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3.1 The social networks of Francisco Jorge and Juliana Barbosa 93

6.1 Funerals of black children, in Jean-Baptiste Debret, Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, Paris, 1834–39, vol. 3, plate 15 149

6.2 Afro-Brazilian funerals, in Jean-Baptiste Debret, Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, Paris, 1834–39, vol. 3, plate 16 150

6.3 Brazilian funerals and Afro-Brazilian Rosary brotherhood king, queen, and prince, in Jean-Baptiste Debret, Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, Paris, 1834–39, vol. 3, plate 30 152

6.4 Brazilian deathways, in Jean-Baptiste Debret, Voyage pittoresque et historique au Brésil, Paris, 1834–39, vol. 3, plate 26 154

8.1 Back cover of the Notebook, Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto, Ms 1233 183

8.2 Page 3 of the Notebook, Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto, Ms 1233 183

8.3 Page 4 of the Notebook, Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto, Ms 1233 183

8.4 Page 5 of the Notebook, Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto, Ms 1233 183

8.5 Page 6 of the Notebook, Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto, Ms 1233 184

10.1 Signature of Henrique Dias. Reproduced in José Antônio Gonçalves de Mello Henrique Dias. Governador dos crioulos, negros e mulatos do Brasil (Recife: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana,/CNPq, 1988) 217


3.1 Approximate age group of slaves registered in the Letters of Manumission (Goa, 1682–1700) 87

4.1 Céspedes’s jobs by gender and location 108

8.1 The list of Suras 180

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