Peter Murphy
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Achaeans 27071
Aegean 184, 22223, 251
Agincourt 269, 27980, 28283, 287
Alberti, Leon Battista 2078
Alexandria 91, 9394, 162, 227, 25556, 293
allies 18, 50, 70, 273, 277, 283, 29192
allotments 89, 183, 185, 19192
ambidexterity 1516, 2526, 76, 1056, 148, 199, 2023, 215, 258
ambidexters 19192, 19495, 201, 204, 220
Americans 8, 49, 57, 59, 88, 130, 134, 166, 263, 276
analogy 15, 2224, 29, 31, 37, 43, 45, 5859, 75, 77, 8788
Anderson, Francis 128
Anderson, John 3, 5, 128, 15354, 16973, 299
Angelopoulos, Theo 38, 276
Anthemius 2078
antinomies 12, 37, 71, 74, 129, 131, 133, 135, 153, 157, 165, 169, 187
antipodes 18, 63, 168, 311
anxiety 54, 69, 124, 126, 140, 143, 145, 156, 173, 221, 26667
ANZAC 5152, 28182
apartments 13, 133, 167, 178, 253
apocalypticism 15960
architectonics 2, 5, 87, 11516, 194, 196, 19899, 210, 216, 227, 257
architects 1516, 23, 3132, 14044, 146, 16263, 167, 17579, 183, 2034, 2078, 228, 237, 23942, 24445, 305, 30810
architecture 4, 1417, 2427, 37, 46, 1023, 12324, 144 17677, 179, 182, 18688, 2068, 21011, 21516, 220, 237, 241, 24346, 3046, 30910
Arendt, Hannah 16, 25, 228, 243, 270
Aristotle 11, 65, 85, 221, 223, 24243, 249, 297, 311
Armenians 190, 27576, 286
art 34, 3334, 43, 4950, 6263, 101, 12224, 154, 17072, 18687, 199200, 21920, 236, 24041, 24445, 302, 304, 311, 31617
artifice 6, 15, 2728, 31, 182, 187, 193, 199, 226, 237, 309
artists 26, 31, 3839, 78, 85, 1023, 16768, 198, 244, 317
Athens 32, 182, 18788, 210, 22123, 22728, 23536, 238, 240, 246, 25156
atrocity 165, 271, 273, 288, 314
Attica 22223, 227, 25152
attitudes 63, 65, 154, 229, 24748, 27981
Australia 113, 4952, 5459, 6266, 7885, 9092, 1023, 1089, 11418, 12842, 14445, 15153, 15557, 16369, 17378, 25658, 26264, 27778, 28082, 284, 28893, 30112, 30810, 313
animals 57
binational ambidexterity 137
character 49, 299, 303
cities 33, 132, 141, 16465, 174, 258, 305
civilization 2, 168
collective psyche 141, 169
colonies 90, 98, 123, 130
constitution 10, 5758, 13334
creation 2, 60, 84, 88, 94, 117, 121, 148, 235, 262
cultural modernization 302
culture 120, 142, 147, 168, 173
democracy 134, 152, 297
diaspora 120
economy 157, 175
ethos 3, 117
federation 129, 136
form of life 310
government 50, 78, 85, 155, 289
history 6, 9, 53, 7981, 84, 86, 133, 138, 141, 154, 166
imaginaries 2, 610, 11849
immigration policy 139
indigenous population 259, 264
landscape 63, 296
language 52
legend 259, 297
liberalism 128
life 58, 119, 158, 299300, 305
mind 53, 55, 137, 153, 168, 316
moralism 173
national character 4, 51, 259, 262, 278
nationalists 13839
national-romantic sentiments 29, 141, 263
political romanticism 151, 154, 156, 15960
politics 150, 162, 166
population 11, 129, 151
protectionist sentiments 15152
realism 154
romanticism 2, 141, 15758
rural 51, 133, 157, 175, 198, 200, 259
society 62, 65, 67, 123, 128, 133, 139, 15152, 162, 169, 257, 299, 3012
soldiers 52, 264, 28082, 289
states 151, 173, 297
stoicism 51
suburbs 167
thought 154, 174
trade 111, 148, 160
war memorials 296
beauty 40, 62, 8788, 97, 1023, 105, 110, 12324, 12728, 143, 16768, 27172, 291
beliefs 126, 15455, 22627
Benthamite society 257
Bombay 86, 91, 93, 9597
Britain 60, 9394, 97, 11213, 11517, 136, 139, 266, 268, 270, 27475, 277, 281
army 8889, 91, 266
empire 91, 13638, 235, 264
law 88, 97, 1067
Bryce, James 8, 49, 55, 58, 134, 137, 27576
buildings 16, 2324, 3032, 1013, 1056, 12425, 14344, 17879, 199, 20712, 21415, 21820, 238, 24041, 24950, 253, 296, 3039
bureaucratic internationalism 15960
Burke, Edmund 12325, 138, 165
Calicut 91, 96
Canberra 1, 31, 50, 82, 14041, 147, 164, 308, 310
Castoriadis, Cornelius 17, 122, 242, 256
change 1, 7, 10, 2125, 6162, 66, 8182, 196, 199, 301, 307, 311, 317
changers 191, 194
character 27, 8182, 153, 201, 203, 256, 260, 262, 26871, 28081, 284, 286, 28990, 292, 317
Chesterton, G.K. 1617, 19, 42
Chicago 1617, 18586, 213, 243
China 111, 136, 232, 261
choleric 9, 53, 55, 5960, 6263, 6769, 7172, 7475, 78, 255, 262, 281, 28586
churches 100, 106, 110, 162, 207, 211, 29899, 3023, 309, 314, 316
Churchill, Winston 266, 268, 270, 27678, 287, 289
Cicero 19495
citadel 30, 14648
cities 3, 78, 95, 1078, 11315, 125, 12930, 13233, 13536, 18485, 19194, 19798, 20914, 22028, 23032, 23637, 240, 24555
ancient 5, 93, 222
architecture of the city 187, 237, 249
beauty 223, 263
coastal 8, 109, 175
colonial 221, 225
distant 226, 245
great 4, 92, 226, 230, 237
modern 26, 232, 253
polyglot 183, 255
society of cities 108, 110
world cities 229, 245, 260
worldly cities 227, 230, 240
citizens 45, 127, 166, 186, 19192, 197, 209, 222, 226, 236, 252
citizenship 116, 185, 194, 227, 235, 245, 25152, 313
city and country 41, 132, 13536, 180
city-states 116, 224, 231
civil society 41, 57, 97, 1056, 136, 185
civilization 1011, 7879, 87, 1023, 106, 110, 114, 18182, 230, 257, 26061, 266, 31011
Clark, Manning 7981, 84
classic 2, 6, 8, 57, 7274, 104
architecture 27, 24144
form 8, 14344, 174, 24041, 250, 3056
imagination 61, 83, 11921, 125, 135
mind 23, 7, 1011, 82, 123, 12627, 129, 168, 177
coast 46, 12930, 211, 310
collective imagination 16, 41, 148, 162
colony 84, 88, 94, 98101, 1068, 11013, 117, 182, 22425, 234
colors 30, 4145, 68, 78, 80, 116, 12425, 301, 316
commonwealth 2, 41, 58, 108, 130, 134, 233
competition 48, 11819
Conrad, Joseph 27273
consistency 201, 239, 292
Constantinople 182, 193, 227, 234, 251, 25556, 261, 271, 277, 283
construction 1056, 154, 178, 186, 207, 214, 216, 237, 241, 304, 3078
containers 4, 160, 200, 213
contingency 70, 143, 145, 279, 282, 312
continuity 7, 2125, 32, 70, 98, 118, 161, 213, 268, 3067
contracts 3, 72, 112, 185, 19192, 220
contradictions 71, 84, 137, 153, 201, 219, 248, 312, 317
contrast 34, 19, 34, 4243, 6061, 8283, 124, 127, 142, 149, 219, 229, 23334, 24345, 294
control 69, 75, 82, 94, 100, 157, 26263, 267, 271, 283, 290
convicted persons 97, 99, 114
countryside 28, 116, 120, 130
creation 1418, 2021, 3435, 37, 3940, 4243, 6162, 8285, 87117, 12829, 14243, 148, 192, 19496, 2045, 2078, 22627, 3089, 31213, 317
cube 2223, 190, 196, 199, 217, 220
culture 7879, 113, 116, 16869, 187, 22930, 23537, 25961, 311
Dardanelles 93, 261, 263, 265, 271, 277
de Chirico, Giorgio 4, 19799, 315
depth 16, 23, 30, 53, 189, 193, 211, 214, 216, 220, 316
detachment 24748
dictator 55, 197, 22324
digital computers 19, 40
dimensions 1516, 24, 30, 34, 41, 124, 190, 203, 219, 278
discovery 40, 70, 81, 84, 92, 104, 115, 154, 260, 264
displacement 191, 205, 208, 227
distance 42, 82, 85, 181, 185, 188, 19899, 205, 22122, 24445, 247, 249, 252
dome 144, 19394, 196
domination 231
drive feelings 69
Drysdale, Russell 45, 4951, 86, 198201, 280, 295, 316
Dupain, Max 4648, 3056, 313
durability 161, 194, 280, 284, 292
earth romanticism 15960
ebb and flow 47, 152, 154, 18183, 204, 215
education 105, 121, 12728, 13132, 297, 299
Ellis, M.H. 86, 101, 11617
Emotions 18, 7071
empire loyalism 159
empires 85, 91, 13638, 224, 227, 23035, 23738, 240, 254, 261, 285, 288
energy 10, 14, 2830, 35, 41, 4647, 49, 102, 132, 140, 174
enigma 3133, 7071, 19798, 204, 212, 215, 217, 270, 276, 283, 3024, 31112
Enlightenment 67, 86, 116, 131, 273, 287
entry and exit 72, 18081, 19192, 205, 210, 213, 217
epic mythistory 45, 1112, 25993
equilibrium 24, 8, 10, 60, 68, 70, 104, 12526, 129, 148, 168, 199200, 2023, 21617, 22224, 249, 258
estrangement 191, 24445
ethics 12122, 156
experience 66, 70, 86, 91, 9495, 18182, 184, 186, 193, 2056, 208, 226, 24748
fact 74, 10810, 166, 168, 191, 2013, 2056, 234, 237, 239, 243, 245
faith 19, 69, 71, 80, 248, 272, 292, 3023, 316
falsehood 201, 2034, 209
familiarity 39, 187, 230, 237, 24648
fate 53, 59, 133, 260, 262, 266, 27879, 287, 290, 292, 294
fear 65, 69, 110, 126, 14243, 145, 173, 202, 283, 287, 290
feelings 33, 37, 45, 64, 6871, 7475, 78, 161, 163, 19394, 219, 24748
Fichte, Johann 122, 124, 132
Ficino, Marsilio 65
First World War 50, 93, 260, 281
forces 23, 78, 1416, 7677, 1089, 125, 12829, 16768, 174, 225, 24041, 24344, 26162, 26667, 279, 284, 303, 31314
forms 2425, 3033, 4546, 6970, 104, 11516, 13132, 14243, 165, 172, 183, 18687, 18990, 194, 2056, 209, 21112, 216, 24445, 29798, 3089
fortune 59, 137, 269, 271, 276, 27880, 284, 287, 290, 292
freedom 40, 47, 72, 76, 82, 121, 130, 17072, 24748, 268, 271
Freemasonry 86, 11516, 133
Gallipoli 5, 30, 5052, 136, 25964, 268, 27172, 27683, 28490, 29192
gardens 87, 95, 100, 118, 131, 133, 16567
gateways 189, 20911
Gehry, Frank 23, 3132
genius loci 206, 25960
geometry 21, 2324, 28, 31, 36, 174, 17679, 18890, 217, 306, 312
glass 21213, 215, 301, 316
gods 35, 41, 80, 261, 265, 269, 27879, 284, 287, 28990, 292, 298, 312
Greece 59, 62, 65, 18990, 224, 22829, 23639, 25053, 25557, 265, 270, 272, 276, 293, 297
Greenway, Francis 10104, 204, 207, 2078
grid 76, 22122, 252
growth 22, 25, 66, 11516, 119, 130, 133, 144, 14849, 151, 15657, 161, 17475
Happiness 4344, 4648, 60, 73, 77, 104, 166, 16869, 171
Heller, Agnes 34, 69, 8990
Hippodamos 18284, 188, 190, 20810, 22123, 227, 251
historicism, 177, 238, 240, 305
Hobbes, Thomas 1056
Hong Kong 114, 23132
hospitality 90, 18485, 187, 218, 237, 245, 272, 284, 291
Howard, John 8, 56, 162
humor 15, 34, 5153, 5556, 5960, 6768, 76, 153, 284
idealism, educational 132, 159
identity 3, 2122, 57, 66, 135, 140, 245
ideologies 61, 120, 122, 235, 237, 28387, 29091
images 17, 27, 29, 3234, 3839, 4344, 12425, 127, 135, 146, 148, 15356, 189, 195, 211, 214, 221, 235, 23940
imagination 1516, 18, 2224, 3031, 3334, 4041, 4547, 61, 8283, 11922, 13536, 153, 17980, 18890, 222, 265
imitation 27, 24345, 247, 283
industries 34, 10, 12, 87, 110, 11314, 118, 128, 130, 17072, 185, 19192, 194, 249, 255
infrastructure 111, 115, 132
institutional religion 297, 299300, 302, 309, 316
Ionian cities 222, 246
Ionian Greeks 221, 223, 251
Islamism 28385, 290, 292
Jefferson, Thomas 130, 2078
justice 104, 161, 183, 18992, 201, 22223, 228, 242, 247
justification 97, 261, 29091
Kant, Immanuel 69, 90, 12223, 125, 165, 18485, 187
Karalis, Vrasidas 38, 221, 229, 236, 239, 25354, 256, 29394, 316
Kierkegaard, Søren 1617, 303, 31112, 316
knowledge 3, 24, 109, 12122, 154, 245, 257, 269, 289
Königsberg 182, 184
landscape 4, 2729, 34, 43, 50, 6364, 213, 239, 252
laws 45, 1819, 9798, 107, 12223, 128, 13334, 16162, 18687, 19194, 209, 22226, 237, 24648, 25254, 313
light 19, 3435, 40, 4244, 125, 135, 212, 220, 275, 31213, 315
literature 26, 34, 138, 181, 26667
logic 19, 139, 181, 183, 2056, 212, 214, 219, 251
Loos, Adolf 145, 21315, 305
love 56, 70, 170, 286, 288, 30910
Macquarie, Lachlan 2, 58, 84107, 11017, 121, 123, 127, 146, 148, 234, 226, 307
maintainers 191, 201
Malabar Coast 92, 96
Manhattan 21314
maritime cities 188, 225
maritime rim 114
markets 2, 4, 10, 12, 89, 90, 100, 111, 113, 115166, 118, 12728, 130, 138, 160, 165, 172, 185, 19192, 194, 20203, 25455, 311, 314,
Marseille 4, 30, 45, 182, 190, 195, 200
massacres 7576
meaning 14, 1617, 3436, 1056, 19396, 230, 23233, 297, 3012, 306, 307, 309, 312
media 22, 2425, 37, 40, 77, 179, 224, 300
medium 16, 34, 38, 41, 49, 57, 67, 76, 1045, 237, 31517
melancholic 51, 59, 6163, 65, 68, 7172, 74, 76, 102, 232, 261
Melbourne 4, 2324, 32, 109, 131, 13334, 13738, 142, 144, 146, 15153, 162, 165, 167, 17479, 181, 193, 196, 205, 21819, 258, 29697, 300303, 3056
Menzies, Robert 5355, 86
metaphysical architecture 186, 188, 204, 206, 20810, 215, 217
migration 9, 114, 160, 25657
Miletus 207, 22122, 225
mind 41, 4748, 6465, 68, 95, 100103, 161, 166, 168, 198, 201, 204, 208, 289
model 2, 94, 104, 108, 110, 115, 175, 184, 192, 235, 24345
modern societies 47, 50, 71, 76, 115, 118, 143, 150, 249, 257, 29798
modernism 27, 177, 206, 3047
modernity 47, 11, 13, 7980, 11517, 119, 143, 179, 21314, 23031, 252, 28385, 29698, 3034, 314, 316
monarchy 2, 41, 58, 1089, 13436, 166, 180, 230, 23233, 239
moralism 3, 160, 169, 17274, 313
motion 2, 27, 30, 38, 4043, 4647, 63, 6667, 181, 183, 19899, 216, 219, 295, 31415
motives 124, 127, 136, 267, 28889, 307
music 14, 40, 43, 104, 195, 246, 295, 300, 302
mystery 6, 35, 40, 57, 103, 199, 297, 299300, 302, 314
myth 26, 259, 263, 265, 27071
mythistory 264, 270, 272, 279, 282, 284, 287, 290
nation 89, 103, 11516, 11920, 13538, 14142, 163, 17376, 23034, 23741, 24950, 25964, 270, 28384, 29091
nation-building 236, 240
nation-state 193, 224, 228, 230, 23233, 235, 237, 239, 254, 257, 283
national character 51, 128, 269, 278, 284, 289
national story 5, 12, 260, 262, 264, 280, 284, 286
national temperament 6
nationalism 27, 119, 137, 151, 159, 28384
nationalities 145, 163, 233, 255, 310
natural order 14
natural right 12122, 257
nature 36, 911, 1516, 1820, 2428, 3031, 43, 4548, 1056, 12627, 140, 149, 155, 16265, 18183, 19294, 24344, 24750, 29899, 309
nature deities 120
necessity 26, 82, 88, 98, 1023, 106, 204, 20910, 221, 226, 268
New York City 31, 88, 182, 195, 214, 228, 232
Nikias 227, 260
norms 4, 74, 172, 192, 196, 201, 205, 22426, 229, 272, 298
objectivation 192, 194, 226, 230
objectivity 76, 24748
oceans 12, 4546, 48, 94, 97, 117, 152, 154, 179, 182, 212, 261, 313
opposites 18, 20, 40, 4344, 6162, 67, 7577, 82, 16970, 174, 17980, 216, 220
orientation 184, 2056, 253
origins 12123, 15960, 163, 204, 209, 21719, 224, 229, 238, 241, 24445, 24950, 260, 264
Ottomans 232, 250, 263, 277
Palladio, Andrea 182, 2068, 21011, 21617
paradox 15, 1719, 21, 32, 35, 3738, 42, 46, 53, 6263, 7678, 118, 12122, 134, 141, 17879, 18687, 203, 215, 24849, 26465, 3089, 31215, 317
Parthenon 187, 253, 3078, 312
particles 15, 20, 36, 41, 46, 135
parties, political 66, 157, 166
patterns 34, 36, 4647, 76, 9192, 109, 11213, 16768, 172, 192, 194, 25354, 248, 311, 313
pendulum 12, 6566, 162
Penrose, Roger 36
perfection 62, 80, 83, 141, 191, 206
peripatetics 191, 2045, 218, 220
phlegmatic 9, 11, 5153, 63, 6872, 75, 7778, 248, 256, 278, 28182, 29192, 298
Piraeus 182, 184, 188, 22122, 253
planes 15, 28, 183, 18889, 214, 216, 301
Plato 17, 63, 188, 193, 211, 22324, 297
polarities 71, 8485, 230
politics 63, 6567, 75, 100, 1089, 116, 15253, 162, 166, 18283, 221, 223, 254, 256
port 125, 18183, 189, 201, 206, 21012, 217
port city 92, 18284, 19697, 21011, 221
portal 112, 182, 18990, 19293, 198, 204, 20913, 21718, 220, 308, 312
portal cities 4, 1112, 97, 180, 201, 20910, 214, 22021, 31112
portal societies 46, 48, 182, 184, 189, 203, 213, 311
possessions 3, 100, 139, 161
power 28, 5455, 5758, 61, 7677, 86, 8889, 144, 16062, 16667, 22930, 232, 25455, 26263, 3079
power of beauty 143, 168
price 89, 112, 118, 186, 2023, 256, 283
productivity 47, 119, 149
proportions 34, 8, 1314, 8687, 105, 123, 142, 16162, 176, 179, 199200, 202, 205, 22224, 236, 244
protection 2, 30, 74, 85, 127, 142, 145, 163, 191
public buildings 99, 105, 110, 143, 210, 305
public works 97, 100, 110, 113, 118
Pythagorean 14, 63, 86, 179, 31617
quantum 2, 13, 17, 1922, 26, 33, 36, 4748, 77, 95, 129, 135, 201, 203, 302
Quatremère de Quincy 243, 245, 247
rationalism 7, 13132, 252, 254
ratios 1314, 44, 47, 8687, 176, 179, 200, 2024, 22224, 242, 24445, 249, 25253
realism 3, 89, 80, 15354, 170
reason 45, 7576, 183, 186, 202, 2045, 20809, 213, 217, 22021, 284, 288, 290, 292
reciprocities 114, 136, 189
reform 10, 8081, 307
religion 110, 133, 209, 286, 295, 29799, 302, 31316
remembrance 6, 117, 174, 218, 273, 29596
Renaissance 4, 7, 1314, 17, 59, 65, 8687, 107, 11516, 19798, 200, 207, 214, 23940, 26869
residues 71, 7475
revolution 9, 25, 87, 123, 228, 231, 235
rivers 48, 9293, 95, 181, 184, 193, 196, 212, 214, 218219, 261, 311
Rohe, Mies van der 173, 213, 21517
romantic 2, 610, 6163, 6566, 7274, 82, 12628, 14042, 14950, 15455, 169, 17477, 209, 24344, 259, 28586
imagination 8283, 87, 11921, 12526, 139, 163
literature 6, 62
mind 10, 41, 122, 12627, 14849, 177
nation-state building 254
nature 148, 163, 167
paradox 81, 121, 127
sublime 123, 138
worldviews 78, 119
romanticism 9, 27, 60, 6566, 119, 122, 126, 131, 138, 14243, 145, 147, 150, 152, 15960, 243, 25961
Rome 13, 94, 193, 195, 200, 2078, 227, 23436, 263, 283
Rossi, Aldo 196, 206, 21012, 21618, 237
rotation 25, 189, 19495, 217
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 3, 121, 127, 132
Russia 86, 93, 137, 18687, 190, 206, 261, 27377
sanguine 9, 11, 52, 63, 6869, 7172, 75, 78, 8485, 107, 23233, 248, 28182
Schelling, Friedrich 149
Schlegel, Friedrich 6, 1819, 53, 62, 14647
sea 4648, 90, 9293, 96, 129, 18182, 190, 193, 19596, 198, 21113, 25253, 27172, 31013
Second World War 5, 50, 55, 164, 176, 261, 268, 29293
secularization 297, 302
settler societies 11, 108, 114, 139, 268
shape 12, 14, 16, 22, 2426, 3031, 34, 3637, 40, 97, 103, 16768, 242, 244, 25051, 253
Simmel, Georg 87, 90, 185, 24748
Smart, Jeffrey 4, 13, 120, 179, 194, 198201, 213, 21820, 253, 25758, 316
sociability 90, 245
social systems 118, 185, 192, 194, 2023
sovereign power 60, 85, 108, 166
Soviet Union 184, 232, 276
space 15, 16, 20, 2224, 30, 3537, 41, 43, 83, 133, 138, 183, 186, 19698, 20810, 215, 21820, 222, 225, 25253, 260, 266, 273, 284, 289, 293, 300, 31314
spheres 4, 14, 2223, 188, 193, 19596, 199, 217, 220, 309, 312
St. Petersburg 93, 18788
stability 3, 1011, 22, 37, 47, 70, 72, 161, 311
state enterprises 159
state romanticism 9
states 5, 9, 17, 41, 5859, 85, 99, 10809, 116, 12122, 12729, 13132, 13537, 145, 151, 15557, 16061, 193, 22324, 228, 23033, 235, 23739, 251, 25455, 257, 26061, 26771, 276, 28387, 291, 298, 308, 316
statism 11, 15860, 229, 284
status 49, 52, 55, 89, 100, 110, 232
stone 27, 41, 117, 140, 239, 24446, 292, 317
stories 5, 1112, 23, 26, 63, 82, 236, 241, 25960, 26263, 265, 268, 272, 284, 28687, 304, 310, 317
strangers 36, 8, 10, 12, 18487, 19192, 195, 2034, 20910, 220, 22227, 22930, 237, 24549, 251, 25557
structures 31, 34, 7576, 79, 82, 140, 154, 172, 21011, 21415, 223, 225, 24042
styles 28, 38, 62, 174, 17677, 179, 240, 243, 250, 3056, 309
sublime 2, 64, 68, 79, 12125, 127, 129, 138, 163, 165
suburbs 2, 44, 13233, 16567, 178, 21819, 246, 300
Sydney 4, 6, 8, 30, 33, 39, 4245, 48, 91, 94, 9697, 101, 104, 11012, 11617, 125, 140, 14347, 151, 167, 169, 174, 17778, 188, 258, 293, 3057, 30910, 312
Sydney Opera House 6, 178, 182, 188, 195, 207, 30410, 312
Tellicherry 9192, 96
temperament 3, 6, 1011, 5152, 65, 6769, 71, 78, 153, 176, 278
theosophy 134
time 811, 1725, 3238, 41, 4347, 6467, 13739, 14142, 14547, 17072, 197200, 2036, 21011, 21721, 26566, 28290, 297300, 304, 3069, 31415
topology 15, 2123, 2526, 37, 168, 179
trade 111, 114, 130, 182
transportation 97, 99, 114
Troy 5, 263, 265, 268, 27071, 278, 283, 28586, 289
truth 24, 1920, 40, 62, 7071, 78, 163, 197, 199, 2015, 20910, 215, 245, 24951
Turkey 51, 200, 228, 251, 255, 261, 263, 265, 27576, 283
tyranny 55, 291
Utzon, Jørn 4, 6, 8, 182, 188, 195, 2068, 3045, 30710, 31214, 317
values 3, 1819, 71, 77, 90, 124, 127, 145, 161
viruses 127, 155
walls 23, 120, 146, 216
war 46, 9, 12, 28, 43, 5055, 88, 9294, 96, 109, 113, 119, 136, 147, 166, 226, 233, 256, 26069, 27183, 28586, 28893, 295305, 310, 316
war memorial 50, 293, 29596, 310
waves 11, 15, 20, 41, 4647, 126, 135, 137, 148, 17475, 180
White, Patrick 82, 134, 293, 31517
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 21, 214, 315
wood 27, 106, 140, 211, 24446
world circumference 1, 91, 195
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