We kindly want to thank the organisers of ASA Decennial Conference 2014 Anthropology and Enlightenment in collaboration with the STAR Consortium of the Anthropology Departments of Edinburgh, St Andrews and Aberdeen. We specifically want to thank the participants and discussants in our panel ‘Objects, Persons or Property? Revisiting Human-Animal Relations in the Andes, Amazonia and the American Arctic’. This book is a direct result of the inspiring papers and discussions.
We want to acknowledge the staff and postgraduate students in the Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen who have heard, read or commented upon early drafts of contributions included in the volume. Special mention is due to Tim Ingold and David Anderson. Their respective ERC grants, held for several years simultaneously at the Department, provided a nurturing environment with many discussions on sentient humans and nonhumans.
We are most grateful for the excellent work and assistance of Brill Publishing at Society & Animal and the Human-Animal Series. We particularly want to acknowledge Kenneth Shapiro, Helena Schoeb. Susan McHugh, Brenda Kaldenbach, Fenja Schulz, and the many others behind the scenes. The anonymous reviewers have been brilliant and each of their reviews has enriched both the respective chapter and the volume overall.
Maggie acknowledges the organisers of the workshop Humanos y otros animales: Relaciones en Transformación, de la crianza a la predación, en el Sur de Sudamérica, held in Tilcara, Argentina in September 2018, Lucila Bugallo, Francisco Pazzarelli and Penny Dransart. Three of the contributors to this volume also participated in the Tilcara workshop and gained much from the discussions that took place there.
Peter acknowledges the Arctic Domus team of the ERC Advanced grant (no. 295458) for allowing the space and funding for developing his research with dogs and Gwich’in dog mushers. He further is grateful for Florian Stammler and the Arctic ARK (Academy of Finland – 286074) team for providing the space and intellectual engagement to develop his writing for this book.
All the Indigenous Peoples and the nonhuman animals in the Andes, Arctic and Amazonia who participated in the research that was to lead eventually to the contributions in the volume. To you this volume is dedicated.
A special thank you needs to go out to the human (Steve) and nonhuman animals (Smeagol, Max, Freya and the chickens) of Maggie’s household and the humans (Ilia and Charalampos) of Peter’s household.