Agitprop |
Agitation and propaganda. A department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. |
Bund |
Algemeyner yidisher arbeter-bund in lite, poyln un rusland The General Jewish Labour Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia. |
Comintern |
Kommunisticheskii internatsional Communist International. |
Fakul’tet obshchestvennykh nauk Faculty of Social Sciences. |
Gosudarstvennyi uchenyi sovet State Academic Council of Narkompros. |
Institut krasnoi professury Institute of Red Professors. |
Istpart |
Commission for the collection and study of materials on the history of the October revolution and the Russian Communist Party. |
Kadets |
Constitutional Democratic Party. |
Narkompros |
Narodnyi Komissariat Prosveshcheniia People’s Commissariat of Education (Enlightenment). |
Novaia ekonomicheskaia politika New Economic Policy. |
Ob”edinennoe gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie United Main Political Administration (political police, successor to the ChEKA and GPU, predecessor of the NKVD). |
Proletkul’t |
Proletarian cultural-educational organisations. |
Rabfak |
Rabochii fakul’tet Workers’ faculty (of higher education institution). |
Rossiiskaia assotsiatsiia nauchno-issledovatel’skikh institutov obshchestvennykh nauk Russian Association of Social Science Institutes. |
RKP(b) |
Rossiiskaia kommunisticheskaia partiia (bol’shevikov) Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). |
Rossiiskaia sotsial-demokraticheskaia rabochaia partiia Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party. |
Rossiiskaia Sovetskaia Federativnaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. |
Sovnarkom |
Sovet narodnykh komissarov Council of People’s Commissars. |
SR |
Sotsialist-Revoliutsioner Socialist-Revolutionary. |