2.1 Bukung mask of the Ngaju, South Kalimantan (National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden, RV 789–36, with permission). These masks are seen as bush spirits that invade the village to take the recently deceased to the realm of the ancestors 19
2.2 Headdress (epaku) for women, Enggano Island (National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden, RV 712–1, with permission). Epaku are worn during the ‘great feast’. The figure on the wooden cylinder is a slain enemy. The headdress is decorated with tin, imported from Sumatra 21
2.3 François Dubois, Érection de l’obélisque de Louqsor sur la place de la Concorde (1836) (Musée Carnavalet, Paris) 22
5.1 Attic terracotta lamb rhyton, attributed to the London painter, around 460 BCE 72
5.2 Persian rhyton from the Achaemenid period 77
5.3 Pausanias. Eighteenth century print 84
6.1 Peplos scene of the Great Temple frieze, with two diphrophoroi on the left. British Museum, London 97
6.2 The Karyatid Temple from the west, with the northwest part of the Dörpfeld foundation in front 102
8.1 a–d The Ludovisi Acrolith in Palazzo Altemps (Museo Nazionale Romano), Rome 131
9.1 Fresco in the tomb of C. Vestorius Priscus, Pompeii, first century CE 158
9.2 Relief Pizzoli, first century BCE 159
11.1 Macedonian helmets and shield with sun emblem. Wall painting in the Tomb of Lykon and Kallikrates, Lefkadia, mid-third-century BCE 194
11.2 Thracian warriors carrying thureoi on a fresco from the Kazanlăk Tomb, fourth-third century BCE; the figure on the left is wearing the mushroom-shaped headdress worn by Thracian and Macedonian warriors during the Hellenistic period (after Zhivkova 1975, pl. 14) 196
11.3a A Macedonian cavalryman (foreground) and Argyraspid infantryman shown on the Pydna Monument from Delphi 198
11.3b A Macedonian Argyraspid shown on the Pydna Monument from Delphi 199
11.4 Silver Denarius of L. Aemilius Lepidus showing the captured king Perseus and his sons in front of a trophy adorned with Macedonian armor 200
11.5a Silver kylix from Tomb II at Vergina, Macedonia; late fourth century BCE (Archaeological Museum of Vergina; photograph M. Harrsch) 203
11.5b Silver and gold oinochoe from the Kazanlăk Tomb in Thrace (after Zhivkova 1975, pl. 9) 204
12.1 Nicolas Poussin, The Conquest of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus (1635) 220
12.2 Model of Herod’s Temple on the Temple Mount; detail of the Holyland Model of Jerusalem (1966), displayed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem 233
13.1 Rome, Arch of Titus in Summa Sacra Via, relief showing booty 239
13.2 Rome, Templum Pacis, latest excavations, looking towards the East, on the platform of the Shrine of Peace and the eastern portico 239