The volume comprises invited contributions and some of the papers presented at two international conferences organized at the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen: The Ideas of Phenomenology: Contemporary Varieties of Phenomenological Research, March 19–20, 2015 (organized by Antonio Cimino, Cees Leijenhorst and Carli Coenen) and Scientific Rationality and Europe’s Cultural Crisis: Re-addressing Husserl’s “Crisis of the European Sciences,” June 1–2, 2016 (organized by Antonio Cimino). The editors thank the International Office of Radboud University and the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, which provided financial support for both conferences. Funding for copyediting was also provided by the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies. The editors thank Kristen Gehrman for copyediting the book manuscript. They also thank Carli Coenen for her assistance in the early phases of the book project.