Notes on Contributors
Susan Broomhall
is Professor of Early Modern History at The University of Western Australia, and Future Fellow in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. She has explored gender, and more recently emotions and material culture, in early modern France, the Low Countries, and England, and is author of Women and Religion in Sixteenth-Century France (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) and (with Jacqueline Van Gent), Gender, Power and Identity in the House of Orange-Nassau, 1544–1814 (Routledge, 2016). She is editor of numerous volumes, including (with Andrew Lynch and Jane W. Davidson) the six-volume series, A Cultural History of the Emotions (Bloomsbury, 2016). Her forthcoming work explores the relationship of emotions and material culture in early modern conversion, exploration, and colonial practices.
Ralph Dekoninck
is Professor of Early Modern Art History at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), co-director of the Centre for Early Modern Cultural Analysis (gemca), and member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. His research focuses on early modern image theories and practices (specifically in their relation to spirituality), Baroque festival culture, and seventeenth-century Antwerp art (especially engraving). He is the author of Ad Imaginem: Statuts, fonctions et usages de l’image dans la littérature spirituelle jésuite du xviiesiècle (Droz, 2005) and La vision incarnante et l’image incarnée. Santi di Tito et Caravage (Éditions 1: 1, 2016), and co-editor of numerous volumes, including, most recently (with B. d’Hainaut-Zveny), Machinae spirituals: Les retables baroques dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et en Europe (irpa-kik, 2014).
Maarten Delbeke
is Professor of the History and Theory of Architecture in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Ghent University and Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Architectural Histories. He publishes on the history and theory of art and architecture from the early modern period up to the present. He is the author of The Art of Religion: Sforza Pallavicino and Art Theory in Bernini’s Rome (Ashgate, 2012) and the co-editor of, among others, Bernini’s Biographies: Critical Essays (Penn State University Press, 2006), Foundation, Dedication and Consecration in Early Modern Europe (Brill, 2012), and The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880–1980 (Ashgate, 2015).
is Professor of Early Modern History a the University of Liège, and specializes in the religious history of the Catholic Reformation. With Ralph Dekoninck and Martin Delbeke, she is one of the members of the federal research project “Cultures du spectacle baroque entre Italie et Pays-Bas”, and of the digital humanities research project Epistolart. She is the author of La “Protectrice du Païs-Bas”. Stratégies politiques et figures de la Vierge dans les Pays-Bas espagnols (Brepols, 2009), as well as of numerous book chapters on various aspects of early modern religious history, from textual scholarship and rituals to relations of Church and State.
Paola Di Rico
is currently the archivist for the Fondazione Trivulzio. Previously, she has collaborated with the Milan Museum of Toy and Child, and held an internship at the Museum of the Duomo, where she catalogued and examined the attributions of exhibited works and studied the cathedral’s lateral rose windows. She contributed essays on Cristina Trivulzio di Belgioioso (1808–71) and on the farmstead of Gualdane of Lodi Vecchio to the edited volume, Le terre delle cascine aMilano e in Lombardia, ed. Roberta Cordani (celip, 2009), and her “L’Ambasciatore giapponese di Domenico Tintoretto” appears in Aldèbaran ii. Storia dell’arte, ed. Sergio Marinelli (Scripta Edizioni, 2014).
Maya Feile Tomes
is Junior Research Fellow in Classics and Modern Languages at Christ’s College, Cambridge. She works on the literary culture of the early modern Ibero-American world, focusing on the intersection between Spanish and Latin. She was previously an undergraduate and graduate student at King’s College, Cambridge, where she wrote her doctoral thesis on the poetics of the New World in early modern epic. Current projects include an edited volume on Classics in the Early Americas (also with Brill) and an edition of José Manuel Peramás’s Columbus poem.
John A. Gallucci
is Professor of French at Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. He has published articles on French and neo-Latin literature. Most recently, with Jean-François Cottier and Haijo Westra, he contributed to the chapter on North America in the Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (Oxford University Press, 2015).
is Associate Professor in Art History at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He holds a European PhD with a dissertation on Sacred Images and Visual Preaching in the Spanish Golden Age (Spanish Edition: Madrid, 2015). In 2011, he was awarded a Mellon Visiting Fellowship at the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti, Florence), followed in 2012 by a Frances A. Yates Fellowship held at the Warburg Institute (London). His research interests are directed towards the study of collecting and the connections between art theory, rhetoric, and the theology of the image in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Hispanic world, Italy, and Central Europe. The results of his work have featured in more than fifty essays in books, exhibition catalogues, and specialist journals.
Raphaële Garrod
is Associate Professor of early modern French and a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. She is an associate researcher with the European Research Council-funded project, “Genius before Romanticism: Ingenuity in Early Modern Art and Science” led by Alexander Marr at the University of Cambridge. She was a research fellow at Newnham College (2009–12) before joining the “Jesuit Emotions” project at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, where she worked on Jesuit scholastic theories of affects and on Nicolas Caussin. She is the author of Cosmographical Novelties: Dialectic and Discovery in Renaissance Prose (Brepols, 2016) and the editor of Natural History in Early Modern France: Poetics of an Epistemic Genre (Brill, 2018). She is currently writing a book on early modern French ingenuity during the Âge classique.
Yasmin Haskell
is Cassamarca Foundation Chair in Latin Humanism at the University of Western Australia, Perth. She is a Partner Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, in which she leads projects on “Jesuit Emotions” and “Passions for Learning.” She is the author of Loyola’s Bees: Ideology and Industry in Jesuit Latin Didactic Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2003), Prescribing Ovid: The Latin Works and Networks of the Enlightened Dr Heerkens (Bloomsbury, 2013), and editor of several volumes, including Diseases of the Imagination and Imaginary Disease in the Early Modern Period (Brepols, 2011). She is currently exploring the emotions of the Jesuit Suppression via Latin sources.
is currently Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, The University of Melbourne. He researches the role of music in intercultural exchange, colonialism, and globalization. His publications include the monograph Colonial Counterpoint: Music in Early Modern Manila (Oxford University Press, 2010), numerous articles and book chapters, and the edited collection Intercultural Exchange in Southeast Asia: History and Society in the Early Modern World (I. B. Tauris, 2013), co-edited with Tara Alberts. In March 2019 he will take up a new post as icrea Research Professor at the Institució Milà i Fontanals, Barcelona.
Peter O’Brien
is Carnegie Assistant Professor in Latin Language and Literature at Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he also serves as Public Orator. His interest in Canadian Latin was awakened by a commission from the Senate Speaker to write on mural inscriptions in the Canadian Parliament. In addition to his relatively new interest in Jesuit Latin, he has published on literary aspects of late antique historiography, being especially interested in rhetoric and poetic intertexts in Ammianus Marcellinus. He is currently completing a critical edition and translation, with commentary, of Le Brun’s Nova Gallia Delphino.
Makoto Harris Takao
is a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute, Berlin. He completed his doctoral work in the Schools of Music and Humanities, at The University of Western Australia, where he was also associated with the “Jesuit Emotions” project in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. Makoto specializes in the intercultural history of the Society of Jesus in Japan, with a particular interest in the performing arts of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. Makoto’s research examines such issues as processes of intercultural exchange and the performative practices of Jesuit conversion in early modern Japan.
Nienke Tjoelker
completed her BA and MA in Classics at the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), and an MA in Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), before moving to Ireland in 2006, where she completed a PhD at the Centre for Neo-Latin Studies at University College Cork. Her thesis was an edition with introduction, translation, and commentary of the Alithinologia (St. Malo, 1664), by the Irish priest John
Koen Vermeir
is Associate Research Professor at the laboratory sphere (umr 7219) of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (cnrs) and is affiliated with the Universities of Paris Diderot (France) and Leuven (Belgium). He is co-director of the project, “The Cultures of Baroque Spectacle between Italy and the Low Countries.” He is an historian and philosopher specializing in early modern science, religion, and technology, and has worked on the material culture of religious spectacles and the religious meanings of scientific practices. Koen has held previously held research positions in the usa, the UK, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland and currently serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals and book series, including Journal for Early Modern Studies, Society and Politics and “International Archives of the History of Ideas,” for Springer.
Marino Viganò
graduated in political sciences from Università Cattolica, Milan, and holds a PhD in military history from Padua. Currently, he is Director of the Trivulzio Foundation in Milan. He has contributed articles to, among others, Bollettino Storico per la Provincia di Novara, Rivista Militare della Svizzera Italiana, and Archivio Storico Ticinese. He is also the editor of several fifteenth-century texts, including the anonymous Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. La vita giovanile 1442–1483 (Fondazione Trivulzio, 2013), and edited collections, including, with Ruben Rossello, Le relazioni Italia-Svizzera e le sfide del presente e del futuro. Una riflessione nel 500° della battaglia di Marignano (13–14 settembre 1515/2015) (Fondazione Trivulzio, 2015).