Chia-Jui Cheng
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Ad hoc international criminal tribunals 280
icc 285
icj 115
inner workings of 115
production of judgment 125132
stability and change in 132135
various stages 116
ictr 282
icty 281
history 164169
judges as 164
sketch of the practice 171
Artificial intelligence 96
agency 103
structural challenge 98
structure 110111
attribution 101
consequences 102
norms 99
authority 107110
bargain 106107
Chicago Convention 395
dispute settlement under 404407
copuos. See International space law
covid-19 pandemic 314, 424
Dispute settlement system 445
identification of 464
multilateral human rights treaties 447
neglected issues 462
objective to establishing 467
reservation clause to 447
state practice 449
subject matter 462
Equality 335
the principle of 335340
Equity 340
principle of 340342
Erga Omnes obligation 64, 295
Exhaustion of local remedies 136
existence in domestic legal system 140
scope of 137
Friedrich de Martens 29
gatt 433441
Genocide Convention 149
Global health order 318
Guterres’ contribution to 325329
Globalization 147
Human security 322, 323325
Annan’s notion on 323
new moral concept of 323
sources of 322325
Humanitarianism 327
the principle of 327
icao 395396
development of air law 395
development of aviation relations 395
dispute settlement 404411
establishment of 395
functions of 396410
Intellectual property 415
international law of 415
public health 423
the covid-19 pandemic 424
the hiv-aids epidemic 423
tobacco control 423424
technological evolution 426428
International air law 399
evolution of 399401
Tokyo Convention 401404
International cooperation 332
the principle of 332334
International coordination 330
the principle of 330332
International Court of Justice 217
advisory opinion 252253
ascertaining jus cogens 153
inner workings of 115
production of the judgment 125
the rule of exhaustion of local remedies in 137
various stages of the process 116
International criminal court 285
International criminal law 267
after first world war 273
expansion of 272
post-second world war period 274
International economic law 429
gatt era 433
mpia 432
national security 436
International humanitarian law 32
applicable in armed conflict 22
human rights in armed conflicts 32
protection of civilians 3032
The Hague conference on 29
International law 11
conflict of values in 11
globalization of 12, 14
impact of globalization to 12
universality of 11
International Law Commission 292, 296
International law of morality 314
Guterres’s formation of 325
moral role 318
International law of the sea 202
contribution of icj to 202
International Military Tribunal for the Far East 277279
International public order 1218
International solidarity 328
the principle of 328330
International space law 346
progressive development of 347349
UN framework 350355
conference on disarmament 363367
cupuos 359376, 378, 381383, 390
UN General Assembly 355
itlos 151, 186, 200
advisory jurisdiction 193195
contentious jurisdiction 187
facilitation of Annex vii arbitration 190
judicial dialogue 196
jurisprudence of the Tribunal 195196
prompt release proceedings 189
Seabed Disputes Chamber 192
itu 367372
Jurisdiction of international courts 464
jurisprudence of 464
subject matter of a dispute 462
identification of 464
objectives of establishing 467
Jus Cogens 153, 293
ascertaining 153
constitutional element of 296
Law Commission on 292
legal consequences 300
more recent phase 158
non-exhaustive list of 302307
role of icj 153
scope of topic 293
Law of the sea 151152
Law of the war 22
another national unilateral measure 28
interstate negotiations 2627
national unilateral measure 24
protection of civilians 3031
League of Nations 253
Mixed criminal courts or tribunals 288
Morality. See International law of morality
Multi-polar world 361, 363
Mutual trust 334
the principle of 334335
Non-international armed conflicts 43
Nuremberg Tribunal 275
Pandemic corruption 342
the principle against 342343
Planetary environmental future 46
climate change as 55
Stockholm+50 conference 5053
upgrading unep 56
Reservation to dispute settlement 447. See also Dispute settlement system
icj advisory opinion on 448451
multilateral human rights treaties, in 447
permissibility of 456
Rwanda’s reservation to 452
sdgs 4762, 317324
Self-determination 242245
as a legal right 243
content of the right 246
holder of the right 249
the contribution of icj 242
Solferino 2223
Space law. See International space law
Tokyo Tribunal. See International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Ubi societas ibi jus 11, 146
UN sanction 65
autonomous sanction 80
countermeasures 90
definition of 6667
legal justification 82
UN Secretary-General 314. See also International law of morality
unep (unepo) 57
who 418
wto system 416, 429434
absolute gain frameworks 435
Appellate Body 424422
crisis of 430432
economic statecraft 434435
national security 436
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