Manfred Milz
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Alessandra Aloisireceived her PhD in Aesthetics from the University of Pisa. College Lecturer at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oriel College, Oxford University: Core focus on modern French literature and philosophy, as well as cultural exchanges between France and Italy. Specializing on pre-Freudian theorizations of the unconscious and the cross-fertilizations between medicine, literature, and philosophy. Alessandra Aloisi’s latest publications in English include: Maine de Biran: Of Immediate Apperception, 1807, ed. A. Aloisi, M. Piazza, and M. Sinclair, London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2020; Archeology of the Unconscious, Italian Perspectives, ed. A. Aloisi and F. Camilletti, London/New York: Routledge, 2019.

Benjamin J. Bâcle received his PhD in Philosophy from Aston University in Birmingham. Lecturer (Teaching) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University College London: PhD-thesis (2011) on Maine de Biran’s and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s conceptions of will and their respective posterities. Specialization in epistemology, philosophy and political thought in post-1789 France and Britain. Tracing critical responses to the spread of Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism, Benjamin Bâcle is currently preparing a book-length historical comparison between French and British anti-utilitarian writers (Victor Cousin, Alexis de Tocqueville, Jean-Marie Guyau, Jenny d’Héricourt, Anna Wheeler, John Stuart Mill, Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin).

Michael A. Conway received his PhD in Fundamental Theology from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i.Br., Germany. Rev. Professor in Faith and Culture at Saint Patrick’s College, Pontifical University, Maynooth, Co Kildare: Fundamental theology in dialogue with phenomenology (Emmanuel Lévinas and Jean-Luc Marion); pragmatism, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion, especially in its accentuation by Maurice Blondel. Key publications of Michael Conway include: The Science of Life: Maurice Blondel’s Philosophy of Action and the Scientific Method (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2000 [European University Studies; Series XX—Philosophy, Vol. 616]); Encyclopedia entry: “Blondel, Maurice” in the Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. Daniel Patte, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Scott Davidson received his PhD from Duquesne University, Pittsburg (2002). Department of Philosophy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia: Contemporary French Philosophy (Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Emmanuel Lévinas, Michel Henry, Paul Ricoeur) and Theory (Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Embodiment). In addition to being the editor of the Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, Scott Davidson has recently edited five books on Ricoeur, whose early philosophy of the will is of special concern to him. Known for his meticulous translations of Michel Henry’s books and articles, he has also co-edited (with Frédéric Seyler), The Michel Henry Reader in 2019.

Anne Devarieux received her PhD in Philosophy (on Maine de Biran) from Université de Paris-IV, Panthéon-Sorbonne (2000). Senior Lecturer, habilitated to supervise research. Assistant Director of the EA 2129 “Identity and Subjectivity” at the Department of Philosophy, Université Caen Normandie: A specialist in nineteenth-century French philosophy and twentieth-century phenomenology, she has notably published Maine de Biran, L’individualité persévérante (2004) and L’intériorité réciproque. L’hérésie biranienne de Michel Henry (2018) both published by Jérôme Millon (Grenoble). Author of many articles on Maine de Biran, Henri Bergson, or Gabriel Tarde.

Mika Imonoreceived her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Toulouse II (2013) and a PhD in Philosophy from Doshisha University, Kyoto (2015). Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Meisei University, Tokyo: Subject of both of her theses is a comparison between the philosophical concepts of Maine de Biran and Kitarô Nishida. After completing her thesis in 2013, Mika Imono has held various research and teaching appointments in Japanese Studies at the Universities of Bordeaux Montaigne (2013–2015) and Strasbourg (2015–2019). From 2019 to 2020, she was awarded the Hakuho Japanese Research Fellowship, and subsequently pursued her studies as a Visiting Research Fellow at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto (2019–2020).

Rolf Kühnreceived his PhD (on Simone Weil) from Sorbonne University and Habilitation (on Michel Henry) from the University of Vienna. Associate Professor (Emeritus), Department of Philosophy, University of Freiburg: His books, translations (Maine de Biran; Michel Henry), editorships and articles explore phenomenology, psychological and philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of religion. Co-editor of the series Soul, Existence, and Life (Karl Alber Publishing) and co-founder of psycho-logik, a yearbook for psychotherapy, philosophy, and culture. Teaching and research appointments in Vienna, Beirut, Nizza, Lissabon, and Freiburg im Breisgau. Latest publications include: Postmodernity and Philosophy of Life (2019); Guiding Culture: Psychoanalyse, Philosophy, and Religion (2020).

Marc Maesschalck is Professor of Philosophy at UC Louvain in Belgium, where he leads the Centre for Philosophy of Law (CPDR). He has taught in Haiti, Quebec, Luxemburg, Switzerland and France. A specialist of Fichte and Schelling, he has published numerous studies in political and social philosophy, as well as in ethics and legal theory. His latest works are Reflexive Governance for Research and Innovative Knowledge, (Wiley-ISTE, 2017), La cause du sujet (Lang, 2015), Democracy, Law and Governance (Ashgate, 2010) and Transformations de l’éthique (Lang, 2010). He also co-edited Fichte: la philosophie de la maturité (Europhilosophie Editions, 2017) with Jean-Christophe Goddard.

Larry S. McGrath received his PhD in Intellectual History from Johns Hopkins University (2014), conducts anthropological research for technology and life science companies. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities at JHU (2014–2015), Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at Wesleyan University (2015–2017), and is currently Senior Researcher at Facebook. His specialization is the history of neuroscience and the cultural contexts of brain imaging. Larry has published articles in Journal of the History of Ideas, Human-Computer Interaction, History of the Human Sciences, and Modern Intellectual History. His book is Making Spirit Matter: Neurology, Psychology, and Selfhood in Modern France (University of Chicago Press, 2020).

Manfred Milz received his PhD in the History of Art from Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (2003) for a study on processual correlations between Alberto Giacometti and Samuel Beckett. Senior Research Associate (since 2017) at the Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture of the University of Regensburg and Visiting Associate Professor (2023–2026) at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg. Guest-editor of The European Legacy (2011); editor and co-author of Facing Mental Landscapes (2011), Painting the Persian Book of Kings Today (Cambridge 2010), the catalogue for Shahnameh Millennium exhibition at the Prince’s Gallery in London. Editor-in-chief of the Brill-series Transcultural Aesthetics, founded in 2021 by the IAA. Aesthetics.

Marco Piazza received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Florence. Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Università Roma Tre, Rome: eighteenth–nineteenth-century French Literature and Philosophy (Rousseau, Maine de Biran, Proust). His most recent works are dedicated to the Philosophies of Habit: L’antagonista necessario (Milan: 2015); Creature dell’abitudine (Bologna: 2018); Habit, Second Nature, and Disposition (monographic dossier ed. by, «Paradigmi», 1–2020). Piazza has dedicated four books to Maine de Biran, among these the first Italian and English editions of the Mémoire de Berlin (the latter in collaboration with Alessandra Aloisi and Marc Sinclair) and published (together with Denise Vincenti) on Biran’s Kant-notes.

Eftichis Pirovolakis received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Sussex, UK (2006). Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of the Peloponnese, Greece: Deconstruction (Derrida), Phenomenology (Husserl), Hermeneutics (Ricoeur, Gadamer), Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics. He is the author of Reading Derrida and Ricoeur: Improbable Encounters between Deconstruction and Hermeneutics (SUNY Press, 2010). His research concentrates on twentieth-century continental philosophy. He served as assistant editor of the Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain (2007–2012), has translated Derrida into English and Greek, and has co-edited, with Dorothea Olkowski, Deleuze and Guattari’s Philosophy of Freedom: Freedom’s Refrains (Routledge, 2019).

Warren Schmaus received his PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from Pittsburg University (1980); AB, Princeton University (1974), is Professor of Philosophy at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago: His major research interest is in the philosophy of science in nineteenth and early twentieth century France. A central focus of his extensive research is Durkheim’s philosophy of science. In his most recent book, Schmaus explores Liberty and the Pursuit of Knowledge: Charles Renouvier’s Political Philosophy of Science (Pittsburgh, 2018), and he has also published several articles investigating the early development of the idea of conventionalism in French philosophy of science.

Pietro Terzi received his PhD in Philosophy from Université Paris-Nanterre and a PhD in Philosophy from the San Carlo Foundation, Modena. Currently a Research Associate with the Institute of Philosophy at Paris-Nanterre University, he specializes within historiography and theories of French philosophy (1850–1980) on the Reception of Kant and Husserl; Rationalism, Idealism, Phenomenology; Philosophy and the Sciences (Psychology and Sociology); Intellectual History of the Third Republic and Post-Structuralism (Jacques Derrida). Pietro Terzi has co-edited (with Stefano Marino) Kant’s “Critique of Aesthetic Judgment” in the Twentieth Century (2020). Forthcoming in 2021 are monographs on Kantian philosophy in France and on Léon Brunschvicg.

Björn Thorsteinsson received his PhD in Philosophy from the Université Paris 8 (Vincennes-St. Denis). Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iceland: He specializes in twentieth-century French philosophy, German idealism, phenomenology, poststructuralism, and the critique of ideology. He is the author of La question de la justice chez Jacques Derrida (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007), and has contributed to The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology (2011) and the Blackwell Companion to Derrida (2014) as well as numerous other publications in several languages, including translations into Icelandic of works by Rousseau, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, Zahavi, Lazzarato, Bourdieu, Deleuze, and others.

Luís A. Umbelino is holding a PhD in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy from the University of Coimbra. Core Research on French reflexive tradition, especially on Maine de Biran and his influences, on contemporary phenomenology of the body, and on philosophical hermeneutics. Member of the Portuguese I&D Research Unit CECH-FLUC/Portugal and of the Spanish research project “Fenomenología del cuerpo y análisis del dolor II.” Aside from being the editor-in-chief of the Revista Filosófica de Coimbra, is the author respectively the co-author, of Somatologia Subjetiva. Apercepção de Si e Corpo em Maine de Biran (2010); Memorabilia. O Lado Espacial da Memória (2020); Hermeneutic Rationality (2012) and Corps ému / Corpo abalado. Essais de philosophie biranienne (2021).

Sean M. Quinlan is Professor of History and Dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of Idaho. Quinlan received his BA (1992) from Arizona State University, and his MA (1994) and PhD (2000), both from Indiana University. He was a Fulbright research fellow in France in 1996–1997 and Italy in 2016–2017, and he has also received grants from the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. His publications include The Great Nation in Decline: Sex, Modernity, and Health Crises in Revolutionary France, ca. 1750–1850 (Ashgate, 2007) and Morbid Undercurrents: Medical Subcultures and Literary Genre in Post-Revolutionary France (Cornell University Press, 2021).

Denise Vincenti is a Post-doctoral RA in the History of Psychology at the University of Milan-Bicocca and RA in the History of Philosophy at the Institut Catholique of Toulouse: Her interests focus on nineteenth-century French Philosophy (Maine de Biran, Félix Ravaisson, Jules Lachelier, Henri Bergson, etc.) and its intersections with medical and psychological science. Her publications include: “Espace tactile et espace visuel. L’origine de la notion d’étendue chez Jules Lachelier”, Revue de métaphysique et de morale (forthcoming), “Sogno e follia. Il problema delle alterazioni della personalità nel Cours de psychologie di Jules Lachelier,” Bollettino SFI (2020), and (with Marco Piazza), “The Self-Apperception and the Knower as Agent: An Introduction to Maine de Biran’s Notes about Kant,” Philosophical Inquiries (2016).

Our Translator

Jacob Watson is a freelance translator/editor in Berlin, studied philosophy and languages before obtaining his Diplôme avancé d’etudes françaises & traduction at the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg (2002). His fields are philosophy and law, sociology and history, art and film, most notably for the law journal Ancilla Luris of Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Recent book translations are Eros, Lust and Sin by Franz X. Eder (forthcoming) and Work—the Last 1000 Years (2018) by Andrea Komlosy, with whom he teaches “Translating Work” at the University of Vienna. Co-editor of “Sensing Collectives—Aesthetics and Politics Intertwined” (TU Berlin, 2023).

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