Pavel Šturma
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Admissibility 171
of evidence 194200
of prior recorded testimony 200206
African Union 179
Akayesu 89
Al-Bashir 178191
Al-Mahdi 7n16 , 95
Al-Senussi 176
War of 46 , 48
Arrest warrant 157n33 , 180
Ayyash 216
Bemba 98 , 201
Brima, Kamara & Kanu 90
Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind 28
Commission of Inquiry on Syria 150
Crimea 64n58
against humanity 2833 , 7880
Draft articles on 8182
of aggression 4565
as a manifest violation of the un Charter 50
Sexual and gender based 85
War 7178
Dolus eventualis 112 , 117
Dolus indirectus 117
Preliminary 126
Gbagbo & Blé Goudé 206
General principles of law 40
Genocide network 8
Hybridization 221223
icc 13 , 69
and Russia 138140
and the uk 130134
and the usa 134138
ictr 3 , 15
icty 3 , 15
iiim on Syria 151
Exceptions to 35
of State officials 3340
ratione personae 34 , 179186
imt 15
imtfe 15
International Law Commission 27
isis 152 , 153n26
Katanga 166
Kellogg-Briand Pact 46
Constructive 118 , 120
Kvocka 111n17
Lieber code 66
Mens rea
in domestic legal systems 109111
in the Rome Statute 115122
of the crime of aggression 118123
Muthaura 95
Nanking 87
Ntaganda 100
Nuremberg Principles 28
Obligation of cooperation with the icc 186190
Ongwen 99 , 198n18
Princeton process on the crime of aggression 50n15
aut dedere aut judicare 29
of complementarity 142 , 164177
of legality 47
Passive personality 155
3314 48
rc/Res. 6 108
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 14 , 27
Ruto & Sang 169 , 196
scsl 17
South Africa 179
Srebrenica 11
Stakic 112n20
Special Tribunal for Lebanon 17 , 208223
Syria 149
Tadić 16 , 68 , 89 , 111n18
Terrorism 217
Transitional justice 160
Trial in absentia 218
Universal jurisdiction 155
(un)willingness and (in)ability 170 , 174
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