177, 191–193, 206–208, 228, 230, 241, 246
Yogyakarta Sultanate 176n1, 192, 229
Yūsuf, Prophet 262. Joseph, Prophet (Nabi Yusup); Sĕrat Yusuf/Yusup
zakat (alms) 30
zikir (remembrance of God) 9
zināʾ (unlawful sexual intercourse) 268n21
Zoetmulder 4, 113
Zulkarnain, Iskandar 218. Alexander the Great
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