List of Illustrations
- 1.1Thomas Bray, Bibliothecæ Provinciales Americanæ 47
- 2.1Titlepage with coffee-house endorsement; James Miller, Art of Life. In Imitation of Horace’s Art of Poetry. In Two Epistles. The first epistle. By Mr. Miller, London, 1739 55
- 3.1Jamaica in 1763 77
- 3.2Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, 1774 89
- 3.3aThomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, January–August 1775 90
- 3.3bThomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, September–December 1775 91
- 4.1Inflow/Outflow diagram of Boswell libraries 101
- 4.2Detail from site plan of Auchinleck House, showing the placement of the ‘Boswell Room’ (former Library-Room), before restoration redevelopment by Landmark Trust 104
- 4.3Thomas Annan, photograph of Auchinleck House, perhaps taken ca. 1885 as part of photography for A.H. Millar, The Castles and Mansions of Ayrshire, 1885 108
- 4.4Anonymous, undated photograph of the library at Auchinleck House, ca. 1892–1917 115
- 6.1Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books held by three Pennsylvania libraries 167
- 6.2Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books in the Norristown library 168
- 6.3Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books held by three Massachusetts libraries 169
- 6.4Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books in the Newburyport library 170
- 7.1The Revd Joseph Evans, Minister at the Upper Chapel, Sheffield, 1758–97, and a founding member of the Sheffield Subscription Library. Painting probably by Nathaniel Tucker, ca. 1777 179
- 7.2A page from the check book of Michael Ellison, agent of the Duke of Norfolk 195
- 8.1New York Society Library bookplate, 1758 209
- 8.2New York Society Library bookplate, 1789 210
- 10.1Nineteenth-century pictorial bookplate of Lancashire Independent College, in The Works of the Revd Thomas Adam, late Rector of Wintringham, 3 vols, London, 1822, vol. 3 242
10.2Title page of Isaac Ambrose, War with Devils, London, 1662, vol. 1 246 - 11.1Plymouth Royal Hotel and Theatre, by Llewellyn F.W. Jewitt, hand-coloured lithograph, ca. 1850 270
- 11.2Plymouth Public Library, engraving in The Monthly Magazine, 1814 based on John Foulston’s watercolour 273
- 11.3The Reading Room of Plymouth Public Library, watercolour by John Foulston, ca. 1812 275
- 12.1Top 5 novelists of 1810s by year, female borrowers, Easton Library Company 296
- 12.2Top 5 novelists of 1810s by year, male borrowers, Easton Library Company 297
- 12.3Total loans by genre for most popular genres, by decade, Easton Library Company 299
- 2.1Coffee-House Endorsement Titles [updated 2015]: Analysis of collection by writing medium 57
- 3.1Number of exchanges and participants per year in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network 81
- 3.2Number of titles exchanged in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network, core group, 1768–77 82
- 3.3Number of titles exchanged in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network, core + Hayward, 1768–77 84
- 4.1Generations of Boswell book collectors 103
- 6.1Carlisle Library Company books by category 156
- 6.2Springfield Library Company books by category and size 157
- 6.3Count and percentage of book titles held by six social libraries 159
- 6.4Books held and proportion unique to each of six libraries, ranked by size of collection 160
- 6.5Overlap of six library company collections 160
- 6.6Massachusetts and Pennsylvania library holdings of 242 titles in six categories 171
- 8.1Genres of books most commonly exchanged for shares 215
- 12.1Twenty most-borrowed titles, 1810–34, Easton Library Company 294
- 12.2Ten most-borrowed titles for 1820s, Easton Library Company 300