Elizabeth Allotta
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1 Map of the world highlighting the birth places of the authors and members of UCNIS. 9
2 Heading easterly from South America—meeting Solange (1), Maria (2), and Sara (3). 12
3 Asian neighbours—meeting Tareque (4), Salma (5), Tran (6), Grace (Huifang, 7), and Daeul (8). 68
4 From across Australia—meeting Lauren (9), Laura (10), Elizabeth (11), and Marg (12). 174
3.1 The Great Court, St Lucia campus, UQ. 51
3.2 My doctoral study desk. 53
3.3 Support. 56
3.4 My initial thoughts on Boaler’s work (2002). 60
3.5 My PhD graduation photo. 64
5.1 Mackenzie Falls flowing. 91
5.2 A random image of what I have done for settlement. 95
5.3 My doctoral timeline in Rose’s handwriting. 97
5.4 My UQ desk, my hovel. 98
5.5 UQ Great Court where I spent many mornings. 99
5.6 Rain and my loneliness. 100
5.7 The shiny Mackenzie Falls. 106
7.1 Working as a high school teacher in China. 132
7.2 Starting a new life in Brisbane. 134
8.1 Chico in his crate. 157
8.2 The doctoral students’ office space. 158
8.3 Busy morning in Vientiane, the capital city of Laos. 162
11.1 A local water dragon, Intellagama lesueurii, sunny itself on a warm pathway adjacent Brisbane River. 203
11.2 Mangrove roots peeking through the river silt as the tide recedes. 204
11.3 An aerial view of Brisbane River meandering through the suburbs towards Moreton Bay and the Coral Sea. 205
11.4 River wash rippling towards the river’s banks. 207
13.1 The UCNIS gang and families. 259
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Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places

The Experiences of International and Domestic Students Studying in an Australian University

Series:  The Doctoral Journey in Education, Volume: 2