
In: The Politics of Gender
Adrienne Trier-Bieniek
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Acknowledgements xi
Introduction , AdrienneTrier-Bieniek xiii
Match Girls , IlyseKusnetz xxix
1. The Future Is Intersectional: Creating an Inclusive Feminist Movement , AmandaPullum , AdrienneTrier-Bieniek 1
2. Has Hillary Clinton Shifted the Media Narrative of Women in Leadership? , FedericaFornaciari , LaineGoldman 19
3. #ImWithHer or #FeelTheBern: The Impact of Age, Gender, and Intersectionality on Politics , JaimeHartless 37
4. The Magic of Michelle: An Intersectional Analysis of the (Black) First Lady , Sonita R.Moss 55
5. The Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act in Nigeria: A Critique of Body Policing , Esther O.Ajayi-Lowo 71
6. The Incarceration of Gender: Assessing, Managing, and Treating the Needs of Transgender Inmates , ChastityBlankenship , Lisa M.Carter 93
7. The Cost of the “Lesbian Obesity Epidemic”: Pathologizing Sexuality in Public Health , EllenCox 111
8. The Gendered Nature of Firearm-Related Intimate Partner Violence , Selina E. M.Kerr 127
9. “I’m Female as Fuck”: Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal as Feminist Voice of Resistance , Sarah E.Fryett 145
Conclusion – What’s Next? , AdrienneTrier-Bieniek 165
About the Contributors 179
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