1.1 Rahel Bruns. “Adler I”, 2007 1

4.1 Christian Alvart. Dogs of Berlin, Netflix, 2018 83

4.2a and b Christian Alvart. Dogs of Berlin, Netflix, 2018 85

7.1 Bobbie Serrano. Illustration of Black Superman Group, 2017 132

10.1 Sir James. “Brandanschlag Solingen 1993”, Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brandanschlag_solingen_1993.jpg. Accessed 21 May 2018 201

10.2a Hallie Black. The empty lot where the Genç house once stood, 2019 201

10.2b Hallie Black. The memorial plaque, Gedenktafel Brandanschlag Solingen, of the five lost in the arson attack, 2019 202

10.2c Hallie Black. Close-up photo of the memorial plaque, Gedenktafel Brandanschlag Solingen, with fencing between the remaining foundations of the house and the sidewalk, 2019 202

10.3 Frank Vincentz. “Das Mahnmal Solinger Bürger und Bürgerinnen”, Wikimedia Commons, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Solingen_-_Mahnmal_Solinger_Bürger_und_Bürgerinnen_04_ies.jpg. Accessed 21 March 2022 211

10.4a Hallie Black. Facades and Plans of the Genç House, 2019 213

10.4b Hallie Black. The initial sketch of Facades and Plans of the Genç House, 2019 214

10.4c MrMarxismo, “Woher kommt der Hass? – Der Brandanschlag von Solingen (1993)”, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPKE0e7lv8. Accessed 20 May 2019 215

10.4d Hallie Black. Kit house example in Solingen, 2019 216

10.4e Hallie Black. Digitally vectorized drawing of historic kit house blueprint (Raymond) with redrawn architectural section enlarged for legibility, 2022. [Based on Raymond, “Werksiedlung der Spiegelfabrik”. Rhein-Neckar-Indrustriekulture, 1865. http://www.rhein-neckar-industriekultur.de/objekte/spiegelkolonie-mannheim. Accessed 20 May 2019] 216

10.5a Hallie Black. Bathtub, 2019 218

10.5b Hallie Black. The initial sketch of Bathtub, 2019 219

10.5c MrMarxismo, “Woher kommt der Hass? – Der Brandanschlag von Solingen (1993)”, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPKE0e7lv8. Accessed 20 May 2019 220

10.6a Hallie Black. Bedroom and Living Room, 2019 221

10.6b Hallie Black. The initial sketch of Bedroom and Living Room, 2019 222

10.6c MrMarxismo, “Woher kommt der Hass? – Der Brandanschlag von Solingen (1993)”, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPKE0e7lv8. Accessed 20 May 2019 223

10.7a Hallie Black. Chair, 2019 224

10.7b Hallie Black. The initial sketch of Chair, 2019 225

10.7c MrMarxismo, “Woher kommt der Hass? – Der Brandanschlag von Solingen (1993)”, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPKE0e7lv8. Accessed 20 May 2019 226

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