Christine A. Payne
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Jeremiah Morelock
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#MeToo 60, 63n2
60s (‘the’ Sixties) 34, 6, 14, 1820, 113, 167, 170, 176177, 212n1, 217218, 220, 232
abortion ix, xiv, 3
agency xxx, 18, 77n25, 117, 135, 145, 148, 155157, 197203, 207209, 266, 306, 334
agential cuts 284286, 293294
agential realism xxxiv, 279, 283, 286290, 295
alienation xi, xv, xix, xxiii, xxix, xxxiii, 6, 1213, 35, 6170, 93, 104, 162165, 170, 178, 185, 217, 238, 242243, 247, 261263, 268, 310, 320324, 336, 369370
Allen, Amy xxvii, 133140, 145n17, 153n25, 156
alternative facts 148
American Jewish Committee 24
anarchism 31, 38, 40
syndicalism 40
ancient xxxiv, 32, 98, 252, 270
androgyny xxxvii, 326328
animals xxxvi, 71, 300, 305313, 339340
Anthropocene xxxiv, 278280, 296
anthropocentrism 300301, 309, 313
anti-intellectualism 219
anti-semitism 2425, 79, 82, 260
anxiety 22, 29, 75, 8183, 254, 261, 319
Arendt, Hannah 209
Aristotle 151, 198, 202, 209, 317
ascetic xix, xxiii, 6, 16, 69, 72
authoritarian character 31, 38
authoritarian family xxi, 29
authoritarian personality xxi, 2425, 4142, 45, 51, 5758, 6163, 260
automation 13, 56, 85
Banes, Sally 168, 173
Baudelaire, Charles 7879, 304
Becker-Schmidt, Regina 46, 278n2, 333334, 341345, 349
Benhabib, Seyla 144145, 155, 315
binary xiii, xxivxxv, xxxix, 93111, 116, 186, 268, 310313, 370
See also, dualism
biography 166, 177
auto 163, 212
biological determinism/essentialism xiiixv, xxxix
biopower and biopolitics xxviii, 64, 136144
Black Matrix 197, 201203, 208
Black Panthers 199
See also, Black Power Movement
Black Power Movement 216
See also, Black Panthers
Bloch, Ernst 145n19
Bohrer, Ashley 233234, 241, 243
Bolsonaro, Jair 63
Braidotti, Rosi xxxv, 300, 309313
Brazil 330n3, 365
Brecht, Bertolt 243
Brown, Wendy 57, 353
Buck-Morss, Susan 6870
Bush, President George (W.) 25, 55
canon 97, 202
capital accumulation xi
Carter, Angela 100101
categorization 105, 109, 164
See also, classification
character formation 35
character structure 9, 2431, 3438, 246
Cherry, Myisha 213, 221, 225226
childhood 8, 11, 47, 219, 222
Chisholm, Dianne 303304, 307
Christianity ix, 22, 57, 100, 162, 268, 320
civil rights 22, 55, 103, 369
Civil Rights Movement 365366
class consciousness 235238, 244, 360
class struggle 35, 18, 70, 238
classification xix, xxxv, 164165, 243, 327
See also, categorization
climate crisis ixx, 277, 279, 296
Clinton, Bill 45, 55, 58
Colligs, Alexandra 123124, 278n2
Collins, Patricia Hill xxx, 134n4, 213, 219224, 232233, 243
Combahee River Collective 113
commodification xxi, 42, 79, 95, 174, 178, 184185, 307
communism 7, 21, 29, 167, 214, 240241, 317, 368
communist revolution 214
compensation 246
concentration camps xxix, 195, 203, 209, 369
constellation xxvi, 50, 69, 124, 127128, 149153, 166, 169, 173, 185, 264, 270271, 291
consumerism 6, 17, 111
consumption 25, 198, 202, 257, 306, 347
content analysis xxxiii, 251252
contingency 70, 282, 287, 295
contraception ix, xiv
Cook, Deborah xxvii, 121, 128, 133136, 143, 157, 262
Cornell, Drucilla 144145
corruption 34, 66
moral 6, 14
cosmopolitan 22
counterculture 45, 1719, 52
Crenshaw, Kimberlé xxxxxxi, 195, 218n9, 224
Critical Race Theory ix, xviii, 136
Cruse, Harold 232, 241
cultural lag 3234
Cultural Marxism ix, 45
Cultural Studies xviii, 352
culture industry 184, 253256, 261, 269, 341n13
culture wars xx, 20
Dalla Costa, Mariarosa 3
Daum, Courtenay W. 104105, 110111
decolonization xliv, 113, 133
deduction 165
defense mechanisms 205
dehumanization 34, 202234, 203, 346, 370
demarcation xxxvi, 71, 79, 291, 312313
dependency xxxviii, 37, 153n25, 337338, 341
Derrida, Jaques 140
destructiveness 24, 318319, 325, 353, 357
dictatorship xxiii, 7, 45, 50, 245
discipline x, xxvii, 8, 30, 33, 46, 51, 53, 139, 239
academic 148
disciplinarian 50
disciplinary power 136156
discrimination 104, 175, 224226, 233, 241, 317
discursive xxxivxxxv, 64, 115118, 122125, 146, 278, 283285, 293296
disenchantment 69, 122, 251, 262265
re-enchantment xxxii, 251271
displacement 57, 64n12, 70, 78, 239, 293
dissociation 251, 262265
division of labor xix, 13, 234236, 243244, 304, 306307, 321322, 325, 329, 335, 344346
domestic labor 52, 56
Du Bois, web 366367, 243
dualism xvi, xxxivxxxv, 81, 104105, 278, 283294, 335338, 344348
See also, binary
Duford, Nathan 334n4, 346
ecofeminism xxxviii, 278, 334, 336339
ecology 278, 293, 309, 334336
elite xxii, 3, 1518, 29, 40, 45
elitism 6, 40
embodiment 306, 356
empiricism 31, 120, 124, 282
anti- 270
Engels, Friedrich 11, 27, 34, 40, 277, 285, 329
entrepreneur 49
epistemology xi, xvi, xix, xxxxxxi, xxxvi, xlv, 75, 114n1, 125, 134, 165, 213, 223224, 281287, 306, 310, 347, 371
erotic 7, 9, 1315, 177, 369
drives xxxvi, 217
essentialism xvxvi, xxvxxvi, xxx, xxxivxxxviii, xl, 113117, 278283, 292, 296, 334339, 344, 349
eugenics ix, 29
Eurocentrism 133
exchange 13, 49, 85n33, 126, 133, 141, 168, 343
value 70, 9398, 150, 356
false consciousness 227, 360
family abolition 9
family structure ix, xiixiii, 26
family values x, xix, xxii, 14, 4558
Fanon, Frantz 209, 315
father figure 45, 57, 261
Federici, Silvia 3, 47, 56, 270, 278n1
femininity 51, 93, 278, 301304, 315, 321331
Ferrarese, Estelle 333334, 338n9, 339
fetish(ism) 6971, 83, 85, 176, 238, 343, 345
feudalism 242
Firestone, Shulamith xix, 4, 813
Fordism and post-Fordism xxii, 45, 5156
Fraser, Nancy 126, 135136, 144145, 315
Fried, Michael 171176
fundamentalism ixx, xiv, xxii, 2022
Garretson, Jeremiah J. 111
Gay Liberation Front 167
gender abolition xxvi, 309
gender liberation 239
genealogy xxviii, xxxi, 61, 71, 124, 127, 136, 141, 147, 149n22, 157, 284288, 294, 310
genocide 210
Gilligan, Carol 330
globalization 56, 9495
Great Refusal xxxii, xl, 216, 238, 244, 354, 361
guilt xxiiixxiv, xxix, 3, 14, 22, 6263, 7174, 195197, 203209, 319, 330
Habermas, Jurgen 133141, 149n22, 278, 315
happiness 1415, 20, 37, 70, 155, 216n5, 227, 254, 277, 280, 291, 363
Haraway, Donna xxxvxxxvi, 134n4, 277290, 300, 310313
cyborg 310
Harding, Sandra 134n4, 223
Hegel, gwf 34, 40, 68, 118125, 130, 141143, 149151, 165166, 231, 280281
hegemony xvi, xxxiv, 71, 116, 124126, 129, 147, 219220, 236, 247, 270, 309, 345n19
Heidegger, Martin 121, 234235
heteronormativity 37, 95, 102, 104105, 111, 115n2, 303, 308, 310
heteropatriarchy xiiixiv, xxxvi, 85, 303, 311313
heterosexuality xiii, 38, 104
compulsory 115n2
historian 60, 65, 171, 178
historical materialism xxxiv, 5, 11, 277279, 295
historicization 5, 70, 74, 127, 217, 247, 336337
de- xxxviii, 335, 336337, 344
Holocaust 196, 203, 207210, 214
homogeneity 6970, 102, 105, 243
homology 54, 278, 280
homophobia 102, 268
homosexuality 3738, 95, 102, 110
Honneth, Axel 133, 140
housewifization 335, 345348
Hull, Carrie 123124
human liberation 8, 233, 237, 352
human nature xxviixix, xxxiv, 30, 247, 263264, 305, 320, 336
human rights 358
humanism 8
humanistic subject 294
posthumanism 67, 300301, 304, 309313
Hurston, Zora Neale 359
Husserl, Edmund 121, 149n23, 151
idealism 120122, 149150, 165, 282
German 122
identitarian xxvxxvii, xxxivxxxv, 8081, 110111, 123126, 150, 154, 282
ideology critique 70
immanent critique 122, 168, 282, 295
individualism 53, 109, 245246, 252, 258, 316
inflation 54
instrumental reason or rationality xvixvii, xxv, xxxiii, xxxvi, 46, 94100, 106111, 119, 141143, 206, 311313, 321, 339340, 353
intellectuals 26, 46, 146, 222, 359, 368369
interdisciplinary xi, xvi, 24, 31, 75
internalization xii, 35, 46, 62, 7173, 8083, 94, 227, 261
Islam 2022
Jesus 10
Jones, Claudia 232234, 243, 248
Judaism 2224, 51, 85, 162, 203, 207209, 215, 248, 268, 320
Judson Dance Theatre 168169
juxtaposition 100, 101
Kafka, Franz 116
Kant, Immanuel 39, 40, 81, 120, 122, 262, 280282, 288
Kantianism 122
post- 171
Kat, Alice Sparkly 266269
King, Ynestra 334341, 344348
Laplanche, Jean 7577, 199
Lasch, Christopher 6, 14
Lawrence v. Texas 103
Lenin, Vladimir I. 10, 18, 234
Leninism 40
liberal feminism 135
liberalism 18, 21, 33, 40
libido 58, 12, 1516, 3536, 62, 77n25, 303
linguistic turn 278
lived experience xvxvi, xxviii, 102, 105, 196, 219, 221
Lorde, Audre xxx, 195, 213, 221, 225226
lynching 201
Lyotard, Francois 144
Make America Great Again 22
Mann, Bonnie 6566
Marasco, Robyn 26, 42
marriage ix, xxii, 18, 47, 5155, 101, 104, 110111, 343
mass media 17
mass society xxi, 12, 42, 216
matriarchy xxxvii, 34, 323, 370
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act 103
memory 1011, 71, 7879, 270, 338, 342
metaphor 67, 199, 340, 359
metaphysics xxixxxx, xxxix, 11, 65, 128, 149151, 197, 205210, 263, 288, 354
metonymy 71, 7677
Mies, Maria xxxviii, 335, 344348
military ix, 167170, 198, 326
Mills, Charles 207208
Mills, Patricia Jagentowicz 46, 333338
mimesis 8285, 288
misogyny ix, xxixxiii, 38, 42, 46, 51, 57
mode of production xxxviii, 7n4, 27, 32, 322, 337, 348
monogamy 16, 104, 303, 329
monopoly capitalism xxi, xxxiii, 42, 69
multiplicity xxvi, 127, 290291, 295
mysticism 27, 30
myth xvii, 40, 6973, 96101, 109, 310, 322, 342345
Naït Ahmed, Salima 333334, 342344, 349
narcissism 6, 1416, 28, 51, 77n25, 8085, 225n13, 254
Narcissus and Orpheus 15, 17, 94
nationalism ix, xx, 2930, 60, 67n18, 308
naturalism 33, 277278
naturalistic fallacy xiii, 263
naturalization xiixiv, xviiixx, xxvi, xl, 36, 45, 5864, 7071, 116117, 199202, 243, 302312, 342n17
Nazism xxxxi, 2130, 4142, 45, 48, 64, 208
Third Reich 204, 251
negation xxviii, 17, 69, 133, 167, 173, 179, 185188, 244, 286294, 320322, 355357
neurosis 910, 28, 254, 261
New Anthropology 315331
New Deal 5153
New Left 18, 113, 162, 218, 235237, 240
new materialism xxxiv, 277, 292
New Right 38
Nicholas, Chani 266267
Nixon, Richard 45, 58, 167
non-binary 93110, 370
non-human xvii, 278n1, 284, 288, 292, 300, 305, 308, 311313, 336
non-identity xiv, xxvxxvi, 113127, 173, 282295
norms ix, xixxxi, xxv, 96, 128130, 144, 149n22, 182, 236, 244246, 324, 356357, 364
normalization x, xx, 51, 66, 110, 139, 199, 202203, 253254
nuclear family xii, xix, 3, 8, 12
Obama, Barack 45, 55, 58
obedience xxi, 28, 34, 39, 4849, 56, 99, 101, 316
Obergefell v. Hodges 103, 111
Odysseus xxv, 98101, 106110
Oedipus complex 1213, 36
Okiji, Fumi 260
ontology xvii, 281, 285287, 359
Orthodox Marxism 11, 236, 239
pandemic x, 5n2, 22
paradigm xxxii, 26, 301, 308, 312, 360361
paradigmatic xxx, 76, 135, 196, 200, 207, 361
paranoia xxiv, 73, 80, 83, 85
Pearson, Elizabeth 6064
pessimism xxxi, 18, 93, 96, 206, 213, 216, 226, 228
phenomenology 122, 135
polarize 93, 220
police ixx, 22, 42, 198, 200201, 214
political trauma 197, 210, 265
popular culture xi, 18
populism ix, 6, 21, 54, 57
authoritarian 134, 148
positivism xvii, 74
postcolonial 136, 309
posthumanism xxxvxxxvi, 279, 284295, 300301, 307313
power feminism xxiv, 101102
precarity 2829, 54, 65, 85, 270, 286, 360
primal father 12
prison abolition x, 218
productive labor xxix, 195
projection 35, 81, 119, 266
protest 174175, 216, 289, 364, 367
Protestant 5, 33, 50, 267268
public sphere 370
Putin, Vladimir 60, 63
radical feminism xix, 39, 370
Rainey, Gertrude ‘Ma’ 361, 365
rape 66, 200, 358
rationalization xiv, 29, 6974, 8384, 342
Reagan, Ronald 22, 45, 5458, 252, 269
reflexivity xxvi, 114, 119123, 126128
relativism ix, 144, 236
reproductive labor xiixiv, 243
resignification xxvixxvii, 118, 285, 289, 292293, 364
ressentiment xxiiixxiv, 73, 8485, 225n13
revenge xxiv, 85
Righter, Carroll 252266
Roe vs. Wade ix, 269
romantic 47, 263, 334n3, 364
romanticize 29, 342
sadism 7, 6263, 7274, 318
sadistic 37, 7172, 85
sadomasochism xxiv, 7, 20, 3538, 6163, 73, 81
Scheler, Max 121
Schoolman, Morton 109
second wave feminism 115
security xiii, xviixviii, xixxx, 17, 55, 72, 206, 261
sexism 100, 219, 224225, 233, 268, 327, 354357, 367
sexual liberation 78, 26, 41, 167, 174, 183186
sexual revolution 4, 1315, 22, 167
Shakur, Assata 199
skepticism ix, 208, 217, 267, 269
slavery xxixxxx, 17, 52, 55, 195203, 210, 235, 243, 329, 356, 362, 366367
Smith, Bessie 261, 365
Smith, Dorothy 233
social cement 18
social construction xxxvii, 8, 93, 117, 127, 267
social Darwinism 60
social media 25, 95, 266, 269
social revolution 113
socialization xii, xxxiv, 24, 3133, 39, 63, 73, 80, 178, 183, 243n7, 344349, 364
sociology xi, xlv, 39, 138, 218, 245, 338n9, 345349
sociological 3739, 46, 61, 6971, 84, 222, 334, 349
Soviet Union 240
specialization 172
Stalinism 7, 41, 240241
standardization xxxiii, 260
standpoint theory 223
Stoetzler, Marcel 118, 123124
stoic 61, 67, 69, 82, 84
stoicism xxiv, 63n10, 8485
Stone, Alison 263264
Stonewall 167, 174, 186
strong objectivity xxx, 223
structuralism 94
poststructuralism 65, 135n6, 140n11, 144, 278
student movement 180, 212, 237, 240n4
sds 212215
subaltern 15, 57, 240, 260
subject positions xi, xxix, xxxii, xxix, 126, 144
subjective factor xi, xx, xxxii, 2732, 41
subject-object xxxiv, 12, 164, 284
sublimation 68, 1416, 155, 368
submission xiixiii, xx, xxxiii, 57, 21, 2830, 3334, 3839, 4950, 145, 354
superego 12, 3437, 72n25, 84n35, 259261
superstructure 27, 31, 64n12, 236
Supreme Court ix, 3, 67, 103, 110, 268
aggression 325
repression xxxvi, 5, 14, 82n33, 303, 316, 325, 328, 331
value 47, 247
surplus repression xxxvi, 5, 14, 82n33, 303, 316, 325331
synthesis xv, 122, 264, 279, 327
Tea Party 57
television 3, 227, 255257
terrorism ix, 49, 65n14
Theweleit, Klaus 6768
third wave feminism 115
totalitarianism 2122, 3233, 41, 64, 69, 73, 241, 257
totality xxxvii, 4849, 127128, 235236, 247, 289, 312313, 369
toxic masculinity xxiiixxiv, 6065, 74, 8285, 326
transcendent xxviii, 50, 54, 104, 119, 151, 162, 183, 185, 226, 288291
transcendental 120, 163, 166, 174, 180, 231, 246, 288, 338
utopia 10, 20, 144145, 233, 247
utopian xxvii, 4, 6, 19, 122, 141, 144145, 152, 155157, 216, 271, 307, 310313
utopianism 18
utopic 120
Village Voice 6, 168, 173
wage labor 7n4, 40, 252, 345346
Wages for Housework (wfh) 3
Weber, Max 68
Weigel, Moira 25, 42
welfare 14, 5356
state 45, 5158
West, Cornel 367
white nationalism 60, 67
white supremacy ix, 195, 197198, 200, 207, 268
Wiggershaus, Rolf 24, 31, 35, 41
Willis, Ellen xix, 410, 1423
Wodak, Ruth 57
Womb Theory 197, 201203
Women’s Liberation xx, 6, 8, 14, 22, 177, 237238, 363
Movement xxxii, xxxvi, 3, 5, 174175, 232, 235237, 238n3, 315, 323, 353356, 369
work ethic 5, 14
World War
World War i 21, 203
World War ii 24, 40, 195
Young, Iris 135
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