Index of Names and Subjects

In: Phenomenology and Experience
Antonio Cimino
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Cees Leijenhorst
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Index of Names and Subjects

action 3 , 7 , 21 , 69 , 123 , 129132 , 134 , 146150 , 153 , 162 , 175177 , 192
Adorno, Theodor 108n33
Agamben, Giorgio 68n16 , 71n29 , 72 , 76n48
Akiba, Takeshi 130n4
alienation 69 , 72
Alloa, Emmanuel 24 , 102
Al-Saji, Alia 107
Anscombe, G. E. M. 138
Aquinas 2 , 51
Arendt, Hannah 161n38
Aristotle 12 , 4 , 46 , 4851 , 53 , 56 , 58 , 6268 , 135
art 4849 , 166169 , 171172 , 176 , 181
artwork 70 , 180
as-structure 16 , 155
Backman, Jussi 48n11
Bacon, Francis 1 , 3 , 46 , 48 , 51 , 5356 , 60
Barbaras, Renaud 22 , 113n56
being-in-the-world 29 , 152 , 155 , 188 , 191193
belief 36 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 135 , 142143 , 146148 , 157 , 173
Benjamin, Walter 63 , 6876 , 79
Biel, Gabriel 51
birth 8 , 26 , 53 , 125126 , 185189 , 193194 , 196 , 199
body 2021 , 26 , 3738 , 87 , 152 , 156 , 173179 , 185194 , 196
Boehm, Gottfried 177
Brandom, Robert 150151
Bürger, Fritz 167
Byrom, Sheena 186
care 187188
cause 20 , 51n23 , 55 , 131 , 138 , 143
Celan, Paul 195 , 197198
Cézanne, Paul 166 , 167173 , 175184
chiasm 108
child 185186 , 188 , 196198
circle, hermeneutic 6061
Claudel, Paul 179181
communality 116 , 122 , 127
conceptuality 151
Conrad-Martius, Hedwig 134n15
consciousness 5 , 1719 , 2123 , 25 , 42n34 , 47 , 5661 , 74 , 95 , 116118 , 123125 , 129 , 135 , 145 , 153n10 , 156n19 , 159160 , 172175
constitution 8 , 18 , 53 , 86 , 9094 , 104n21 , 109 , 117119 , 122123 , 125126 , 155 , 173
content, conceptual 152n9 , 157
contingency 50 , 54 , 60 , 113
conviction 119 , 145146 , 162
correlation 8 , 17 , 24 , 59 , 124
correlationism 1819
Courtenay, William J. 51n25
Crespo, Mariano 138n24
crisis 8186 , 8990 , 98 , 104 , 106 , 109110 , 171
Crowell, Steven 29 , 36n18 , 3940 , 42n34 , 155 , 160
Crowther, Paul 167169 , 176182 , 184
culture 6971 , 7576 , 8284 , 8789 , 94 , 109 , 111 , 114 , 122123 , 169 , 175 , 178
cure 106 , 109
Dancy, Jonathan 147148
Dastur, Françoise 102n14
Davidson, Donald 14 , 146147
decision 130 , 132136 , 147148
Descartes, René 3 , 4 , 5153
dialectic 5758 , 62 , 66 , 101 , 107110
diaphenomenology 12 , 17 , 2325 , 27
Downe, Soo 186n5 , 188n7
Doyon, Maxime 36n18
Dreyfus, Hubert 151 , 154
Drummond, John 34n12 , 45
Duns Scotus, John 51
Dupré, Louis 97n68
Dykes, Fiona 188
embodiment 5 , 172 , 185 , 195
emotion 10 , 75 , 130 , 137142 , 187
empiricism 25 , 11 , 13 , 37 , 55 , 167
epoché 170 , 189
ethics 2 , 10 , 42 , 128 , 158159 , 163 , 197
Europe 87n26 , 109
Evans, Gareth 135
event 24 , 26 , 59 , 6263 , 6566 , 7375 , 109 , 119121 , 124 , 167168 , 178
evidence 14 , 18 , 21 , 23 , 4043 , 84 , 115 , 126 , 162 , 167
experiment 23 , 46 , 51 , 54 , 56 , 7879
fallibilism 56
finitude 26 , 46 , 56 , 5960 , 62 , 116 , 125128
Fink, Eugen 20 , 22 , 31 , 35 , 176
forgetfulness 99101 , 103104 , 106113
Foster, Michael B. 51n25
Fry, Roger 170
fulfillment 31 , 4041 , 66 , 117 , 156157 , 162 , 172
fusion of horizons 61
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 4648 , 56 , 5974 , 76 , 79 , 116 , 195
Garelli, Jacques 110n46
Geiger, Moritz 129131 , 136143 , 145146 , 148149
generativity 116 , 123 , 126127
George, Stefan 77 , 79
given, the 9 , 22 , 150 , 157
givenness 5 , 9 , 15 , 21 , 24 , 29 , 39n26 , 41 , 8889 , 92 , 116 , 120 , 123 , 125 , 152 , 156157 , 165 , 170
Guenther, Lisa 187n6
Hager, Fritz-Peter 48n10
Halbfass, Wilhelm 52n26
Hamilton, George Heard 167
Harrison, Peter 52n25
Hart, James G. 96
Hass, Lawrence 100n7 , 101n9
Hass, Marjorie 100n7
Heffernan, George 162
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1 , 15 , 4748 , 5560 , 6468 , 7374 , 115 , 121 , 123
Heidegger, Martin 9 , 16 , 2021 , 24 , 26 , 2829 , 3132 , 37 , 39n26 , 42n34–35 , 58–60 , 63 , 73 , 7680 , 100 , 103 , 108 , 111 , 126n36 , 151152 , 154155 , 158 , 164 , 177 , 191193 , 196
Heiden, Gert-Jan van der 68n16 , 73n39
Heinämaa, Sara 8n18 , 29n2 , 187n6
Henry, John 52n26
Heraclitus 48
Herder, Johann 115
hermeneutics 48 , 60 , 63 , 7273 , 76 , 80 , 115
Hildebrand, Dietrich von 130 , 147n53
Hintikka, Jaakko 7n15 , 20
history 10 , 4647 , 61 , 6768 , 7275 , 81 , 9397 , 104105 , 108109 , 112116 , 118 , 120124 , 127128 , 130 , 178
Horkheimer, Max 108n33
Hornsby, Jennifer 148
Hugo, Zachary 36n18
Hume, David 3 , 13 , 30 , 32 , 34 , 44 , 55
Husserl, Edmund 49 , 1229 , 3136 , 3845 , 47 , 64 , 81130 , 141n33 , 144 , 151158 , 162164 , 167 , 170 , 172177 , 180 , 182
ideality 99101 , 103104 , 107109 , 112113
induction 3 , 50 , 53
institution 26 , 100 , 103 , 111112 , 118120 , 126
intention 38 , 4041 , 70 , 84 , 156 , 157 , 167
intentionality 10 , 1516 , 23 , 36 , 94 , 122 , 138 , 151152 , 155159 , 162 , 165 , 173
intuition 7 , 1314 , 23 , 30 , 32 , 86 , 88 , 123 , 151 , 180
Jacobs, Hanne 43n37 , 97n68 , 153n10
judgment 2 , 16 , 34 , 37 , 40 , 60 , 149150 , 161 , 164
Kambartel, Friedrich 48n10
Kant, Immanuel 1 , 45 , 13 , 28 , 3031 , 37 , 44 , 46 , 56 , 97 , 121 , 152153 , 164 , 167
Kern, Iso 19
Klee, Paul 172
knowledge 14 , 7 , 1215 , 20 , 23 , 32 , 4647 , 4951 , 5358 , 60 , 62 , 6467 , 7374 , 78 , 85 , 97 , 112 , 130–131 , 133 , 168 , 174 , 176 , 192
Landgrebe, Ludwig 14n3 , 35n16 , 47n6 , 91n39–40 , 96n63
language 53 , 67 , 6970 , 7273 , 7680 , 100 , 108 , 151 , 158 , 176 , 182 , 187 , 194
Lawlor, Leonard 100n6–8 , 102 , 112n52
learning 47
Levinas, Emmanuel 2122 , 125 , 152 , 158161 , 163164 , 194197 , 199
life-world 5 , 1920 , 47 , 81 , 8489 , 91 , 101 , 104 , 113n57 , 115 , 124 , 127128 , 156n19
Lipps, Theodor 135136n21
Locke, John 3 , 13 , 5253n29
Loidolt, Sophie 41 , 44 , 152n9153n10 , 156n19 , 159n28 , 161n38162n39
loss 23 , 83 , 106109 , 187n6 , 191 , 196
Magritte, René 166
Majolino, Claudio 180n43
maternity 194
mathematics 37 , 52n27 , 82n3 , 100n7
McDaniel, Kris 37n21
McDowell, John 14 , 135n18 , 150151 , 158
McGuirk, James 42n35
Meacham, Darian 112n51
meaning 68 , 10 , 1519 , 21 , 2324 , 2627 , 40 , 42n34 , 58 , 6063 , 6670 , 7375 , 77 , 7980 , 8385 , 8889 , 97 , 100 , 101n10 , 103121 , 123124 , 126 , 154157 , 169 , 175176 , 179180 , 182 , 197198
Meinong, Alexius 141n33
Melle, Ullrich 43n38
memory 1 , 49 , 64 , 108n33109n38 , 111
Mensch, James 92n45
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 89 , 15 , 2022 , 24 , 2629 , 31 , 3738 , 99113 , 151152 , 154155 , 166184 , 187192
Mersenne, Marin 52n27
metaphysics 3 , 7 , 5859 , 8485 , 97 , 159 , 167168
method 3 , 57 , 10 , 28 , 3031 , 38 , 4648 , 51 , 5354 , 6062 , 82 , 115117 , 170172
mineness 13 , 20
Moran, Dermot 22n27 , 31n3 , 113n57 , 160n31
motivation 9 , 9596 , 117 , 129147 , 149 , 156 , 193
motive 97 , 129149
Müller, Axel 177
Mulligan, Kevin 130 , 137n23 , 143n39 , 144n46
nature 2 , 37 , 46 , 50 , 5254 , 60
necessity 99101 , 103104 , 106109 , 112113
negation 100n8 , 109n38 , 112
negativity 15 , 5457 , 60 , 6567 , 70 , 7274 , 79 , 104n21 , 107109 , 112 , 189n10
Nenon, Thomas 40n30 , 41n34 , 42n35–36 , 95n58
normativity 9 , 150165
Novotny, Fritz 181n45–182
Oakley, Francis 51n25
Ockham, William of 51
Oksala, Johanna 187n6
ontotheology 58–59
openness 14 , 61 , 6667 , 152 , 158159 , 160 , 165 , 170
origin 17 , 99113 , 117 , 120 , 126 , 197
origination 117 , 127
painting 67 , 111 , 166184
Parmenides 48 , 103
Patočka, Jan 2024 , 90n38 , 96n63
perception 1 , 8 , 10 , 14 , 2223 , 25 , 32 , 34 , 36n1837n20 , 40 , 4950 , 57 , 6465 , 8687 , 118 , 122 , 142144 , 152154 , 156 , 162163 , 166 , 168 , 180
Pfänder, Alexander 129149
Plato 48 , 58
plurality 8788 , 91 , 9495 , 98 , 198
poetry 77 , 172
potentiality 72 , 7576
poverty 63 , 65 , 6780
pragmatism 150
pregnancy 185196 , 198199
promise 63 , 75 , 7880
Proust, Marcel 172
rationalism 45 , 11 , 51n25 , 81 , 84
rationality 4142 , 44 , 83 , 8990 , 9798 , 100101 , 104105 , 108109 , 113 , 137 , 139 , 150 , 191
reason 24 , 67 , 33 , 39 , 43 , 4546 , 5253 , 62 , 8184 , 8687 , 8990 , 9798 , 100101 , 103 , 105 , 108110 , 121 , 130131 , 135136 , 138 , 146151 , 153 , 157158 , 162164
Reinach, Adolf 130 , 144n44
removal 190 , 193194
representationalism 12
Richir, Marc 170n18
Ricoeur, Paul 1819 , 24 , 84 , 9596
Rollinger, Robin D. 141n33
Romano, Claude 24n32 , 5556 , 6163 , 7376
Römer, Inga 105n21
Ružička, Rudolf 50n20
Salice, Alessandro 130n5 , 132n10 , 147n53
Sartre, Jean-Paul 20 , 22 , 2829 , 160 , 164 , 178179
Scheerbart, Paul 70 , 7576
Scheler, Max 130 , 137n23 , 142n34 , 151 , 158
Schuhmann, Karl 31n4 , 130 , 144n44
sedimentation 69 , 102 , 104n21 , 106 , 110 , 112 , 119 , 121 , 156
selfhood 12 , 1417 , 25 , 27 , 56
Sellars, Wilfrid 35 , 150
sense-bestowal 17
Shapiro, Meyer 166168 , 181n45 , 184
Siewert, Charles 36n18
silence 79 , 175176
Simon, Claude 172 , 180
singularity 48 , 60 , 62 , 172 , 199
situatedness 53 , 59
Smith, Joel 10n30
Socrates 103
Soffer, Gail 90n38 , 96
space 36 , 7072 , 7476 , 86 , 103 , 120 , 122n23 , 124 , 149151 , 155 , 157158 , 178 , 183 , 191192
spirit 5658 , 8284 , 86 , 90 , 123 , 129 , 142
Staehler, Tanja 186n4 , 188n9
Stein, Edith 129131 , 136 , 141 , 144149
Steinbock, Anthony J., 10n27 , 25n33 , 41n32 , 91n39 , 93n49 , 117n4–7 , 125n34126n37
Stone, Alison 185186
striving 4244 , 89 , 132133 , 136n21
style 100 , 103 , 113 , 166169 , 180 , 182
subjectivity 12 , 2022 , 2426 , 2829 , 43 , 5659 , 83 , 86 , 9293 , 95 , 101 , 128 , 159 , 161 , 173 , 180 , 186
teleology 56 , 58 , 62 , 81 , 8991 , 93 , 9598 , 116118 , 121 , 127
Tengelyi, László 5 , 93
Thomson, Gill 188n7
tradition 25 , 61 , 6776 , 79 , 104n21 , 105n21 , 107 , 110115 , 120 , 123 , 126127
transformation 6162 , 69 , 73 , 101 , 106 , 118120 , 168 , 174 , 176179 , 185 , 187189 , 191 , 194 , 196 , 199
transindividuality 13
transphenomenality 12 , 23 , 27
Trizio, Emiliano 82n2
truth 14 , 3234 , 4044 , 4648 , 52 , 54 , 56 , 60 , 85 , 89 , 95 , 97 , 105 , 107 , 152 , 166 , 170171 , 184
Twardowski, Kazimierz 141n33
Ubiali, Marta 130n5
Valéry, Paul 176
Vico, Giambattista 114
Vigo, Alejandro 42n34
Waldenfels, Bernhard 22 , 86
Walsh, Phillip J. 144n46
Watkins, Calvert 55n44
Welton, Don 91n39 , 117n5
Wiland, Eric 147n52
Williams, Forest 167n5
willing 42 , 131132 , 134 , 136n21 , 144
wonder 50
Yaegashi, Toru 130n5 , 136n21
Yamaguchi, Ichiro 117n5
Young, Iris Marion 187n6
Zahavi, Dan 9n21 , 38n23 , 132n10 , 158n23 , 159n28
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