Index of Ancient and Medieval Writings

In: Second Enoch: A Samaritan Apocalypse
Daniel C. Olson
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Index of Ancient and Medieval Writings

1. Jewish and Christian

Old Testament and Deuterocanonical
1:1 88n30, n33
1:1–2:3 11, 16, 17
1:2 45n2
1:3 59
1:9 6
1:14 80
1:28 11
2:2 84
2:7 90
2:10–14 105
2:11 105
2:12 121n13, 127
2:19–20 11
5:1 55n19
6:1–4 58, 145n6
6:4 58n29
6:9 111n52
7:11, 24; 8:3–4 106
9:5 11–14, 17, 107
12:6 39n8, 41, 114
12:6–8 39
12:8 39
13:3 39
13:18 39
14:13 39
14:17 39
14:17–24 120
14:18 39n9, 121, 135
14:19–20 120–122
15:1 120n11
18:1 39
22:2 36, 40, 41n13
22:9 32, 34, 114
22:10 32, 35
28:10–20; 35:6 38
28:11 39n7
28:20 23n29
33:18 38, 39, 40
33:19 40
33:4 125n26
35:7 114
3:6 75
12:9 77
12:11 77
12:17 77
12:18 77
25:7 121n13
25:31–40 112
27:2–21 112
27:16 25n41
28:9 121n13
28:15–30 122
28:21 123
31:18 73
32:26 58
33:11 71–72
33:18–23 72n43
33:21 67
35:9, 22 121n13
23:14 104
3:32 54
6:24–26 17
11:16–30 54
12:7 59, 72, 122n15
12:8 72–73
14:20 66
18:17 104
18:20 37
19:14–16 101
25:11 54
27:18 57
5:28 [SP 31] 67
11:30 39
18:15, 18 xii, 56
27:2 128
27:4 128, 128n35
27:4–5 115n63
27:11–28:26 91
31:9 92
31:18 110n49
31:30 54–55
32:4 57
32:35 15–16, 17, 95n58
32:39 103
33:1 65
33:1–2 146
34:10 58, 72
7 125
8:30–35 114n62
8:33 125n25
9:34–37 42n17
1 Samuel
2:9 62n41
2:35 21, 116n67
2 Samuel
20:19 62n41
23:21 45n2
1 Kings
2:27 131
3:13 116n67
8:22, 54, 66 21, 116n67
8:66 116n67
2 Kings
17:8 28n9
1 Chronicles
11:23 45n2
24:3, 6 131
29:2 121n13
30:1–26 131
13:28–30 145n7
34:26 45n2
37:21 45n2
10:3 22n27
12:1; 31:23; 50:5; 101:6; 149:1, 5, 9 62n41
110 121n14
110:4 138n20
6:34 15n15
5:8–22 91n48
6:2, 3 21
14:14 21
26:8 22n27
34:8 15n15
40:13 89
45:3 45n2
61:2 15n15
1:1 24
10:11 21, 24
41:5 38
18:7 21, 23
38:12 41
44:28–48:22 37
48:20–21 38n5
10:6 21–23
3:3–5 70
4:4–5 38
Wisdom of Solomon
6:7 90n45
1:2; 7:32; 42:21 21n22
2:12–14 91n48
42:21 89
50:5–11 116
New Testament
19:28 127n31
23:13–32 91n48
6:24–27 91n48
4 16
1:8 16
5:15 101n14
7 148n17
7:32 76
8:1–25 16
8:9–24 47
12:19 16
1 Corinthians
2:8 26n43
3:7, 9 62n41
7:1–3 142
10:30 16
2:1 26n43
3:9 91
1:14 21
21:14 127n31
Jewish and Christian Pseudepigrapha
Apocalypse of Elijah (C)
1:3 26n43
Apostolic Constitutions
8:3 133n1
2 Baruch
6:7 126n28
Cave of Treasures
7–10 133n1
12:13 58n30
1 Enoch
1:1, 4 146
6–19 147
12–36 17
13:3–4 65
14:8–25 25n35
14:22 89
15:2 65
17–32 20
22:14 26n43
25:3 26n43
26 146
26:1 41
27:3 26n43
27:5 26n43
36:4 26n43
40:3 26n43
63:2 26n43
72–82 106n35, 147
75:1 106
75:3 26n43
76:14 106n35
81, 91–105 17
81:5 106n35
82:1 106n35
83:8 26n43
94:6–10 91n48
95:4–7 91n48
96:4–8 91n48
97:7–10 91n48
98:9–99:2 91n48
99:11–16 91n48
99:14 101n11
100:7–9 91n48
103:5–8 91n48
106–107 17, 136
106:2 123n19
Epistle of Barnabas
21:9 26n43
4 Ezra
7:65–72 13n4
Joseph and Aseneth
14:9 21
8:12 41
30:1 38
Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum (Ps.-Philo)
21:7 125n25, 128n33
25–26 120–127
Life of Adam and Eve
21:3 123n19
Testament of Isaac
6:34 90n45
Testament of Levi
14:5 6
Vision of Ezra
62–63 13n4
Dead Sea Scrolls
CD 11:5–6 107
1QapGen 3–6 136
1QapGen 5:12–13 123n19
1QS 9:23 15n15
1Q19 3 123n19
4QJosha 114n62, 128n33
4Q318 5
Targums and Rabbinics
Sam. Tg. Gen 22:2 36
Sam. Tg. Gen 22:9 34
Tg. Neof. Gen 22:10 32
Tg. Ps.-J. Gen 12:6 39n8
Tg. Ps.-J. Gen 22:9 129n37
Tg. Ps.-J. Gen 22:14 33
Tg. Ps.-J. Gen 28:11 39n7
Tg. Ps.-J. Jer 40:1, 4 34
m. ʾAbot 1:1 53
m. Ḥul. 2:6 35
m. Menaḥ 10:2 105
m. ʾOhol. 1:6 35
m. S̆abb. 5:3 27
m. S̆abb. 24:2 107
m. Soṭah 7:5 128n33
m. Tamid 4:1 27–32
y. Sanh. 10:5 29
b. Ḥul. 13b 28
b. Kutim 62a 30n15
b. Ned. 32b 137
b. Soṭah 12a 123n19
b. Tamid 31b 27–32
t. Soṭah 8:7–8 128–29
Midrash Rabbah
Gen. Rab. 26:3 138n20
Gen. Rab. 30:9 111n52
Gen. Rab. 30:10 125n26
Gen. Rab. 32:10 92
Gen. Rab. 44:7; 56:9 137
Gen. Rab. 56:8 33–34
Gen. Rab. 71:4 125n26
Lev. Rab. 2:5 125n26, 137
Lev. Rab. 25 137
Deut. Rab. 3:6 125n26
ʾAbot. de R. Nathan (A) 137
Maʾaseh Abraham 123n19
Midr. S̆ir ha-S̆irim 4:4–5 125n26
Midr. S̆ir ha-S̆irim 5:14 124n20
Midr. Tanh. Vayera 23 33–34
Pesiq. Rab. 40 33–34
Pirqe R. El. 8, 27 137
Pirqe R. El. 31 33–34, 36n33
Pirqe R. El. 48 123n19
Seder Eliyahu Rab. 32
Seder Olam 21 137
Sefer ha-Razim I, II 86n16, 124n20
Tanh. B. Vayera 46 33–34
Tanh. Eli. Rab. 27 33–34
Tanh. Eli. Zut. 2 33–34
Zohar II.iib 123n19
Jewish War
1:152 45
3:100 45
3:214–18 125n23
5:16–20 115n62
5:16–20, 34, 68–70 128n33
5:68–70 114n62
5:361 131
11:303–312 131, 145n7
12:9–10, 13, 74–79 4n14
12:257–64 7n31
13:254–56 103n21
14:100 104
18:85–89 112
Philo of Alexandria
Creation 23 90n42
Leg. 3:79–82 53n20
Anastasius Sinaiticus
Quest. 45 54
Clement of Alexandria
Strom. 1:19 91n45
Ephraim Syrus
Comm. Gen. 11:9 137
De Gemmis (ed. Blake/ de Vis) pp. 100, 116 125n24
De Gemmis pp. 186–87, 189 52
De Gemmis p. 192 30n14
Pan. 9.1.1–4 52
Pan. 9.4.1 101n13
Pan. 55.6 137–38
Pan. 80.1.5–6 105n30
Wts. and Measures 55c 36n34
Haer. 5:8.12 127n31
Haer. 6:4, 6, 7 47n13, n16
Haer. 7:24 42n20
Qu. hebr. Gen. 14:18 137
Epistles 73:5 137–38
Justin Martyr
1 Apol. 26 47
Dial. 40:3; 14:3 77n14
Comm. Jo. 13.27 104n26
Comm. Jo. 20.35.321 51–52
Princ. 4:18 107n41
Chron. 96 149n19

2. Samaritan Literature

The Asatir
General 119
1–10 119, 123
1:7 40
1:7, 9 119
1:7; 4:11; 4:34, 36; 6:8 129
1:19–23 119
1:27 123n19
2:6 40, 120–121
2:7 120–121, 125n25, 127
2:7, 25 55n19
2:12, 25, 36, 44 119
2:14 40, 120
2:16–17 119
2:19 136
2:33–38 120
2:40 120
3:1–7 42
3:4 119
3:9 119
3:25 119
4:2, 15 119
4:15 55n19
4:34, 36 138
4:36 115n66
5:16 119
6:8 40n10
6:8–9 40
6:18 119
7:4 119
7:17–19 38
7:17–21 120
7:19 121n12
8:16 119
9 76
9:7 119
9:22 119
10:5 119
11–12 119n7
12:6 46n9
12:24 113n57
The Death of Moses
(ed. Gaster)
p. 303 54n15
The Defter (ed. Brown)
pp. 61–294 46n7
p. 73 88
p. 87 86
pp. 88, 202 87n25
p. 213 46n7
p. 217 48
pp. 254–55 86
p. 277, 279 73
pp. 282–83 73
p. 292 73
The Durran
(ed. Kippenberg)
#9 133
#19 79–81
#21 80
2 Enoch
1:5 21
2:1 67
2:2 6, 21, 24, 27, 112
3–37 17
5:2 61
6:1 61
7:1–2 83n5
7:2 61
7:4 5, 64
9:1 21, 23, 81
10:4 5
13:2 5
14:2 5
17:1 5
18:7 83n5
21:1 21
21:3 66
21:4 2n7
21:5 5
22:1–2 70–71
22:2 5, 73
22:2–11 67–68
22:5–6 66
22:6–7 70
23:4 68
23:6 56n20
24:2 5, 47
24:2–33:4 84–90
24:4 5, 6
24:5 5
25:1 5
25:1–2 47
25:1–4 85–87
26:1 47
26:2 86
27:1–3 7
27:2 49
27:3 49
28:2 5, 6
29:1–3 49
29:3 49
29:4 21
30:1 5, 6
30:8 87
30:10 47
33:3–4 88–89
33:4 5, 17, 21n22
33:9 93–94
33:10 55n19, 87n26
33:11–12 61
34:1–2 109
35:1–2 50–51, 55, 60–61
35:2–3 141
36:1 61, 93–94
36:3 66
38–66 17
39:3–6 70–74
39:5–40:5 80–81
39:8 67
40:9 5
40:9–11 61
42:1 61
42:11 5
42:14 94
44:1–2 91
45:1–2 67
45:1–3 112–113
47:3 93–94
47:4 47
47:5 21n22
48:4 47
48:5 47
50:4 14–16
50:6 21n22
51:1 21n22
51:4 26
51:5 47
52:4 67
52:10 101
52:15 5, 6
53:1–3 65–67
56:1 26
56:2 69
57:1–2 91
57:2 67
58:1–3 87n26
58:2 67
58:2–6 11–14
58:3–6 108
58:6 5, 6
59:1–4 31, 112
59:2 5
59:3 5, 6
59:3–4 27–28
61:4 67
61:5 5
62:1–2 67
64:1–4 65
64:2 67n20
64:2–3 26, 37
64:3 91, 92n49
64:5 47
65:1 47, 65
65:6 47
65:6–10 113–114
65:10 26
66:2 67
66:5 5
67:2 66
67:3 26
68:5 37
69–72 17
69:1–11 91
69:3 37
69:4 21
69:4–19 116n67
69:8 5
69:10 116
69:12–13 27–28, 31–32
69:12–16 35
69:14–19 21
69:18 2n7
70:1–3 112
70:4 138
70:6 5, 7, 83–84
70:8 5
70:11 91
70:13 67, 136
70:16 21, 116n67
70:16–21 102
70:17 26, 37, 44
70:20 27n2
70:21 35n31
71:2 5
71:18 136n13
71:19 5, 123
71:21 102, 136n13, 138
71:29–33 122
71:31–32 139–140
71:32 134–36, 139
71:33 139
71:34–36 41–42, 142
71:35 37
71:37 136
72:1–9 92
72:2 134
72:6 140, 149–50
72:6–7 140, 149
72:7 47
The Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian ll. 68–82 75–81, 151
The Hilluk chap. 10 13–14, 113n55
The Kitāb al-Tārīkh of Abu ʾl-Fatḥ
(ed. Vilmar/ Stenhouse)
General 99–100
12:12–16 (Sten 14) 124
13:18–14:2 (Sten 16) 115n63
13:18–14:4 (Sten 16) 128n33
14:1 (Sten 16) 128
27:2–4 (Sten 33) 110
39:16–40:4 (Sten 49–50) 127n29
44:13 (Sten 56) 141
72:7–16 (Sten 94–95) 110
72:15–16 (Sten 96) 111
72:16 (Sten 226) 111n51
81:3–19 (Sten 108–109) 100
81:10 (Sten 108) 100n9
81:10–15 (Sten 108) 130
81:16–19 (Sten 108–109) 130
82:1–2 (Sten 109) 131
82:2–3 (Sten 109) 100, 131
82:3–83:15 (Sten 109–111) 100n3
82:11–15 (Sten 111) 109
82:13 (Sten 110) 127
84:4–85:5 (Sten 112) 100
84:11–85:4 (Sten 112–13) 100
151:11–157:9 (Sten 211–19) 100n3
153:15–154:2 (Sten 214–17) 104n26
157:2–3 (Sten 219) 107n40
159:12–164:11 (Sten 223–30) 100n3
161:7–8 (Sten 225) 112
162:3–5 (Sten 226) 101–102n15
162:5 (Sten 226) 111n51
163:8 (Sten 228) 101–102n15
164:11 (Sten 230) 104n26
The Malef Q. 187 114
Memar Marqah
General 22n26
1:9 77, 141
1:10 128
2:10 36, 40n10, 42, 118n4, 129n36
2:12 105n28
3:9 66n18
4:1 54n16
4:3 57–58
4:3–4 65n12
4:6 69n27, 76, 78, 135
4:9 145n6
4:12 23
5:2–3 65n12
5:3 68n25
5:4 118n4
6:4 59n32
6:5 137n18
6:6 65n12
Molad Mosheh
General 6n28
4:23–25 6
5:14 46n10
6:30–37 118n5
15:1–7 123n19
34:31–32 25n41
35:33–34 59
56:7–8 25n40
61:78 68
63:14 46n10
The Pitron (ed. Gaster)
pp. 191, 193 60n36, 123n19, 134n7
pp. 193, 195, 198 122n17
Ps.-Eupolemus 106n35, 115n66, 121n12
Samaritan Joshua
General 22n25
14 127, 128n33
16, 24 128n33
18 124
21 105n27
21–22 114
21–23 128
23 83n4, 115
24 26n46, 127n31
38 124
40–44 111n50
41 112n53
42 112, 127n29
43 131
Tibåt Mårqe
General 22n26
1:3 47
1:13 34
1:15a 47
1:22, 27, 42, 51 136n12
1:66 77
1:72 40n11, 115, 128
1:74 68n25
2:1b 46
2:40 47
2:47 40n10
3:9 34n30
3:14 55
3:42 22n27
3:59 46
4:4–6 54n16
4:7 46
4:9 72
4:10 48
4:23 25n40
4:27 118n4
4:43–44 69
4:48 25n40, 46
4:70a 46
4:102 25n40
5:1 46
5:20 68n25
5:30b 46, 69
5:37 46, 72
6:1 89
6:21 72
6:23 46
6:24 47
6:26 59n32
6:69 46
The Tolidah (ed. Bowman)
pp. 39–40 106n36
pp. 46–49 140

3. Miscellaneous (Nag Hammadi, Manichean, Cuneiform)

Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (NHC IV,6,61) 124n20
Tripartite Tractate
(NHC I.20.26) 26n43
Mani Codex 45:16–62:8 55n19
Gilgamesh 1:24–28 124n20
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