Agnes Viktoria Rydberg
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anticipatory breach 17, 18, 34
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide case 95
bad faith 22, 6869, 78, 83
bilateral treaties 166, 169, 173
bona fide 10, 13, 143
Certain German interests in Polish Upper Silesia case 75, 146147
collective obligations 176, 181182
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 8384, 199200
Conferences of the Parties 118n
consent to be bound 6061, 100101, 118
revocation of 123125
contra proferentem rule 142
contractual treaties 165166, 170, 173
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 9798
Corfu Channel case 94, 144
culpa in contrahendo 1013, 35
defeat 6263
definitive signature 101, 109
do ut des 166
Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol 9091
domestic law analogies 78, 15, 17, 34
domestic treaty review 7071
due diligence obligations 9293, 97
procedural obligations 93
substantive obligations 93
Dutch Seamen's Welfare Foundation v Minister of Transport case 193194
European Convention on Human Rights 101102
environmental impact assessment 96
erga omnes 167, 170, 175176, 182183
erga omnes partes 167, 170, 175176, 182183
essential elements test 66
exchange of instruments 110
extra-legal consequences 158159
fair and equitable treatment 134135
final signature 109
force majeure 16, 17
fundamental change of circumstances 73, 186
good faith interpretation 131133, 141142
Greece v Commission case 151153
Harvard Draft Convention on the Law of Treaties 1921, 136
Havana Convention on Treaties 1819
Helsinki Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes 147
human rights treaties 167, 178, 180
Immunities and Criminal Proceedings case 144145
implied agreement 152
impossible performance test 6768
impossibility of performance 73, 186
integral obligations 166167
intention not to become party 110116
interdependent obligations 166167
Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance 64
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 8788
interim obligation 3, 18, 24, 48, 82, 137138, 153
customary character of 3033
investment arbitration 135
ius cogens 167, 170, 175176
Jadhav case 51, 52
law-making treaties 163164, 170171
locus standi 181183
manifest intent test 6869
material breach 7374, 169, 186
Megalidis v Turkey case 76, 138
Miguel Angel Sandoval case 64
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua case 44, 7679, 157
multilateral treaties 166, 169, 173
non-compliance 155159
North Sea Continental Shelf case 148149
object and purpose 36, 3843, 46, 47, 5154
obligations of conduct 92
obligations, subsequent performance of 16, 17, 34
Oil Platform case 44
Opel Austria case 8082, 103, 104
Öcalan v Turkey case 177178
pacta sunt servanda 27, 131, 133
Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 187188
post-contractual obligations 185
preamble 42, 47
primary rule of international law 133135, 155, 156
principle of abuse of rights 1415, 34, 35, 143145
principle of effectiveness 141142
principle of estoppel 148149
principle of good faith 20, 47, 56, 75, 80, 110, 131133, 187
principle of legitimate expectations 81, 135, 140, 142
private law 78, 17, 34
promissory estoppel 1112
reciprocal obligations 166167, 170
Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Advisory Opinion 4446, 49, 60n
Rights of Nationals of the United States in Morocco case 49
secondary obligation 16
secondary rule of international law 156
severability approach 180
ad referendum 109
simple signature 109
withdrawal of 191192, 194
State responsibility 156157, 181
status quo test 6972
tacit acceptance 118n
Tecmed sa v Mexico case 138139
Temple of Preah Vihear case 149
Trail Smelter case 144
travaux préparatoires 36, 40, 44, 47, 51, 54, 137, 171, 174, 195
acceptance of 192
depository 114116
conflict between 167170
entry into force of 101
ethos of 39
goals of 71, 72
introductory provisions of 43, 47
negotiations 9, 13, 27, 29, 30
object of 41, 46
purpose of 41, 46
ratification of 15, 1923, 6061, 65, 75, 100
reservation to 180
signature of 2023, 6061, 65, 75, 100, 109, 191192
special character of 163
spirit of 39
telos of 41, 48
termination of 72, 73
title of 42, 47
typologies of 164170
withdrawal from 122125, 186187
unduly delayed 118120
‘unratification’ 122123
‘unsigning’ 191
ut res magis 141
venire contra factum proprium 138
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations 79
Whaling in the Antarctic case 4243, 46
World Health Organization 188189
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