The general concept of this volume and most of the essays contained therein were developed in the workshops of the research network “Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures.” The editors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (dfg) for their generous funding and the Center for Advanced Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich for their help and support in hosting our workshops. We would like to thank all workshop participants for their contributions, in particular our keynote speakers, Leora Auslander and Timothy Mason Roberts. We would also like to thank the series editors, Wim Klooster and Benjamin Schmidt, for their helpful comments and for including our manuscript in the series The Atlantic World: Europe, Africa and the Americas, 1500–1830. To our anonymous peer reviewers we are grateful for their careful reading of the manuscript and their constructive suggestions. Finally, we thank the editorial staff at Brill, in particular Gerda Danielsson Coe and Jason Prevost, as well as our colleagues, Patrick Charles, Sakina Gröppmaier, and Angelika Möller, for helping us with the many practicalities around preparing this manuscript for publication.