1 Kizzuwatna in the late 15th c. BC xvi
2 Timeline according to different chronologies 16
3 Historical regions of Anatolia in the Greco-Roman period 28
4 Selected Hittite period sites in central Anatolia and Cilicia: secure and presumed identifications 28
5 KUB 23.21, detail 42
6 Bronze Age sites in Cilicia 89
7 Kinet Höyük. Topographic map and excavated areas 93
8 Middle Bronze Age “East Terrace” Building 93
9 Schematic map of the Old Assyrian commercial network in Anatolia, early 19th c. BC 98
10 Diffusion of Hurrian in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC 107
11 Possible itineraries of the Hittite Old Kingdom’s campaigns (in particular according to the Annals of Hattusili I, CTH 4) 135
12 Historical fragment KUB 48.81 160
13 Historical fragment KBo 3.54, detail 162
14 ‘Upheavals’ during the reign of Ammuna, according to the Edict of Telipinu (CTH 19) 171
15–18 Hittite land grant from Tarsus 179
19 Tracing of Tabarna seal on Ḫattuša tablet Bo 90/750 overlapped with Tarsus seal impression at 100%, 70%, 40% transparency 184
20 Tracing of signs ⟨TA⟩ and ⟨UŠ⟩ from Bo 90/750, overlapped with Tarsus seal impression 184
21 Tarsus mound, Section A. LB I and LBA IIa level 210
22 Cretula with seal impression of Išpudaḫšu of Kizzuwatna 211
23 Selection of signs in Old Hittite script and other cuneiform traditions 213
24 A: Seal of Indi-Limma of Ebla, modern impression. B: Polyhedral seal, modern impressions 221
25 Selection of early seal impressions from Ḫattuša 222
26 Seal impressions from Ḫattuša 224
27 Seal impressions from Ḫattuša 225
28 Early New Kingdom seals. Tudḫaliya I (1–2), Arnuwanda I (3) and queen Ažmo-Nikkal (4) 232
29 Treaty with Paddatiššu of Kizzuwatna (KUB 34.1, obverse) 270
30 Treaty between Zidanza and Pilliya of Kizzuwatna (KUB 36.108) 270
31 Treaty between Idrimi of Alalaḫ and Sunaššura of Kizzuwatna, AlT 3 287
32 Detail from AlT 3, seal impression 288
33 Kinet Höyük. Period 15 and 14 Building in the West Slope (LBA I–II) 302
34 Sirkeli Höyük. Topographic map with excavated areas 304
35 Sirkeli Höyük. Building E1 304
36 AlT 14. Verdict of Sauštatar of Mittani for Niqmepa and Sunaššura, from Alalaḫ 314
37 Alternative reconstructions of the Early New Kingdom dynastic sequence and potential attribution of some relevant documents 318
38 KBo 1.5 (obverse). Treaty between Tudḫaliya I and Sunaššura of Kizzuwatna, late 15th c. 328
39 Genealogy of the Early New Kingdom dynasty (adapted from de Martino 2011, 11 and Cammarosano 2017) 357
40 Colophon of ritual or festival text, KUB 17.22 380
41 Historical fragment KUB 14.23, detail 385
42 Syrian campaigns of Suppiluliuma I 394
43 Genealogy of Suppiluliuma I 414
44 “Marriage stele” of Ramses II at the temple of Abu Simbel, upper scene 424
45 Kinet Höyük. LBA II (final) and LBA III levels in the West Slope (Periods 13.1 and 13.2) 458
46 Rock sanctuary of Yazılıkaya (Ḫattuša). Central panel of the reliefs of Chamber A 478
47 Resolutions for the cult of Šavoška of Samuḫa, KUB 32.130 (reverse) 489
48 Historical(?) fragment, KBo 20.90 492
1 Principal Bronze Age sites excavated in Cilicia and Elbistan 6
2 Chronologies of the Ancient Near East 14
3 Estimated dates of the fall of Babylon according to different generation counts 17
4 Regional toponyms of Cilicia/Kizzuwatna in the second millennium BC 46
5 Variants of the toponyms La/uḫuzatiya and Lawazantiya and their geographical scope (north: central Anatolian plateau; south: Cilicia) 60
6 Stratigraphy at Tarsus (Gözlü Kule) 95
7 Stratigraphy at Mersin (Yumuktepe) 96
8 Stratigraphy at Kinet Höyük 96
9 Structure of the Annals of Ḫattusili I (CTH 4) 151
10 Distribution of different anonymous ‘Tabarna’ seals nr. 2, 3, 4 in Hittite land grants, and correlation with location of issue and tablet scribes 185
11 Stratigraphy and chronology at Tarsus 192
12 Radiocarbon dates from Sirkeli Höyük with historical periodization according to the new Cilician comparative stratigraphy 198
13 Treaties with Kizzuwatna: kings of Ḫattuša and Kizzuwatna and additional textual evidence on individual kings of Kizzuwatna 253
14 Structure of KBo 1.5 (Treaty between Tudḫaliya I and Sunaššura of Kizzuwatna; version I.2.A) 339
15 Documentary timeline of the incorporation of Kizzuwatna in the Hittite kingdom 376
16 Principal synchronisms for Kizzuwatna 393
17 Epistulary between Pudo-Ḫeba and Ramses II 423
18 Approximate structure of the (ḫ)išuwa-festival 437
19 Multilingualism in Kizzuwatna and Hatti according to Yakubovich 2010a (285, tab. 30) 462
20 kaluti-lists for Teššob and Ḫebat of Kizzuwatna 476
21 “Kizzuwatna rituals” with at least one Early New Kingdom copy 500
22 Ritual experts from Kizzuwatna according to the Hittite sources 509
Image Credits
1 Cartography: Andrea Trameri. DEM Data: European Union, contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2024, processed with Sentinel HUB/EO Browser
6 Cartography: courtesy Susanne Rutishauser (cf. previously Rutishauser 2020, 110 Abb. 4-55)
7–8 Image Courtesy Kinet Project Archives, with minor adaptations for publication
11 Cartography: Andrea Trameri. Hillshade DEM: European Commission – DG ENTR, 2012, EU-DEM Version 1, available from and
15–20 Image courtesy Bryn Mawr College Libraries, Special Collections, Tarsus Collection
21 Inset plan (left) courtesy of the Tarsus Collection, Bryn Mawr College Libraries, Special Collections (cf. Goldman 1956 [2], plan. n. 21); adapted for publication. LBA IIa Temple plan (right) retraced on original plan in Goldman 1956[2], plan. n. 24
22 Image from Goldman 1935, 536, fig. 18. Courtesy Archaeological Institute of America and the American Journal of Archaeology. Resized and adapted for publication. Tracing (right): Andrea Trameri
23 Author: Andrea Trameri, tracing from original photographs and hand copies. Image sources: Goetze 1936, 211; Goldman 1956 [2], Plate 401, n. 1; Collon 1975, 6 n. 3; Otten 2000, 375, Abb. 23; Rüster-Wilhelm 2012, Tafel XI; Archi 2015a, Tab. I, Fig. 1
25 Illustrations from: SBo II, 72 n. 116–117, 119, 121; 77 n. 210 (=Güterbock 1942). Illustrations reproduced with permission by the Boğazköy expedition of the DAI
26 Illustration Bo 70/6: from Boehmer-Güterbock 1987, Tafel XI, n. 111, with permission by the Boğazköy expedition of the DAI. Illustration Bo 84/429: tracing by Andrea Trameri from photograph published in Dinçol-Dinçol 2008, Tafel 1, n. 9a
27 Illustration 1004/f I: from SBo II, 72 n. 118 (=Güterbock 1942), with permission by the Boğazköy expedition of the DAI. Illustration Bo 84/497: tracing by Andrea Trameri from photograph published in Dinçol-Dinçol 2008, Tafel 7, n. 71a
28 Illustration 28.1 (Bo 99/69): tracing by Andrea Trameri on photograph published in Otten 2000, 375, Abb. 23. Illustration 28.2 (424/f): from SBo I, 67 n. 58 (=Güterbock 1940). Illustration 28.3 (317/h): from SBo I, 69 n. 76 (=Güterbock 1940) with partial digital restoration based on the handcopy of a parallel seal Bo 83/650, published in Otten 1993b, 19, Fig. 14. Illustration 28.4 (410/e): from SBo I, 69 n. 77A (=Güterbock 1940). Imagery permission (2-4) by the Boğazköy expedition of the DAI
32 Image 1: British Museum, ©The Trustees of the British Museum; Image 2: from preparatory publication materials, courtesy Tarsus Collection, Bryn Mawr College Libraries, Special Collections (cf. Goldman 1956 [2], Plate 401, n. 1)
44 Digitally vectorized image from illustration: R. Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, 1897, Abt III, Band 7, Bl. 196