Ricardo Parellada
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S.P. Brykczynski
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Adam 32, 7475, 79, 80, 99, 161
Adam and Eve 51, 6465, 80, 90, 119
angel (sin of the) 14, 16, 17, 51, 52, 5563, 67, 75, 77, 80, 87, , 93, 108, 172, 216, 224, 225
Aquinas, Thomas 10, 14, 18, , 5158, 6163, 6573, 7680, 107, 111, 119120, 124126, 130, 133134, 135, 141, 152, 172, 179, 190, 191, 210, 224
Aristotle 1213, 25, 3944, , 46, , 72, 119, 129, 130132, 154, 192
Augustine of Hippo 10, 14, 51, 53, 67, 69, 73, 77, 78
conceptual analysis 4, 14, 18, 19, 58, 61, 119, 168, 223
conceptual variations. See see eidetic variations
Dante 23, 79, 102, 160, 169, 217
Descartes, René 18, 120130, 133, 134136, 189, 192, 218
Dyson, Michael 910, 15, 175177, 191, 224
eidetic variations 18, 64, 120, 168, 189204, 216, 223226
Eve 74, 7581, , 88, 93, 108, 111, 179, 181
Faustus 18, 74, 79, 93, 94116, 200, 203, 215, 224
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 103116, 160, 165
greatness of soul. See see magnanimity
Heidegger, Martin 137, 154, 197, 218
Hesiod 29, 31, 38, 48, 49, , 89
Homer 12, 17, 2328, , 42, 49, 94, 131, 192, 215216
arrogance 45, 71, 120, 130, 166, 181, 191, 223
Greek . See húbris
intellectual 78, 80, 191
moral 18, 6671, 7778, 80, 108, 110114, 120
ordinary . See see hubris, arrogance
sin of the angel . See see angel (sin of the)
sin of the human . See see original sin, act
spiritual 18, 57, 6671, 77, 80, 84, 86, 108, 110114, 120, 166, 191, 216
húbris 10, 1213, 17, 4446, 49, 68, 203, 224
Hume, David 121122, 129130, 136137, 189, 190, 195, 214
Christian 10, 16, 19, 64, 7173, 130134, 136, 141, 144150, 225
Jewish 18, 82, 84, 86, 90, 91
moral 12, 1314, 17, 38, 44, 46, 49, 64, 7173, , 83, 90, 92, 115, 130134, 135, 136, 163164
Husserl, Edmund 190, 194, 218
intentionality 5, 180, 192, 194196, 202, 203204
Job 63, 8788, 92
Kant, Immanuel 151, 197, 209211, 214215
Kolnai, Aurel 130, 192, 203
Lucifer 51, 52, 5859, 63, 81, 97, 104106, 111, 161, 172, 179, 181, 200
Machado, Antonio 19, 163166, 167, 172173, 177
magnanimity 10, 1213, 16, 3944, 7273, 120, 130134, 136, 191, 202
Mann, Thomas 103116, 160
Marlowe, John 95, 97, 103116
Milton, John 61, 77, 7881, 82, 100, 110, 112
Moliner, María 46, 7, 9, 198
music 10, 104, 107, 137, 151, 160, 212
musical analysis 19, 176, 218220, 223226
Nietzsche, Friedrich 19, 24, 73, 82, 131, 134, 137, 138162, 168, 171172, 217, 220, 222, 224, 225
original sin
act 10, 14, 16, 18, 51, 64, 7378, 80, 92, 108, 210, 224, 225
state 6466, 68, 74, 76
Ortega, José 19, 166173, 189, 190, 198199, 202
passions 18, 45, 51, 61, 122, 123135, 190, 214
phenomenological or eidetic analysis 5, 159, 168, 189204, 212, 223
Plato 2930, 3234, 3539, 40, 44, 45, 46, 123, 125, 131, 168
black 10, 19, 174177, 192
collective 17, 26, 167, 175, 180185
definition 4, 6, 119120, 121, 169, 189
duality 49, 11, 12, 119, 181, 189, 204
essence 19, 67, 122123, 169, 189190, 192, 201, 203, 212, 223
formal object 170, 189, 191, 193, 197202, 203, 217, 223225
general . See see hubris, spiritual
intellectual 17, 88, 111114
LGBTIQ+ 19, 177180, , 192
mass 19, 167, 172, 202
material object 189, 191, 192197, 203, 216, 223226
mode or modality 120, 189, 202204, 223224, 225226
moral . See see hubris, moral
phenomenology 122, 130, 170, 189204, 215
special . See see hubris, moral
spiritual . See see hubris, spiritual
warrior 2325, 27, 4142, 138
Prometheus 3134, 35, 37, 75, 99, 161
resentment. See see ressentiment
ressentiment 19, 140142, 144145, 152, 167, 171172, 202
Satan 32, 53, 5963, 64, 75, 81, 87, 108, 115, 157
Scheler, Max 140, 172, 190, 194
Spinoza, Baruch 18, 121122, 129, 135136, 189, 190
Steinvorth, Ulrich 1415, 198, 224
Tracy, Jessica 1012, 15, 181, 185187, 191, 198
transvaluation of values 19, 47, 62, 140144, 150, 154, 157159, 161, 222226
Tucker, Shawn 1214, 17, 38, 43, 224
Unamuno, Miguel de 80, 103, 163165, 170
Zarathustra 19, 109, 112, 151, 160162, 181, 212, 215, 223
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