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Abulafia, David 71
Adret, Solomon ibn 28 , 3031 , 34 , 35 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 41 , 46 , 48
Agunot 2 , 83 , 330
Al-Andalus 926 , 36 , 3940 , 6063 , 6970 , 72
Al-Athīr, Ibn 196 , 198200
Al-Dallala, Wuhsha 9293 , 102 , 107
Al-Fasi, Isaac 28 , 32
Al-Khaṭṭāb, Umar 195 , 197
Al-Mulk, Niẓām 195199 , 203
Aladib, Isaac bar Solomon (Aladab) 39
Alawid Dynasty 219 , 221 , 225 , 238 , 261 , 339
Aleppo 96 , 209 , 211
Alexandria 93 , 95 , 103 , 105
Algeria 227228 , 231 , 235 , 279293
Ali, Muhammad 207
Aljama 2 , 61 , 66 , 71 , 7374 , 7980
Allāwa, Bayḥa b. Asher Ibn 34
Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) 209 , 216 , 229 , 231232 , 235236 , 239 , 280
Aloof, Judah 255256 , 259260 , 262 , 265
Amram, ‘Eli ben 69
Amsterdam 49 , 140 , 225 , 258
Amulets 53
Ancona 129
Anglicization 264265
Anglo Jewish Association 229
Anglo-Egyptian War (1882) 210
Ankori, Zvi XV
Anti-Jewish Violence 190 , 208 , 224 , 281 , 290
Arab Spring 218
Aragon 31 , 33 , 40 , 74
Arendt, Hannah 281
Argentina 266
Aseo, Mordehai 269 , 271273
Ashkenazi, Bezalel 331
Ashtor, Eliyahu 71 , 77
Ateret Baḥurim 178179
Azulay, Ḥayim Joseph David 154 , 173
Baer, Yiẓḥak 7677 , 78
Baghdad 85 , 91 , 189190 , 193 , 202 , 204
Bakr, Abū 204
Barcelona see Catalonia
Baron, Salo W. XV , 36
Basra 200
Bayonne 3 , 154183
Beaver, Philip 247
Beirut 215
Belmonte, Don Manuel de (Baron) 140
Benei Brit 216
Berber (Berberisco) 220 , 225 , 256
Bernáldez, Andrés 37
Bialik, Ḥayim 300
Bikur ḥolim 157
Bordeaux 258
Burgos 98
Cadiz 340
Cairo 9697 , 105 , 109110 , 112 , 331
Cairo Genizah 25 , 4445 , 6164 , 84113 , 296
Calimani, Simone 132
Caliphal Heartlands 3 , 188206
Calypso 248
Candian War (1645–1669) 320
Capusi, Ḥayim 5 , 330338
Caro, Isaac 42
Carolingian Kingdom 24 , 119
Casino 3 , 136153
Castile 29 , 31 , 33 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 43 , 52 , 58 , 74
Castro, Jacob 331
Catalonia 3031 , 35 , 41 , 295307
Chemouilli, Henri 279
Choueka, Abraham 213
Choueka, Aharon 214
Citizenship 123124 , 130131 , 220221 , 227 , 257 , 260 , 263 , 279 , 282283 , 287 , 291
Cohen, Gerson XV
Cohen, Mark 68
Comité d’assistance aux juifs indigents de Syrie 215217
Communal Charity 259
Communism 211 , 284285 , 306
Confraternities 3 , 154183
Conseil des Communautés Israélites du Maroc (CCIM) 233
Constantinople see Istanbul
Conversos 3 , 33 , 37 , 38 , 125128 , 132 , 245 , 258 , 315
Convivencia 43 , 60 , 218
Corcos, Abraham 230
Cordova 44
Counter-Reformation Papacy 129
Crémieux Decree (1870) 227 , 281282 , 285287
Crémieux, Adolphe 280
Crypto-Jew (Marrano). see Converso
Curaçao 258 , 265 , 278
Damascus 98 , 112113 , 208
Daud, Abraham Ibn 44 , 69 , 297
De Gaulle, Charles 286
Derrida, Jacques 283 , 287 , 293
Dhimmitude 191206 , 219 , 222229 , 236
Divorce 9192
Dombay, Franz von 5 , 339340
Domestic Labor 320323
Donnolo, Shabbetai 1011
Dowry 8687 , 321
Duran, Simon b. Ẓemaḥ 29 , 39
Eco, Umberto 48
Ecole Maïmonide 4 , 279293
Egypt 8399 , 104 , 108 , 125 , 208217 , 330338
Eisenbeth, Maurice 280 , 283 , 288
Elijah, Solomon ibn 103
Emancipation 131134 , 229 , 244 , 251254
Ereẓ Yisrael (Holy Land). see Palestine
Ethical Wills 320
Evian Accords (1962) 291
Exilarch 191
Expulsion from Spain (1492) 43 , 315
Ezra, Abraham ibn 15 , 1921 , 24 , 38 , 41 , 301
Ezra, Moses ibn 11 , 17 , 21 , 24
Falaquera, Shem Tov ibn 21
Farḥi Family 208
Fatimid Caliphate 203204
Feiner, Shmuel 151
Ferdinand II de Medici (Grand Duke of Tuscany) 137
Ferry, Jules 280
Fez XV , 44 , 49 , 222 , 224
Florence 137 , 145
Franco-Algerian War (1954–1962) 287290
Front de libération nationale (FLN) 284285 , 290
Fustat. see Cairo
Gabirol, Solomon ibn 14 , 21 , 24 , 300
Gallipapa, Ḥayim 33
Gaon, Hai 17
Gaon, Se‘adya 12
Gaon, Sherira 35
Gaster, Moses 268 , 275 , 276
Geertz, Clifford 218219
Geonim 1617 , 2930 , 34 , 187
Gerber, Jane XIVXVI , 7172
Gerson, Levi ben 10
Gerundi, Jonah b. Abraham (rabennu Jonah) 2829 , 33
Gemilut ḥasadim 157
Gibraltar 4 , 255256 , 260
Goitein, Shelomo Dov 6063 , 69 , 71 , 77 , 84 , 8990 , 97 , 109
Golden Age of Spain. see al-Andalus
Granada 58
Ha-measef 133
Halevi, Ḥalfon ben Menasseh 108
Hamburg 262
Hashemites 193194
Haskalah 132133
Hebrew University of Jerusalem XV , 4 , 294307
Ḥiyya, Abraham bar 13 , 300
Holy Land Emissaries 226 , 234 , 269
Ḥonen Dolim 157 , 174
Huesca see Aragon
Industrial Revolution 265266
Inheritance 102 , 104
Iraq 187 , 236
Islamic Influence of Judaism 926 , 5658 , 89 , 100101
Istanbul 56 , 57 , 125 , 315
Italian Ghettos 122 , 125129 , 311 , 314325
Jamaica, W.I. 243254 , 258
Jébéra 160164
Jerusalem 96 , 175178
Jewish Courtiers 34 , 6667 , 316 , 340
Jewish Social Mobility 6667 , 73
Jizya 199223
Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) 284 , 288 , 291292
Judería 52
Kairouan 44 , 105
Kalonymos, Kalonymos ben 33
Karaite 13
Katz, Jacob 3 , 151
Ketubbah 58 , 8788 , 9092 , 96 , 99 , 101102 , 106
Khaybar 204
Kimḥi, David 35
Klein, Elka 68
Ladino 264 , 273 , 277 , 302 , 318
Lampronti, Isaac 323
Levy, Meir ha 30
Livornina 142143
Livorno 3 , 136153 , 225 , 245 , 316
London 225 , 245 , 255278
Luria, Isaac 331
Luzzatto, Simone 132
Macnin, Meir 261
Madrid 294 , 299 , 307 , 340
Madrid Convention (1880) 230
Maimonides 14 , 33 , 34 , 38 , 45 , 85 , 89 , 95 , 101104 , 107
Makhzan System 223 , 229 , 236
Malbish ha-ʿarumim 173
Male Sociability 136153
Mamluks 110 , 330
Marginality 6080
Marrakesh 222 , 224
Meati, Natan Gad ha 2123
Médras (confraternity) 172173
Megorashim XV , 52 , 222
Meldola, Raphael 264 , 269270 , 272
Mellah 224
Mendes, David Franco 133
Minhag 2742
Mishʿenet zekenim 179180
Modena 316
Modena, Leone 132 , 317
Mogador 339
Mohammed V (Morocco) 237
Mohammed VI (Morocco) 218
Molho, Isaac R. 302
Molho, Moise 136153
Moneylending 120122
Montefiore, Joshua 4 , 243254
Montefiore, Moses 226227 , 245246
Mora, Pacientia 311329
Moreton, J.B. 252253
Morocco 49 , 218239 , 339347
Must’arabim 330
Nagid Mevorach 103
Nagid, Samuel ha. see Nagrela, Samuel ibn
Nagrela, Joseph ibn 69
Nagrela, Samuel ibn 1417 , 19 , 24
Naḥmanides 29 , 33 , 39 , 96
Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) 249 , 261
Nasi 44
Natan of Lunel, Abraham ben 27
New Christian see conversos
Nuremberg Laws 282
Operation Torch (1942) 285
Ottoman Empire 56 , 122 , 124 , 128 , 209 , 217 , 221 , 226227 , 259 , 263 , 265 , 315
Palestine 215 , 225
Pappo, Sara 311329
Paquda, Baḥya ibn 1112
Paratexts 926
Paris Sanhedrin 133
Petain, Marshal 282 , 290
Philosemitism 119
Piyyut 25
Polygamy 101
Port Jews 3 , 70 , 117135
Poverty 97
Provence 32 , 35 , 37
Rabat 51 , 224
Religious Polemic 202
Responsa 5 , 46 , 9495 , 101102 , 330338
Revolutionary War (1775–1783) 251
Rey, Jacob (Jew King) 247
Ríos, José Amador de los 65
Riots of 1391 43
Rodriga, Daniel 127 , 132
Romanelli, Shmuel 339
Roth, Cecil 268
Sa’ar ASamayim (London) 255278
Sabato, Ḥayim 217
Salonica 48 , 126 , 302 , 311 , 315
Santa companhia de dotar orfans e donzelas povres 180181
Sarajevo Haggadah 49
Sasson, Menaḥem ben 70
Schechter, Solomon 296
Secularism 151153
Sefrou 218
Seljuqs 187189 , 191 , 195197
Sheshet, Isaac bar 30 , 33 , 37
Sicily 48 , 69
Sicut Judeis 131
Solomon, Menaḥem ben (ha-Meiri) 30 , 3738
Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) 294295 , 302 , 305
St. Albans, VT 249
Statut des Juifs (1940) 238 , 282
Steinschneider, Moritz 295 , 303
Suez Canal 209
Sullam, Sara Coppio 132
Sumptuary Laws 4042 , 120 , 191 , 198199
Suriname 258
Syria 125 , 208217
Talit 28
Talmud Tora 168171
Tangier 5 , 232
Tanzimat Reforms 220
Tefillin 2829
Testaments 164 , 168 , 169 , 172173 , 178 , 311329
Tetouan 58 , 224 , 228 , 231 , 257
Textiles 4359
Third Republic 280
Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) 143
Tierras santas (confraternity) 174178
Timsit, Daniel 285 , 287
Todros, David 98
Toledo 48
Toshavim XV
Trieste 117 , 316
Tudela, Benjamin of 188
Tudesco 259 , 270 , 272 , 276 , 278
Tunis 260
Valladolid Synod (1432) 51
Valladolid, Juan de 37
Vallicrosa, Josep Millàs i 4 , 294307
Venetian-Ottoman War (1537–1540) 125126
Venice 117135 , 311 , 315 , 317
Vichy 238 , 279281 , 283 , 284 , 287290
Wellesley College XIV
Western Sephardic Diaspora 3 , 140 , 261
Wolf, Lucien 246
World Jewish Congress 290
World War I (1914–1918) 207 , 210 , 215 , 282 , 289
World War II (1939–1945) 237 , 285 , 287
Ximenes, Moses (Maurice) 247
Yeḥiel of Rome, Natan ben 11
Yeḥiel, Asher ben 28 , 3132
Yesibat Ets ḥayim 171172
Yiddish 262
Yishuv XIV , 303
Yosef, Ovadia 214
Young Turk Revolution 220
Zaragoza 3031 , 33 , 300
Zimra, David ibn Abi 331
Zionism XIV , 211 , 238239 , 285 , 304
Zohar 268
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