
In: Changing Hearts
Yasmin Haskell
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Raphaële Garrod
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4.1Title page of Mulier fortis (1698) 88

4.2Final chorus (epilogue) of Mulier fortis (1698) 89

10.1Vicenzo Carducci, The Efficacious Preaching of St. Stephen of Châtillon (1626–30) 239

10.2Francisco Ribalta, Anima damnata (1605–10) 244

10.3Juan Martínez Montañés (sculpture) and Francisco Pacheco (polychromy), St. Ignatius of Loyola (1610) 248

10.4Alonso Cano, St. Francis Borgia (1624) 249

12.1Domenico Tintoretto, “d. mansio nipote del re di figenga anb[asciator].edel re fra[nces].cobvgnocingva a sva san[tit].a”, “DGH 393”, “MDXXCV”, oil on canvas, mm 430 x 540 (Private collection, without inventory number) 286

12.2Urbano Monti, Sukemasu Itô “Mancho”, 1585. (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano, cod. P 251 sup, Compendio delle cose più notabili successe alla città di Milano e particolarmente alla famiglia dei Monti, dal 1585 al 1587, fourth volume, 86) 294

12.3Urbano Monti, Chijiwa Seizaemon, Hara “Martino”, Nakaura “Giuliano”, padre Diogo Mesquita, “1585”. (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano, cod. P 251 sup, Compendio delle cose più notabili successe alla città di Milano e particolarmente alla famiglia dei Monti, dal 1585 al 1587, fourth volume, 87–90) 295

12.4Newe Zeyttung auß der Jnsel Japonien. Retrace vnd Contrafähung der hier Zuengling vnd Königlichen Gesandeen auß Japon wie sie zu Mayland den 25. Julij ankommen vnd den 3. Augusti von dannen wider verruckt, Getruckt zu Augspurg: durch Michael Manger, Anno m.d.lxxxvi 296

12.5Archita Ricci, Hasekura Tsunenaga, [1615], oil on canvas, mm 1.460 x 1.960 (Private collection, without inventory number) 298

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Changing Hearts

Performing Jesuit Emotions between Europe, Asia, and the Americas

Series:  Jesuit Studies, Volume: 15


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