
In: Changing Hearts
Yasmin Haskell
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Raphaële Garrod
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Aachen 79
abacá 221
Abbé 68 , 122 , 182
abbot 284
Abjectio animi 50 , 58
abjection 56
abnegation 33
abortion 13
Acapulco, Mexico 21417 , 223
accommodation 10 , 13 , 67n12 , 80 , 152n19 , 267
Acheron 53
achievement 75
Acosta, José de 25152
De procuranda Indorum… 251n42
Historia natural y moral252n47
Actas del Congreso Internacional (Falomir) 296
Actio oratoris 50
action 24 , 36 , 48 , 57 , 59 , 63 , 69 , 72 , 7576 , 78 , 8082 , 103 , 105 , 128 , 151 , 162 , 176 , 18182 , 213 , 219 , 225 , 241 . plays and theaters
Actium, battle of 140n58
actor-preachers 236
actor 10 , 26 , 241 , 279
adaptation 10 , 11 , 14 , 95 , 69
admiration 8 , 52 , 175 , 179 , 19496 , 2013 , 204n54 , 204n56 , 217 . desire
adolescents 50 , 289
Adolph, Johann Baptist 16 , 57 , 87 , 89 , 91 , 9899 , 101 , 104 , 1078 , 111
Mulier fortis v , viiviii , 16 , 57n54 , 8789 , 9495 , 98 , 1012 , 10410 , 11214 , 116
Adulatio 50
adultery 162n59
Adversitas 105
adversity 24 , 72 , 91 , 93 , 105 , 108 , 109n84 , 11315
Advice To Priests and Confessors (Loarte) 255
aemulatio 150 , 90 , 112
Aeneas 128 , 13233 , 140
Aeneid 49 , 107 , 109 , 12728 , 132 , 137 , 151 , 165 , 170
Aeschylus 44
emotions 44
epic greatness and 181
of Mulier fortis 113
pleasure 55 , 60
politics and 70n24
theory of xi
varietas 206
Aetna, mount 154
affection, fraternal 14748
affections, moving 90 , 1034 , 245 , 265 , 272Lang, Franz
affective experience 26 , 33 , 36 , 39 , 200 , 27275 , 279
affective pedagogy, Jesuit 15 , 35 , 63 , 64 , 70 , 72 , 78 , 151 , 163
affective performance 6 , 17 , 110 , 212 , 214
affective reconfiguration 33 , 3738
affective states 5 , 2628 , 32 , 36
affects xiv , 7 , 20 , 2324 , 30 , 3536 , 38 , 48n18 , 63 , 65 , 7273 , 77 , 80 , 84 , 88 , 214
affects, theory of xxiv , 14
affects, Jesuits and xiii–vxii, 2 , 3 , 4n6–n7 , 7 , 16 , 18 , 2325 , 2728 , 3032 , 3538 , 40 , 6367 , 7176 , 7882 , 104n64 . Caussin, Nicolas
affectus xiv , 1n2 , 2 , 4n8 , 35 , 72 , 73 , 75 , 88
affectus deliberantis xiv
affectus irae xiv
affectus musicus 81
affectus paternis xiv
Affekten. see affects and disambiguation
affetti. see affects and disambiguation
affixiones 201
afflictions 37 , 95 . suffering
Africa 157 , 162 , 214 , 289 , 214 , 232
afterlife 38
Agadña (Agagna/Agaña) 22223 , 22831
agency, theories of x , 137 , 205
Agnes, Saint 106
agriculture 47 , 128 , 156 , 161
ahsic (Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu Cataloniae) 215n14 , 229n63
Aireskoui, demon 177
Aizuki, clan 116
Akagi, Kiyomi 90n10
Albaicín, Doctrina del 254
Albini, Johannes
De rebus Iaponicis historica relatio.... 87n1
Albrecht de Mandelslo, Johann 262
Alcalá 215
Alcuni quadri ... (Pini and MIlanesi) 297n25
Aldèbaran ii xvi , 285n2
Alegambe, Philippe 169n6 , 170n8 , 176n24 , 179n33 , 179n35
Mortes illustres… 167n1
Alicante 289
Alithinologia (Saint Malo) xviii
alkaline, in theory of bodies 52n33
allegories 105 , 108 , 110
classical 150 , 15455 , 157
Lucretian 49 , 5154
Mulier fortis and 89 , 106
Aloysius, Saint 196
alphabet 256
Alps 54
Alpujarras 253
Alquié, Ferdinand 175n22
altars, decoration of 12 , 19597 , 199201 , 2067 , 224
alterity 149 , 154 , 164 . Le Brun, Laurent
Amantacha 164
Amazon, people 107 , 132n32 , 135
Amazon, river 142
Amazonia, region 123 , 13536 , 138n53
ambassadors vii , 15 , 202 , 287 , 290 , 29293
Ambition 53
ambition 53 . hope and rage
amenazándola 241
Amengual, Jaume Garau
“Apuntes para un estudio…” 239n18
America xvi , 16 , 12130 , 132 , 13446 , 149 , 165 , 168 , 170 , 183 , 225 , 227 , 253 , 256
Americas iiiiv , 10 , 14 , 121 , 12425 , 12931 , 133 , 135137 , 139141 , 14344 , 149 , 16566 , 175 , 212 , 21415 , 220 , 222 , 255
Ammianus Marcellinus xviii
amoenus, locus 156
Amor 49
amor 64 , 104n64 , 163
amor-odium 65
Amphitrite 262
amplifications, in music 32 , 74 , 110
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 16 , 77 , 104 , 188
Anastasia, Saint 95 , 96n36
Andalucía, Spain 238
Anello Oliva Giovanni 251
Anesaki, Masaharu
Kirishitan shūmon… 96n36
“Writings on Martyrdom…” 95n33 , 96n35 , 111n94
angel v , 5 , 121 , 123 , 12531 , 133 , 135 , 13739 , 14045 , 25051
anger 13 , 2728 , 50 , 6465 , 104 , 114 , 159
Anglican 2
Angolan 214
Anima damnata (Ribalta) viii , 244f10.2
animae, passiones 4 , 6465
animality 157
animals 35 , 50 , 200 , 202 , 222 , 274
animation, in acting, music, staging 109 , 200
animus 299
Annals of the Church 98
Annunciation 247 , 249
Annus patiens 124
anti-American 12022
anti-Jesuitism 122
Anti-Lucretius… (Polignac) 5354
Antigua 246
Antilles 131
Antwerp xivxv , 14 , 26 , 46 , 89 , 101 , 1089 , 116 , 137 , 188 , 19091 , 196 , 204 , 20710
Aoki, Sachiko 285n3
apariencias 243 , 245
apatheia 51
Apollo 5859 , 109
apologia 155
aporia 133
apostatize 8889 , 110 , 115
apostolic succession 112 , 220
apotheosis 60 , 201
apparition 127
appearance 11 , 36 , 57 , 74 , 78 , 126 , 131 , 138 , 170 , 175 , 214 , 216 , 24243
appetite 34 , 35 , 219
applicatio sensuum 102
application 6 , 63 , 72 , 78 , 82 , 142 , 156
apprenticeship 276
approbation 194
appropriation 5 , 11 , 17 , 113 , 220 , 297
aptitude 225
Apuleius 46
apuntes 214 , 229 , 232 , 239
Aquinas, Thomas, Saint 24 , 3337 , 49 , 64
Summa theologiae 23 , 34 , 35n43–n46 , 37n50 , 64
Aquitaine, France 189
Arago, Jacques 23132
araguan 226
Aranda, Felipe 34n39
Arcadia 66n10
architectonics 25
architecture xv , 12 , 187 , 194 , 197 , 199200
Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu (ahsi) 68n19 , 190n6 , 215n14
Archivum historiae pontificiae 288n8
Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (arsi) 189n5 , 190 , 206 , 22022 , 22526 , 228
ardor 147 , 162 , 165
Areopagus 273
Argentina 123 , 136
argumentum 9899 , 105
Arima, Harînobu 289 , 291
Aristotelianism 68
catharsis 6 , 25 , 26 , 40 , 63 , 67 , 75
habitus 3334 , 37
mediocritas 66
Scholasticism 33 , 40 , 64 , 66
Stoicism and 33 , 36 , 37
Aristotelis Ethicorum (Riccoboni) 25 , 35 , 39
Aristotle xii , 2428 , 3435 , 39 , 6364 , 68 , 193 , 204 , 207 , 237
Metaphysics 193n19
Nicomachean Ethics 3 , 24 , 3435 , 64
Poetics v , xii , 2426 , 28 , 237
arithmetic 226 , 230
Arriaga, Rodrigo de 34n39
arsi. see Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu
art x , xv , 1 , 34 , 6 , 8 , 12 , 14 , 17 , 35 , 37 , 4749 , 128 , 5152 , 58 , 67 , 88 , 102 , 115 , 14146 , 152 , 188 , 199 , 200 , 2045 , 20710 , 23738 , 242 , 262263 , 266 , 270 , 281 , 285 , 293 , 297 , 299
Arte of Rhetoricke (Wilson) 2
artifice 158 , 200 , 247 , 275 . automata
artificiality 194
artist 12 , 20 , 214 , 237 , 285 , 29193
arts ii , xvixvii , 3 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 1921 , 45 , 4748 , 52 , 6061 , 79 , 90 , 102 , 1034 , 174 , 213 , 215 , 228 , 239 , 299
artworks 200 , 293 , 29697
ascetic 6 , 79 , 81 , 168 , 237
Asia iiiiv , xviii , 10 , 12 , 14 , 17 , 262 , 281 , 292
Asian 10 , 1314 , 261262 , 270 , 286
Asiatic 95 , 116
Asperges 226
Atlantic Ocean 13032
Atlantis Retecta (Placcius) 134n41 , 138n53
Attempt at Critical Poetics (Gottsched) 69
attitude 46 , 91 , 130 , 143 , 192 , 213 , 238
attribution, in painting 284n1 , 291 , 297
Aubignac, François Hédelin d’ (Abbé)
La pratique du théâtre 68n18
Audacia, personification of 50
audacia 47n14 , 104 . boldness
audience xi , xiiixiv , 6 , 910 , 12 , 15 , 17 , 24 , 2628 , 30 , 3233 , 46 , 56 , 63 , 65 , 73 , 75 , 78 , 8182 , 8889 , 1023 , 11012 , 148 , 150 , 187 , 191 , 204 , 206 , 240 , 24243 , 250 , 289
Augsburg, Germany xiii , 45 , 6777 , 292 , 296
Augustine, Saint 194
Augustinian order 230 , 232
Augustus, emperor 199
Auisi di sacerdoti et confessori (Loarte) 255
Aurelius, Marcus emperor 23 , 29
Australia vii , xv , xviixviii , 11 , 261
Austria vii , xiii , 6 , 77 , 82 , 98 , 1034 , 148 , 216 , 246
authenticity 297
Autobiografía y otros escritos (Canisius) 255
autochthonization 138
automata 200 , 2023 , 207
automaton 195 , 205
Avancini, Nicolaus 82
avarice xiv , 59 , 72 , 279
avaritia xiv
Ávila, Teresa of, Saint 189
Ávila, Juan de, Saint 253 , 255
Axiomata christiana (Loarte) 255
Ayala, Poma de 251 , 252n45
Azevedo, Emanuel de 121n1 , 134n37 , 135n41
Azuchi-Momoyama period 287
Bacchus 59
bad, habitus/passions 4 , 49
Baetica, province 17 , 237
bagpipe 217
Bajazet 76
ballads 231
ballet 17n40 , 59 , 114
Banco del Rosso 297
baptism 9192 , 97 , 17071 , 179 , 218 , 222
barbarians 170 , 173 , 176 , 287
Barberini family 105n71
Barcelona, Spain 71 , 123 , 240 , 245 , 252
Barnes, Jonathan
Metaphysics, in The Complete Works of Aristotle 193n19
Barnes-Karol, Gwendolyn
“Religious Oratory...” 241n24
Barocchi, Paola
Trattati d’arte 238n14
Baroja, Julio Caro
Teatro popular y magia 242n27
Barón 252
Baroni, Don Martio 291
baroque xvi , xviii , 6n11 , 27 , 52 , 60 , 65 , 70 , 78 , 82 , 101 , 104 , 112 , 18788 , 229n63 , 239
Barry, Fabio
Lux and lumen 206n62
Barton, William 155 , 165
Basilica 189 , 255n55
beasts 58 , 154 , 200
beatification 87 , 98
beatitude 3839 , 94
beauty 58 , 96 , 1067 , 115 , 164 , 224 , 246 , 275 , 280
behavior 205 , 237 , 240 , 263
Beijing, China 262
belembaotuyan 214
Belgium xv , xviiixix , 16 , 174
belief 4 , 30 , 105 , 129 , 167 , 172 , 175 , 177 , 203 , 262
Bella, et crudelitas Canadensium in captivos 153
Benedictine 2
benevolence 195
benevolentia 192
Berchet, Guglielmo 290 , 293n19
berimbau 214
Berlin, Germany xviii , 9 , 34 , 65 , 159 , 165 , 218 , 234
Bern, Switzerland 6 , 65
Bernardino, Stefonio 103 , 204
Bey, Fethi 292
Bible 17 , 179
Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus (Sommervogel) 44n5 , 48n17 , 76n39 , 77n41 , 148n3
Bidermann, Jakob xiii , 910 , 20 , 38 , 45 , 58 , 82 , 112
bilembaotuyan 214
Bimet, Pierre
Physiognomia 50n26
Bisselius, Johannes
Digitus Dei, humana corda tangens 101n54
Bitti, Bernardo 251n44
Black Sea Letters (Ovid) 151
Boethius 23
Bogotá, Colombia 136
Bolland, Jean
Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu 109n87
Bologna, Italy 54 , 123
Bonaventure 79
Boncompagni, Ugo 28889 . Gregory xiii
Bonze 11415
boredom 201
Borghese 299
Borgia [Borja], Francis[co], Saint 247 , 248f10.3 , 254
Boscovich, Roger 54
Böttger, Johann Friedrich 261
Bourdon, Jean 174
Bouwens, Gerardo 223
boys, in theater and music xiv , 12 , 14 , 23 , 102 , 11011 , 224 , 22627 , 28 , 230
Bracamonte, Diego de 251
Braut 46 , 60
Brazil 11 , 124 , 189 , 245
Brazilian 214
Brechtus, Levin xiii , 9
Bretagne 148
brocades 19596
brothel 106
Brotherhoods 91
Brumoy, Pierre v , 15 , 4363 , 6768 , 75
De arte vitraria 52 , 59
De motibus animi v , 15 , 4344 , 45n7 , 58 , 68
“Discourse on the Origin of Tragedy” 55
Pensées sur la décadence… 8n41 , 45
Plaidoyer pour la paresse 45
Recueil de divers ouvrages 44 , 50n29 , 68n15
Brunner, Andreas 79
Brussels, Belgium 166 , 188 , 19091 , 19495 , 198201 , 203 , 20410
Buddhist 11
Buenos Aires, Argentina 124 , 136 , 146
Buffon, Comte de 122
Bühnenmeditationen 79
Bulzoni 188
Bungo, Japan 289
Burgos, Spain 215
burial 158
burlesque 77
bustes 274
Buteux, Jacques
Narré de la prise du Père Isaac Jogues 169n7 , 170n7 , 172n13 , 175n23
Buysson, Jean-Baptiste 34n35
Bvgnocingva iv , 28612.1, 287 , 289 , 297 . Itô Mancio
Caccini, Giulio
Le nuove musiche 112n100
Caesar, emperor 28 , 29n22 , 235 , 240
cafre 214n9
Cajetan, Thomas 64
Caliari, Gabriele 292
calligraphy 13
Calumnia 50
Calungsod, Pedro 223
Calvinists xii
camera obscura 59
Canace 153
Canada 136 , 147 , 149 , 155 , 16568
Canadian xviii , 14752 , 15358 , 161 , 16365 , 168 , 183
Canary Islands 224
Cancer, Tropic of 135
Canisius, Peter, Saint 255
cannibalism 154
Cano, Alonso viii , 245 , 24748
canoe 177
canonization 6 , 17 , 90 , 18889 , 191 , 194 , 203
Capuchins 236
Cardeñoso, Tomás 216 , 222
Cardon 4 , 34
Carducci, Vicenzo viii , 239
Caribbean 131 , 135 , 13839
Carmelite 189
Carpio, Marquis of (Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán) 287 , 293 , 29697 , 299
Cartesian dualism 33
cartography 133 , 146 , 211
Casser, Sebastiano 293 , 299
Cassius, Dio 28
castanets 213
Castiglione, Giuseppe 12
Castile, Spain 17 , 253 , 256 , 287 , 296
catafalque 246
Catalan xvi , 122
Catarina of Tanba 93
catechism 11 , 93 , 218 , 227 , 251 , 256
catharsis 6 , 1516 , 2528 , 3637 , 40 , 6367 , 71 , 75 , 77 , 82
Aristotelian 6 , 25 , 26 , 40 , 63 , 67 , 75
Senecan 2339 Corneille and Racine, Jean
Catherine, Saint 96n36
Catholic iv , xiixiii , xviii , 23 , 12 , 14 , 18 , 20 , 68 , 90 , 98 , 1012 , 112 , 126 , 167 , 169 , 173 , 18788 , 212 , 214 , 253 , 26567 , 27172 , 27475 , 27980
Catholicism 17 , 101 , 113 , 215 , 223 , 226 , 255 , 287
Catullus 128n21 , 155n32
Caucasus 200
Caumont, Marquis de 44
Caussin, Nicolas v , 2 , 69 , 15 , 1821 , 23 , 2541 , 4546 , 4849 , 6584 , 242
Cour sainte, La 7 , 8 , 25 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 39n55–n56 , 45 , 49n23
De affectibus 65n5
Eloquentiae sacrae 6 , 15 , 23n2 , 28 , 45n9 , 65
Felicitas v , 9 , 15 , 2325 , 2737 , 3941 , 45
Lettre de consolation du Reverend pere Caussin 79
Solyma 23
Theodoricus 23
Caussinus. see Caussin, Nicolas
Cavite, Philippines 212n2
Cenodoxus xiii , 910 , 45 , 58 , 112
ceramics. see porcelain
Cerberus 56
ceremonies 11 , 13 , 15 , 148 , 18890 , 224
Ceres 156
Céspedes, Gregorio de 91
Ceva, Tommaso 54
Philosophia novo-antiqua 54
Chamorros 21119 , 217 , 221 , 22324 , 22630 , 23234
chants 44 , 213
chapels 190 , 19596 , 206 , 254
charity xiii , 108 , 252
Charles, archduke 71
Charles ii (king) 293
Charles iii (king) 123
Charles v (emperor) 195 , 237
Châtillon, Stephen of, Saint viii , 239f10.1
Chevalier, Jean
Polliniensis, e Societate Iesu 148n4
chieftain 170
Chijiwa Seizaemon viii , 14 , 289 , 295
Chijiwa Migeru 14
children 2931 , 3739 , 50 , 68 , 95 , 99 , 105 , 11011 , 11415 , 172 , 202 , 218 , 22021 , 22428 , 23031
Chile 135n44
China 2 , 11 , 13 , 1821 , 60 , 91 , 101 , 26163 , 26568 , 270 , 272 , 276 , 27880 , 287
Chinese vi , 1013 , 18 , 20 , 26163 , 26567 , 26980 , 287
chirimías 229
chirinubeki 94n28
choir 194
choreography 198
chores 22627
chorus viii , 57 , 80 , 8889 , 10810 , 11415
Christ v , xiv , 5 , 32 , 39 , 47 , 87 , 9194 , 104 , 106 , 10811 , 11415 , 151 , 161 , 163 , 170 , 178 , 194 , 200 , 204 , 240 , 24243 , 245 , 247
Christendom 99
christenings 187 . baptism
church 139 , 143 , 279
doctrine 95 , 115 , 220 , 224 , 227 , 228 , 255
exegesis 140
faith xii , xiv , 96 , 99 , 110 , 114 , 115 , 169 , 173 , 175
images 114
love 38 , 163
sacrament 122 , 139
spirituality 130
symbolism 140
teachings 114
virtues 101 , 108
Christianity xii , 15 , 18 , 23 , 87 , 90 , 102 , 106 , 120 , 126 , 13941 , 173 , 181 , 278 , 288
Cicero 241
civilization 47 , 156157
clans 99 , 116
clarity, in music and poetry 110 , 153
Claus, Anton 15 , 6378
Observationes in Themistoclem 77
Publius Cornelius 76n39
Scipio 77
Tragoediae autumnalis datae 77
classicism 25 , 6970 , 72 , 74 , 7778 , 82
classicist 63 , 75 , 7778 , 125
clemency 72
Clement xiv (pope) 121
clergy 130 , 192 , 236
cleverness 190
clothing 11 , 15 , 176 , 217 , 227 , 28485
cogitativa 35
coins 153
coldness, attitude 97
Colinus 95 , 106
Cologne, Germany 23n1 , 70
colonialism xviii , 140 , 165 , 228
colony 131 , 167 , 174
Columbeis 126n17
Columbus, Christopher 16 , 122 , 12427 , 13134 , 136 , 138 , 140 , 14446 , 160 , 166
comedies 9 , 56 , 71 , 74 , 78
commandments 17576 , 219 , 252
Commentaria ac disputationes (Suárez) 34
commentaries 2 , 34 , 88 , 212
Commentariorum ac disputationum in primam secundae (Vásquez) 4n6
Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem (Suárez) 33n35 , 34n35
Commentarius, in Louvain 19094
Commentarii in primum librum Aristotelis (Vettori) 25n8
commerce 161 , 174 , 270 , 272
Commiseratio 50
communication 16 , 133 , 15156 , 16061 , 163 , 183 , 212 , 252
Compagnie française des Indes 262
Compañía de Jesús. see Jesuits
compassion 50 , 240 , 242
compositions 10 , 148
conditioning, moral/affective 4 , 37 , 40
conduct, manuals/code of 7 , 23 , 3334 , 55 , 175 , 242
confession 1 , 18 , 168 , 252
confessor 23 , 49 , 51 , 94 , 253 , 255
confidence, in Brumoy’s Passions 57
confidence 50 , 266 , 299
confirmatio, in thematic sermon 235
Conflagratio Sodomae (Saurius) 9n19
confraternities 91
Confucianism 100
conscience 18 , 94 , 192
Conscientiarum stimuli 50
consolation 7 , 171 , 181 . Jogues, Isaac
constancy 24 , 38 , 57 , 72 , 8788 , 97 , 101 , 97 , 105 , 1079 , 11416 , 17880 . Jogues, Isaac
Constantia 105
Constantinople 72
construction, in imagery 5 , 108
contemplation 5 , 7 , 15 , 55 , 63 , 9596 , 155 , 158 , 164 , 205
contempt 47 , 72 , 144 , 271
Contemptus mundi 93 , 95
contrition 5 , 36 , 237
convent 246
conversion xv , xviii , 9 , 12 , 1718 , 9293 , 99 , 101 , 105 , 131 , 141 , 143 , 15052 , 15459 , 164 , 178 , 189 , 212 , 21417 , 222 , 240 , 256 , 267 , 272 , 27476 , 27879
converso 256
converts xiiixiv , 1 , 8 , 16 , 87 , 9293 , 98 , 105 , 111 , 177 , 22021 , 223 , 261 , 266 , 27273 , 276 , 27880 , 288 , 290 , 299
Convivia et fames Canadensium (Le Brun) 154
Copete 237
copperas 266 , 273
Córdobadel Tucumán, Argentina 123
corn 182
Corneillatrie 69
Corneille, Pierre 27n15 , 56 , 6370 , 74 , 7678 . Noël, François, Racine, Jean and Molière
Cornelia, in Mulier fortis 107
Cornelius Laurimanus xiii
Cornelius Scipio 67n11
cornettos, music instrument 229
corporeal experiences 26465 , 279
correspondence, Jesuit 254
corruption 8
Corsica, Italy 255
Cortijo, Camilo Fernández
Les missions populaires 237 n10
Cosme, Takai 92
cosmetics 158
cosmic order, in Jogues letter 159 , 17879
costume 43 , 127 , 285 , 299
Counter-Reformation 191 , 241 , 255
courage 108 , 181
couronnes 39
Cour sainte, La (Caussin) 7 , 8 , 25 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 39n55–n56 , 45 , 49n23
court, Spanish 126 , 195 , 198 , 216 , 241
Couture, Guillaume 16869 , 171 , 176n25 , 177n25 , 18081
Covarrubias, Sebastián de 243
cowardice 50
craftsmen 216
craftspeople 262
Cramoisy, Sébastien 23 , 100n51 , 150n12 , 167n2 . Chappelet, Sébastien
Crasset, Jean
Histoire de l’Église du Japon 91n13 , 97n40–n41 , 111n96
Creed 256
Creon, in Racine’s Thébaide 76
crescendo, in music 194
Cressolles, Louis de 242.Caussin, Nicolas
Creusa 7 , 30
crime 36n49 , 52 , 58 , 92 , 158 , 23536
Crispus Tragoedia (Stefonio) 43n1 , 103
Cristaõ 90n7 . Kirishitan
criticism, dramatic xiii , 159 , 247 , 285
Criticón 239n18 , 255n58
Critische Musicus, Der (Scheibe) 110n89
crocodile 200
Crozet, Julien 232
Crozet’s Voyage230n69
crucifix 95 , 11415 , 242 , 247 , 275
crucifixion 95 , 109 , 204 , 243 , 254
crudelitas 105 , 153 . cruelty
cruelty 13 , 105 , 11416 , 149n8 , 153 , 108 , 172 , 176 , 235
cuisine 14
cultivation 102 , 161
American colonial 230
baroque festival x
Chamorro 21114 , 22829 , 232
of compositions and declamations 148n5
development of 47n14
early modern x
European 215 , 268
Jesuit pedagogy and 4 , 62 , 83
Jesuit spirituality and x , 18 , 48n16 , 214
Kirishitan culture of martyrdom 9192 , 9798 , 111
material xv , 267
non-European 1213 , 141 , 151 , 158 , 163 , 220 , 228
performative 44 , 213
primitive 152 , 154
visual 3
Cupid 46
Cupiditates 49n20
curia xiv, 189 , 193
curricula 242
curriculum 9 , 173 , 223 , 226 , 230
customs 11 , 13 , 14 , 20 , 92 , 51 , 97 , 99 , 14849 , 158 , 216 , 220 , 235 , 253
Cuzco, Peru 252
Cyrus (De la Rue) 77
dábales 253
da Cruz, Gaspar 261 , 262n3
Treatise of China and the Adjoining Regions 262n3
Treatise on Things Chinese 48 , 262
Cruz, Luís da 103
Daemones 179n35
Dafumu 11n26
Dagmar 263 , 281
daimyo 12 , 14 , 28889
dance 17 , 88 , 11415 , 21415 , 21920 , 22425 , 232
Dargouge, madame 79 . Lettre de consolation du Reverend pere Caussin (Caussin)
darstellen 138n55 . vertreten
Darstellerin 138n56
Dauphin, of France 148 , 158 , 160n40 , 16162
David, biblical 21920 , 222
De administratione guaranica… (Peramàs) 123n8
De affectibus (Caussin) 65n5
De arte vitraria (Brumoy) 52 , 59
death 7 , 25 , 28 , 30 , 39 , 45 , 52 , 54 , 59n61 , 7273 , 87 , 89 , 91 , 9394 , 99101 , 1056 , 11011 , 11516 , 123 , 158 , 163 , 16971 , 177 , 17980 , 182 , 211 , 222 , 238 , 240 , 24647 , 261 , 289 , 297
debates 9 , 25 , 44 , 67 , 92 , 125 , 254
de Bovelles, Charles
Vita Remundi eremitae 8
declamation 88 , 148
declarations 288
decoration 196197
decorum 30 , 32
deeds 103 , 107 , 111 , 197 , 201 , 235 , 240 , 245
De imitatione Christi (à Kempis) 93n22
De invento Novo Orbe (Peramàs) v , 16 , 12124 , 125 , 126n15 , 126n17 , 127n18 , 131 , 132 , 134 , 135n43 , 136n47 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 14344
de la Costa, Horacio
The Jesuits in the Philippines 1581–1768 212n4 , 215n13 , 216n15 , 230n67
de la Cruz Bagay, Nicolas 214
de la Cruz, Andrés 216
de la Cruz, Hipólito 216
de La Fontaine, Jean 46
delectare xi
delectatio 36
Deliberation 293n19
De libero arbitrio (Parente Jr.) xiin12
delight, emotional response 45 , 5556 , 144 , 256 , 269
Delrio, Martin Antonio 2628 , 36
catharsis for 26
Doctrine of Latin Tragedy 26
ethical tragedies 27
pathetic tragedy for 28 , 37
Syntagma tragoediae Latinae 26 , 27n16 , 28n19
De missae caeremoniis 205n60 . Trent, Council of
De motibus animi (Brumoy) v , 15 , 4344 , 45n7 , 68
demons 60 , 17680
denouement 75 , 79
d’Entrecolles, François Xavier 18 , 26180 . porcelain
de Pauw, Cornelius 122
De Ponto Occidentali (Le Brun) 151
De procuranda Indorum… (Acosta) 251n42
De profundis 226
De ratione discendi et docendi (Jouvancy) 68
De rebus Iaponicis… (Fróis) 87n1
De rerum natura (Lucretius) 47 , 5455
de Ronsard, Pierre
Franciade 150
de Sande, Duarte 11
De Societeyt wordt… (Bollandis et al.) 109n84
De symbolica Aegyptorum sapientia
(Caussin) 23
De virtute et statu religionis (Suárez) 64
De vita et moribus (Peramás) 123n8
Descartes, Rene xi , 54 , 65 , 175 , 177
Les passions de l’âme xi , 175
Description géographique de l’empire de la Chine (du Halde) iv , 1213 , 20 , 133 , 261 , 26667 , 269 , 271 , 277 , 279 , 281
descriptions, to elicit response 7 , 17 , 30 , 75 , 155 , 157 , 167 , 169 , 175 , 178 , 180 , 18992 , 195 , 199 , 2012 , 215 , 256 , 262 , 265 , 278
desideria 32 , 79 , 64
Desiderium 104n64
architectural 17
character 66
poetry 150
porcelain 277
stage 88
Désir xi , 50
desirability 270
desire xi , 1 , 3 , 9 , 46 , 5051 , 64 , 79 , 104 , 122 , 169 , 195 , 200 , 2023 , 232 , 238 , 254 , 26668 , 270 , 275 , 280 , 291
despair 50 , 156
Desperatio 50 , 104n64
desperation 104n64
despondency 50 , 58
devil 81 , 130 , 253
devotio 190
devotion 1 , 3 , 17 , 109 , 190 , 214 , 225 , 227 , 254 , 278
images/art 108 , 238
literature 108
music 217n21
Dialectical Questions (Melanchthon) 2
dialogues, on Jesuit stage 80 , 242 , 247
Dialogus de Udone episcopo (Gretser) 9n19
diaries 2 , 12325
drama 16 , 56
epic 125 , 128
images 256
poetry 45n7 , 4849 , 50n26 , 51 , 5455 , 60
Dido, in Aeneid 49 , 170
Dieudonné, Louis (Louis xiv) 148
Difficultas itinerum (Le Brun) 155
Diffidentia in Amore 50
Digitus Dei (Bisselius) 101n54
Dillingen, Germany 101
dino. see De invento Novo Orbe
Dionysius 9
discipline of affects 2 , 3637 , 3940 , 79
“Discourse on the Origin of Tragedy” (Brumoy) 55
disdain 175 , 177
diseases 51 , 52 , 54 , 164 , 232
disguise 10
disgust 89 , 13n33
disloyalty 76
dispositio 250
disposition 4 , 25 , 36 , 115 , 156
Disputationes metaphysicae (Suárez) 64
distractions, Jesuit poetics 71 , 75
divorce 93
Doctrina Christiana 228 , 256
Doctrine of Latin Tragedy (Delrio) 26
Dominicans 23 , 24647 , 256 , 261 , 267
Douai, France 191 , 197 , 199
Douleur, personification of 50
drama vii , x , xiixiv , 1 , 3 , 57 , 9 , 1516 , 40 , 4345 , 48 , 51 , 5657 , 5960 , 63 , 6566 , 7071 , 7375 , 7779 , 8182 , 88 , 92 , 98 , 1023 , 105 , 148 , 180 , 214 , 224
dramatis personae 9
dramaturgy 90 , 182
drawing xi
dread 147 , 205
dress 12 , 200
dressing 10
drum 217
Du Halde Jean-Baptiste 269
Description géographique12n29 , 269n29
dualism 33
DuBois 128 , 144
ducats 290
duets 80
Dulce Nombre de María, Mariana Islands 220
Duncan 151152 , 165
Dunkirk, France 19091 , 19395 , 197201 , 2035
Duomo xvi
duplicity 18 . performance
Dutch East India Company 18 , 261
Dutch xxi , 16 , 25 , 89 , 98 , 100 , 109 , 122 , 167 , 17374 , 182 , 188 , 27071 , 280
ears, eliciting emotions 28 , 30 , 43 , 48n16 , 103 , 126
earthquakes 52
East India Company
Dutch 18 , 261
French 262 , 270
East Indies 97 , 254
Easter 242
Ecce Homo 243 , 245
Ecce defunctus 250 , 251n41
échafaud 169n7
eclecticism, in Latin tragedy 26
edification 4 , 27 , 191
education xii , 10 , 147 , 180 , 227 , 23032 , 256
effect/s, in emotions and spiritual transformation xiv , 17 , 26 , 36 , 56 , 63 , 75 , 78 , 102 , 110 , 134 , 139 , 153 , 158 , 162 , 176 , 188 , 19097 , 2001 , 222 , 23538 , 240 , 25051 , 256 , 278 . affects
effeminacy 13n33 , 66
effigies 194 , 196 , 2001 , 287
Egypt 157
ekphrasis 125 , 128 , 134n41 , 13135 , 136n49 , 137 , 140 , 142
Ekstase 46 , 60
“El Fénix en las Marianas” (Coello de la Rosa) 229n63–n64
Elementa rhetorices (Melanchthon) 2
Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg 98 , 104 , 108
elephant 200
Eliano, Giovanni Battista 256
elite 196 , 224 , 261 , 27071
eloquence 2 , 6 , 10 , 28 , 47 , 65 , 74 , 124 , 153 , 191 , 193 , 236 , 245
Eloquentiae sacrae et humanae parallela
(Caussin) 6 , 15 , 23n2 , 28 , 45n9 , 65
embassy, Japanese 284n1 , 28990 , 292 , 299
emblems 58 , 63 , 79 , 81 , 109 . Imago primi saeculi
embroidery 226
emissaries 288 , 292
emotions iv , xxv , 14 , 6 , 911 , 14 , 1619 , 25 , 3537 , 44 , 67 , 103 , 112 , 116 , 121 , 124 , 128 , 147 , 15152 , 18283 , 188 , 19193 , 19596 , 2002 , 2046 , 21415 , 222 , 23738 , 241 , 247 , 26365 , 26768 , 270 , 272 , 27576 , 27980
empathy 12
enargeia 7 , 24 , 28 , 3031 , 34 , 12728
Enchiridion militis christiani (Erasmus) xii
endurance 9495
engagement, of emotions 113 , 144 , 264 , 267
England xv , 2
engravings 98 , 108 , 255
Enlightenment xix , 47 , 70
entertainments 59 , 105 , 232
enthusiasm 96 , 149
entrances, in stage and poetry 43 , 57 , 198
environment, role in emotions 90 , 12728 , 134 , 139 , 155 , 158 , 162 , 19597 , 2001 , 206 , 228 , 270 , 272
envy 50 , 96
ephemeral, quality of art and experience 6 , 17 , 187 , 197 , 200 , 205 , 245
epic poetry xvi , 16 , 122 . De invento Novo Orbe
Epicurean 59
Epicurus 47 , 54
epilogue viii , 8889 , 105 , 107 , 109 , 113 , 116 , 235 , 265 . prologue
episode 13132 , 140 , 144 , 183
epistemology 263 , 281
Epistola de tragaediis (Friz) 72n29 , 73n30
epistle 148 , 151 , 15960 , 16364 , 165 , 170 , 173 , 226
Enchiridion militis christiani xii
Erotemata dialectices (Melanchton) 2
erotics 106 , 160
Escardó, Juan Bautista 17 , 23840 , 24243 , 247
Rhetorica christiana 240n19 , 240n22 , 243n31 , 251n41
eschafaut 169n7
Escorial 289
espionage 263
essays xv , xiv , xvixvii , 4445 , 48 , 50 , 56 , 124 , 199 , 214 , 276
esteem 11 , 175 , 177 , 251
Estrada, Diego de 18 , 244
ethics 3 , 2425 , 3335 , 40 , 6465 , 67 , 159
ethnography 16 , 98 , 158
ethos 27
eunuchs 13
euphemisms 51
Eurasian 262
Euripides 7 , 30 , 44
Euripus xiii , 9 , 112
Europa 187 , 288
Europe iiiiv , vivii , xi , xiii , xv , xviixviii , 12 , 67 , 1315 , 1718 , 2021 , 23 , 40 , 45 , 52 , 6465 , 68 , 82 , 87 , 9091 , 93 , 100 , 1023 , 112 , 12123 , 141 , 146 , 18789 , 21314 , 238 , 253 , 25556 , 26163 , 26672 , 27577 , 279 , 281 , 284 , 28789 , 292 , 299
Eustachius 17071 , 181
evangelization 128 , 130 , 142 , 144 , 147 , 214 , 217 , 223 , 251
evil 36 , 53 , 5556 , 1034 , 111 , 158 , 182 , 250 , 253
evocation 12731 , 182 , 270 , 278
evolutio 75
examination 175 , 192 , 288
excitement 26667 , 26970
exegesis 128 , 131 , 140
exemplum 101 , 113 , 162 , 164
exercitant 5 , 102
exhortation xii , 97 , 110 , 235
exile 16 , 98 , 121 , 12325 , 134 , 143 , 15153 , 163
exits 43 , 106 , 201 . entrances
exoticism 97 , 262
expectations 127 , 191 , 216 , 265 , 288
experience 7 , 910 , 18 , 24 , 2628 , 31 , 33 , 36 , 38 , 52 , 56 , 94 , 98 , 111 , 113 , 121 , 124 , 152 , 154 , 163 , 168 , 170 , 180 , 191 , 200 , 2046 , 243 , 253 , 262 , 264 , 274 , 281
expositio 75
expression xii , 45 , 7 , 14 , 28 , 31 , 38 , 52 , 57 , 75 , 9495 , 124 , 140 , 148 , 154 , 155 , 162 , 165 , 168 , 176 , 183 , 2056 , 212 , 215 , 241 , 243 , 273 , 286
eyes, eliciting emotions 5 , 15 , 24 , 2730 , 43 , 5051 , 53 , 5658 , 103 , 106 , 128 , 133 , 137 , 139 , 156 , 163 , 180 , 19394 , 196 , 200 , 231 , 235 , 24546 , 267 , 286 , 299 . ears
fables 46 , 177 , 213
façades, in eliciting emotions 19799
face, in emotions 24 , 31 , 50 , 53 , 5758 , 103 , 111 , 131 , 143 , 149 , 16465 , 177 , 187 , 206 , 21314 , 225 , 240 , 252 , 28586
factionalism 179
faith xii , xiv , 1 , 6 , 24 , 38 , 8990 , 93 , 9597 , 99 , 10810 , 112 , 11415 , 169 , 17379 , 25152 , 25556 , 274 , 288
fame 54 , 57 , 154
famines 149 , 154
farces 241
farmer 189
farms 230
fashion 9 , 51 , 13738 , 14041 , 285 , 299
Fastidium 50
fate 24 , 26 , 47 , 67 , 142 , 17071 , 292
Favor 50
favor 9 , 44 , 50 , 126 , 128
fear xii , 5 , 27 , 36 , 38 , 50 , 5354 , 56 , 67 , 7678 , 82 , 104 , 156 , 205 , 23738 , 243
feasts 49 , 98 , 149 , 154 , 169 , 18788 , 19092 , 2023 , 217 , 224 , 226
feelings 57 , 75 , 91 , 144 , 24143 , 263 , 27879
Felicitas (Caussin) v , 9 , 15 , 2325 , 2737 , 3941 , 45
Felicity, woman in Felicitas 2324 , 27 , 2933 , 3739
female 91 , 96 , 1068 , 13233 , 137 , 160 , 182
feminine 160
feminism 263 , 281
Ferchault de Réaumur, René-Antoine 269
ferire 6 , 7n13 , 28
Ferrer, Vincent, Saint 238
festivals 12 , 18791 , 198 , 202 , 2057
festivities 18892 , 19495 , 197 , 202 , 205 , 229 , 242
Ficenga 291 . see Ito Mancio
fictions 30 , 75
Fideles 274
fidelity 164
fidem 30 , 173
Fides no dŏxi 9596 , 1078
Figenga iv , 287 , 289 , 297 . Ficenga
Fighen, kingdom of 291
Figueroa, Francisco de
Relación de las misiones142
figurists 1213
Filleau, Jean 16783
Filipinos 21617 , 223
Fiorentino, Rosso 237
firearms 22122 , 287
fireworks 187 , 202
fish 161
fishing 169 , 176 , 194
flattery 50 , 56n48
Flos sanctorum 92
folklore 229
food 47n14
forbearance 50
fortitude 40 , 92 , 105 , 109
Fracastoro, Girolamo
Syphylis 136n47
frailty 67 , 96
France xv , 1 , 6 , 16 , 1920 , 2324 , 26 , 29 , 34 , 4041 , 52 , 6061 , 63 , 109 , 122 , 136 , 14749 , 152 , 15556 , 16062 , 16468 , 17173 , 175 , 17880 , 182 , 189 , 202 , 262 , 265 , 267 , 280
Franciade (Ronsard) 150
Franciade (Le Brun) 15065 . Nova Gallia
Franciados libri duo. see Franciade
Francis Xavier, Saint vi , 6 , 14 , 60 , 65 , 187n1 , 18889 , 198 , 200 , 203 , 287
Franciscan 23 , 89 , 212 , 241 , 256 , 267
Friz, Andreas xix , 15 , 63 , 67 , 7178 , 82
Epistola de tragaediis 72n29 , 73n30
Julius Martyr tragoedia 76 , 235
Penelope tragoedia 76
Tragoediae duae76n36
Fuligatti, Giulio 10
funeral 39 , 182 , 187 , 192
Furor 50 , 53 , 105
fury 108 , 114 , 163 , 223
Gachet, Franz-Xaver 79
Galba, emperor 236
gallantry 246
galleons 194 , 21112 , 214
Galliard, dance 114
García, Francisco 214 , 218 , 222
garment 47 , 235 , 240 , 243
Gassendi, Pierre 54
gaudium 64 , 104
gems 74 , 106 , 196
gender xv , 10 , 20 , 48 , 96 , 106 , 261 , 263 , 271 , 28081
genealogy 48
generosity 76 , 196
Genoa, Italy 289
genre 4 , 6 , 10 , 12 , 24 , 32 , 45 , 51 , 56 , 63 , 78 , 80 , 82 , 87 , 105 , 124 , 133 , 144 , 14849 , 192 , 21315 , 217 , 22425 , 239
geography 135 , 173 , 174 , 178
Georgics (Virgil) 49 , 52 , 12527
Germany xiixiii , 6 , 9 , 64 , 6970 , 7778 , 82 , 103 , 211 , 255
Gerson, Jean
Contemptus mundi and 93 , 95
gestures, in oration 12 , 16 , 50 , 133 , 140 , 142 , 198 , 21314 , 238 , 24142 , 252 , 256
girls 224 , 226 , 230 , 241
glass 52 , 59 , 268
Gloria Patri 227
Gnapheus, Wilhelm xiii
Goa, India 14 , 28889 , 299
God xiixiii , 89 , 11 , 17 , 32 , 39 , 49 , 53 , 57 , 59 , 79 , 91 , 106 , 109 , 111 , 115 , 15859 , 165 , 170 , 173 , 17579 , 2056 , 221 , 238 , 242 , 250 , 25254 , 256
gold xiv , 52 , 57 , 196 , 250
Gómez, Alonso 246
Gonzaga, Aloysius [Luigi] 196
Gonzaga court 15
González de Mendoza, Juan 262
good, morals/habitus/ deed and ethics 4 , 36 , 49 , 51 , 53n36 , 6566 , 68n14 , 7677 , 80 , 236 , 240 , 243 , 245
Gospel 151 , 169 , 17576 , 216 , 218 , 252
gothic 200
Gottsched, Johann Christoph 6970 , 75 , 77
Goupil, René 169 , 171 , 176 , 17980 , 183 . Isaac Jogues and Guillaume Couture
Gracchi 107
grace xiixiii , 97 , 158 , 164 , 220
grammar 105 , 21819
Granada, Spain 95 , 126 , 238 , 24546 , 254
Grand Place, Brussels 198
Granelli, Giovanni 71 , 74
Gratia (Hosokawa Tama) v , 16 , 87101 , 1039 , 111 , 11315 , 158
Kirishitan and Mulier fortis
Gratia (personificated gratitude) 5 , 50
Graz, Austria 71 , 73 , 8283 , 95
Greece 157 , 207
greed 27980
Greek iv , x , 7 , 15 , 44 , 55 , 63 , 68 , 75 , 88 , 153 , 237
Gregorius Holonius
Laurentias xiii
Gregory xiii (pope) 15 , 189 , 284n1 , 289
Gregory xv (pope) 191n10
Gretser, Jacob
Dialogus de Udone episcopo 9
grief xiii , 7 , 9 , 27 , 33 , 37 , 48
grotesques 274 . idols and monsters
Grueling Year (Peramás) 124
Gualtieri, Guido 29092
Relationi della Venvta degli
ambasciatori Giaponesi 291n14
Guam vi , 21115 , 21719 , 22123 , 22527 , 229 , 23134 . Mariana Islands, Chamorro
Guaraní 123 , 129 , 14243
Guaranium prope litus 129
Guerreiro, Fernão 99100
Guía de pecadores 93n22
Guide to the Faith 95
guilt 105 , 278
guitar 217 , 221
guns 182n44
habits 35 , 37
habitus 4 , 25 , 3334 , 191
Habsburg/s 89 , 104 , 108 , 195
Hagåtña 222
hagiography 212 , 219
Haiti 131 , 135 , 13940
Halde, Jean-Baptiste du 269
Description géographique 12n29
Happiness, personification of 50
happiness x , 48 , 50 , 78 , 104 , 219
Hapsburg 104 , 286
Hara, Martino/Maruchino viii , 14 , 289 , 295f12.3
Harînobu Arima 289
harp 21617 , 22527 , 229
Harpalyce 132
harps 221 , 229
Hasekura Tsunenaga viii , 298f12.5 , 299
hate xi , 65 , 67 , 104 , 14243 , 176
haughtiness 50
Hazart, Cornelius 89 , 101n53
Kerckelycke historie 89n6 , 98 , 1001
Kirchen-Geschichte 98 , 99n4 , 100n52
health 14 , 36
hearing 102 , 107 . touch, smell
heaven 46 , 94 , 1056 , 108 , 110 , 113 , 126 , 156 , 158 , 206 , 237 , 256
Heins, Daniel 25
Helen of Troy 162n59
hell 5 , 9 , 97 , 176 , 23738 , 24043
Hephaestus 137
Hercules 158
Hermenigildus 23 . Felicitas
Hermogenes 23738
hero 16 , 2526 , 3840 , 44 , 67 , 73 , 77 , 1012 , 132 , 158
Heroides 16 , 15153 , 15961 , 16566
heroines 58 , 100 , 107 , 151 , 153 , 157 , 15960
heroism 38 , 46 , 179
Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo 121n1
Hideyoshi. see Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Hieronymite order 253
Hispanicization 228
Histoire des Isles Marianes (Le Gobien) 213
Histoire ecclesiastique des isles et royaumes du Japon (Solier) 100
Histoire de l’Église du Japon (Crasset) 91n13 , 97n40–n41 , 111n96
Historia natural y moral de las Indias (Acosta) 252n47
Historiae domus 190
history iv , x , xii , xvxvi , xviiixix , 14 , 27 , 29 , 48 , 98100 , 104 , 122 , 183 , 190 , 212 , 215 , 263 , 288 , 293
Hizen, kingdom of vi , 28485 , 287 , 289 , 291 , 293 , 295 , 297 , 299 . Itô Mancio
Holonius (Grégoire de Hologne)
Laurentias xiii
Holy Court (Caussin) 7 , 25 , 45 , 49n23
honesty 11 , 81
Honor, celebration in Antwerp 19091 , 196n30
honor 94 , 98 , 114 , 116 , 148 , 189 , 196
Honoris et pietatis connubium sive... 98
hope 50 , 53 , 57 , 78 , 104 , 157 , 205 , 237 , 266 , 272 , 275 , 278 , 280
Horace 26 , 29 , 52 , 54 , 68
Horatii Flacci Ars poetica (Weitenauer) 67n12
horror (sacred awe) 17 , 60 , 188 , 2056 , 23637 , 250
Hosokawa Gratia (Tama) v , 16 , 8795 , 97101 , 103 , 105 , 1079 , 111 , 113 , 11519
Hugo, Herman
Pia desideria 79
humanism 9n19 , 10 , 25
humanities x , 10 , 147
Hume, David
Treatise of Human Nature 48n18
humors, temperaments xi , 36 , 51
hunting 154 , 169 , 176 , 178 , 211
Huron, Indians 154 , 164 , 16873 , 17577 , 18082
Huronia 164
hymns 224 , 231
hypotyposes 78 , 28 , 30 , 32
iconoclasm 3
icons 139 , 141
identity 14 , 25 , 90 , 95 , 102 , 107 , 138 , 169 , 176 , 214 , 263 , 27071 , 281 , 289 , 297
idolatry 253
idols 53 , 274
Ieyasu. see Tokugawa Ieyasu
Ignavia 50
ignominy 273
ignorance 193 , 204 , 255
Iliad 137
illuminatio 79
illuminativa, via 80
illusio 170 , 174
illusion 2 , 131 , 196 , 2001 , 2045
illusionism 188 , 19495 , 200 , 2045 , 207
illustration ivv , 25253 , 25556
imagery 11 , 106 , 1089 , 155
images 34 , 6 , 18 , 31 , 36 , 43 , 5556 , 8081 , 1023 , 109 , 114 , 116 , 141 , 146 , 15455 , 168 , 182 , 187 , 19697 , 202 , 204 , 236 , 238 , 240 , 243 , 247 , 25154 , 256 , 262 , 275
imagination xviii , 5 , 30 , 35 , 98 , 102 , 160 , 240
Imago primi saeculi 14 , 109 , 116 , 137
Imitatio Christi 8890 , 113
Imitation of Christ 93 , 104 , 115
imperialism 141
imprint 113
imprinting 50
Inca 130 , 251
Inclementia 50
inculcate, emotions 147 , 215 , 262
inculcation 9 , 15 , 48
independence 211
India 12 , 14 , 1819 , 60 , 157 , 162 , 26162 , 268 , 270
Indignatio 50
indignation 50 , 143
Indios 22425 , 25152
indoctrination 17 , 242
indulgence 50
Indulgentia 50
industry 26162 , 27576 , 278
infanticide 13
infatuation 49
infestae 60
infidels 256 , 274
influence xiixiii , 12 , 14 , 25 , 6367 , 70 , 215 , 238 , 242
Ingolstadt, Germany 7778
inhibition 192
innovation 78 , 2253, 6364 , 266 , 268 , 272
Innsbruck, Austria 76
inspiration 87 , 9697 , 101 , 163 , 220 , 272
inspire, emotional response 9 , 14 , 68 , 90 , 265 , 275 , 279
instruments, of music 15 , 47 , 78 , 115 , 153 , 156 , 214 , 21617 , 222 , 225 , 227 , 22930
intellect, emotions and 3536 , 47 , 245 , 256
intellective appetite 3n6
intellectualization 194
intelligence 252
intempestivos amores 67 , 78
interactions 12628 , 138 , 21415 , 264 , 266 , 272
interludes 12 , 50 , 59 , 7071 , 78 , 88
intermedi 105
intermedio 105
intermezzi 88
intolerance 50
invention 89
Invidia 50
invocaciones 253
involutio 75
Ireland xviii
iron 38 , 182 , 238 , 266
irony 26 , 13031 , 155 , 158
Iroquois 16777 , 17983
Isabel i (queen) 126 , 253
Isabella, Infanta of Spain 188 , 19495 , 198 , 2023
Isabella of Portugal 247
Isidore, the laborer 189
Islas de Ladrones 211
Islas Marianas 216 , 218 , 22021 , 225 , 228
Isthmus of Panama 132 , 13435
Italy 16 , 60 , 102 , 105 , 121 , 12325 , 128 , 187 , 189 , 285 , 288 , 299
Ithaca 267 , 280
Itinerarium mentis ad Deum
(Bonaventure) 79
Itō Mancio viviii , 15 , 28485 , 28995 , 297 , 299 . Hasekura Tsunenaga
Jacundonus (Hosokawa Tadaoki) 88 , 95 , 1056 , 11416 . Gratia
Jansenist 6
Japan v , xviii , 2 , 1116 , 1920 , 60 , 87 , 9093 , 9597 , 100 , 104 , 11011 , 113 , 11620 , 157 , 162 , 211 , 275 , 285 , 28790 , 292
Japanese vvii , 10 , 1216 , 87 , 8994 , 96101 , 104 , 106 , 108 , 11011 , 113 , 11620 , 211 , 27071 , 280 , 284 , 28791 , 293 , 299
jealousy 50
Jerusalem (celestial) ii , 149 , 175
Jesuitism 144
ceremonies 11 , 13 , 18890 , 224
civilizing value of missions 129 , 143
drama 1024
emblems and 58 , 63 , 79 , 81 , 109
expulsion of 123 , 143 , 22931
Jesuitware 18 , 262
missionaries 1 , 11 , 16 , 9192 , 93n21 , 123 , 130 , 149n9 , 151 , 162 , 170n7 , 174 , 211n1 , 214 , 228 , 255
processions 205
reducciones 123 , 129 , 142
stage 63102 , 11213
theater 12n28 , 63 , 70 , 82 , 101 , 113 , 204
Jesus xiii , xviii , 1 , 18 , 23 , 43 , 69 , 80 , 87 , 99 , 1023 , 1089 , 11112 , 121 , 124 , 148 , 175 , 17980 , 189 , 195 , 215 , 21819 , 229 , 236 , 250 , 253 , 26162 , 281 , 288
jewels vi , 18 , 202 , 261 , 27980
Jews 106 , 111 , 116
Jingdezhen, China 26163 , 267 , 270 , 27276 , 278 , 280
jingle 160
jisei no ku 94
Jogues, Isaac v , 1617 , 16783 . Filleau, Jean
Hurons and 154 , 164 , 16873 , 17577 , 18082
Iroquois and 16777 , 17983
martyrdom of 180n36
passio and 168 , 180
Spiritual Exercises and 180
spiritual sovereignty for 179
John Baptist, Saint 217
Joie 50
Jouvancy, Joseph de 6768 , 7784
De ratione discendi et docendi 68
Magistris scholarum inferiorum69
joy xixii , 38 , 64 , 91 , 169 , 195 , 200 , 219
jucunda quies 52
judicium 36
Julius Martyr tragoedia (Friz) 76 , 235
Junxiang, Ji 12
Jupiter 157
justice xii , 33 , 46 , 68 , 138 , 159
Kantan Chamorrita 214n11
kao lin 271
Kassel xi , 4
katana 299
Kempis, Thomas à 93 , 115
De imitatione Christi 93n22
kenbo 100
Kerckelycke historie van de gheheele wereldt
(Hazart) 89 , 98 , 1001
kimono 299
Kirchen-Geschichte (Hazart) 98 , 99n4 , 100n52
Kirishitan 14 , 16 , 87 , 9092 , 9497 , 106 , 111 , 113 , 116
Kisai, James 87
Kiyohara Ito Maria 91
Kontemutsusu munji 9395
Koran 253
Kortrijk, Belgium 190
Kostka, Stanisław 196
Kyushu, Japan 116 , 290
La Fleche 6 , 16 , 14748 , 149n7 , 16465 , 168 , 178
labor 54 , 77 , 103 , 272 , 276 , 278
laborers 27778
Lactantius 35
Ladrones Islands 21112
Lalemant, Jérôme
Relation167n2 , 173n15 , 178
lament 33 , 43 , 153
Lang, Franz
Theatrum affectuum humanorum 4 , 48n16 , 64n4 , 67 , 74 , 7980 , 104
Theatrum solitudinis asceticae 4n7 , 79 , 90n9
language ix , xiv , 1013 , 16 , 49 , 75 , 93 , 127 , 13233 , 138 , 15052 , 155 , 161 , 16364 , 17172 , 174 , 17779 , 21720 , 224 , 229 , 256
laugh 81 , 176 , 192
laughter 48 , 50, 5859 , 236
Laurentias xiii
Laurentius xiii , 105
Laurimanus xiii
laws 81 , 97 , 129 , 142
Le Brun, Laurent v , xi , xviii , 16 , 44 , 14766 , 178 , 185
Chevalier, Jean and 148n4
Difficultas itinerum 55
Franciade of Ronsard and 150
Franciad and 15065
Jesuit aemulatio and 150
Le Jeune, Paul and 147 , 151 , 15354
Méthode pour apprendre à dessiner les passions xi
Nova Gallia v , xviii , 14764
Ovid and 16 , 46 , 49 , 51 , 15055 , 157 , 15962
Relations de ce qui s’est passé en la Nouvelle France and 147 , 14951
stage drama at La Flèche and 148n5
Virgil and 151 , 155 , 161
Le Comte, Louis Daniel 262 , 267n23
Nouveaux mémoires 262n4 , 281
Le Clerc, Nicolas 269n29
Le Gobien, Charles
Histoire des Isles Marianes 213
Le Jeune, Paul 149n10 , 154
learning 12 , 6869 , 95 , 115 , 151 , 163 , 22526
Leidenschaftenen x . passions
Lennox, Charlotte 44 , 55n47
Lent 79 , 104 , 24042 , 247
Leodicus 192
León 253
Leonardus 105
Leopold i (archduke) 98
Letrán (San Juan de Letrán) 220 , 226 , 230
Letter on tragedies (Friz) 71
Lettre á Madame Dargouge (Caussin) 7 , 45
Lettre de consolation du Reverend pere Caussin (Caussin) 79
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses 268 , 269n29 . D’Entrecolles
Leuven, Belgium xix , 192 , 198
liber 25 , 40 , 150 , 161
libertinism 68
librettos 71
Lima, Peru 13536 , 251
linguistic x , 133 , 138 , 151 , 153 , 155
Lipsius 45
Lisbon, Portugal 92 , 99 , 189 , 244 , 289
litany 154 , 163 , 221 , 22627
literature 4 , 16 , 26 , 46 , 68 , 79 , 87 , 9092 , 9596 , 106 , 108 , 111 , 113 , 121 , 15052 , 187 , 212
Litterae annuae 112 , 190
liturgies 23 , 102 , 205 , 217
Lives of the Saints 95
livestock 230
Livorno, Italy 289 , 299
Llull, Ramon 89
Loach 3 , 109
Loarte, Gaspar de
Advice to Priests and Confessors 255
Auisi di sacerdoti et confessori 255
Axiomata christiana 255
López, Jerónimo 18 , 243
Loreto, Virgin of 227
Louis xiii 6 , 23n2 , 49 , 148 . Dauphin
Louis xiv 45n5 , 231n70
Louis le Grand College 43 , 77
Louvain, Belgium xv , xviii , 134 , 19093 , 198
Love, personification of 50
love xixii , xiv , 34 , 89 , 16 , 24 , 3133 , 3739 , 46 , 49 , 51 , 53 , 56 , 5859 , 6465 , 67 , 71 , 7578 , 80 , 91 , 1034 , 106 , 128 , 142 , 15152 , 157 , 161 , 163 , 221 , 252 , 280
loyalty 11
Loyola, Ignatius of, Saint vi , xiii , 2 , 56 , 1718 , 20 , 45 , 52 , 54 , 6061 , 79 , 90 , 98 , 102 , 105 , 165 , 171 , 180 , 187189 , 192 , 19596 , 200 , 203 , 207 , 247 , 249 , 254
Lucretius 47 , 49 , 5155 , 5961
Lucrezia 1 , 21
ludibrium 17 , 170 , 174
ludic 10n22 , 150
Ludovisi, Francesco Boncompagni
Le prime due ambasciate giapponesi in Italia 288n9
ludus caesareus 87
Luke, evangelist 254
Lully, Jean-Baptiste 231
lust 89 , 57 , 101
Lutheran xii
luxury 279
Lyon, France 4 , 3334 , 50
Lyra, Manoel de 91n11
lyre 200
Lysimachus 77
Macao 287
Macareus 153
madness 8 , 108 , 59
Madrid, Spain 121 , 143 , 189 , 207 , 214 , 218 , 22829 , 23233 , 235 , 23739 , 24244 , 25152 , 25455 , 293 , 296
Magdalene, Mary 240
Magdeburg, bishop of 9n19
Magellan, Ferdinand 211
magic 52 , 59 , 242
magistrate 238 , 241 , 284
Magistris scholarum… (Jouvancy) 69
magnetism 54
magnets 52
Mainz, Germany 64
Majorana 189 , 236 , 255
Majorcan 8
Málaga, Spain 237 , 254
male 133 , 140
Malo, Saint
Alithinologia xviii
Mancho/Mancio/Mansio. see Itô Mancio
Mandarins 277
Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht de 262
Manila, Philippines xviii , 21416 , 227
Mannerism 285
Mannerist 188
Mantua, Italy 15 , 105
manufacturing 263 , 26667 , 273 , 278
Manzoni, Alessandro 28485 , 299
Marc Antony 28
Mariana de Austria 216
Mariana Islands vi , 21123 , 22528 , 23134
Mariana/s 21920 , 22728 , 230 . Chamorro
marriage 93 , 98 , 101 , 148
Martínez Montañés, Juan viii , 247 , 249
martyr/s 1 , 1517 , 2425 , 28 , 32 , 38 , 40 , 65 , 76 , 87 , 8992 , 9495 , 98101 , 11011 , 113 , 16768 , 171 , 178 , 183 , 199
martyrdom 16 , 2324 , 3132 , 389 , 46 , 65 , 82 , 87 , 8992 , 9598 , 100 , 1068 , 11011 , 113 , 156 , 168 , 178 , 223
Maruchirio no kagami 96
Maruchirio no susume 97 , 10911
Maruchirio no kokoroe 97
marvels 154 , 159
Marxist 138
Masaccio 237
materialism 18
mathematics 43
Maurisperg, Anton
Mucius Scaevola 73
mausoleum 199
maxim/s, in drama 93 , 97
Maya 142n63
Mayna/e, Indians 14243
Mechelen, Belgium 192
Medea 7 , 28 , 30
Medici, Francesco I de 15
medicine 37 , 106 , 273
medieval 9 , 79 , 189
Medina, Bartolomé de 2
Medina, Luis de 223
meditatio 6 , 63
meditation 2 , 56 , 1617 , 24 , 7879 , 8182 , 92 , 104
Melanchthon, Philip
Dialectical Questions 2
Elementa rhetorices 2
melodrama 88 , 104
Melpomene 44n5
Mémoires de Trévoux 43 , 44n4 , 45n6
memorization 112 , 191
memory 8 , 2930 , 102 , 122 , 147 , 241 , 253 , 29092
Mendoza, Francisco 243 , 262
merchants 27071 , 277 , 293
Mercury, in Aeneid 127n18
mercy xii
Merizo, Guam 229
Mesquita, Diogo de viii , 29293 , 295f12.3
mestizos 226
metal 136 , 222
Metamorphoses (Ovid) 49 , 155 , 157
metaphor/s 34 , 33 , 58 , 126 , 14142 , 15153 , 15557 , 163 , 179 , 181
Metaphysics 193
Méthode pour apprendre à dessiner les
passions (Le Brun) xi
Mexican/s 122 , 130 , 14142 , 216 , 224 , 229 , 232
Mexico 133 , 13536 , 14146 , 21113 , 22122 , 225 , 251 , 255
Michelangelo 237
Micronesia 21516 , 22123 , 226
Milan vii , xix , 12 , 54 , 189 , 28789 , 297 , 299
Mild Passions 50
mildness 72
mimesis 201 , 220
minaret 206
mining 52
Minos 155
minstrels 219
miracle 73 , 175 , 2045
Mirror of Martyrdom 96
misericórdias 91
misery 56
misfortune 55 , 100 , 114 , 121
misiones, Argentina 123
missionaries xiv , 1 , 11 , 1314 , 16 , 9193 , 121 , 123 , 12930 , 147 , 151 , 162 , 167 , 170 , 174 , 17880 , 183 , 21112 , 214 , 216 , 21819 , 222 , 225 , 228 , 251 , 25455 , 288
missionarism 12830 , 143
mitis/doux 50
Mitono, Japan 92
moderation, affects 31 , 80 , 189
modesty 58 , 106 , 172 , 192
Mogor mission 12
Mohawk, Indians 180
Molière 48 , 51 , 56 , 74 , 78
Momoyama 287
money 49 , 72 , 158
monks 192 , 252 , 284
monologue 156 , 181
monsters/monstrosities 53 , 58 , 158
Montañés, Juan Martínez viii , 247 , 249
Montezuma 224
Monti, Urbano viii , 29295
Montilla, Spain 255
Montmagny, Canada 17172 , 177
Montréal, Canada 149 , 165 , 16768 , 170 , 174
Monumenta Nipponica (Pinto) 288n7
moods 59 , 242
Moors 126
moral xixii , 45 , 9 , 11 , 17 , 24 , 2627 , 3637 , 4445 , 4849 , 55 , 59 , 6367 , 7073 , 75 , 7982 , 90 , 1035 , 109 , 11113 , 123 , 191 , 237 , 252
morality 15 , 56
mores 81 , 148 , 15859
Moriscos 25354
Mortes illustres (Jogues) 167n1
mortuary 247
Motete 226
mother 78 , 11 , 2324 , 3233 , 39 , 50 , 92 , 9596 , 100 , 107 , 115 , 160 , 17677
motherhood 160
motif/s 58 , 154 , 161 , 199 , 250
motion 4 , 27 , 35 , 130 , 191 , 2013
motives 101 , 195
mourning 30 , 242
movement xi , 6364 , 112 , 125 , 142 , 189 , 196 , 2012 , 225 , 290 , 293
Mucius Scaevola (Maurisperg) 73
Mughal 12 , 19
Mulier fortis (Adolph) v , viiviii , 16 , 57n54 , 8789 , 9495 , 98 , 1012 , 10410 , 11214 , 116
Munich, Germany xiii , 4 , 10 , 34 , 68 , 70 , 7980 , 84 , 90 , 104 , 112 , 116 , 141 , 146
Murillo Velarde, Pedro 214n9
music xi , xviii , 12 , 17 , 36 , 43 , 51 , 5859 , 63 , 73 , 79 , 81 , 8788 , 104105 , 108110 , 114 , 116 , 19294 , 21219 , 22223 , 22532
musicians 15 , 21617 , 22124 , 22930 , 232
Musikdrama 16 . Mulier fortis
Muzio, Vitelleschi 6 , 20 , 147 , 178 , 189
mysticism 204 , 207
myth 58 , 158 , 164
Nadal, Jerónimo 241
Nagasaki, Japan 87 , 95 , 98 , 28789
Nakaura Giuliano viii , 14 , 289 , 295f12.3
Naples, Italy 289 , 293 , 297
narratio 191 , 235
narration 32 , 201 , 203
narrative 16 , 47 , 98 , 111 , 113 , 134 , 168 , 178 , 180 , 182183 , 188 , 194 , 2023 , 215 , 235 , 243 , 262 , 281
native/s 12 , 155 , 158 , 217 , 224
navigation 194
Neill 215 , 222 , 23233
Neistyfter, Leopold
Theatrum passionum animae 4n7
Nero 236
Nescius 46
Netherlands iv , xii , xviii , 6 , 910 , 17 , 104 , 18789 , 205
Neumayr, Franz 16 , 63 , 7779 , 8182 , 86
Idea poeseos 81
meditational plays 79 , 82
Philothea 79
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) 3 , 24 , 3435 , 64
Noël, François
Opuscula poetica 69
Nouveau 230
“Nouveaux mémoires” (Le Comte) 262n4 , 281
Nova Gallia (Le Brun) v , xviii , 14764
obedience, vow of 288
Observationes in Themistoclem (Claus) 77
obstacles, role in performance 154 , 156 , 163 , 17475
Oda Nobunaga 92 , 28788
odae 80
Odium 50 , 6465 , 104
Oedipus 76
Ogasawara, Shōsai 99 . Hosokawa Gratia
Oita, Japan 289
Olalha, Saint 95
olfactory 240
Oliva, Giovanni Anello 251
Ômura Sumitada 289
Ondesson. see Isaac Jogue
opera 1 , 60 , 71 , 82 , 1045 , 291
Opera Metastasii 71
Oporinus, Johannes xiii
optical metaphors 3n6
opulence, in festivals 196 , 206
Opuscula poetica (Noël) 69
oration 3 , 30 , 44 , 110
Orationes (Porée) 70n25
Orcamus 114
orchestra 43 , 103
organ, instrument 221 , 229
organist 22122 , 229
Organtino, Gnecchi-Soldo 94 , 99100
ornamentation 113
ornaments 70 , 7374 , 19596 , 199200 , 202 . sententiae
Orpheus 51 , 200 , 222
Orry, Louis-François 261 , 268 , 270
Osaka, Japan 92
Ossernenon (Auriesville, New York) 174 , 177 , 179
Ôtomo Yoshishige 289
Oudin, François
Poemata didascalica 52n33 , 53n36
Ovid 16 , 46 , 49 , 51 , 15055 , 157 , 15962 , 16566 , 178
Black Sea Letters 151
Metamorphoses 49 , 155 , 157
Pacheco, Francisco viii , 238 , 249f10.4 , 256
Libro de descripción 245n37
Pacific Ocean 135
paganism 101
pagans 180 , 240
pageant/pageantry 1 , 57 , 187 , 194 , 206
pain 7 , 39 , 52 , 55 , 80 , 1056 , 108 , 204
painting xi , 12 , 47 , 79 , 98 , 23738 , 242 , 244 , 25152 , 256 , 28487 , 29190 , 293 , 29697 , 299
Paleotti, Cardinal Gabriele 238
Palermo, Italy 189
Panama 132 , 13436 , 140
Panamanian 135 , 140
Pange lingua 224 , 225n45
parable xiii
parade 60 , 106 , 17071
Paraguay 12324 , 129 , 13536
Paris, France 23 , 25 , 44n5 , 68 , 77 , 162n59 , 167
Parthians 51
passio 2 , 4 , 35 , 168 , 180
passion 1 , 8 , 2526 , 32 , 36 , 43 , 47 , 5051 , 5657 , 92 , 94 , 104 , 109 , 168 , 240
passiones animi 1n2 , 64
passiones concupiscibiles 64
passiones irascibiles 64
passivity 13 , 160
pathos 6 , 27 , 3133 , 38 , 40 , 110 , 149 , 153 , 183 , 237
patronage 130 , 193 , 231
patrons 187 , 191 , 193 , 19596 , 225
pedagogy 4 , 15 , 3336 , 63 , 70 , 77 , 82 , 148
Penelope tragoedia (Friz) 76
penitence 23738 , 250
Pensées sur la décadence… (Brumoy) 18n41 , 45
Peramás, José Manuel v 12130 , 13236 , 138 , 14146
De administratione guaranica123n8
De invento Novo Orbe v, 16 , 12124 , 125 , 126n15 , 126n17 , 127n18 , 131 , 132 , 134 , 135n43 , 136n47 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 14344
De vita et moribus 123n8
Grueling Year (Peramás) 124
Peretti, Felice (Sixtus v) 289
performance v , xii , 2 , 10 , 37 , 40 , 101 , 16769 , 171 , 173 , 175 , 177 , 179 , 181 , 183 , 188
performativity 10 , 18 , 192 , 26364
perfumes 205
Perseus 179
Persia 292
perspectives, in stage plays 59 , 63
persuasion 48 , 112 , 149
Peru 130 , 135 , 25152
Petronius 46
Phaleris 46
phantasia 3 , 36
Philip ii (king) 15 , 237 , 286 , 289
Philip iii (king) 246
Philippines 21112 , 21518 , 22223 , 225 , 22728 , 230
Philosophia novo-antiqua (Ceva) 54
philosophy x , 34 , 31 , 3334 , 5354 , 56 , 64 , 100 , 123 , 147 , 204
Philothea (Neumayr) 79
physics 54
Physiognomia (Bimet) 50
pictures 3 , 55 , 109 , 236 , 284
Pietà 109n84
piety 11 , 72 , 98 , 1034 , 106 , 111 , 158 , 195 , 200 , 205 , 251
Pigafetta, Antonio 211
Pijart, Claude 172n13
Pinheiro da Veiga, Tomé 241
Pinto, Francisco 11
Pinto, João do Amaral Abranches
Monumenta Nipponica 288n7
pity xii, 24 , 2629 , 3233 , 56 , 6778 , 8182 , 149 , 151 , 158 , 176
Placcius, Vincentius 126 , 135
Atlantis Retecta 134n41 , 138n53
Plaidoyer pour la paresse (Brumoy ) 45
Plato 123
play/s xiixiv , 12 , 910 , 12 , 1516 , 2325 , 2729 , 37 , 43 , 45 , 5657 , 63 , 6571 , 7280 , 87 , 87 , 91 , 95 , 98 , 102 , 1047 , 112 , 116 , 124 , 13233 , 193 , 217 , 225 , 229 , 24142 , 274
playbills 2
playhouses 6
playwright/s xii , 9 , 15 , 23 , 26 , 56 , 6970 , 72 , 77 , 87 , 90 , 104 , 112 , 182
pleasure 36 , 44 , 52 , 55 , 60 , 159 , 19495 , 200
plot/s 2324 , 28 , 63 , 7073 , 75 , 7879 , 98 , 104 , 107
poem 15 , 4446 , 48 , 55 , 5859 , 68 , 94 , 122 , 12425 , 131 , 138 , 14344 , 151 , 159 , 16162 , 164 , 178
poems 15 , 52 , 54 , 133 , 14950 , 153 , 159 , 164 , 206 , 213
Poenitudo 105
Poetics (Aristotle) v , xii , 2426 , 28 , 237
poetics 2526 , 63 , 6871 , 7374 78 , 82 , 152
poetry xvi , 12 , 8 , 10 , 1516 , 45 , 47 , 51 , 5456 , 60 , 133 , 148 , 212 , 218 , 229
didactic 45n7 , 51 , 55 , 60
dramatic 43 , 56n48 , 66 . Pierre Brumoy and De motibus animi
poets 72 , 158 , 163 , 213
polemic 25
polemicist 122
Polignac, Melchior Cardinal de
Anti-Lucretius 5354
politics 3 , 70 , 89 , 211
Polliniensis, e Societate Iesu... (Chevalier) 148n4
polychromy viii , 249
polyphony 88n4 , 223
Poma de Ayala, Felipe Guamán 25152
pope 15 , 87 , 9798 , 121 , 174 , 189 , 284 , 289 . specific popes
porcelain 18 , 26166 , 26880
Porée, Charles 4467 , 70 , 7778 , 103
Theatrum sitne vel esse possit 66 , 67n11
Orationes 70n25
porridge 22627
Portobelo, Panama 132
Portugal 11 , 17 , 20 , 60 , 91 , 133 , 237 , 247 , 28788
Portuguese 10 , 87 , 9091 , 93 , 99 , 1034 , 121 , 134 , 241 , 26162 , 287
Potosí, Bolivia 13536
pots 273
pottery 273 . porcelain
poverty 58 , 246 , 276
praeludium 80
praeses 7980
Praetorius, Michael
Syntagma musicum 112
prayer 2 , 1718 , 79 , 99 , 102 , 111 , 159 , 220 , 224 , 22628
prayers 102 , 220 , 22628
preaching vi , 235 , 23739 , 241 , 243 , 245 , 247 , 249 , 251 , 253 , 255
pride 46 , 4951 , 5758 , 143 , 153 , 267 , 269 , 280
priest/s xviii , 12 , 23 , 12930 , 16869 , 171 , 17576 , 215 , 230 , 255
Principes de la tragédie… (Racine) 25n8 , 27n15
print iv , 93 , 25354 , 292
printing 14 , 109 , 137 , 254
prison 181
procession/s 58 , 190 , 192 , 192 , 2057 , 215 , 217 , 224
Proditio 50
Prolepsis 175n20
prologue 88 , 105 , 11416
pronuntiatio 241
propaganda 12 , 97 , 101
propassio 36n49
propassiones 25 , 3334 , 3637 , 40 . habitus
prophecy 125
prophetic 134 , 137 , 142
propiedad 218
proportion 131 , 200 . ornaments
props 12n28 , 1718 , 58
prose 10 , 4446 , 54 , 68 , 18081
proselytism 288
prosody 138
prosopopoeia 235 , 250
prostitutes 240 , 247
protagonist/s 24 , 27 , 58 , 75
Protasio (Harînobu Arima) 289
Protestant/s xiixiii , 3 , 64 , 75 , 134 , 26162 , 27071 , 27980
Protestantism 18 , 64
Proverbs 107
Providence 24 , 17374
Psalms 9 , 182
Psyche 46
psychology x , 36 , 176 , 191
Pudor 50
purgatio 79
purgation, of passions 2627
purgativa, via 79
purgatory 227
purification xii , 77 , 1366
Qianlong, emperor 12
Qing dynasty 12 , 20
Québec, Canada 147 , 161 , 164 , 172 , 175 , 177 , 183 , 216
Quintilian 30 , 37 , 48 , 23536 , 23839 , 241
Quito, Ecuador 126 , 135 , 146
Racine, Jean 2527 , 42 , 6367 , 6971 , 7478
Principes de la tragédie25n8 , 27n15Corneille and catharsis
rage 50 , 53 , 57 , 115 , 154 , 163 , 174
Rapin, René 26
Ratio studiorum 6 , 9 , 2021 , 34 , 189 , 241
rationalism 33 , 70
Raynal, William Thomas 122n2
reactions 194 , 202 , 243
rebellion 95 , 221
reconfiguration, of affects 18 , 2425 , 3738
Recueil de divers ouvrages (Brumoy) 44 , 50n29 , 68n15
reducciones 123 , 129 , 142 , 215
reenactments 203
reflection 7475 , 89 , 94 , 108 , 110 , 149 , 158 , 161 , 240 , 270
Reformation xii , 18 , 20 , 91 , 110 , 199 , 241 , 253 , 255
rehearsal 111
Relatio celebritatis, Dunkirk 190n7 , 191 , 19395
Relation de ce qui s'est passé (Lalemant) 167n2 , 173n15 , 178
Relationi della Venvta degli ambasciatori Giaponesi (Gualtieri) 291n14
relativism 152
relics 199 , 205
religion xii , xiv , 18 , 64 , 159 , 17374 , 2045 , 214 , 275
reliquaries 255
Remedia amoris 51
remorse xiixiii , 50 , 100 , 116
Renaissance xii , xviixviii , 1 , 4 , 10 , 13 , 15 , 21 , 25 , 48 , 65 , 127 , 133 , 160 , 188 , 241
Rensselaerswyck, manor of 167
repentance 105 , 114116 , 242
repertoires 90 , 104
republicanism 125 , 144
responses 4 , 6 , 17 , 31 , 110 , 112 , 125 , 188 , 202 , 26465 , 269 , 27374
responsible 114 , 130 , 229 , 279
rest 58 , 64 , 99 , 121 , 123 , 154 , 187 , 189
restauro 299
restlessness 105 , 11416
rhetoric xi , 1 , 3 , 56 , 910 , 1617 , 2325 , 28 , 31 , 3436 , 40 , 48 , 5051 , 65 , 77 , 113 , 123 , 127 , 133 , 14849 , 191 , 235 , 23738 , 242 , 256 , 279
Rhetorica christiana (Escardó) 240n19 , 240n22 , 243n31 , 251n41
Ribadeneyra, Pedro de 25455
Ribalta, Francisco
Anima damnata 244f10.2
Ricci, Matteo 10 , 11n26 , 13
Ricci, Archita viii , 298f12.5 , 299 . Hasekura Tsunenaga
Riccoboni, Antonio 25 , 3941
Richelieu, Cardinal 6 , 23 , 148 , 160
Rinuccini, Marianna 297 , 299
rites 18 , 39 , 199
ritual 17 , 154 , 167 , 16970 , 187 , 199 , 205 , 21415
Romanization 199
Romano (Giovanni Battista Eliano) 256
Romanticism 45
Rome, Italy ii , xiv , 43 , 54 , 6061 , 91 , 105 , 147 , 165 , 167 , 183 , 18791 , 199 , 204 , 20610 , 215 , 225 , 23233 , 23637 , 254 , 256 , 28889 , 291 , 293 , 29697
rosaries 18 , 219 , 22627 , 25254
Rosso, Fiorentino 237
Rosso, Giovanni Francesco del 297
Rouen, France 43 , 53 , 150 , 165
Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste 56n49
Royne de Tango, Grace 100 . Hosokawa Gratia
rudes 253
Sablon, Brussels 198
sacellum 190
sacer horror 17 , 188 , 2056
sacred emotions 196 , 202
sacred horror/awe/tremor 188 , 194
sacred language xiv , 1 , 2 , 6 , 28 , 65 , 256
sadness xi , 28 , 33 , 38 , 48 , 50 , 55 , 64 , 104 , 143
Saipan 212
Salamanca, Spain 243 , 253
Salucio, Agustín 247
Salvador de Bahia 189
Sánchez Lucero, Gonzalo 245
Sermon predicado 246n38
Santiago, Juan de 216
Sanvítores, Francisco García 21523 , 22934
Satan 95
Saturn 154
Satyricon (Petronius) 46
Saurius, Andreas
Conflagratio Sodomae 9n19
Saxony 261
scene/s 9 , 17 , 23 , 27 , 2930 , 32 , 37 , 51 , 5960 , 70 , 72 , 75 , 80 , 82 , 88 , 94 , 102 , 106 , 11012 , 116 , 12627 , 133 , 140 , 149 , 174 , 190 , 202 , 223 , 241
scenery 43 , 187 , 195
Scheibe, Johann Adolph
Der critische Musicus 110n89
Scherer, Jacques 26 , 182
Scholarship 149
scholarship 149n10 , 121
Scholasticism 4 , 33 , 64
schools 4 , 10 , 15 , 64 , 6970 , 75 , 1024 , 149 , 180 , 23031 , 242
science 53 , 159 , 264
Scipio 77
Scotist 35
Scotus, Duns 35n43
scriptures 17 , 47 , 179 , 235 , 249 , 255
sculpture 47 , 249
Segnities 50
Semedo, Álvaro de 262
seminary 197 , 222
Seneca xi , 337 , 46
Sengoku period 288
sensations 30 , 240
senses 1 , 5 , 7 , 30 , 52 , 58 , 81 , 1023 , 110 , 125 , 13738 , 15354 , 206 , 256
sermon/s 1 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 11 , 17 , 92 , 101 , 192 , 224 , 226 , 235 , 23738 , 24045 , 247 , 250 , 252 , 254
Seville, Spain 24549
shaman 11
Shamanism 11 , 19
shame 50 , 58
Shimazu, clan 116
Shimome Oboegaki 99
shipbuilding 162
shogunate 289
siesta 226
Silesia 102
silver 133 , 136 , 196 , 200 , 212
sin 5 , 46 , 51 , 68 , 220 , 228 , 23738 , 246 , 25152
Sinology 267
Sixtus v (pope) 289
smell/s 5 , 102 , 225
Society of Jesus. see Jesuits
Soggetto 297
Solier, François
Histoire ecclesiastique des isles… 100
solitude 79 , 169
Solitum refugium meum 17
Solorzano, Manuel de 225
Solyma (Caussin) 23
Sommervogel, Carlos
Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de
Jésus 44n5 , 48n17 , 76n39 , 77n41 , 148n3
songs 80 , 105 , 212 , 218 , 231
Sophocles 44 , 68
sorrow/s 80 , 154 , 158 , 280
soul xi , 3 , 8 , 28 , 34 , 43 , 51 , 7879 , 82 , 103 , 1056 , 10810 , 112 , 114 , 116 , 158 , 243
sounds 46 , 103 , 137 , 205 , 225
Soutermans, Mathias 9899
Spain 15 , 60 , 64 , 98 , 122 , 126 , 13233 , 14546 , 18889 , 21115 , 22425 , 23738 , 241 , 25455 , 286 , 288
spectacularity 59
spectacularization 187n1
spectator/s 9 , 2528 , 31 , 3738 , 55 , 68 , 7073 , 75 , 78 , 8182 , 103 , 19396 , 199 , 2013 , 235 , 243
Spes 50 , 53 , 104n64
Spiritual Exercises 2 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 79 , 90 , 102 , 112 , 116 , 180
spirituality xivxv , 1 , 45 , 10 , 18 , 130 , 191
staccato 14
stage xiii , 3 , 56 , 9 , 10 , 14 , 16 , 2428 , 3033 , 38 , 4344 , 59 , 63 , 67 , 7273 , 78 , 8082 , 88 , 90 , 94 , 1024 , 106 , 108 , 110 , 11213 , 131 , 134 , 14849 , 169 , 174 , 224 , 278
Statius 53
Staudt, Johann Bernhard vii , 16 , 57 , 8789 , 91 , 98 , 104 , 1079 , 111 , 113 . Mulier fortis and Adolph, Johann Baptist
Stephanus, Huron Christian 170
Stephen of Châtillon, Saint 239f10.1
stimulation, of senses 206
stimuli 50 , 206
stoicism 46 , 65
style 1114 , 3132 , 5354 , 70 , 90 , 102 , 1045 , 113 , 17475 , 180 , 19192 , 200 , 21415 , 21920 , 237 , 252 , 277
Suárez, Francisco 4 , 7 , 2021 , 3337 42 , 6465 , 124 , 136 , 14346
Commentaria ac disputationes 34
Commentariorum ac disputationum in tertiam partem 33n35 , 34n35
De virtute et statu religionis 64
Suetonius 236n4
suffering 17 , 39 , 50 , 54 , 80 , 9496 , 103 , 105 , 107 , 124 , 157 , 163 , 16869 , 180 , 182 , 23738
Sufi 11
suicide 99 , 153 , 288
Sukemasu Itô. see Itô Mancio
Sumario de las cosas de Japón (Valignano) 13 , 97
Summa theologiae (Aquinas) 23 , 34 , 35n43–n46 , 37n50 , 64
Superbia 50 . pride
superstition 54
surprise, in emotions 7 , 50 , 2045 , 230 , 273 , 286
Suzhou, China 12 , 20
sympathy 3536 , 40 , 51 , 276
Synästhesie 65
Synetius, Ignatius Antonius 105n69
Syntagma musicum (Praetorius) 112n100
Syntagma tragoediae Latinae (Delrio) 26 , 27n16 , 28n19
Syntagmata. see Syntagma tragoediae Latinae
syouzou 285
Syph 136 , 138
Syphilis (Fracastoro) 136n47
Tagalog 214 , 218
Taikosama (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) 115
Takai Cosme 92n19
Takayama Justo 87 , 98
talent/s 6 , 52 , 81 , 148 , 224 , 231
tales 46 , 111 , 198 , 237 , 247
Tamako 92 . Hosokawa Gratia
Tanegashima, Japan 287
Tango, kingdom of 100 , 105 , 107 , 114
taste 24 , 78 , 102 , 277
technicians, in feasts and pageantry 187
technique 141 , 2023 , 237 , 240 , 247 , 285
technology 14 , 53 , 59 , 141 , 263 , 266 , 271 , 278
temperament xi , 48 , 51
Tensho mission 14 , 287
terror 24 , 2629 , 59 , 194 , 204 , 237 , 284
Tertullian 92 , 106
theater/s v , xii , 2 , 4 , 910 , 12 , 17 , 25 , 4344 , 48 , 56 , 58 , 60 , 63 , 6571 , 73 , 7580 , 82 , 87 , 1014 , 11213 , 149 , 16970 , 174 , 190 , 194 , 19899 , 201 , 204 , 242
Theatrum affectuum humanorum (Lang) 4 , 48n16 , 64n4 , 67 , 74 , 7980 , 104
Theatrum solitudinis asceticae (Lang) 4n7 , 79 , 90n9
theme/s 18 , 52 , 7576 , 98 , 102 , 113 , 123 , 152 , 15556 , 160 , 16869 , 172 , 180 , 188 , 242
Theodoricus (Caussin) 23
theology xii , 3 , 18 , 2425 , 31 , 3334 , 40 , 45 , 48 , 90 , 147 , 159
Thermodon, river 132
Theseus 155
Timor 50 , 104n64
Timotheus 222
Tintoretto iv , viviii , 15 , 28487 , 29093 , 29697 , 299
Titian 237
Titus 77
Tobias, Mariano 230 , 232
Tokugawa clan 99
Tokugawa era 100
Tokugawa Ieyasu 287
Tokyo, Japan 92 , 9597 , 100 , 116 , 288
tomahawks 168
torments 30 , 39 , 240
Torres, Cosme de 91
torture 24 , 96 , 1058 , 115 , 152 , 156 , 167 , 16970 , 172 , 174 , 237
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 87 , 92 , 11516 , 28289 , 87 , 92 , 115 , 287
trade 18 , 212 , 221 , 26163 , 270 , 27273 , 277
traditionalism 214
tragedies xii , xiv , 9 , 23 , 2628 , 37 , 63 , 65 , 68 , 7178 , 82
Tragedy on Laurentius (Holonius) xii
Latin 26
pathetic 25 , 28 , 31 , 37
transformation 98 , 102 , 104 , 111 , 143 , 156 , 16264 , 191 , 19697 , 205 , 214
transformative, effect of emotions 188 , 191 , 203 , 2056 , 275
Treatise of China and the Adjoining Regions
(da Cruz) 262n3
Treatise of Human Nature (Hume) 48n18
Treatise on Things Chinese (da Cruz) 48 , 262
Trent, Council of 205n60 , 256
tribulations 39 , 103
Trinity, Holy vii , 1 , 252
Triumphus, canonization in Brussels 19092 , 19497 , 2013
trumpet/s 109 , 114 , 217 , 221 , 229
Tuscany, Italy 15
Tydeus 154
Tyrranis 50
tyranny 50 , 72 , 108
tyrant/s 72 , 105 , 11516
Ucondonus 98
ugliness 246
uomo 288
Urban viii (pope) 87 , 9798 , 174
Valencia, Spain 247 , 25051
Valentin, Jean-Marie 6 , 2324 , 6566 , 6978 , 8586
Valérie 265
Valignano, Alessandro 10 , 1415 , 28889 , 299
“Summary of Japanese Matters” 13 , 97
Valladolid, Spain 241
valor 111
vanitas 9
vanity 192
Vásquez, Gabriel
Commentariorum ac disputationum in primam secundae 4n6 , 34n39
Veneratio 50
veneration 96 , 196 , 198 , 204 , 255
vengeance 170
Venice, Italy 25 , 134 , 28993 , 29697 , 299
ventriloquization 138
Venus 9 , 132
Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (voc) 261
verisimilitude 69 , 72 , 78
Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst
(Gottsched) 69 , 70n23
Vertreterin 138n56
vespers 231
Vespucci, Amerigo 138
vestments 205 , 243
Vettori, Pietro
Commentarii in primum librum Aristotelis 25n8
vices 2 , 4 , 24 , 35 , 44 , 51 , 53 , 57 , 60 , 6768 , 71 , 75 , 81 , 1013 , 105 , 242
Vieira, António 17 , 245
Vienna, Austria vii , 6 , 16 , 57 , 7284 , 87 , 9899 , 107 , 112
vignette/s 149 , 214
Vilela, Gaspar 11
villancico 217n21 , 224
Villaverde, Miguel de 244
Vincentius, Placcius
Atlantis Retecta 134n41
violence 24 , 28 , 31 , 38 , 7273 , 111
violin 229
Virgil 49 , 52 , 109 , 125 , 12728 , 136 , 146 , 151 , 155 , 161
virtues 4 , 6 , 35 , 47 , 51 , 57 , 60 , 1013 , 105 , 108 , 112 , 201
Visayan 223
Visayas 216
visual, display and experience 1 , 3 , 5 , 11 , 1718 , 28 , 30 , 47 , 52 , 79 , 102 , 133 , 196 , 225 , 239 , 243 , 254 , 262
visualization 5 , 28 , 57 , 102 , 104
Vitelleschi, Muzio 6 , 20 , 14748 , 162 , 178 , 182 , 189
vocabulary, in affecting emotions 53 , 171 , 199200 , 217 , 251
Vollkommene Capellmeister, Der xi
Voltaire 12 , 44 , 48
vow, of obedience 288
Vulcan 47 , 137
vulgus 50
war 52 , 99 , 105 , 109 , 11416 , 164 , 169 , 17273 , 178 , 182 , 192 , 222 , 224 , 288
warfare 47 , 158 , 223 , 232
weakness 6777 , 160 , 246
weddings 187
Weltanschauung 129
wickedness 77 , 103
Wilson, Thomas
Arte of Rhetoricke 2
wisdom 8
witchcraft 253
women 8 , 16 , 50 , 5758 , 74 , 87 , 93 , 9596 , 1068 , 111 , 116 , 17677 , 213 , 236 , 250 , 252
womanhood 89
wonder 6 , 9 , 56 , 59 , 136 , 139 , 175 , 188 , 19394 , 197 , 200 , 2045 , 207 , 240 , 280
worship 79 , 105 , 130 , 176 , 217 , 253 , 289
wrath xiv , 105 , 108 , 11416 , 158
writers xiii , 1718 , 71 , 151 , 159 , 225 , 292
Wroth, Lawrence 183
Xavier, Francis, Saint vi , 6 , 12 , 14 , 1718 , 60 , 18789 , 192 , 196 , 198 , 200 , 203 , 261 , 265 , 279 , 287
Xiao 11n26
Ximo, kingdom of 11116 , 254
Yamaguchi, Japan 91
Yijing 13n34
Zamora, Juan Pobre de 212
zeal 32 , 14748 , 190 , 216 , 273 , 275 , 280
Zhong 11