Notes on Contributors
Michela Torbidoni is interim professor of Jewish philosophy at the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion at Universität Hamburg. Her research focuses on early modern Jewish thought and on Spinoza’s reception within Italian and French philosophical circles during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is the coeditor and translator of Simone Luzzatto’s Socrates, or On Human Knowledge (2019; with Giuseppe Veltri) and the author of the monograph Acosmismo come religione. G. Gentile and P. Martinetti interpreti di Spinoza (2019).
Luca Andreoni is a researcher in economic history at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona. His publications include the books I conti del camerlengo. Finanza ed economia a San Marino fra Sette e Ottocento (2012) and “Una nazione in commercio.” Ebrei di Ancona, traffici adriatici e pratiche mercantili in età moderna (2019).
Josef Stern is the William H. Colvin Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus) at the University of Chicago. He works on a range of topics from medieval Jewish and Arabic philosophy to contemporary philosophy of language. His most recent books are The Matter and Form of Maimonides’ Guide (2013) and Quotations as Pictures (2021).
Fabrizio Lelli teaches Hebrew language and literature at the Sapienza University of Rome. His research focuses on the philosophical and mystical literature of late medieval and early modern Italian Jews. Among his publications are an edition of Yohanan Alemanno’s Hay ha-ʿolamim (1995) and Giovanni Pico e la cabbalà (2014).
Mina Lee is a PhD candidate in humanities and sociology at the University of Tokyo. She is the author of “Leone Modena’s Magen ve-Herev and the Reformation Era” (in Japanese) published in the Journal of the Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought 12 (2021).
Warren Zev Harvey is a professor emeritus of Jewish thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of many studies on Jewish philosophy, including Physics and Metaphysics in Hasdai Crescas (1998). He is also an EMET Prize laureate in the humanities (2009).
Myriam Silvera teaches the history of Judaism at the University of Palermo. She is the co-ordinator of a BA in Jewish studies offered by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities affiliated to the Italian Rabbinical College. She has edited Jacques Basnage’s Corrispondenza da Rotterdam (2000) and volume 1 of Isaac Orobio de Castro’s Prevenciones Divinas contra la vana idolatría de las Gentes (2013).
Guido Bartolucci is an associate professor of early modern history in the Department of History and Cultures at the University of Bologna. His work focuses on Christian interest in the Jewish tradition between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. He has published a book on the Hebrew Republic model in the European thought of the sixteenth century, and he has also worked on the origin of Christian Kabbalah in the fifteenth century and on the life and political thought of the Jewish physician David de’ Pomis. His current research interest is the influence of the Jewish political tradition on Christian thought, particularly within the debate between Calvinist and Lutheran scholars during the seventeenth century.
Anna Lissa is an associate professor of Jewish and Hebrew literature at Université Paris 8. She is the coeditor and translator of Simone Luzzatto’s Discourse on the State of the Jews (2019; with Giuseppe Veltri).
Giuseppe Veltri was a professor of Jewish studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from 1997 to 2014. Since 2014, he has been a professor of Jewish philosophy and religion at Universität Hamburg. He is the editor-in-chief of several series published by Brill, De Gruyter, and Paideia. Since November 2010, he has also been a professor (h.c.) of comparative religious studies at the University of Leipzig, and he has been the director of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies in Hamburg since 2015. His fields of research are Jewish cultural history, Jewish philosophy in the Renaissance and early modern period, magic, and biblical tradition and translations. Among his publications are Il Rinascimento nel pensiero ebraico (2020); an edition and translation of Simone Luzzatto’s Discourse on the State of the Jews (2019; with Anna Lissa) and Socrates, or On Human Knowledge (2019; with Michela Torbidoni); L’ebraismo come scienza. Cultura e politica in Leopold Zunz (2019; with Libera Pisano); Alienated Wisdom: Enquiry into Jewish Philosophy and Scepticism (2018); and Renaissance Philosophy in Jewish Garb (2009).