Modern Authors’ Index

In: Buying and Selling
Shanti Graheli
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Modern Authors’ Index

Allen, Robert 78
Armstrong, Elizabeth 212–213
Aubert, Vilhelm 157n6
Barwick, George Frederick 277, 280
Baudrier, Henri Louis 197
Beavan, Iain 261
Bland, Mark 128
Blome, Astrid 169n40
Blühm, Elger 399, 401, 410
Bogel, Else 399, 410
Brayman Hackel, Heidi 128
Bühler, Curt 297
Buning, Marius 15
Ciccarello, Domenico 17
Darnton, Robert 123
De Ricci, Seymour 495
Dondi, Cristina 73n4, 75, 82–83
Eeghen, Isabella Henrietta van 160n13, 162–163n22
Eisenstein, Elizabeth 2, 6, 10
Febvre, Lucien 85
Fisher, Alexander 371
Fontaine, Laurence 45
Frymire, John 223, 228
Gascon, Richard 195n55
Genette, Gérard 226
Gering, Traugott 25n4
Gerits, Anton 537
Giddens, Eugene 111–112
Giesecke, Michael 36n18
Gilmont, Jean-François 85–86
Göhler, Albert 362
Goinga, Hannie van 163n22–23
Goldfinch, John 539
Gómez Álvarez, Cristina 451
Gültlingen, Sybille von 182
Harris, Michael 154n1
Harris, Neil 73n4, 82–83
Hellinga, Lotte 10–11
Hillgärtner, Jan 2
Hoftijzer, Paul 89–90
Ingram, Elizabeth Morley 125
Jackson, William A. 495, 519
Johns, Adrian 6
Kruseman, Arie Cornelis 89–90
Künast, Hans-Jörg 277
Lowry, Martin 181n3
Luard, Henry 519n131
Luborsky, Ruth Samson 125
Maclean, Ian 11, 86n27, 354
Mandelbrote, Giles 112–114
Martin, Henri-Jean 85
Muldrew, Craig 45
Munby, Alan Noel Latimer 496, 498n50
Neddermeyer, Ute 82–83
Nuovo, Angela 56, 73, 327
Orenstein, Nadine 90
Pettas, William 194n52
Piccard, Gerhard 37n23, 39n29
Rabaiotti, Renato 494n21
Raven, James 10
Raymond, Joad 471
Reed, Susan 501n64
Rhodes, Dennis 247–248, 252
Robijntje Miedema, Nine 144–145
Rose, Stephen 376
Rosenblum, Joseph 537
Rueda, Pedro 450–451
Schaal, Richard 355–356
Schlumbohm, Jürgen 45
Scholderer, Victor 25n6
Schorbach, Karl 532, 534
Sherman, William H. 123
Simpson, Julianne 518n126
Slights, William E. 126
Sombart, Werner 36n17
Stehlin, Karl 43n39
Steinbrink, Matthias 43n37, 45
Stone, Peter 157
Sutherland, James 479
Taylor, Archer 508
Taylor, Gary 113–114
Tordi, Domenico 330
Verde, Armando F. 56
Voullième, Ernst 524–525
Wagner, Klaus 75, 451–452
Weiss, Adrian 111–112, 119
Werl, P. Vinzent 534
Wilding, Nick 539n53
Wilke, Jürgen 399
Zamprogna, Roberto 254

Subject Index

Academies 325–326, 328, 381, 386–387, 392
Advertising and advertisements 129–133, 164–165, 174, 272–274, 420–447, 467–486
cost of 473
of books 429–447, 475–477
of lotteries 154n1, 158n10, 164–176
Antiquarian book trade and booksellers 489–539
prices 505, 531
Auctions 162, 166, 489, 501, 503, 507–512, 517–518
Authors and authorship 224–225, 370, 374–375, 431
Dibdin, Thomas 494–500
Erasmus 296, 299, 318–319, 321
Jesuit authors 452
Luther, Martin 225, 228–229, 276–300
Wujek, Jakub 224, 228–229, 232–236
Banks and bankers 49, 57, 206, 358
Bestsellers 312, 372–373
Bibliomania 489–521
Book fairs 17, 35
Frankfurt 17, 46, 247–248, 250, 361–366, 373, 411
Leipzig 374, 510n97
London 510n97
Lyon 8, 193–194
Medina del Campo 194
Recanati 327
Bookselling and book trade, early modern 17, 303–321, 516
agents 57–60, 254–255
bankruptcy 273
booksellers, early modern 82, 255–256, 262–267, 261–275, 378, 380–394, 437, 439–440, 442–447
chapmen 264–267, 423
cross-confessional 223–245, 298
general dealers 264–267
high-end items 227
international trade 15–16, 58, 66, 292–294, 296, 313, 339–352, 372, 389–393
market saturation 373
networks 357
prices 72–87, 233n22, 272, 275, 453
retail 56
saleability 353–354, 375, 377
sale accounts 255–259
sale conditions 354
sale outlets 57, 61–62, 275
second-hand 176–177, 317, 383
trans-Atlantic 448–466
Bookshops 60–62, 112–115, 119, 122–123, 261, 267–275, 308, 310–313, 359
iconographic representations 113–115, 119
inventories 304, 330
non-book items on sale 270
organisation 381–383
stock 17, 111–112, 114, 119, 272, 309–321, 331, 354, 364, 372, 375–376, 379, 382–392
Branding 11, 19, 289–290, 299
Buying (also see collectors and collecting; readers and reading)
abroad 77
antiquarian market 493
browsing 111–135
buying habits, early modern 56, 75–77, 80–82, 448–466
buying habits, modern 522–525
customer-base 51, 56
customers 111–113, 119, 123, 256, 270, 320, 327, 385, 387, 392–393, 432–433, 434, 448–466
auction catalogues, modern 492n12, 501, 503
book fair catalogues, early modern 361–362, 364–366, 372, 375
stock catalogues, early modern 11–12, 121, 353–379
compilation of 367, 369
Censorship 217, 241, 243
expurgation 450–451, 456, 458, 461, 464–465
prohibited books 304–306, 318–320
Index of Antwerp 305
Index of the University of Louvain 305
Roman Index 305
Tridentine Index 305–306
Collectors and collecting 11–12, 73, 75–77, 81–82, 85, 211–212, 449–450, 461, 463–464, 489–521, 522–539
Debt and credit 44–51, 57, 63–65, 189, 193–194, 270, 327, 366, 387, 389–390, 393
Distribution 10, 26, 241n37, 247, 296, 315–316, 359, 372–373, 399, 410, 415, 420–423, 433–436, 440
shipments 317, 410, 454–456, 462, 466
Genres and typologies of texts
bibles 13, 20, 30, 75, 210
books of hours 13
broadsheets 31
calendars and almanacs 418
canon and civil law 15, 31, 184–188, 253, 332, 383–384
catechisms 20
cheap print 31, 38n27, 265, 273
classics 334
dictionaries 208–222
literature and poetry 332
liturgy 30–31, 49, 52
mathematics 334
medicine 332, 384–385
music 13, 14, 335, 353–379
newspapers 2–3, 13, 397–447, 467–486
occasional publications 137–141, 408–409, 413, 416, 426
Reformation Flugschriften 2–3
religious guidebooks 136–153
sermons 223–245, 278, 280, 388
theology 30
Guild systems
Basel 35–36, 43
Dutch Republic 91–92, 161, 175
Florence 56
London, Stationers’ Company 15
Humanist publishing programmes 18, 181, 208–222
Illustrations and illustrated books 13, 93–95, 125, 367–368, 434
engravings 90, 93–94
woodcuts 227–230, 233–235, 474
Incunabula 23–71, 522–539
Libraries, early modern 12, 372, 386, 450, 461, 464, 523
Loss and survival 295, 362–363, 401, 406–407, 409, 421, 427, 429, 523–524, 529–537
Lotteries 154–177
as sale strategies 3, 157, 176–177, 353
locations (international) 154, 156, 159
locations (Amsterdam) 163, 168–171, 175–176
organisation 164–165, 171, 174–175
organisers (Amsterdam) 166–172
regulations (Amsterdam) 170
Materiality of production
colophon 297
layout 235–239, 278–289
print runs 9, 38n27, 80, 183, 196, 240–241, 426
title-pages 239, 277–292, 297
types 228–229, 277
Merchant companies
Florence 61
News and newspaper publishing 397–447, 467–486
failure 409, 422
growth of the industry 399, 401–402, 405, 415, 418–419
places of correspondence 410
success 403–406, 413–414
Paper 185, 196, 432, 503
influence on book prices 257, 295
large-paper copies 492n12, 497, 500, 503, 520
mills 26, 196, 357–358
purchase of 44, 46
quality or type of 9, 376
paper trade 26–27, 157, 160, 165–166, 271
Patronage 242, 358, 402
Payments (also see Buying; Debt and credit; Sale strategies) 8, 17, 44, 47, 49, 58, 61, 65–66, 193–194, 257, 387, 389, 393, 420, 424, 442, 451
Postal networks 357, 403, 413–414
Printing and printing industry
colour 5
failure and bankruptcy 2, 4, 23–54, 409, 422
family enterprises 16, 246–260
financial capital 42, 44
for educational purposes 25, 209, 219, 371, 392
for the locality 10, 18, 42
in the fifteenth century 3, 23–54, 358
investments and assets 191, 195, 198–207
involvement in other trades 17, 188–190, 196–197, 203–207
itinerant 7, 23, 36, 62
jobbing printers 41–42
organisation of the industry 35–36, 85–86, 88–92, 161
output patterns 1, 6, 23–54, 182–186, 224, 229, 262, 400, 411–412
printing materials 51, 85, 195–196, 330
Reformation 2–3, 18–20, 276–300
shift from manuscript 4, 9, 25, 55–57, 72–73
spread of 3
success 10, 18–20, 403–406, 413–414
technology 4
types 52–54, 196, 228–229, 376
typesetters 59
Printing societies and companies
Basel 37, 40–41
Lyon 15, 182, 184–188, 190–194, 196–199, 202–207
Paris 15
Venice 58, 60–61, 67–71, 247–248, 250, 252
Privileges and licenses to print 14–15
Brussels 309
Dutch Republic 88–108
application of 94
as sale strategies 99–101, 103, 106
conditions 96
issued by 94–99
request of 92–96
revocation of 98–99
validity of 102–103
France 15
Germany 295, 297–299, 397–398, 406
Italy, Venice 15, 252
Readers and reading (also see Buying) 10, 122–123
editing and correcting 214–221
readership 228, 233, 239, 241–243, 275, 320, 332, 335, 364, 385, 392, 428, 430, 432–434, 448–466, 474
reading practices 147–149, 273, 324
Sale and commercial strategies 4, 161
advertisements as marketing strategies 111–135, 429–432
barter 17, 41, 161, 246–260, 355, 389–391
catalogues and booklists 121, 366–367
circulating libraries 271
counterfeiting 181–182, 276–300
customisation 5, 9
copies on large paper 492n12, 497, 500, 503, 520
copies on vellum 5, 503, 505–506, 509, 518n127, 520, 524–525, 536n45
gift-copies 9
imitations 143–146, 181, 208–209, 221, 229, 410
mail orders 272–273, 392
re-issues 239, 241, 366n51, 417
sale catalogues 366–367
serialisation 11
specialisation 13, 359, 411, 415–417
Slow-sellers 176–177, 241, 353, 378, 386
Sources and methodologies for the history of the book
account books 45, 82
advertisements 272–274, 421, 475–477
annotated copies 147–149, 212–222, 235, 464–465
bibliographic structure 119–132, 226–228
bookshop inventories 63, 304
censorship records 303–321
criminal records 46–50, 249, 252, 274, 327
historic wages 46, 77–80, 84
letters and correspondences, early modern 227–228n12, 231n21, 247–248, 250–251, 389, 392
letters and correspondences, modern 526–534
lists of books purchased 451–466
memoirs 306
modern sale and antiquarian catalogues 528
output analysis 23–54, 182–186, 262, 411–412
paratext 111–135, 214, 241–243, 329
printing and bookselling contracts 190–193, 237, 330, 355n8
privileges 88–108
probate inventories 187–207, 269–270, 330, 371, 377, 380–394
rental records 62, 188, 191, 198–199, 201
sale accounts 255–259
sheet count 39–40, 83–84, 185, 429
stratification of copies 410–411, 423
tax records 39, 198
text-encoding 115
trade directories 262–263, 265, 267, 269, 273
advertisements of 432
in bookshops 313, 315–316, 328, 334
in the marketplace 9, 88, 92–93, 101, 103, 103n58, 145–146n19, 223, 225–226, 229, 236, 497
of news 426–427
sales of 501
locations 16, 60
overstocked 1, 159–162, 176–177, 241, 260, 386
shared 184, 193, 195, 206
stock 7, 100, 331–333, 340–352, 353, 369

Alphabetical Index

Aberdeen 158, 261n3
Accademia Veneziana 9
Accursius 31
Agli, Tommaso di Iacopo degli 63
Albert VII, Archduke of Austria 95
Albertus Magnus 315
Aldine editions 11–12, 524
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili 534, 539n53
Alfaro, Martín de 458
Aliprandi, Laurent 194
Alkmaar 424, 439–440
almojarifazgo (customs duty) 454
Alsop, Bernard 474
Alsop, Elizabeth 473
Amadori, Marco 328
Amadori, Pellegrino 329
Amerbach, Johann 7, 27, 35, 53–54, 532
Americas 448–466
Amman, Jost 233–235
Ammerbach, Elias Nicolaus 376–377
Amsterdam 92, 96, 100, 102, 156, 158–177, 420–424, 426–427, 429, 431, 433–434, 436–439, 441–442, 536
Courante Extra-ordinaire 426–427
Courante uyt Italien 420–422, 425–426, 431, 434, 440–441
lottery locations 163, 168–171, 175–176
Nouvelles de divers Quartiers 426–427
Ordinarise Middelweeckse Courante 426–427
Tijdinghen uyt verscheyde Quartieren 420–422, 425–427, 431, 439–440
Amyraut, Moïse 388–389
Andrews, John 121
Andrew’s Resolution 121
Sovereign Salve 121
Angrisano, Gian Giacomo 256–259
Anna Jagiellon, Queen of Poland 242
Anne of Denmark, Queen consort of Scotland 247
Anselmo, Aurelio 249–250
Antoninus Florentinus 30
Antonio di Niccolò di Lorenzo 62–63
Antwerp 13, 16, 373, 413, 422n5
Nieuwe Tijdinghen 424
Apollonius, Levinus 315
Aretino, Pietro 250, 313
Ariosto, Ludovico 313
Orlando furioso 9, 13
Armaolea, Buenaventura de 466
Arnhem 101, 433, 435–437
Arnhemsche Courant 421
Arrigo di Gherardo 59–60, 62–63, 65–66
Articella 529–531
Askew, Anthony 489n2
Aubigné, Agrippa d’ 382
Augsburg 278, 284–289, 290, 292–294, 355–379, 413
Augustinians 449, 451, 462
Puebla de Los Angeles 451
Aulus Gellius 215
Aurelius Augustinus (St Augustine) 30, 32
Austraalse Compagnie 95
avería (levy) 454
Avicenna 384
Aylmer, John 127
Baart, Pieter Thomasz 440
Baart, Thomas Pieter 439
Baber, Henry Hervey 501
Bach, Johann Sebastian 374, 377
Badia Fiesolana 57–59, 62
Don Arcangelo da Vicenza 57
Don Gregorio di Matteo 57
Badius, Josse 181
Ballard, Robert 14
Baranger, Jean 380
Barbarigo, Pier Francesco 11
Barradas, Sebastião 252
Bartholomeus Brixiensis 31
Bartolo di Fruosino 58–59, 64
Bartolomeo di Andrea di Lapo da Prato 64
Barzizza, Gasparino 25, 27–29, 44, 52
Basel 6, 23–54, 247, 283–284, 299, 331, 359n22, 384, 532
Carthusian Library 28
Grosse Gesellschaft (trade consortium) 43n38
Kundschaften 50
Liber diversorum 50
Schillingsteuer (tax) 39
University 25
University Library 28
Urteilsbücher 47, 50
Verbotsbuch 50
Vergichtbücher 44, 48–51, 54
Baudartius, William 102–103, 106
Baudouin, François 320
Beatus Rhenanus 27
Beccadelli, Antonio 313
Bede, the Venerable 310
Belcari, Tommaso 65
Bella di Giovanni da Colonia 62
Benedetto di Giovanni 64
Benedictis, Nicholas de 298
Béraud, Symphorien 181n1
Berg, Adam 409
Berg, Anna 409
Berg, Heinrich I 409
Berg, Heinrich II 409–411
Berlaimont, Noël de 309, 313
Berlin 403, 522, 528–529, 531, 534
Einkommende Ordinar- und Postzeitungen 403, 414
Royal Library 522–523, 525
Staatsbibliothek 522–523, 531
Besançon, Didier 199
Białobrzeski, Marcin 228, 241–242
Bichi, Metello 252
Biel, Friedrich (variant names: Fadrique de Basilea, Federigo Aleman) 29–30, 44
Biese, Jacob van 435–436
Biffi, Gioseffo 372
Birghden, Johann von den 397–398, 403, 413–414
Birkowski, Fabian 237
Birr, Anton 213
Bischoff, Andreas 43, 47
Bischoff, Bernhard 529n27
Bischöffin, Barbara 47
Bleau, Joan 102
Blickling Hall, Norfolk 211–212
copy of Thesaurus Linguae Latinae 212–222
Bloom, Michael 299
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron 63, 497, 500n59, 518
Bodenschatz, Erhard 374
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus 31
Boillon, Martin 184
Bolard, Fleury 197–198, 203
Bologna 331
Bonifacius VIII, pope 31, 140
Bonomini, Giampiero of Cremona 57, 61
Borchers, Albrecht 172
Borchers, Johannes 172
Borders, Daniel 478
Bosse, Abraham, La Galerie du Palais 112
Bourne, Nicholas 425
Bozon, Pierre 196
Bracciolini, Poggio 319
Brandt, Marten Jansz 431–432, 438
Braubach, Peter 281–282
Brescia 297, 298n40
Bridges, John 127
Brink, Jan Gerritsz ten 171
Brisson, Barnabé 383
Britain (also see England and Scotland) 156, 489–521
Brobstlin, Ulrich 47
Broeck, Laurentius vander 308
Broersz, Joost 426–427, 432, 440
Brogiotti, Francesco 254
Brongers, Hendrik Jr. 166, 171
Brontë, Charlotte 500n56
Brown, John 264
Bruno, Giordano 247
Brussels 303–321
Council of Troubles 303–321
State Archives 306
Buchanan, George 209n5
Buiksloot 169, 171
Bulgarini, Bellisario 82–83, 85
Buonafé, Leonardo di Giovanni 63
Burgos 16, 28, 30
Busleyden, Guilielmus 307
Bussi, Giovanni Andrea 73
Butter, Nathaniel 425
Bytner, Jan 237
Caccini, Matteo di Biagio 64, 66
Cadiz 457–458
Caetani, Enrico 143
Calcutta 492
Calvisius, Sethus 374
Cambridge University Library 539
Campana, Francesco di Giovanni 64
Campano, Giovanni Antonio 328
Campos, Juan Francisco de 462
Campos, Pedro de 463
Canisius, Petrus 312
Canne, John 485
Cappel, Louis 387
Capponi, family of bankers 206
Cardon, Jacques 254
Carmelites 449, 453, 463, 466
Carocci, Vincenzo 328
Carolus, Johann 397, 402
Carrasco, Bartolomé de 456
Cartolari, Baldassarre 327
Casas, Bartolomé de las, The Spanish Colony 125–126
Casteleyn, Abraham 440
Castellion, Sébastien 319
Castelvetro, Giacomo 247
Castiglione, Baldassarre 313
Catholic Church 143
Cavellat, Pierre jr 254
Cavendish, Margaret, World’s Olio 133
Celle, Ministerialbibliothek 525
Cellier, Antoine 389–390
Cesarini, Giuliano 26
Cezary, Franciszek młodszy 152
Cezary, Franciszek 150–152
Chamier, Daniel 386
Chanlockfoot 265
Chaponay, Humbert de 205
Chaponay, Nicolas de 205
Charenton 388, 390
Charles I, King of England 468
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 281
Charles VIII, King of France 205
Charron, Pierre 382–383
Chauliac, Gui de 385
Chellini, Raffaele 62
Chemnitz, Martin 386
Chojnice (Konitz), Royal Lyceum 524
Chouet, Pierre 389
Chouet, Samuel 389
Christie’s (New York) 538n51
Christopher Columbus 73, 75–77
Churchyard, Thomas 131–132
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 28, 63
Ciepielik, Gabriel Eliasz 147
Cimino, Giambattista 256
Cione di Damiano di Matteo 59n18, 62
Ciotti, family of printers-publishers 246–260
Ciotti, Francesco 17, 246–250, 253–260
Ciotti, Francesco Maria (possible variant name for Francesco C.) 259n36–260
Ciotti, Giovanni Battista 246–252
Ciotti, Giovanni Battista jr 259n36
Ciotti, Giovanni 248
Ciotti, Girolamo 259n36
Ciotti, Sebastiano 246–247
Ciotti, Simone 246–247
Cirillo, Decio 253
Claessen, Tjerck 434
Claesz, Cornelis 424
Clement VIII (Pope) 140
Cluny 7
Cochelet, Anastasius 95
Cockburn, Henry Thomas 516
Colle Valdelsa 62
Collings, Richard 471, 474
Cologne 145, 247, 331, 406, 409
Niederländische Zeitung 406
Raporten 406
Colón, Hernando 72–73, 75–82
Colijn, Michiel 96, 102–103
Comenius, Johann Amos, Orbis Sensualium Pictus 113, 123
Compagnia di Venezia 58–61, 63, 66
Compagnie d’ Ivry 182, 187, 190, 193–194, 199
Compagnie des Libraires 182, 184–187, 190, 193, 196–198, 206–207
Compagnie des Textes 187, 191–192
Compagnie des Lectures 187, 191–192
Compton, Elizabeth 492
Compton, William 492
Congregation of the Index 249
Conradus de Usin de Openen, ser 59
Constance 286, 415
Cope, sir Walter 468
Copyright Act (1709) 515n111
Copyright Act (1842) 515n111
Corbalán, Pedro 466
Cornelis, Willem 95
Coronel, Marcos 450
Corsini, Antonio 61, 68
Corvin, Anton 227
Costantini, Giovanni Battista 330
Cotton, Antoine de 201
Council of Trent 143, 312
Counter Reformation 224
Cranach, Lucas 14, 19, 286, 289–290, 295, 501n64
Crantz, Martin 28
Cristóbal de la Santísima Trinidad 463
Crocus, Cornelius 314
Cromerus, Martinus 312
Crouch, John 474
Crul, Cornelis 320
Cruz, Cristóbal de la 462
Csombor, Márton 143
Cupar 273
Curiandrus, Abelius 101
Curiel, Juan de 458
Daillé, Jean 388
Dale, Jan van den 314
Dąmbski, Stanisław Kazimierz 147
Danckertsz, Cornelis 431
Daniel, Samuel, Delia 129
Danzig 422n5
Darmstadt 415
David, Heinrich 43
David, Konrad 43
Davies, John, Wits Bedlam 117
De Caro, Massimo 538n51
De Franceschi, Francesco 249
De Franceschi, Giacomo 249
De Franceschi, Giovanni Antonio 249, 253
De Gregori brothers 529, 531n28
De Gregorio, Pietro 257
De La Court, Pierre 97–99
Delerpinière, Daniel 380–394
Delft 421, 424, 433, 435, 440
Courante uyt Italien 421
Della Cornia, Fulvio 323
Den Bosch 435
Denmark 401
Derrere, Alessis 189
Desbordes, Isaac 380, 389, 392–393
Despauterius, Johannes 313
Deventer 435, 437, 440
Dibdin, Charles 492
Dibdin, Thomas 492
Dibdin, rev. Thomas Frognall 489–521
Aedes Althorpianae 496–497
Bibliographical Decameron 495–496, 500–501, 503, 505, 508
Bibliographical tour 490, 496–497
Bibliomania 494, 497, 499–500, 503, 508–509, 512
Bibliotheca Spenceriana 496
Northern tour 499, 512–517
Didier, Marguerite 201
Dillingen 363
Dioscorides Pedanius 315
Dodo, Jean 203
Doheny, Estelle 538n51
Doliba, Miguel 464
Dominicans 449, 451, 459–461, 464
Coyoacán, Mexico City 451
Donatus 31
Donthers, Cornelis 312
Dordrecht 95, 420, 424, 433, 435
Döring, Christian 295
Douce, Francis 520n136
Drelincourt, Charles 388
Drusius, Johannes 101
Du Laurens, André 385
Du Moulin, Pierre 388
Duns Scotus, Johannes 64
Duple (or Dubbue), Carlo di Ridolfo 62
Duplessis Mornay, Philippe 381, 386
Durret, François 196, 203
Durret, Huguet 196
Dutch Republic 88–108, 154–177, 400, 420–447
Bills of Lading 94
First Stadtholder Period 99
Provincial States 91
States General 91, 94–95, 99, 101–102
States of Holland 96–98, 100, 102
Synod of South Holland 97
Triple Alliance 99
Du Val, Antoine 312
Early English Books Online (EEBO), Text Creation Partnership 115
Eck, Johannes 227, 283, 296
Edgeworth, Maria 270
Edict of Nantes 211
Edinburgh 261–262, 273, 516–517
National Library of Scotland 247, 263
Edwards, James 501, 507–508
Egenolff, Christoph 14
Eichelberg, Jacob 48
Eichorn, Adolarius 363
Eilenburg 1n3
Ellys, Sir Richard 211–212
Elsevier firm 382, 390–392
Elsevier, Daniel 389
Elsevier, Louis 95, 389
Elwe, Jan Barend 173, 175
Emenes, Johannes van 165–166, 169
England 2, 15, 99, 111–135, 154, 158, 355n8, 517
Enkhuizen 435
Erasmus 23, 27, 101, 296, 299, 313, 317, 392
Erfurt 227n10, 294
Estienne, family of printers-publishers 211–212
Estienne, Henri I 317
Estienne, Henri II 212–213, 215, 221
Estienne, Robert 18, 208–222
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae 208–222
Estrada, Santiago de 456
Europe 88, 154–159, 161, 451–454
Eyens, Jasperus 308
Fabriano 251
Fabricius, Georg 313, 319
Farina, Giovanni Antonio 256
Farnese, Pier Luigi 322
Farri, Domenico 13
Fazello, Tommaso 255
Felsecker, Wolfgang Eberhard 417–419
Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba 304–306
Ferrara 250, 298
Ferrini, Giovanni di Lazzaro 67, 69
Feyerabend, Sigmund 373
Fichet, Guillaume 28
Ficino, Marsilio 61, 63
Fife 266–275
Fife Chapman Society 266–267
Flach, Martin 36
Florence 16, 55–71, 80, 297, 298n40, 331, 529, 534
cartolai 56, 62
Catasto 62
Garbo, via del 61, 67, 69–70
Sant’Apollinare, parish 62
Spinelli bank 57
Flores, Joseph 464
Flores, Juan Marsial 462
Flurschütz, Kaspar 364
Folkes, Martin 510
Forge, Louis de la 392
Formica, Matthias 405
Foulis, Andrew 516
Foulis, Robert 516
Fowler, William 247–248
France 14–16, 28, 99, 208, 428
Gazette 428
Francesco della Fontana 58n15
Franciscans 449, 451, 453, 457–458, 463, 465
Querétaro, College of Santa Cruz 451
Francisco de Florencia 453
Franeker 435, 437, 440
Frankfurt am Main 12, 14, 16, 247, 353–354, 372–374, 397–398, 403, 411, 413–414, 422n5
Diarium Hebdomadale 397–398
Frankfurt Fair 17, 46, 247–248, 250, 361
Frankfurter Postzeitung 397, 403
Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony 12, 286, 289
Freiburg im Breisgau 359
Freund, Georg August 525
Friburger, Michael 28
Fries, Jan Jansz de 433
Frischmann, Christoph 403
Frischmann, Veit 403
Fritsch, Balthasar 369
Froben, Johannes 23, 27, 299
Froschauer, Hans 278
Fugger, family of bankers 293, 358
Fünffinger, Hans 49
Gabiano, family of printers-publishers 181–207
estates 191, 198–201
Gabiano, Ange de 197
Gabiano, Balthazar de 182
Gabiano, Balthazar II de 190, 198
Gabiano, Barthélemy de 190, 198
Gabiano, Catherine de 205
Gabiano, Henri de 190, 198
Gabiano, Hugues de 197, 205
Gabiano, Jean-Barthélemy de 193–194
Gabiano, Luxembourg de 14, 182, 187–207
Gabrieli, Giovanni 372
Gaffuri, Francesco di messer Cristoforo 60, 65–70
Galen 315, 384
Gallo, Pietro Paolo 256–257
García de la Yedra, Juan 461
García Duque, Angel 451
Gardane, Antonio 14
Gaspar von Dinslaken 66
Gdacjusz, Adam 242n39
Geneva 210, 212–213, 220–221, 389
Bibliothèque de Genève 213
Gentil, Ignacio 459
George, sir Arthur 468
George, Duke of Saxony 1, 298
George John, Earl Spencer 499, 518n126
George Spencer, Duke of Marlborough 518n126
Gering, Ulrich 28
Gerits, Anton 537
Germany 522–539
German Peasants’ War 276
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (GW) 30, 522–539
Giolito de Ferrari, Gabriele 13
Giolito de Ferrari, Giovanni 17
Giovanni di Niccolò di Lorenzo (‘El Guazza’) 60–70
Girard, Claude 381, 386
Giuliano di Giovanfrancesco da Modena 57
Giunta, family of printers-publishers 16, 194, 205, 250, 252
branches and warehouses 16
Giunta, Bernardo jr 248, 250, 252
Giunta, Jacques 184, 205
Giunta, Leonardo 327
Glasgow 261n3, 262, 505, 516
Hunterian Museum 516
University Library 505, 516
Godfrey, Robert 119
Gómez, Bartolomé 456
Gosset, rev. Isaac 506–507
Göttweig 534
Gouda 422n6, 433, 440
Göy, Peter 308
Grande Compagnie des libraires 191
Grandon, Antoine 203
Graupe, Paul 534
Greflinger, Georg 415
Grimma 1n3
Grodzicki, Stanislaw 226, 244
Groningen 435–436
Grossmann, Burckhard 375–376
Gruneweg, Martin 143
Grynaeus, Simon 309, 315
Grzegorz of Żarnowiec 228, 233
Gualzelli, Chimenti di Taddeo 61–62
Guarini, Battista 248
Gubbio 259–260
Guérin, Jacques 315
Guerra, Domenico and Giovanni Battista 13
Guidetti, Guidetto 64
Guillelmus Parisiensis 226
Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden 407–408
Gutenberg, Johannes 4, 5
Bible 509
Gutierrez, Andrés 28, 30
Gutknecht, Jobst 291, 293, 295
Guyon, Louis 386
Gylgenstein, Conrat (‘Hablützel’) 47
Haarlem 424, 433–434, 440
Haebler, Konrad 525
Hagen, Johannes vander 308
Haguenau 281–283
Haiden, Christopher 367
Halle, Ida 523, 526, 528, 531–532, 534
Halle, Julius (Isaak) 523, 526–527, 529–530, 532
Hamburg 403–404, 413, 415–416, 422n5, 440
Ausländischer Potentiaten Krieges- und Stats-Beschreibung 416
Kürtze Chronica 416
Nordischer Mercurius 415
Post Zeitung 404, 413
Relation aus dem Parnasso 415
Relations Courier 416
Türkischer Estats und Krieges-Bericht 416–417
Wöchentliche Zeitung 404, 413
Hamont, Michiel van 308–321
Happel, Eberhard Werner 416
Harington, John 9
Hartgers, Joost 431, 438
Hartlib, Samuel 468–469
Harvey, Gabriel, The Trimming of Thomas Nashe 129–132
Haultin, Pierre 203
Head, Richard
English Rogue Continued, The 114
Heath, Robert 115
Heber, Richard 492n12, 500n56, 501, 520n136
library 497n40
sale 511
Heidelberg 415
Heidfeld, Johann 92
Heinrich, Nikolaus 409–410
Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 402
Herborn 92
Hermans, Theodoricus 308
Hernández, Matías 459
Herrer, Michael 370
Hertzberger, Menno 536
Herwart, Johann Heinrich 372
Hess, Rudolph 528
Heusden 437, 440
Heussen, Frans Esausz den 431
Heynlin, Johannes 27, 30
Hibbert, George 501, 503
Hilten, Jan van 425–426, 434, 440–442
Hippocrates 384
Hirsch, Emil 532
Hirsinger, Frydlin and Elsin 46
Hoffmann, Andreas 371
Hoffman, Nicolaus 403
Holonius, Gregorius 314
Holtrop, Willem 165
Höltzel, Hieronymus 289, 295
Holy Roman Empire 154, 223, 228, 276–300, 397–419
Hommius, Festus 100
Hoorn 433, 435
Hortensius, Lambertus 103, 106–107
Horton, George 474
Hospitallers 449
Houwaert, Jan Baptist 314
Huguetan, Jacques 184
Huguetan, Jean 181, 184
Huguetan, Jean-Antoine 389–390
Hungary 154
Husung, Max Joseph 526, 528–529, 531–532, 534
Hutton, George 269
Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) 30
Ingolstadt 359
Innes, capt. Robert 468
Innsbruck 413
Inquisition 249–250, 252
Iohannes Dominichus 64
Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain 95
Italy 7, 220, 254–255, 357, 372–373, 378, 400
Iturriaga, Manuel Mariano de 457
Jacobus de Voragine 30
Jadwiga of Poland 139
Jakob von Kilchen 43
James VI and I, King of Scotland and England 247, 467
Jansenists 390
Janssoon, Jan 101, 432
Jansz, Broer 13, 425–426, 432, 439–442
Jansz, Pieter 171, 173
Januszowski, Jan 241
Jena 375–376, 414
Jenson, Nicolas 56, 58–61, 66–67, 70
Jerdan, William 521
Jesuits 323–324, 449–453, 455–456
Parras, College of Santa Maria 450
Santo Domingo de Porta Coeli 456
Zacatecas, monastery 450
Joaquín de Donazan 451
Jodocus of Erfurt 31
Johannes Andreae 31
Johannes Cratonus 63
Johannes Teutonicus 31
John Chrysostom 310
John Ker, Duke of Roxburghe 507, 517
John George I, Elector of Saxony 398
John George II, Elector of Saxony 102
John of Cologne 57–61, 66–67, 70
John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony 295
Jones, Richard 121
Jonson, Ben 124, 131–132
Every Man out of His Humour 124
Sejanus 132
Joubert, Laurent 385
Juan Bautista, Ignacio de 466
Junta de Temporalidades 449–450
Juste, family of typefounders 196
Justinian, emperor 31
Kalisz 239
Kampen 435
Kargel, Sixt 377
Karnkowski, Stanisław 242
Kazimierz 139, 142
Kempen, Arnold von 406
Kettilby, Walter 121
Kingsbarns 267, 269
Kirkcaldy 267–268
Kleinhans, Hans Jakob 404–405
Kleparz 139, 142
Kloppenburch, Evert 427, 431
Kloppenburch, Jan Evertsz 429, 431
Klug, Joseph 19, 280
Koberger, Anton 7, 54
Koczowicz, Andrzej 147
König, Frans Christiaan Hermanus Nathanael 164, 171
Kraiński, Krzysztof 228
Krakow 136–153, 224, 229, 233, 237, 239
bishops 147
churches and places of pilgrimage 141–143, 150–152
Drukarnia Akademicka 152
Jubilee Year 140–141, 147, 150
Przewodnik 136–153
tailors’ guild 147
Królewiec 224, 229, 241
Krul, Jan Hermansz 431
La Framboisière, Nicolas de 385
Lambach 531
Landino, Cristoforo 65
Lange, Paul 404
L’ Angelier, Abel 9
Langreder, Martin 370
La Rochelle 381
Lasso, Orlando 365, 372
Łaszczów 241
Lauerman, Cornelis 313–314
Lauingen 378
Laurensz, Hendrik 100, 431, 438
Laurentius, Jacobus 100
Lautte, Jean 316
Lech 357
Leeuwarden 433–435, 437
Le Faucheur, Michel 388
Leiden 389, 433–434, 437
Gazette de Leyde 428
Leipzig 1–2, 18–19, 298–299, 355n8, 357n15, 371, 374, 376–377, 398, 411–414
Wöchentliche Zeitung 398, 414
LeMaire, Jacob 95
Lemplin, Jacob 46
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor 102–103n58
Le Rouge, Jacques 56
Le Roy, Adrien 14
Lesnier, Jean 389, 392–393
Leszno 237, 241
Lewes, Robert, The Merchants Map 115
Lewis, George 496
L’ Hommeau, Pierre de 383
Libavius, Andreas 385
Licona, Pedro de 465
Liebkind, Albertus 57
Lieshout, François 426–427, 440
Liesvelt, Ferdinand 308
Linacre, Thomas 209n5
Lisbon 16
Listenius, Nicolaus 371
Lodge, Thomas, Wits Misery 113
Loe, Jan van der 309
Loersfeld, Johann 294
London 15, 116, 158, 273, 296, 389, 422n5, 425, 469–470, 493, 497, 501, 509, 512n105, 513, 516, 518
A Perfect Account 470, 474–475
A Perfect Diurnall 471, 475
British Library 501n64, 539
British Museum 501
Kingdome’s Weekly Intelligencer 471
Lambeth Palace Library 501
Mercurius Politicus 472–474, 477, 480–481, 484–485
Perfect Occurrences 471
The Faithful Scout 474, 478–479
The London Gazette 486
The Loyall Scout 474
The Publick Adviser 472, 477, 482–484
The Publick Intelligencer 472–473, 477, 480, 484–485
The Weekly Information 477, 484
The Weekly Intelligencer 470, 474, 479
The Weekly Post 474
Lotter, Melchior 19, 284
Louis de Blois 308–309
Louvain, Françoise de 9
Low Countries 303–321, 400, 420–447
Lublin 239
Lucas, Etienne 389
Ludwig von Elchingen 47
Lupoto 73
Lufft, Hans 20
Luther, Martin 19, 225, 227–229, 276–300, 501, 523
Hauspostille 225, 228–231
Luzern 536
Lyon 7–8, 14–16, 181–207, 208, 213, 298, 331, 339, 384, 389–390
consulat 204–205
fairs 190, 194
MacCarthy-Reagh, Justin, Comte de 509
Machiavelli, Niccolò 313
Maciejowski, Bernard, bishop of Krakow 140–141, 228n14
Maçon 7
Madiis, Francesco de 75, 82
Madrid 16, 453, 455, 462
Maidment, James 516
Maittaire, Michel 211–212
Annales typographici 211
Stephanorum historia 211
Malecki, Hieronim 229, 231
Malegonelle, Antonio di Piero 65
Maler, Matthes 294
Malleus maleficarum 313
Mameranus, Nicolaus 309
Man, John 492
Manchester 499
John Rylands Library 499n52, 518n126, 520
Manger, Michael 364
Manthen, Johannes 58–59
Manutius, Aldus 11–13, 81n17, 181–182, 298–299
Maringo, Giovanni Battista 253
Marino, Giambattista 248, 252
Marprelate, Martin 127
Marseille 45
Martelli, Braccio 65
Martelli, Francesco 61, 68
Martelli, Niccolò 59
Martelli, Niccolò 59
Martin, Louis 196
Martinozzi, Angiolo 73
Martin’s Month’s Mind 126–127
Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria 409
McTurk, James 265
Mead, Richard 510n100
Medici, bank 26, 206
Medina del Campo 16
fairs 194
Meltinger, Ulrich 43, 45–46, 49
Mentelin, Johann 532, 534–536
Mercedarians 449
Mertzenich, Johann von 405–406
Mertzenich, Maria von 406
Mesue 63, 384
Metsius, Laurentius 307
Meurier, Gabriel 313
Meurs, Aert 94
Mewes, Gregor 359n22
Mexico 449, 451–452, 455, 459
Mexico City 451, 453, 455, 459–460, 464
Meyer, Ilsabe 404, 406
Meyer, Johann 404, 413
Middelburg 424, 433, 435, 440
Milan 145, 373, 413
Minima Societas (Venice) 249
Misintis, Bernardinus de 297–298
Młodzianowski, Tomasz 243–244
Molina, Gaspard 189
Molino, Domenico 248
Montaigne, Michel de 467
Montanari, Domenico 256
Montano, Benito Arias 305–306
Montcher, Jean 196
Monteverdi, Claudio 372
Montora, Francesco 256
Mortimer, William 158n9
Moya, Sebastián de 466
Mucante, Gioanni Paolo 143
Muerman, Jacob van 174–175
Mühlbach, Christoph 398–399
Münchener Hofkantorei 361
Munich 361, 362, 371, 409–410, 523, 526, 532, 536
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 362, 531
Gewisse und wahrhaffte Wochentliche Ordinari Zeitung 409–410
Ordinari Zeitung 409–410
Royal library 524
Wochentliche Ordinari Zeitungen 410
Münster, Sebastian 319
Murmellius, Johannes 313
Myszkowski, Piotr 242
Nadler, Jörg 294
Naples 250, 254–257
Girolamini Library 538n51
Narr, Peter 47
Nazis 526, 528, 534
Nedham, Marchamont 472–476, 482–486
Nelli, Antonio 57, 59–61, 63, 68, 70–71
Nenninger, Matthäus 370
Neuruppin, Church Library 524
Newcombe, Thomas 473, 484, 486
New Spain 448–466
Niccolò di Giovanni tedesco 63
Niccolò Tedeschi 31, 34, 185
Nicol, George 507
Nicolás, Juan 451
Nieman, Jan Frederik 164n26
Niger, Franciscus 28, 30
Noir, Nicolas 201
Noir, Pierre 201
Nonio, Tobia 328
Nördlingen 403
Núñez Chacón, Nuño 458
Nuremberg 7, 45, 227n10, 278, 289–291, 293, 295, 372–373
Teutscher Kriegs-Curier 417–418
Verkleidete Götter-Both-Mercurius 418
Oddi, Sforza 328–329
Oecolampadius, Johannes 386
Öglin, Erhard 359n22
Olschki firm 536n45
Olschki, Leo 529
Orlandi, Angelo 253
Orr, Andrew 273
Ortega Montañes, Juan de 448
Orvieto 329–330
Osnabrück 156
Otmar, Silvan 278, 284, 286
Ovid 313
Oxford, St John’s College 493
Padua 62
Paix, Jakob 378
Palermo 250–260
Palladio, Andrea 146
Panizza, Valente 328
Pannartz, Arnold 2
Paoli, Giovanni Gualberto di ser Paolo 65
Papal States 322
Papon, Jean 383
Paracelsus 315
Paré, Ambroise 315, 385
Paris 9, 14–16, 27–28, 30, 103, 208, 220, 296, 331, 339, 389–390, 416
Bibliothèque Nationale de France 12
Sorbonne 27, 210n7, 217, 219
University 28, 296
Pasini, Antonio 326–327
Pasini, Luciano 18, 326–339
Paulini, Leonardo 254–259
Paulus III, Pope 322
Payne, Robert 125–126
Péan, René 380, 393
Pecke, Samuel 471
Pellini, Pompeo 328
Peloso, Paolo 256
Pérez, Pedro 459
Perottus, Nicolaus 536
Pers, Pietersz 92
Perth 517
Perugia 18, 322–352
academies 325–326
Accademia degli Insensati 325–326, 328–329
Archivio di Stato 330
University 323–324
Pesnot, Louis 203
Petit, Samuel 389
Petrarca, Francesco 313
Petri, Adam 283
Petri, Johannes 27, 532
Petty, William 468
Pezana, Manuel 461
Philippines 449, 460
Piccolomini, Enea Silvio (Pope Pius II) 26
Pietersz, Dirk 92
Pietersz, Jacob 432
Pigot’s Directory (1820) 273
Pigot’s Directory (1825) 263, 265, 267, 269
Pigray, Pierre 385
Pilgram, Andreas Gottlieb 418
Piotrkowczyk, Andrzej 233
Pisa 62, 64
University 56
Place, Josué de la 389
Plantin, Christopher 305–307, 309, 315, 317, 320
firm 353, 366
Frankfurt warehouse 353
Polyglot Bible 305
Plato 61, 505
Pliny the Elder 219
Plutarch 64
Poland 136–153, 223–245
Poliziano, Angelo 297
Polyander 95
Pörner, Moritz 398
Porteau, Thomas 381
Porte, Aymon de la 184, 196
Porte, Hugues de la 192, 199, 201–203, 205
Portenbach and Lutz, printing firm 362
Portonariis, Vincenzo 17, 184
Poznań 233, 239
Praetorius, Hieronymus 364
Praetorius, Michael 364
Präulein, Wolfgang 359
Ptolemy 315
Pucci, Benedetto 251
Pulci, Luigi 63
Quaritch, Bernard 518
Rabatta family 62
Raleigh, Walter 125–126
Ramírez de Varrientos, Roberto 458
Ramminger, Melchior 286, 294
Rampazetto, Francesco 13
Ravaud, Marc-Antoine 389–390
Ravesteyn, Johannes van 100
Ravesteyn, Paulus Aertsz van 438
Ravisius Textor, Joannes 313
Rawlinson, Richard 510
Rawlinson, Thomas 510
Reading 492
Recanati, fair 327
Reformation 19, 223
Regnault, Antoine 203
Regnault, Guillaume 202–203
Reinmichel, Leonhart 378
Rej, Mikołaj 229–230, 233, 235, 239, 244
Return from Parnassus, The 113–114, 123
Reulx, Joachim de 308
Rhau, Georg 20, 371
Rhau-Grunenberg, Johannes 19
Ribotteau, Jean 380
Ricciardo di Marco d’Anghiari 64
Richardson Currer, Frances Mary 499
Richel, Bernhard 26, 31–32, 34, 41
Ridolfi, Giovanbattista 56
Rigogli, Bartolomeo 64
Rihel, Wendelin 280, 282
Ripoli press 61–62
Riquelme, Juan 461
Ritzsch, Gregor 355n8
Ritzsch, Timotheus 398
Robinson, Clement
Handful of Pleasant Delights, A 115, 133
Robinson, Henry 469–470
Robinson, Humphrey 389
Rodero, Gaspar 451
Rodríguez Dávalos, Antonio 314
Rome 16, 55, 140, 143–146, 255–256, 323, 325, 331, 413, 453
Mirabilia Urbis Romae 143–146
Romero, Ignacio Osorio 461
Roos, Jan 164, 171
Roos, Gerbrand 164, 171, 173–175
Rosa Figueroa, Francisco Antonio de la 464
Rosenthal, Bernard 529n27
Rosenthal, Heinrich 536
Rosenthal, Ludwig 526
Rossi, Lorenzo de’ 298
Rothenburg ob der Tauber 363
Rotterdam 424, 427, 433–434, 437
Rouillé, Guillaume 196, 205
Roxburghe Club 518
Roxburghe Sale 489–490, 511, 518, 520n134, 521
Runge, Georg 403
Ruppel, Berthold 25–26, 31, 34, 39, 41
Ruscelli, Girolamo 315
Rusch, Adolf 7, 64
Rychłowski, Franciszek 239–241
Rylands, Enriqueta Augustina 499n52, 518n126
Rylands, John 499
Rynmann, Johannes 359
Sachse, Melchior 294
Sacon, Jacques 196
Salamanca 16, 331
Salviani, Baldo 328
Salviati, family of bankers 206
San Antonio, Sebastián de 463
Sánchez, Manuel 457
Sande, Johan van den 433
San Nicolás de Tolentino, Michoacán 462
Santiago de Compostela 145
Sarpi, Paolo 250
Sartorius, Johannes 313
Sas, Hans 436
Saumur 380–394
Académie de Saumur 381, 386–387, 389
Schäfer, Otto 538
Schalekamp, Mathijs 170
Schedel, Krzysztof 239
Schein, Johann Hermann 374, 376
Schellink, Josse 309, 312
Schirlentz, Nicolas 20
Schmid, Michel 44
Schönig, Valentin 359
Schönwetter, Johann Theobald 397–398
Schulte Strathaus, Ernst 528
Schuurmann, Dirk 169–170
Schweinfurt 538
Scotland 154, 158, 261–275, 512–513, 515, 517–518
National Records of Scotland 274
Scoto, Girolamo 328
Scott, George 269–272
Scott, sir Walter 270, 513
Scottish Book Trade Index (SBTI) 263–264, 269
Seaman, Lazarus 492n12
Segen, Melchior 409
Senneton, Claude 196, 199, 201–203, 205
Senneton, Jacques 196, 199, 201
Senneton, Jean 196, 199, 201
Seville 16, 458, 462
Shakespeare, William
First Folio 113, 133
Short-Title Catalogue (STC) 133
Sicily 248, 250–260
Siebeneicher, Jakub 141, 147
Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania 237
Sistema Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN) 339
Sixtus IV, Pope 2, 31, 33
Skarga, Piotr 226, 228, 237–240, 244
Slovenia 154
Smient, Otto Barentsz 420–421, 424
Soldoyer, Nicolas 306
Söhne, Julius Adolph von 402
Sorelli, Luigi 254
Southern Netherlands 400, 428
Spain 30, 247, 449, 459
Spalatin, Georg 12, 501n64
Spangenberg, Johann 227
Speed, Adolphus 469
Spencer Library 493n21
Spenser, Edmund
Faerie Queen 129
Spieringk, Nicolaus 415
Spina, Francesco 61
Spir, Adam von, and Margret 46
Spirito, Lorenzo 316
Stam, Jan Friedricksz 441
St Andrews 267–273, 513–515
University Library 515
Stanislaus of Szczepanów, bishop of Krakow 139
Stationers’ Company 15, 247
Stationers’ Register 515n111
Stefan Batory, King of Poland 242
Steinacher, Jacob 44, 47–49, 51
Steiner, Heinrich 289, 294
Stettin, Mariengymnasium 524
Stevenson, Thomas George 516
Stigliani, Tommaso 248
Stradom 142
Strasbourg 7, 25, 37, 46, 280, 282, 377, 397–398, 402, 414, 524–525, 532
Straßburger Relation 402, 407
Strozzi, Girolamo di Carlo 56
Stürmer, Wolfgang 294
Suarez, Francisco 249
Suigus, Jacobinus 298
Suyderwoude, Pieter Jacobsz van 92
Sweden 401
Sweynheym, Konrad 2
Swiss Confederation 401
Sydney, Philip
Arcadia 129
Tacuino, Giovanni 327
Tassoni, Alessandro 252
Täuber & Weil’s 536
Tavernier, Melchior 103
Taylor, John 118–119
Terentius Afer, Publius 313
Terracina, Laura 13
Tertroode, Fredericus Johannes van 173, 175
Tesori, Pier Matteo 329
The Hague 422n6, 433–434, 437, 440
Thirty Years’ War 355, 366–367, 375–376, 400, 411, 426
Thomas a Kempis 312
Thomas Aquinas 30, 249
Thomson, Thomas 516
Thornhill 264
Tielemans, Antoni 432
Tinghi, Philippe 203, 213
Tintinassi, Rosato 330
Tiraqueau, André 383
Tombe, Petrus Van 308
Tongerloo, Anthoni Jansz 433
Tonsor, Michael 363
Fasciculus cantionum ecclesiasticorum 363
Tooly, Edward 469
Torcy, Nicolaus 308
Torresano, Andrea 11
Tortenson, Lennart 398
Toruń 241
Tour, Catherine de la 197, 203–206
Tournai 306
Tresti, Flaminio 372
Treviso, Biblioteca Municipale 254
Triangoli, Carlo 259
Tromp, Maarten 434
Trot, Barthelemy 182
Trots, Franciscus 308
Trzecieski, Andrzej 242
Tübingen 359
Tullis, Robert 515
Turnbull, William Barclay David Donald 517
Ubaldini, ser Antonio di messer Benedetto 63
Uelzen, Ministerialbibliothek 525
Ugelheimer, Peter 59, 66
Ulhart, Philip 290, 292
UNESCO, Memory of the World 523
Unglerowa, Helena 224n4
Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC) 30, 80–81, 309–310, 339, 424
Ursinus 100
Utrecht 102, 433–434, 440
Valentín de la Madre de Dios 466
Valgrisi, Vincenzo 13
Valori, Filippo di Bartolomeo 60–61, 66, 68–69
Vatican Library 538n51
Veer, Ellert de 101
Velez, Diego 451
Venice 14–16, 28, 55–56, 65, 208–209, 221, 246–252, 255, 298, 331, 373, 413, 529
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Library 536
Merceria 6
Rialto 247
St Mark’s 247
Venturi, Francesco 59
Vera, Joseph de 462
Veracruz 448, 455, 457, 462–463, 465–466
Coscomatepec 462
Vérard, Antoine 5
Verhasselt, Merten 320
Verhoeven, Abraham 13, 424
Vergilius, Publius Maro 63
Vermandel, Hendrik 171
Vervoort, Frans 309
Vesalius, Andreas 315, 432
Vetter, Daniel 237
Victorinus, Georg 371
Siren coelestis 371–372
Vienna 359, 405
Ordentliche Postzeitungen 405
Ordinari Postzeitung 405
Vignier, Nicolas 386
Vilnius 241
Vincent, Antoine 196, 199, 201–202, 205
Vincent, Simon 184
Vinols, Antoine de 201
Viperano, Giovanni Antonio 324
Visscher, Claes Jansz 434
Vives, Juan Luis 313
Vivien, Georges 316
Vorselman, Gheeraert 316
Vossius, Gerard 102, 104–105
Vries, Cornelis de 165–166
Vries, Hendrick Tjercksz de 432
Vrints, Gerard 403
Vroede, Gislenus de 307
Wachsmann, Michael 355n8
Wagenaer, Jan Lucasz 93
Wagenmann, Abraham 363
Walker, Henry 469, 471, 480
Wangen im Allgäu 415
Warsaw, Biblioteka Narodowa 147, 150n26
Wechel, André 86n27, 354
Weege, Johannes 166–168, 171, 173, 175
Wehmer, Carl 528–529
Weimar, State Archives 525
Welser, family of bankers 293, 358
Wenssler, Michel 6–7, 23–35, 37–41, 43, 45–54
creditors 46–50
Haus zem Lufft 23, 39
Wentworth, Thomas 381
Wertach 357
West Indies Company 96n27
Westminster 469
Wiering, Thomas von 416–417, 419
Wijnands, Wijnand 166, 171
Willetus, Andreas 432
Willer firm 353–379
branches 359
fair catalogue (spring 1621) 363–365
stock catalogue (1622) 355–356, 361–379
Willer, Elias 359, 373
Willer, Georg I 355–356, 359–379
Willer, Georg II 359, 362
Williams, Oliver 474, 483–484
Williamson, Joseph 389
Wirzbięta, Macjej 229
Wits ABC 116–117
Witt, Johan de 97–99
Wittenberg 1, 12, 18–20, 276–300, 371, 411, 414
Witzel, Georg 224n4
Wolfenbüttel 402
Wolfenbütteler Aviso 402
Wolfersz, Jan 427
Wolrab, Jan 233
Wood, Robert 474
Wouw, Hillebrant Jacobsz van 438
Wtenbogaert, Johannes 433
Wujek, Jakub 224, 228–229, 232–236, 239–240
Ysenhut, Lienhart 41
Zanchi, Girolamo 386
Zanobi di Mariano 57, 64, 66
Zapparrata, Mariano 254–255
Zaragoza 16
Zenaro, Zaccaria 327
Zierikzee 437, 440
Ziletti, Francesco 328
Zocchi, Giuseppe 62n30
Zschekapürlin, Ludwig 43, 48
Zwolle 435, 440
Zypsen, Matthias 403
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