This book would not have been possible without the contributors and external reviewers. The contributors waited patiently for the external reports and diligently carried out the suggestions made. At the same time, the contributors also formed the “internal review board”, where, in lieu of a workshop, each contributor was assigned to a colleague’s paper to read, comment and make further suggestions to improve the final version. While it was impossible to please all the reviewers, external and internal, or that some chapters touched upon delicate matters, the process itself was fair and gave everyone a voice. In addition, contributors from all regions of the world engages with some of the developments on intellectual property during period. Not all issues could be covered, but we managed to get something that is noteworthy for the intellectual property curious minds or perhaps those interested in aspects of international IP legal relations which are often not the subject matter of most books. The editor is truly grateful to the contributors, the external and internal reviewers, and the team at Brill for their work on this volume.
The contributors would like to thank their colleagues, friends and families for various support and especially colleagues who read or shared their thoughts on different versions of their chapters.
The editor would like to acknowledge sponsorship from the Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki for language revision carried out on chapters six, seven and eleven. In this regard, the services of the University’s Language Revision Centre are acknowledged.
The chapter by Veronique Pouillard received funding from the research project erc CoG Creative ipr, The History of Intellectual Property in the Creative Industries (2018–2025). Thus, the chapter “Intellectual Property Rights in Belgium and in the Congo: Between Internationalism and Colonialism” is provided in open access.