List of Illustrations

In: Before the Public Library
Mark Towsey
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Kyle B. Roberts
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List of Illustrations


  1. 1.1Thomas Bray, Bibliothecæ Provinciales Americanæ 47
  2. 2.1Titlepage with coffee-house endorsement; James Miller, Art of Life. In Imitation of Horace’s Art of Poetry. In Two Epistles. The first epistle. By Mr. Miller, London, 1739 55
  3. 3.1Jamaica in 1763 77
  4. 3.2Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, 1774 89
  5. 3.3aThomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, January–August 1775 90
  6. 3.3bThomas Thistlewood’s book exchanges, September–December 1775 91
  7. 4.1Inflow/Outflow diagram of Boswell libraries 101
  8. 4.2Detail from site plan of Auchinleck House, showing the placement of the ‘Boswell Room’ (former Library-Room), before restoration redevelopment by Landmark Trust 104
  9. 4.3Thomas Annan, photograph of Auchinleck House, perhaps taken ca. 1885 as part of photography for A.H. Millar, The Castles and Mansions of Ayrshire, 1885 108
  10. 4.4Anonymous, undated photograph of the library at Auchinleck House, ca. 1892–1917 115
  11. 6.1Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books held by three Pennsylvania libraries 167
  12. 6.2Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books in the Norristown library 168
  13. 6.3Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books held by three Massachusetts libraries 169
  14. 6.4Word cloud of most frequently used keywords in titles of books in the Newburyport library 170
  15. 7.1The Revd Joseph Evans, Minister at the Upper Chapel, Sheffield, 1758–97, and a founding member of the Sheffield Subscription Library. Painting probably by Nathaniel Tucker, ca. 1777 179
  16. 7.2A page from the check book of Michael Ellison, agent of the Duke of Norfolk 195
  17. 8.1New York Society Library bookplate, 1758 209
  18. 8.2New York Society Library bookplate, 1789 210
  19. 10.1Nineteenth-century pictorial bookplate of Lancashire Independent College, in The Works of the Revd Thomas Adam, late Rector of Wintringham, 3 vols, London, 1822, vol. 3 242
  20. 10.2Title page of Isaac Ambrose, War with Devils, London, 1662, vol. 1 246
  21. 11.1Plymouth Royal Hotel and Theatre, by Llewellyn F.W. Jewitt, hand-coloured lithograph, ca. 1850 270
  22. 11.2Plymouth Public Library, engraving in The Monthly Magazine, 1814 based on John Foulston’s watercolour 273
  23. 11.3The Reading Room of Plymouth Public Library, watercolour by John Foulston, ca. 1812 275
  24. 12.1Top 5 novelists of 1810s by year, female borrowers, Easton Library Company 296
  25. 12.2Top 5 novelists of 1810s by year, male borrowers, Easton Library Company 297
  26. 12.3Total loans by genre for most popular genres, by decade, Easton Library Company 299


  1. 2.1Coffee-House Endorsement Titles [updated 2015]: Analysis of collection by writing medium 57
  2. 3.1Number of exchanges and participants per year in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network 81
  3. 3.2Number of titles exchanged in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network, core group, 1768–77 82
  4. 3.3Number of titles exchanged in Thomas Thistlewood’s book exchange network, core + Hayward, 1768–77 84
  5. 4.1Generations of Boswell book collectors 103
  6. 6.1Carlisle Library Company books by category 156
  7. 6.2Springfield Library Company books by category and size 157
  8. 6.3Count and percentage of book titles held by six social libraries 159
  9. 6.4Books held and proportion unique to each of six libraries, ranked by size of collection 160
  10. 6.5Overlap of six library company collections 160
  11. 6.6Massachusetts and Pennsylvania library holdings of 242 titles in six categories 171
  12. 8.1Genres of books most commonly exchanged for shares 215
  13. 12.1Twenty most-borrowed titles, 1810–34, Easton Library Company 294
  14. 12.2Ten most-borrowed titles for 1820s, Easton Library Company 300
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Before the Public Library

Reading, Community and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850

Series:  Library of the Written Word, Volume: 61 and  Library of the Written Word - The Handpress World, Volume: 61


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