Series Editor’s Foreword: The Doctoral Journey in Education

In: Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places
Brent Bradford
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Although doctoral degree holders account for a minute segment of the population, they play an integral part in the health and well-being of our society. After having spent considerable time in higher education, doctoral degree holders become originators of novel and innovative research and key instruments in knowledge transmission for future generations. Earning a doctorate can be a daunting task; the doctoral journey can involve sacrifice on many levels including family, income, time, and health. With so many unknown variables connected to the doctoral journey, it is often wondrous why individuals strive—voluntarily, that is—to achieve such a high level of education.

Hence, I am interested in assembling a book series that deals in plain language with common issues that arise throughout the doctoral journey. From early on when considering whether or not to apply to a program, to deciding on an institution and supervisor, to delving into related literature, to choosing a research methodology, to data collection and analyses, to closing in on the defense, to results dissemination, and everything in between and beyond, the doctoral journey presents incalculable obstacles that can be, and have been, overcome by doctoral graduates—including the contributors in this book series—an inspirationally-sparked collective narrative.

This book series—a collective narrative based primarily on successful stories of doctoral graduates in the field of education from around the world—will most definitely prove to be insightful, practical, and highly motivating while offering an ideal entry point for individuals considering a doctoral degree, an optimistic ‘nudge’ for doctoral students requiring a motivational boost, and a unique view for those searching for personal insights into the doctoral journey so they can offer positive, constructive—not negative, destructive—support (e.g., new graduate supervisors, graduate students’ family members).

Ultimately, although doctoral programs can differ around the world, this book series includes edited volumes related to the doctoral journey in education globally for an international focus, audience, and perspective.1

I am proud to share with you this powerfully-written edited volume entitled, Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places: The Experiences of International and Domestic Students Studying in an Australian University. Elizabeth Allotta’s edited volume is a collection of individual stories—each written from a personal autoethnographic perspective—from twelve students who travelled along the doctoral journey between 2017–2022. Each author focuses on their own doctoral journey and their experiences of being part of a large collaborative research group at one university in Australia—(UCNIS) University Collaborative Network of Interdisciplinary Studies.

As the chapters are grouped geographically according to each author’s homeland, this edited volume will take you on a journey around the globe. And, while this volume features stories of successful doctoral journeys, not all journeys ended with a degree being awarded.

So, as you begin to read through this edited volume, let me leave you with some final words:

The doctoral journey does not leave a person unchanged, and—as illustrated throughout this collective narrative—is not for the faint hearted. That said, I hope you enjoy this cohesive and interdisciplinary collection of personal and insightful stories, shared in plain language, and aimed to elicit deeper levels of knowledge related to the doctoral journey.

(Bradford, 2021, p. 14)

Be further ahead today than yesterday!

Brent Bradford Series Editor



The information above was borrowed from my first edited volume in the book series: Bradford (2021).


Bradford, B. (Ed.). (2021). The doctoral journey: International educationalist perspectives. Brill Sense.

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Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places

The Experiences of International and Domestic Students Studying in an Australian University

Series:  The Doctoral Journey in Education, Volume: 2