J.D. Ford
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Abbeville 296
Aberdeen 4, 7, 9, 13, 1720, 22, 2627, 30, 3233, 3536, 4158, 6670, 7273, 79, 8283, 91, 9598, 105108, 110, 222223, 237238, 254, 256, 258261, 270271, 273, 275276, 286292, 297298, 300301, 303310, 319, 322, 327, 343, 345, 347349, 351, 359360, 362, 366, 380381
Aberlady 6
Accursius, Franciscus (Italian jurist) 227
Acquisition of ships 1112, 253258, 261266, 383
Acts of parliament 3, 2427, 34, 4950, 6067, 70, 73, 84, 89, 9798, 117120, 127137, 142143, 147150, 159160, 164, 168, 172, 175, 184185, 187, 190191, 194, 197198, 200201, 204, 219221, 230231, 233, 241, 244, 263, 311312, 320, 332, 341342, 360, 363364, 371, 375376, 378380, 384, 389
Adat litigation 5455, 57
Admirals (English) 22, 166, 194196, 198200, 204205, 338. See also Northampton, earl of ; Nottingham, earl of
Admirals (Scottish) 20, 41, 150153, 184194, 198200, 206, 246, 277, 296297, 314, 321, 336, 338, 340, 357. See also Argyll, earl of ; Bothwell, earl of ; Lennox, duke of ; Morton, earl of
Admiralty courts 2030, 32, 34, 41, 82, 112115, 119, 121, 152153, 245, 247, 261262, 286, 293294, 301, 316317, 321324, 326, 331, 339340, 357358, 386, 388
Adventurers 1011, 66
Agency. See Factors
Alexander ii (Scottish king) 334335, 340
Allan, Alexander (Scottish theologian) 209211
Anderson, Archibald (Scottish student) 223
Angers 239, 241, 244
Angus 20, 27, 30. See also Arbroath ; Montrose
Anne (Scottish and English queen) 170, 187, 199
Anstruther 7, 327, 345
Anthropologists 53. See also Durkheim, Émile ; Geertz, Clifford
Antwerp 16, 91, 243
Appellus, Ioannes (German jurist) 218
Apprenticeship of mariners 108109
Aquitaine 368
Arbroath 7, 19
Arbuthnot, Alexander (kirk minister) 222, 225, 230
Arbuthnot, Alexander (Scottish student) 222223
Argyll, earls of 21, 141
Aristotle (philosopher) 47, 217, 223, 227, 244
Arra 111, 254, 263
Augsburg 214, 216
Auld lawes of Scotland 3, 35, 43, 74, 98, 104, 128135, 138, 142144, 147, 149150, 154, 161, 204, 219, 221, 229232, 244, 311313, 332337, 340342, 347, 360, 368369, 371372, 375, 379, 385. See also Iter camerarii; Leges forestarum; Leges marchiarum; Liber de iudicibus; Libri burgorum; Oleron, laws of; Quoniam attachiamenta; Regiam maiestatem; Statuta gildae; Statuta regis Alexandri
Austin, J.L. (philosopher) 8586, 378
Ayr 8, 19, 21, 30, 66, 72, 82, 97, 102103, 105106, 257259, 271, 276, 345, 362
Bailie courts 3, 1320, 2227, 3033, 3537, 4153, 62, 65, 9199, 100112, 153, 159, 189, 252261, 270277, 286292, 294296, 300313, 318, 323, 325326, 331, 342, 342343, 345349, 359364, 378379, 380381, 383, 388
Baillie, Mr William (Scottish judge) 128
Baker, Sir John (historian) 100, 384
Baldus de Ubaldis (Italian jurist) 164, 172, 201, 381
Balfour, Andrew, of Montquhanny (Scottish laird) 212213
Balfour, Andrew (Scottish shipowner) 154155
Balfour, Henry (Scottish advocate) 284
Balfour, Martin (Scottish judge) 213
Balfour, Michael (Scottish laird) 213
Balfour, Sir James, of Pittendreich (Scottish jurist) 34, 127155, 173, 186189, 207, 210221, 224, 230232, 234, 239, 241242, 244247, 263, 292, 312315, 317, 327, 331333, 335, 341343, 368, 377, 386387
Balmedie 346347
Balnaves, Henry, of Halhill (Scottish judge) 215216
Baltic Sea 5, 13, 17, 104, 107, 110
Banff 7, 17, 19
Bannatyne, James (Scottish student) 223
Bartolus de Sassoferrato (Italian jurist) 164, 172, 201, 204, 227, 238, 283, 386
Basel 191
Balduinus, Franciscus (French jurist) 228, 230, 244
Beaton, David (Scottish bishop) 212
Bergen 1617, 272, 344
Bible 157, 167, 172, 214216, 218, 221, 233234, 240
Bills of lading 94, 367
Bisset, Habakkuk (Scottish jurist) 141, 149151, 154155, 335
Black, Andrew (Scottish student) 222
Blackhall, Andrew (kirk minister) 222
Blackness 6, 14
Blindseil, Umphra (Scottish advocate) 120121, 377
Boatsmen 48, 108109
Bodin, Jean (French jurist) 377, 379
Bois-Gelin, Christophle du (French jurist) 337
Bologna 285
Bordeaux 1617, 30, 65, 102, 105, 112114, 117118, 211, 277, 297, 308, 310, 321322, 361362
Borghs 4345, 50
Borthwick, Nicholas (Scottish student) 209, 211, 214
Borthwick, Sir John (Scottish laird) 209, 211, 213214
Bothwell, Francis Stewart, earl of (Scottish admiral) 153, 184, 190193, 203, 336, 339
Bothwell, Patrick Hepburn, earl of (Scottish admiral) 2829, 32
Boulogne 296
Bourges 224227
Boyd, Robert, of Trochrigg (kirk minister) 235236
Boyd, Robert, Lord (Scottish nobleman) 128
Brechin 223
Bristol 290
Brittany 19, 71, 74, 102, 161
Bruges 63
Buchan 98, 349
Buchanan, George (Scottish humanist) 132, 134, 143, 225, 236, 238, 244, 376, 380
Buchanan, John (historian) 134135, 137
Budé, Guillaume (French humanist) 201
Bullinger, Heinrich (Swiss theologian) 212
Burghs 34, 302, 311, 321, 324, 347348, 357, 359. See also Bailie courts ;
Deans of guild; Legesburgorum
Burleigh 141
Burleigh, Michael Balfour, Lord (Scottish nobleman) 141
Burntisland 7, 18, 105, 296
Cadiz 16
Calais 296
Callistratus (Roman jurist) 182
Calvinists 212, 223, 238
Calvin, John (French theologian) 212
Cambridge 157, 173, 209
Canary Islands 6, 327
Canon law 115116, 213216, 218, 220, 237, 239241, 244, 252, 298, 340341, 343, 353, 381382
Charter parties 3, 24, 34, 6075, 7879, 82, 84, 87, 89, 9495, 99, 159160, 200201, 204, 242, 269, 286, 288, 363
Chisholm, Mr Michael (burgess of Edinburgh) 128
Christian ii (Danish, Swedish and Norwegian king) 344
Cicero (Roman orator) 168, 218, 225227, 238, 243244, 298, 382
Cinque Ports 166, 194
Civil law 27, 4950, 75, 9899, 101, 111, 113116, 118121, 122, 133135, 137, 159160, 164, 166169, 171172, 176, 190191, 199205, 215, 218221, 225230, 232234, 237238, 240247, 252, 262269, 277278, 292301, 315320, 323329, 337342, 352353, 357358, 363, 379389
Clark, George Kitson (historian) 36
Clausula rebus sic stantibus 298
Clementines 239
Clyde 78, 21
Code of Justinian 115, 121, 130, 133, 164, 166, 172, 240, 266, 381
Codification 5253, 64, 128134, 142143, 217, 219220, 229230, 311312, 331332, 358363, 374, 376377, 387
College of Justice 2732, 4445, 66, 69, 75, 101, 115, 118121, 128132, 134, 137138, 142143, 152153, 207, 219221, 230231, 236237, 239, 241, 244, 262, 276, 282, 284285, 296297, 311312, 316, 322, 332, 338339, 342345, 348349, 369, 373, 377, 379380, 384387, 389
Collisions between ships 361363
Cologne 210
Commenda 278280, 283
Commercial law 358359, 388389
Commissary courts 27, 37, 143, 148, 216217, 237, 312
Common law (English) 100101, 195, 369370, 384
Common law (French) 373374
Common law (Saxon) 229
Common law (Scottish) 202205, 246, 337, 368378, 383
Compagnia 280, 283
Condictio causa data causa non secuta 298
Conservators’ courts 3334
Consolato del mare 169, 172, 175177, 180181, 183, 193, 266268, 279, 294, 314315, 322, 324, 358359
Constables’ courts 27
Contributions to losses 24, 4647, 49, 119120, 182183, 285, 300329, 377, 381382
Conventions of the royal burghs 66, 88, 117
Cooper, Thomas, Lord, of Culross (historian) 369370, 374, 379380, 385
Copenhagen 1617, 210
Craig, John (Scottish physician) 223
Craig, Thomas, of Riccarton (Scottish jurist) 117119, 223, 246, 296, 338, 353
Craigie, Sir William (lexicographer) 76
Crail 7, 18, 22, 94, 105, 258, 290
Creede, Thomas (English printer) 156
Cuiacius, Iacobus (French jurist) 227, 244, 265, 281282
Culross 7, 18
Cunningham 21
Cupar 6, 14, 291
Customary laws 5253, 115123, 247, 296, 311, 325, 353, 374, 377, 384386, 389
Damage to goods 52, 6263, 71, 74, 8081, 84, 9697, 287288
Danzig 1517, 65, 68, 104106, 291, 308, 343
Darnley, Henry Stewart, Lord (father of James vi and i) 142
David i (Scottish king) 140
Deans of guild 2526, 6465, 72, 95, 97, 188, 206, 360361
Decretum of Gratian 116, 376
Delivery of goods 1617, 42, 46, 6768, 71, 73, 87, 9396, 287, 292, 365
Denmark (Danish) 17, 65, 150, 169, 172, 175177, 180181, 184, 186188, 211, 266268, 289, 336, 343344. See also Copenhagen
De officio admiralitatisAngliae 169, 173, 175, 183, 336
De praerogativeregis 333334
Dieppe 1617, 69, 94, 154155, 261, 270, 272, 286, 291, 309
Digest of Justinian 4950, 115116, 118, 120, 130, 133, 159, 164, 166, 172, 176, 178179, 181183, 201, 226228, 230, 240, 264, 266267, 278, 280, 293295, 297, 315316, 319320, 323, 325, 327, 337, 350, 382, 384386
Dolezalek, Gero (historian) 138139, 141, 155
Dominion of the seas 156, 167168, 170172, 196198
Douai 239, 241
Douglas, Robert (Scottish scribe) 173, 193
Dover 113
Duarenus, Franciscus (French jurist) 226
Dumbarton 8
Dumfries 8, 19, 258, 305
Dunbar 78, 18
Dundee 7, 9, 13, 1520, 23, 2526, 31, 6567, 6972, 8283, 95, 9798, 103106, 112, 117, 121, 128, 254256, 258259, 262, 286, 288289, 291292, 296, 301, 305, 307308, 321, 326327, 346, 348, 360363, 372
Dunfermline 6, 14
Dunkirk 296
Dunn, Sir Daniel (English civilian) 194195
Dunure 345
Durandus, Gulielmus (Italian jurist) 227
Durkheim, Émile (anthropologist) 364
Dysart 7, 18, 2223, 82, 256257, 259, 284285
Edinburgh 67, 1315, 18, 2022, 2530, 33, 35, 45, 57, 6364, 69, 7172, 8283, 101, 112, 117118, 128, 154, 156, 207, 211212, 222, 235237, 239, 262, 272273, 284, 301, 305310, 316, 319322, 331, 345, 360, 363, 373, 377, 382
Edward i (English king) 333
Edward ii (English king) 334
Egypt (Egyptians) 233
Elgin 6, 14
Emptiovenditio 111, 262263
England (English) 6, 19, 21, 32, 34, 74, 7677, 100104, 109, 112, 123, 151, 161163, 169, 170, 172, 175, 177, 181, 184, 186188, 192198, 204, 209, 212, 231, 251252, 273, 289290, 292, 296, 301302, 307308, 333, 336337, 341, 350352, 360, 369370, 373, 384386. See also Bristol ; Cambridge ; Cinque Ports ; Dover ; Harwich ; Hull ; London ; Newcastle ; Oxford ; Scarborough ; Southampton ; Yarmouth
Enkhuizen 16
Errol, Francis Hay, earl of (Scottish nobleman) 192
Factors 269273, 275285
Fairlie 102
Ferretti, Giulio (Italian jurist) 199
Fethy, John (Scottish theologian) 210212
Fife 20, 27, 30, 207, 338. See also Anstruther ; Burntisland ; Crail ; Culross ; Cupar ; Dunfermline ; Dysart ; Guardbridge ; Inverkeithing ; Kinghorn ; Kirkcaldy ; Limekilns ; Pittenweem ; St Andrews
Findhorn 6
Fishing rights. See Dominion of the seas
Flanders (Flemish) 18, 29, 65, 74, 81, 104, 197, 254, 259, 272, 306307, 309, 325
Flushing 16
Forres 6, 14
Forth 7, 18, 20, 27
Fowler, Sir Henry (lexicographer) 7677
France (French) 5, 13, 1718, 29, 32, 65, 82, 102103, 108, 115, 141, 146147, 149150, 154155, 161, 172, 175177, 181, 183184, 186188, 202, 207, 212, 225, 228229, 231, 241, 270, 292, 301, 305, 307, 309, 311, 316, 327, 336337, 346, 366367, 373374, 376. See also Abbeville ; Aquitaine ; Angers ; Bordeaux ; Boulogne ; Bourges ; Brittany ; Calais ; Dieppe ; Dunkirk ; La Rochelle ; Le Havre ; Normandy ; Paris ; Poitiers ; Rouen ; Saint Valery ; Saumur
Francis i (French king) 127, 149, 151, 169, 241, 336
Frankfurt on Oder 209210, 212, 223
Frankot, Edda (historian) 41, 144, 359
Frederick i (Danish, Swedish and Norwegian king) 344
Frederick ii (Danish king) 169, 241, 266
Fulgosius, Raphael (Italian jurist) 323, 325
Garmouth 6
Geddie, John (Scottish scribe) 238
Geertz, Clifford (anthropologist) 5457, 366
Gelderland 29
General average. See Contributions to losses
Germany (German) 7, 72, 81, 202, 207, 211, 216, 222, 224–5, 228–30, 232, 314, 345, 347, 379. See also Cologne ; Danzig ; Frankfurt on Oder ; Hamburg ; Heidelberg ; Helmstedt ; Königsberg ; Leipzig ; Lübeck ; Plauen ; Rostock ; Saxony ; Stralsund ; Wittenberg
Geneva 212, 217, 236
Glamis, John Lyon, Lord (Scottish nobleman) 128
Glasgow 7, 1415, 105, 211, 235
Gordon, William (historian) 137
Gotland sea law. See Wisby, laws of
Graswinkel, Dirk (Dutch jurist) 170
Greece (Greek) 166
Grimstone, Phillipa (librarian) 173
Grotius, Hugo (Dutch jurist) 156, 167, 170172, 205
Guardbridge 8
Habsburg-Valois wars 112
Haddington 6, 14, 237
Haliburton, Mr James (burgess of Dundee) 128
Hamburg 1617, 69, 98
Hamilton-Grierson, P.J. (historian) 154
Hanse (Hanseatic) 345
Harbours 810, 12, 5152, 361362
Harper, Thomas (English publisher) 164
Hart, H.L.A. (philosopher) 378, 389
Harwich 16, 103
Hay, Alexander (Scottish judge) 142
Hay, Edmund (Scottish advocate) 117119
Hebrides. See Western Isles
Heidelberg 222, 228
Helmstedt 222, 235
Henry iii (French king) 149, 169, 336
Henryson, Edward (Scottish jurist) 219
Hermes Trismegistus (legendary legislator) 233
Herries, John Maxwell, Lord (Scottish nobleman) 128
Hislop, Philip (kirk minister) 222, 235
Hobsbawm, Eric (historian) 350
Holland 277
Holyroodhouse 117
Hotomanus, Franciscus (French jurist) 228
Hull 17
Huntly, George Gordon, earl of (Scottish nobleman) 21, 192
Institutes of Justinian 115, 133, 142, 164, 226, 229, 266
Insurance. See Maritime loans
Inveresk 222
Inverkeithing 7
Inverness 7, 17, 19, 22, 259, 273, 275, 304
Ireland (Irish) 6, 19, 76, 102, 194, 349
Irvine 8, 19, 259260
Italy (Italian) 166, 202, 228. See also Bologna ; Rome
Itercamerarii 144
Ius commune. See civil law
James i (Scottish king) 130, 133, 136
James ii (Scottish king) 130131
James iii (Scottish king) 61, 376
James v (Scottish king) 25
James vi and i (Scottish and English king) 21, 129, 140, 186, 196, 198, 203, 223
Jason de Maino (Italian jurist) 227, 238
Justiciary courts 27, 369370
Justinian 133, 337. See also Code, Digest, Institutes
King, Alexander (Scottish advocate) 265
King, Alexander (Scottish jurist) 34, 121, 193, 206207, 235, 239247, 263265, 277278, 283, 292298, 316319, 322323, 325, 327, 339341, 353, 357, 368369, 386, 388
Kinghorn 7, 307
Kintor, David (Scottish jurist) 34, 146147, 149150, 153154, 170, 184, 186187, 207, 244, 300
Kirkcaldy 7, 18, 23, 105, 255, 258, 277
Kirkcudbright 8, 19, 66, 105
Kirkwall 7
Kling, Melchior (German jurist) 218
Knox, John (Scottish theologian) 212, 216
Königsberg 16, 292
Lagus, Conradus (German jurist) 218
Lanfrancus de Oriano (Italian jurist) 381
La Rochelle 1617, 7071, 74, 102, 105, 114, 259
Lauderdale, John Maitland, duke of (Scottish nobleman) 173
Law reform 186187. See also Codification
Le Duaren, François. See Duarenus, Franciscus
Legal consciousness 382383
Legal customs 4647, 5052, 5455, 57, 61, 8999, 101112, 121122, 221, 247, 252261, 270277, 286292, 299, 301311, 326, 352354, 363368, 372374, 377, 379, 383384, 388389
Legesburgorum 3, 13, 20, 23, 32, 35, 62, 144146, 152153, 189, 360, 368, 380
Legesforestarum 145, 332335, 338, 341342
Legesmarchiarum 151
Le Havre 16, 272
Leiden 235
Leipzig 210211, 229
Leith 6, 9, 1314, 17, 2021, 2729, 33, 101, 103, 110, 112, 117119, 121, 222, 258, 262, 284, 297, 301, 306, 308309, 321322
Lennox, Ludovic Stewart, duke of (Scottish admiral) 184185, 193194, 199, 339
Lex mercatoria. See commercial law
Liber de iudicibus 145
Liber Kyntoris. See Kintor, David
Liber sextus 239
Librifeudorum 337
Limekilns 6
Lindsay, Sir David, of Edzell (Scottish judge) 334
Linlithgow 6, 14
Local knowledge 5658, 366
Locatioconductio 111, 114, 201, 242, 279
Loch Ryan 262
Loire 239
London 16, 156, 164, 173, 308
Lords of council and session. See College of Justice
Lothian 212, 216, 344, 349
Louvain 239241, 243, 268
Lowe, William (Scottish student) 222223
Lownes, Humfrey (English publisher) 156
Lübeck 17, 361
Luckett, Richard (librarian) 173
Lutherans 212, 214216, 220, 224, 227, 238
Luther, Martin (German theologian) 210, 214, 217, 224, 239
Lyne, John (Scottish student) 212
Macalpine, John (Scottish theologian) 210211
Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh (Scottish advocate) 173
Maill, John (Scottish factor) 154155
Maitland, Sir Richard, of Lethington (Scottish jurist) 137
Malaga 16
Malynes, Gerard (English merchant) 165, 252
Marcian (Roman jurist) 167, 171
Maritime loans 165, 175, 326329, 367
Mary i (Scottish queen) 129130, 219
McKechnie, Hector (historian) 127129
McNeill, Peter (historian) 27, 136, 148, 151
Mediterranean Sea 104, 107, 169, 193, 202, 232, 252, 278, 280, 324
Melanchthon, Philip (German theologian) 210212, 214215, 217218, 224227, 234
Melville, Andrew (Scottish humanist) 192
Merchant bills 270272, 276
Middleburg 16, 235, 259
Moncrieff, John (Scottish advocate) 284285
Montrose 7, 19, 30, 82, 257
Moral economy 350352, 354, 365
Morton, James Douglas, earl of (Scottish admiral) 140141, 153
Moses (biblical legislator) 214, 234
Mottlau 68
Mudaeus, Gabrielus (Belgian jurist) 243, 268
Mull 349
Murdison, John (Scottish advocate) 223224, 235237
Murray, Sir James (lexicographer) 76
Napier, John, of Merchiston (Scottish mathematician) 232
Netherlands (Dutch) 5, 13, 1617, 33, 63, 104, 107, 110, 164, 166, 169170, 172, 196, 207, 316, 323, 347348. See also Antwerp ; Bruges ; Douai ; Flanders ; Flushing ; Gelderland ; Holland ; Leiden ; Louvain ; Middleburg ; Veere
Newburgh 4
Newbie, Thomas (Scottish scribe) 142, 148, 152
Newcastle 306, 322
Newhaven 6. See also Le Havre
New York 157
Nicolson, Andrew (Scottish notary) 381
Nicolson, David (Scottish notary) 380381
Nicolson, Thomas (Scottish advocate) 223224, 230, 237, 380
Nomos Rhodionnautikos. See Rhodian sea law
Normandy 74, 231
Northampton, Henry Howard, earl of (English admiral) 194, 196
North Berwick 7, 18, 344, 349
Northern Isles 336. See also Orkney ; Shetland
North Esk 20
North Sea 232
Norway (Norwegian) 5, 11, 17, 70, 79, 265, 287, 330331, 343344, 350. See also Bergen ; Stavanger ; Tønsberg ; Trondheim
Notaries public 27, 50, 66, 7071, 7576, 8283, 113114, 262264, 271, 366, 380381, 383
Nottingham, Charles Howard, earl of (English admiral) 194, 198
Novels of Justinian 227
Nudry, Thomas (Scottish canonist) 208
Nutrisen, Ioannes (Scottish student) 208
Nylöse 16
Officials’ courts 212213, 216
Old Machar 222
Oleron, laws of 35, 51, 7475, 98, 104, 109110, 114115, 127, 144150, 154, 159164, 168169, 172, 178181, 183, 190192, 195, 201205, 231234, 241243, 245246, 252, 293, 312316, 320, 322, 324325, 337, 340, 346347, 352, 359361, 368369, 372, 375
Øresund 15
Orkney 16, 21, 198, 272, 290, 346. See also Kirkwall
Oxford 100, 157
Papinian (Roman jurist) 167, 171
Papon, Jean (French jurist) 262, 283
Paris 115116, 239, 241, 283
Parliament 27, 29, 32, 88, 194, 220221, 311, 331
Partners 69, 165, 258261, 266269, 273277, 279284, 287, 304
Paterson, John (burgess of Cupar) 128
Paul (Roman jurist) 172
Paulus de Castro (Italian jurist) 283
Payment of freight 1617, 42, 6264, 6769, 71, 73, 8081, 87, 91, 159, 287, 291292, 365
Payment of wages 1617, 101104, 112113, 288, 365
Peckius, Petrus (Belgian jurist) 199, 201, 239240, 242, 295, 323, 325
Pepys, Samuel (English diarist) 173
Perth 67, 1416, 18, 2326, 335
Petitions 4345, 4950, 5758, 91
Petyt, Thomas (French printer) 161
Pilots 12
Piracy 28, 307310, 320321, 323324, 327328, 338
Pittenweem 7, 128129
Plauen 210
Plautus (Roman dramatist) 168, 176
Poitiers 161
Popelinière, Lancelot du Voisin, sieur de la (French humanist) 169
Portage 104107, 117120, 285, 288, 322
Port Seton 345
Practick 4746, 103104, 108, 112, 116, 120121, 127, 147, 149, 220, 311, 320, 353
Precedents 56, 89, 112, 121, 309, 377
Privy council 22, 2728, 117118, 265, 297, 321, 344
Prizes 2122, 2829, 32, 151153, 184, 205, 253, 256, 307, 328, 352, 382383
Protestations 42, 7985, 89, 95, 301, 303, 320, 378
Provision of services 1617, 5051, 106111, 114115, 365
Public sphere 378
Pynors 1213
Quintus Mucius (Roman jurist) 228, 230
Quoniamattachiamenta 43, 129130, 219
Ramsay, William (Scottish humanist) 211212, 224225
Receptumnautarum 294297
Redpath, Andrew (Scottish master) 308
Reformation 4, 212, 222, 312, 367
Regality courts 29
Regiammaiestatem 129130, 135136, 139, 142, 147, 219, 360, 371372
Remission 2224, 2831
Reprisal 28, 148, 151, 220
Rhodian sea law 168169, 172, 175177, 179, 181, 183, 190191, 193, 201202, 232233, 241, 243, 245246, 314315, 326, 346
Rolandinus de Passageriis (Italian jurist) 262
Rôlesd’Oléron. See Oleron, laws of
Roman law. See civil law
Rome 192, 214216, 226
Roquette, Guillaume (French master) 301
Ross 20, 344
Rostock 17, 222
Rothes 223
Rouen 16, 149, 215
Rough Wooings 4
Russell, John (Scottish advocate) 203, 265
Rutherford, Alexander (Scottish merchant) 301
Ruthven, William, Lord (Scottish nobleman) 128
Saint Valery 67
Saumur 235236, 239
Saxony (Saxon) 218, 228229, 231232
Scarborough 1617
Schard, Simon (German jurist) 168, 183, 191192, 199, 232, 245246, 314
Schiplawis. See Oleron, laws of
Schneidewinus, Ioannes (German jurist) 229
Scotting and lotting. See Contributions to losses
Scotus, Ioannes (German student) 210
Scoughall 338
Searle, J.R. (philosopher) 8690, 365, 378
Seneca (Roman moralist) 298, 382
Servius Sulpicius (Roman jurist) 228, 230
Sharp, John (Scottish advocate) 117119, 285
Sheriff courts 27, 29, 369370
Shetland 7, 16, 21, 198, 349
Shipwreck 23, 28, 31, 44, 98, 114, 183184, 272273, 290, 297, 327328, 330354, 365, 383
Shipwrights 11, 61, 109, 159, 165
Simpson, Andrew (historian) 284
Sinclair, John (Scottish jurist) 137
Skene, Alexander (Scottish advocate) 115116, 118
Skene, John, of Halyards (Scottish laird) 141
Skene, Sir James, of Curriehill (Scottish advocate) 141
Skene, Sir John, of Curriehill (Scottish jurist) 135, 137, 141143, 149, 152, 154, 204205, 207, 221, 223224, 226, 228232, 234, 239, 241, 244246, 333335, 340342, 344, 368, 375377, 379380, 384, 386387
Skene, William (Scottish civilian) 208, 212, 224225, 230, 237238, 335
Sluis 361
Smith, Brian (historian) 332
Solway 8, 21
Somme 67
Southampton 16
Sovereignty 121, 134, 377379, 389
Spain (Spanish) 56, 1617, 19, 34, 184, 186, 188, 191192, 202, 228, 288, 336. See also Cadiz ; Canary Islands ; Malaga
Spalding, Walter (Scottish schoolmaster) 211
Speech acts 8591, 99, 364366
Spuilzie 28, 31, 4445, 343345, 348349, 351353
St Andrews 7, 18, 34, 105, 190193, 206209, 211212, 213, 215, 223225, 232233, 236239, 259, 272, 290, 292, 299, 314, 335337
Statutagildae 144
StatutaregisAlexandri 334336, 341
Statute of Westminster 333336, 340341
Stavanger 17
St German, Christopher (English jurist) 338
St Giles’ kirk 14, 63
Stirling 6, 1415, 320
Steersmen 12, 61, 68, 98, 107109, 159, 291, 362
St Monans 338
Stockholm 16
Stracca, Benvenuto (Italian jurist) 199, 201, 265, 285
Stralsund 1517, 291, 347
Strang, William (church reader) 222
Style of court 48
Sunde, Jørn (historian) 331
Sweden 343344. See also Nylöse ; Stockholm
Tay 7
Taylor, Alice (historian) 335, 372, 379
Tholosanus, Petrus Gregorius (French jurist) 172
Thompson, Edward (historian) 350, 352353
Timbermen. See shipwrights
Tønsberg 1617
Trade 48, 18, 41
Trondheim 17
Tucker, Penny (historian) 299
Turner, James (Scottish student) 223
Ulpian (Roman jurist) 172
United States of America 76
Van der Muyden, Gabriël. See Mudaeus, Gabrielus
Veere 1617, 33, 63, 69, 105, 287, 291, 306
Virgil (Roman poet) 168
Vonesse van Damme 164
Wade, Thomas Callendar (historian) 153
Waldegrave, Robert (Scottish publisher) 156
Water bailies 1314, 33, 101, 117, 155
Waterrecht (Seyricht). See Wisby, laws of
Wedderburn, John (Scottish poet) 210, 223
Wedderburn, Robert (notary public) 83, 223
Welwod, William (Scottish jurist) 34, 150, 156207, 232235, 239, 241242, 244247, 252, 266268, 279, 292298, 314317, 319, 323324, 327, 335336, 339342, 346, 353, 357, 360, 368, 372, 375, 387388
Wesenbecius, Matthaeus (Belgian jurist) 172, 190, 226229, 231232, 242243
Western Isles 16, 208
Westminster Hall 369
Wigtown 8, 19
William i (Scottish king) 334
Williams, Neville (historian) 251, 285
Wilson, Thomas (Scottish advocate) 296
Wisby, laws of 48, 5051, 98, 107110, 127, 150, 154155, 162164, 168169, 172, 181, 241243, 292293, 312316, 320, 324325, 360361
Wittenberg 190191, 207218, 220226, 229, 232, 235237, 239, 245246, 268, 335, 368, 389
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (philosopher) 54, 7679, 85, 88, 90, 99, 204, 365
Yarmouth 1617, 261
Zurich 212
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