Abbreviations for primary sources, journals, series, reference works, and collections generally follow the SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.). The following additions or variations should be noted.
1 Rabbinic Sources
1.1 Mishnah, Tosefta and Talmud
Avod. Zar. | Avodah Zarah |
Avot | Avot |
Arak. | Arakhin |
B. Bat. | Bava Batra |
B. Mets. | Bava Metsia |
B. Qam. | Bava Qamma |
Eruv. | Eruvin |
Git. | Gittin |
Hag. | Hagigah |
Meil. | Meilah |
Menah. | Menahot |
Peah | Peah |
Shab. | Shabbat |
Sheq. | Sheqalim |
Sotah | Sotah |
Yevam. | Yevamot |
Zavim | Zavim |
1.2 Other Rabbinic Writings
Ag. Ber. | Aggadat Bereshit |
Avot R. Nath. | Avot de Rabbi Nathan |
Mekh. R. Ishm. | Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael |
Mekh. R. Shim. Yoh. | Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai |
Pesiq. Rav Kah. | Pesiqta de Rav Kahana |
Pirk. Avot | Pirkei Avot |
Sem. R. Hiya | Semahot d’Rabbi Hiya |
Sifre Deut. | Sifre Deuteronomy |
Sifre Num. | Sifre Numbers |
S. Olam Rab. | Seder Olam Rabbah |
Tanh. | Tanhuma |
2 Greek and Latin Sources
Aesop, Vit. Aes. | Aesop, Vita Aesopi |
Aphthonius, Prog. | Aphthonius, Progymnasmata |
Babrius, Fab. | Babrius, Fabulae Aesopeae |
Diogenes Laertius, Vitae | Diogenes Laertius, Vitae philosophorum |
Plato, Resp. | Plato, Respublica |
Proclus, Comm. Hes. | Proclus, In Hesiodi Opera et Dies |
Theon, Prog. | Theon, Progymnasmata |
Vitruvius, Arch. | Vitruvius, De Architectura |
3 Other Primary Sources
Cyril of Jerusalem, Disc. Mary Theot. | Cyril of Jerusalem, Discourse on Mary Theotokos |
Eusebius, Theoph. | Eusebius, Theophania |
Maimonides, Hil. Tesh. | Maimonides, Hilkhot Teshuvah |
4 Journals, Series, Reference Works, and Collections
AJEC | Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity |
AJS | American Journal of Sociology |
Antiquity | Antiquity / Journal of Archeology |
ANTZ | Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Zeitgeschichte |
AS | Ancient Society |
ASCS | Afrika-Studiecentrum Series |
BCA | Blackwell Companions to Anthropology |
Britannia | Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies |
BSPS | Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science |
BThSt | Biblisch-Theologische Studien |
BVB | Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel (Contributions to Understanding the Bible) |
Cathedra | Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv |
CC | Cognition and Culture |
Chambry | Chambry, É. Aesopi Fabulae. 2 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1925-1926. Repr. Chambry, É. Ésope fables: Texte établi et traduit. 2nd ed. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1927. |
CS | Cognitive Semiotics |
CRS | Classical Resources Series |
CSLC | Cambridge Semitic Languages and Cultures |
DI | Dine Israel: An Annual of Jewish Law |
Diaspora | Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies |
DVjs | Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte |
ECCA | Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity |
EJM | Études sur le judaïsme médiéval |
EJSP | European Journal of Social Psychology |
EWE | Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik |
GenSoc | Gender and Society |
Gibbs | Gibbs, Laura. Aesop’s Fables: A New Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008 |
Fabula | Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung / Journal of Folktale Studies |
FCBT | Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud |
FJB | Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge |
FL | Folia Linguistica |
HA | Hadashot Arkheologiyot |
HDRPM | Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements |
HSK | Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft |
HTS | HTS Theological Studies (Hervormde Teologiese Studies) |
IBAL | Internationale Bibliothek für allgemeine Linguistik |
ICSS | International Comparative Social Studies |
IEJ | Israel Exploration Journal |
ISFCJ | International Studies in Formative Christianity and Judaism |
JAE | Journal of Arid Environments |
JASR | Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports |
JBTh | Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie |
JC | Judaism in Context |
JEI | Jerusalem and Eretz Israel: A Journal for Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology |
JLE | Journal of Landscape Ecology |
JLSM | Janua Linguarum Series Minor |
JOWG | Jahrbuch der Oswald-von-Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft |
JSHJ | Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus |
JSIJ | Jewish Studies Internet Journal |
KTVU | Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen |
LA | Linguitische Arbeiten |
LAA | Late Antique Archeology |
LAHR | Late Antique History and Religion |
Laographia | Laographia |
MAA | Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry |
Mahanayim | Mahanayim |
Matrix | Matrix: The Bible in Mediterranean Context |
MCM | Media and Cultural Memory |
MHCS | Mainz Historical Cultural Sciences |
MMS | Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften |
MnemSup | Mnemosyne Supplements |
NC | Narrative Culture |
NLH | New Literary History |
NLR | New Left Review |
NTT | Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift (Dutch Theological Journal) |
OM | Oxbow Monographs |
PAAJR | Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research |
P&C | Pragmatics & Cognition |
Perry | Perry, Ben Edwin. Babrius and Phaedrus: Fables. LCL 436. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1965 |
QI | Quaestiones Infinitae |
ReCo | Recherches en Communication |
RSECW | Routledge Studies in the Early Christian World |
SAM | Studies in Ancient Medicine |
SASLJS | The Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies |
SBLSS | Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series |
SC | Social Cognition |
SCCB | Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible |
SG | Sprache der Gegenwart |
Sidra | Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature |
SocComp | Sociology Compass |
SPPC | Social and Personality Psychology Compass |
SSR | Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation |
StG | Studium Generale |
STIS | Studies and Texts in Scepticism |
TBW | The Biblical World |
TLJS | Taubman Lectures in Jewish Studies |
TSJTS | Texts and Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America |
UTB | Uni-Taschenbücher |
VC | Vigiliae Christianae |
VCSup | Vigiliae Christianae Supplements |
WF | Wege der Forschung |
WiBiLex | Das Wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet |
Yeda’am | Yeda’am: Journal of the Israel Folklore Society |
ZNT | Zeitschrift für Neues Testament |